Chapter 198 Buy Her and Lose

Even though Cheng Chencheng said so, when he heard Jun Mochu's suggestion, he seemed to see countless money flying towards their pockets, so the two hit it off immediately, and quickly went to the tutor of their class to inquire about the freshman competition .

"Without affecting the final, I have the most, how many games can I lose?"

Hearing Jun Mochu's words, the mentor Wu Wen spit out a mouthful of tea.

"No... I said aunt, your master is the dean, how dare you lose? No matter what, you must win, and you won beautifully."

As the dean's only apprentice in this academy, if she loses, where will the dean's face be saved?

What's more, she now directly regards Jun Mochu as the main general in her class, relying on her to win glory for her class, if she loses, where will the face of her class go?

"I won't lose." Jun Mochu affirmed, this is not boasting, but a kind of absolute self-confidence.

Seeing that she was so sure, Instructor Wu Wen hesitated for a while, and said: "The first game is a scuffle, and the students who are eliminated will not be able to participate in the subsequent games. After the scuffle, there will be a competition between each class. If you lose in one round, you can go to the second round of knockout rounds, but if you also lose in the second round, you can only be eliminated. The third round is the competition between the advanced players. There is also a match and a knockout round. "

"That is to say, if you lose the first game, and then try again among all the failed students, and then lose two consecutive games, you will be eliminated, right?"

"Not bad." Wu Wen always had a bad premonition in his heart. He always felt that Jun Mochu and Cheng Chencheng came here to ask her this question today, and there must be nothing good.

"The same is true for the third and fourth games?" Jun Mochu's eyes lit up, and his heart was full of calculations.

Wu Wen nodded, persuading her worriedly, "I said Mochu, you are the only apprentice that the dean has accepted in the academy in recent years, you have to give him credit."

Jun Mochu didn't reply, but looked at Cheng Chencheng, "In other words, we can lose two games."

Cheng Chencheng coughed a few times, "Well, sister Mochu, do you really want to do this?"

Jun Mo raised his eyebrows at the beginning, is Yin Jili's face more important than her making money?


The bad premonition in Wu Wen's heart grew bigger and bigger, and he hurriedly said, "What are you going to do?"

Jun Mochu turned his head and twitched the corner of his mouth at Wu Wen, "Teacher, don't worry, we won't lose."

After finishing speaking, he didn't say anything else, and directly said to Cheng Chencheng: "Let's go."

"Hey, you..." Wu Wen wanted to ask something else, but the two of them ran away without giving him a chance.

After leaving the teacher's office, Jun Mochu and Cheng Chencheng huddled in a corner and planned secretly.

"Who do you think is the most likely opponent we will meet?" Jun Mo started school almost one month ago, but the class time is less than two days, so it is not clear who will be the opponent among the freshmen in this class.

Cheng Chencheng thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "This time, there are three freshmen in the elite class. We are in the first class, but I heard that there are two very good people in the second class. One is Duan Deren and the other is Jiang Fan. The third class There are three of them, named Zhou Fei, Shangguan Yunyun, and Han Zhaocheng. Oh, yes, this Han Zhaocheng is Han Qingqing’s cousin. He also heard about the matter between you and Han Qingqing last time. Playing tricks on the Freshman Contest."

Jun Mochu silently wrote down the names of these people, and when he heard Cheng Chencheng's words, he couldn't help but sneered, "He can play tricks, so don't we?"

She doesn't mind comparing with him, who is more treacherous and shameless.

A coldness flashed across his eyes, and Cheng Chencheng couldn't help trembling when he saw it.

He carefully wiped off his sweat, moved his mouth, and muttered: "Sister Mochu, I found that you are cuter when you are blind..."

At least he couldn't see her, and he never felt afraid, especially when she always walked behind him, it always made him feel dependent.

And now...

Hey, don't mention it.

Jun Mochu glanced at him indifferently, "If you want to be blind, I can help you."

"..." Look, the former Mochu sister is cuter!

Jun Mo ignored his little thoughts at the beginning, and while arranging his own plan, he asked, "Are you sure those people suppressed me to win?"

"Sure." Cheng Chencheng said helplessly: "It's not like you don't know who the dean is. After they knew that you were the dean's apprentice, and thinking of the genius Jun Chenxiao who was once among the geniuses, almost everyone They all like you."

It can be said that among the ten people, there must be nine people who bet on Jun Mochu's head, and one person bet on his relatives because there are relatives or sons among the freshmen who participated.

Jun Mo clapped his hands on the first day of the junior high school, his eyes sparkled, "Let's go, let's make a bet too."

"Who do you want to buy?" Cheng Chencheng was a little puzzled.

Jun Mo raised his eyebrows at the beginning: "After the scuffle, the first match, buy me and lose!"

"..." Is there anyone who buys himself to lose?

Sure enough, there are monsters every year, especially this year... especially the one in front of me.

That night, Jun Mochu took the 1 taels of silver notes "taken" from the dean's office, made a simple disguise, changed into men's clothes, and went straight to the biggest dealer in Shengtan City, leaving behind the 1 taels of bank notes. Ten thousand taels of silver bills.

"The first game, [-], buy Junmo and lose."

The banker gave her a contemptuous look, "My little brother, don't blame me for not reminding you, this Jun Mochu is the apprentice of the principal of Shengnan College, if you really buy her to lose, you will lose everything. "

Jun Mo waved his hand indifferently at the beginning, and said solemnly: "I'm just a woman, I don't believe that she is so great as a woman, she must lose!"

The dealer didn't bother to talk to her, just rolled his eyes, and said boringly: "Okay, you can buy whoever you like, then you say, who will win?"

He said so on the lips, but secretly gloated in his heart, seeing how he would cry when he lost money.

Who wins?

Jun Mo thought carefully for a while, then silently took out a penny from his pocket, and put it in front of the dealer, "One penny, buy Cheng Chencheng and win."


One article... The corner of the dealer's mouth twitched fiercely.

So, on the second day, when Cheng Chencheng knew that someone bought him a penny to win, he fell down in anger.

"Sister Mochu, that guy is so contemptuous of people! You might as well not buy it for a penny! If you let my brother know who that guy is, he must be killed!"


Going home the day after tomorrow, the update will be resumed on the 18th, and there will be fewer in these two days, I hope you will forgive me,

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