Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 192 Because I'm Handsome.

Chapter 192 Because I'm Handsome.

Under the threat of Yin Jili's fox-like smile, Jun Mochu had no choice but to walk towards the teaching building of the college like a turtle.

I looked up at the sky, it was blue.

The air is very clear.

Jun Mochu sighed softly, it was really good to be able to reproduce the feeling of Tianri again.

However, what she didn't know was that she, who didn't come to participate in the freshman assessment, but was directly assigned to the elite class, had already become the topic of Shengnan College.

"Sister Mochu!"

A pleasantly surprised voice came from a distance, and Jun Mochu looked back, only to see a tall and big man running towards him quickly.

this sound...

At the beginning, Jun Mo looked a little blurry in front of his eyes, and probably could only see a simple silhouette of a man.

This is Cheng Chencheng?

"Sister Mochu, you are finally back! Can you see it? How much is it?" He took his finger and shook it in front of Jun Mochu.

"... Two." She was a little embarrassed.

Cheng Chencheng didn't believe it, and still shook those two fingers, "Are you sure? Take a closer look, is this really two?"

"..." Jun Mochu caught the black lines in the corners of his eyes, grabbed Cheng Chencheng and gritted his teeth and said, "Shall I tell you a story? A killer caught a man, and he opened his mouth and asked him what '1+1' equals? That man Quickly said, equal to two! In the end, the killer killed him without saying a word, do you know why?"

"...Why, why?" Cheng Chencheng shivered in shock from Jun Mochu's sudden fierce appearance.

"Because he knew too much, so he was silenced!" Jun Mo looked at him sadly at first, "Now tell me, what is one plus one?"

"..." She said it so clearly, how dare he say two?Will be silenced, so he said weakly: "No, I don't know..."

Jun Mochu hit his elbow, and threw Cheng Chencheng over his shoulder neatly, sneering, "You don't know the answer to such a mentally retarded question, what's the point of living? You bastard!"


Cheng Chencheng beat the ground, it's Grandma's!Brother, why are you so unlucky!I don't even know how much one plus one equals!

"Now, do you still dare to ask me how much this is?" Jun Mo raised two fingers at the beginning, just like his action just now, asking eeriely.

"... I won't ask any more." Well, I really recovered my eyesight.

After a moment of self-pity, he was finally sure that she had really regained her sight, and he couldn't help but said happily, "Sister Mochu, it's great that you can see it. From now on, with your skills, you don't have to perform as a performer anymore, by the way." , that divine beast of yours... is that Wuyan has been staying in my dormitory whether he can find you or not."

The dormitory building is the dormitory building where the college arranges students to live.

That guy Wuyan... She didn't believe that guy would obediently stay in one place and not go out, he must have caused something.

"What trouble did he get into? He wants to hide from you."

Hearing this, Cheng Chencheng's face became weird for a while.

"Uh, this..."

"Say it straight." Sure enough, there was trouble.

"It is said that for more than ten days, the most precious daughter of the lord of Shengtan City was molested by a fiery red dog in the street...Since that day, Wuyan has been hiding in my dormitory and has not gone out." So he guessed, That fiery red dog... is Wuyan.

"Indecent?" Jun Mochu slightly raised his tone, how can a dog indecently insult a woman?

"Uh, this, I heard that he touched that young lady's... chest." Cheng Chencheng compared his hands and sighed secretly. It turns out that the hobbies of divine beasts are the same as those of humans. By the way, the young lady's breasts are really interesting, and he also What I want to say is that he doesn't have the courage of the beast Wuyan buddies!

"..." That pervert!

At this moment, many students coming and going stared at Jun Mochu and began to size up, discussing in low voices,

"Hey, isn't that the blind man? It's the blind man who didn't participate in the freshman assessment and was directly assigned to the elite class. It is said that she is also the biological sister of Senior Jun Chenxiao."

"That's her? She's pretty, but if she says she's Senior Chen Xiao's younger sister, she must be? I don't think she looks like Senior Chen Xiao at all."

"Her eyes seem to be able to see, what's going on, isn't she blind?"

"Who knows, maybe it was just pretending before."

Although the surrounding discussions were quiet, they still reached Jun Mochu's ears word for word, and a doubt flashed in his eyes at the moment.

"Jun Chenxiao...senior?" Could it be that her brother also studied in this academy?After thinking about it, Yin Jili is his master, so it is not impossible to study here, but why does everyone know that she is Jun Chenxiao's younger sister?

"Ahem, this, Sister Mochu..." Cheng Chencheng looked at her innocently and obsequiously, "I really didn't do this on purpose... I heard the dean mentioned the name of your brother Jun Chenxiao the other day... …That’s why I, that’s why I casually inquired with some of the seniors in the academy, and it turned out…it turned out like this…”

I really can't blame him.

If you want to blame, you can only blame Jun Chenxiao, that guy's name is too shiny.

Not only is he the only apprentice of Yin Jili, the most beautiful boy, but he is also said to be the student of Shengnan College, no, it can be said that he is the No. 1 student of the younger generation in the entire city of Shengtan. When he graduated from the college two years ago, he had broken through the seventh rank.

Existence beyond the seventh level, two years ago!

Cheng Chencheng silently calculated, since they are twins, Mochu's younger sister is 17 years old this year, so his brother is also 17 years old, so wasn't he... 15 years old two years ago?

At the age of 15, he has surpassed the seventh level. With such a superb talent, he is not human at all!It's a complete super pervert.

Jun Mo was weak at the beginning, and really wanted to slap Cheng Chencheng to the Pacific Ocean, if there is a Pacific Ocean in this world.

"You really want to make me never have peace in the academy, don't you?"

Cheng Chencheng leaned on his body weakly, "Sister Mochu, you absolutely have to believe that brother's love for you is like the shining sun in the sky, my love will never diminish if the sun never goes out..."

"Shut up." The voice squeezed out from between his teeth.

"Uh." Cheng Chencheng immediately shut up, and quickly smiled obsequiously: "Don't talk, don't talk, class is about to start, brother will take you to class?"

Jun Mochu finally resisted the urge to kick him out, and followed him to the so-called elite class.

"Why am I in this class?" Those teachers must know that she didn't even take the last freshman test.

"Because I'm in this class."

"...Well, why are you in this class?"

"Because I'm handsome."



After the third shift, I'm so tired. I haven't seen much in the past few days, and then I found that everyone seldom left messages. Woohoo, I feel so sad after watching the sound...

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