Chapter 193

The freshmen in the elite class are all students who are selected by the teachers of the college with great potential in all aspects during the freshman assessment, and focus on training.

Although Jun Mochu did not participate in the second potential assessment, the teachers of Shengnan College were all shrewd, and some sharp-eyed teachers found out that she was the apprentice of the dean Yin Jili.

Yin Jili, that monstrous guy, never liked trouble, and would never accept a student with poor aptitude. Would he be a mediocre person if he could treat him as an apprentice?

Therefore, without further ado, those teachers put her in the elite class for key training.

Jun Mochu stood at the door of the class and said silently, "Be low-key, you must be low-key."

It's just that she wanted to keep a low profile. However, Jun Chenxiao's reputation is too loud. In addition, when she took part in the assessment, she was still blind. It is because many people have seen her performing arts on the street.

Therefore, the name Jun Chenxiao has a blind sister who is a street performer has already spread throughout the academy.

As soon as they entered the classroom, Shua Shua Shua looked at them instantly, with curiosity and scrutiny.

Jun Mo raised his forehead expressionlessly, "Where is my position?" She asked Cheng Chencheng.

"Ah?" Cheng Chencheng was stunned, this, Mochu's younger sister hasn't come to class for more than ten days since the beginning of school, so the teacher naturally didn't arrange a seat for her.

"How about you sit in my seat first, wait for the teacher to come, and then wait for the teacher to arrange?"

Jun Mochu glanced around for a week and couldn't see the expressions of those people clearly, but he could still feel the sarcasm of many people.

She ignored it, glanced at the seat at the back of the first row and said, "There is no one sitting there."

Cheng Chencheng followed her gaze, "No one is sitting, but sister Mochu, is it too far behind where you sit?"

"Quiet in the back." After she finished speaking, she walked straight to the back seat.

I was just pretending to be dawdling, and when I got to the freshman competition, I would withdraw when I got the bonus.


Jun Mo thought about it for a second, since Yin Jili wanted to accept himself as an apprentice, then the meeting gift must not be less, right?

As the dean of such a large academy... that guy must be very rich, right?

She wondered in her heart whether she should take the opportunity to extort some money from him for spending money.

She was about to sit down when a foot suddenly protruded from her side and kicked her chair off.

Jun Mochu paused, quickly stabilized his unbalanced body, and looked up at the people beside him.

It was a woman whose face was very blurry, but the slightly raised corners of her mouth could be seen with a hint of sarcasm and obvious hatred.

"What do you mean?" Jun Mochu asked coldly.

"What do you mean?" The woman stood up slowly, and said contemptuously: "Your name is Jun Mochu, right? The sister of the legendary senior Chen Xiao? I don't know who it is, but you are a showman You blind man, what qualifications do you have to appear here? Aren’t you blind? How can you see that I took the chair away now? I think you probably pretended before? Why don’t you pretend now? Keep pretending!”

"Hey, Han Qingqing! Why do you talk like that? Why do you say that? It's none of your business whether sister Mochu is blind or not!" Seeing the conflict here, Cheng Chencheng immediately rushed over.

"Why?" Han Qingqing pointed to the floor under her feet, "Just because I am the monitor of this class, and because my father is the Lord of Shengtan City!"

"City Lord?" Jun Mochu had a cold streak in his eyes.

It turned out to be the case.

It's no wonder that she targeted herself as soon as she came here. It turned out that this was the daughter of the lord of Shengtan City who was molested by Wuyan in the street.

"How is it? Aren't you the best at pretending? You deliberately pretended to be blind to make the teacher sympathize with you, so you were admitted to the academy?" Han Qingqing said proudly: "Jun Mochu, I warn you, you If you want to stay in this class and in this college, hand over that stupid dog to me, otherwise, I am not a teacher, and I will not be sympathetic to you by your hypocritical appearance!"

Only now did Cheng Chencheng understand why Han Qingqing targeted Mo Chu, he almost forgot the fact that she was the daughter of the city lord.

"Han Qingqing, even if you are the squad leader, you can't slander people like this. There are so many people in Shengtan City who have dogs. If you don't have any evidence, how can you be sure that it is the dog of Mo Chu's sister?"

"What are you? You're just a poor boy in a remote village. When is it your turn to speak here? That's right, with your humble status, you can only make friends with this blind man." Han Qingqing was very upset.

As the daughter of the lord of Shengtan City, when had she ever lost face like that, that perverted dog would actually do such a thing to her.

She has never seen any street performances, but that doesn't mean others haven't seen them. At that time, many people recognized the blind man's dog. The hateful thing is that just when she was about to catch the dog, the dog But suddenly disappeared.

After that, no matter what method she used, she couldn't find that lewd dog, so angry that she swore that she would tear that lewd dog into pieces!

There is also this woman, as expected, what kind of pet she has, and what kind of owner she has. She can't swallow this breath without asking about the whereabouts of that perverted dog today.

"You!" Cheng Chencheng's face turned green, this was his pain, originally he didn't think what would happen to a small tribe in the mountains, but only after arriving in such a prosperous city did he realize how low his status was.

This continent relies on strength. Without strength, there is only identity and rights, and he has nothing.

Miss Qianjin of the City Lord's Mansion, he really can't afford to provoke her.

However, he can't afford to offend, which doesn't mean that Jun Mochu can't offend her. Jun Mochu, who was beside her, kicked his slender legs, and the chair that Han Qingqing kicked away before suddenly flew up and flew towards Han Qingqing viciously. past.

Han Qingqing's face changed, and she wanted to avoid it quickly, but Jun Mochu had already expected that she would hide, and had already circled behind her, with a cold flash of fingertips, Han Qingqing thought she would do something to him, but then The dagger fell on his body but it didn't hurt.

Just when she thought it was Jun Mochu's lack of strength, so she used the wrong strength, she suddenly felt a chill on her back, and something left her body.

She stretched her back and touched it, only to find that her clothes from the back to the waist were gone!The entire back and the looming buttocks are exposed!

At that moment, the students in the classroom who had been watching the show suddenly became excited.

"Wow...this figure!"

"It's really hot, I can't tell that Ms. Han has such a good figure!"

"The ass is so big..."

"What about the front, let's just tear up the front too!"

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