Chapter 194 Her breasts are fake!

Han Qingqing is the daughter of the city lord's mansion in Shengtan City, and her father is the most prestigious person in Shengtan City.

Therefore, Han Qingqing usually has a high-ranking appearance, and many people don't like her. Although there are many princes and nobles in this elite class, there are also many rural folks who came out of the mountains like Cheng Chencheng, and they have no status. Second, those who have no status are always looked down upon by others.

Seeing someone looking for Han Qingqing now, he felt too happy for a moment, so he started booing.

"Jun Mochu you! How dare you treat me like this!"

Feeling that Han Qingqing was bald behind her, she was suddenly ashamed and angry, and wanted to find something to cover it up, but a whole piece of cloth on her back was torn off, and she couldn't cover it at all. Her face turned blue and white with anger, and she could only lean against the wall tightly , dare not move.

"Why don't I dare?" It's a pity that she can't see clearly, otherwise she must appreciate the look of this woman, she casually shook the small blade in her hand, "Or, do you want to try the front?"

As soon as she heard her talking about the front, Han Qingqing was so frightened that her face paled, and she put her arms around her chest, "How dare you!"

"It's not that I don't dare, but I don't want to." Jun Mochu lazily retracted the small blade, "Before, my magic pet told me that he accidentally touched a woman's chest, but it turned out that the woman's chest , they were all padded with cotton cloth, I was still thinking, how could a woman do this..."

The corner of her lips twitched, and she said leisurely, "So that you."

Hearing this, all the students in the class suddenly opened their eyes wide and looked at Han Qingqing's chest. Some girls seemed a little embarrassed, but they were very curious.

Han Qingqing's figure is hot and curvy. That perfect figure has always made many girls jealous, but, unexpectedly, those breasts are actually fake!

The students suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Han Qingqing vowed to tear the puppy that touched her into pieces. It turned out that she was afraid that the secret of the fake breasts would be leaked!

"You, what nonsense are you talking about!" Han Qingqing jumped angrily, "Who says I'm a fake! It's true! It's true!"

As he spoke, as if he was afraid that people would not believe him, he put down his hands that were holding his chest, held his head high, his front chest straightened up, the proud curve made people's blood swell, and many boys didn't blink Stare at her.

Seeing the eyes of everyone, Han Qingqing regained a little confidence, her beautiful eyes were like sharp knives and shot at Jun Mochu fiercely.

"If you say it's true, it's true? Even if you put something in it, we don't know. If you have the ability, just take it off and let everyone check it." Cheng Chencheng suddenly interjected gloatingly.

After the voice fell, the whole class was in a commotion, "Take it off, take it off and check."

"That's right, take it off and check it, Miss Han, is what they said true? Your place...was it really padded with other things?"

"Nonsense!" Han Qingqing was really anxious now.

She is an imposing young lady, how could she strip naked in public, but...

Seeing their obvious disbelief, if word of this spreads and people say Han Qingqing, what face will she have?

No matter in which era, beauty is the number one priority in life for girls.

At this moment, Jun Mochu's serious voice came, "What real breasts and fake breasts, how can such a lewd topic be discussed in class? Please don't spoil the pure me, thank you."

After finishing speaking, she took a chair from Han Qingqing's seat, moved it to the position she valued, sat down, and waited quietly for the teacher to come to class.

Everyone: "..."

She is pure?

She was so pure that she stripped off Han Qingqing's clothes and exposed his fake breasts without saying a word. She was obviously the most obscene!

"Jun Mochu! You, I won't let you go!" Han Qingqing burst into tears when he was insulted like this.

Several girls couldn't bear it, and went over to comfort her one after another.

Another boy took off his clothes and lent them to Han Qingqing.

After all, Han Qingqing is the daughter of the city lord of Shengtan City. With her prominent status, she is the target of many people's fawning. At that moment, a boy scolded Jun Mochu angrily.

"It's too much for you to do this. Even if Qingqing did something wrong before, you don't have to insult her like this."

Jun Mochu sneered, "The people sitting here can clearly see who goes too far with whom first, and I'm just treating that person in the same way."

If she didn't speak ill of herself, how could she do this?

The boy was startled, as if he wanted to defend Han Qingqing, but at this time, Han Qingqing, who had put on his clothes, suddenly said fiercely: "Whoever of you strips off this bitch's clothes for me, I will ask my father to give him a first class." Marquis!"

First Marquis!

Suddenly, everyone gasped.

The title is the symbol of nobility, and the duke is the highest rank. Below the duke is the marquis, and below that is the viscount and baron.

As the lord of the city, the duke is not eligible to pay the lord of Shengtan City, but the Marquis definitely gives as much as he wants.

Once he became a Marquis, he would enjoy inexhaustible glory and wealth for the rest of his life. They never thought that Han Qingqing would offer such a lure in order to deal with Jun Mochu.

The city lord of Shengtan City is old enough to have a son, and there is only such a daughter, who is afraid of being melted in his hands on weekdays. The city lord will probably agree to whoever Han Qingqing wants to become a marquis.

This is a kind of temptation for anyone who has no status.

Who wouldn't want to be an aristocrat?

At that moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Jun Mochu changed. It was a gaze driven by interests and rights, with urgency and fanaticism.

Little by little, they approached Jun Mochu slowly, as if they were thinking about how to do it.

Han Qingqing was not at all surprised that her words caused such a sensation. In her eyes, those people were just lowly pariahs who hoped that one day they would be able to rise to the top.

"You guys, what do you want to do!"

Looking at the eyes of the crowd, Cheng Chencheng guarded Jun Mochu behind him vigilantly.


There will be updates later.

Thank you hnsxling, I would like to ask about the gold medals of the three relatives of Zhu Youbin.

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