Chapter 199

"Sister Mochu, that guy is so contemptuous of people! You might as well not buy it for a penny! If you let my brother know who that guy is, he must be killed!"

This is an insult to his personality! !

Hearing this, Jun Mochu said seriously: "I think it is very likely that the other party is in financial difficulties, so they bet a penny."

"Bah!" Cheng Chencheng gave a bah, and said indignantly: "Who will have a penny on him? Even a beggar has at least one or two on his body, I don't believe it, he is clearly contempt!"

"..." Jun Mo was angry at the beginning, and dared to say that she was not as good as a beggar.

"What are you doing, your face is so smelly all of a sudden?" Cheng Chencheng looked puzzled.

Jun Mo kicked him expressionlessly at the beginning, "Stop talking nonsense and lead the way."

Cheng Chencheng couldn't help muttering, "It's so rude", rubbing his buttocks, he said as he walked, "Hurry up and take that guy away, that guy stays on my bed every day, causing my brother to share a bed with other people .”

That guy Wuyan told him that Mochu's sister was fine, and even fixed Han Qingqing, but that guy just refused to leave his dormitory, and stayed on his bed every day, refusing to leave. Now as soon as you enter the room, you can smell a weird smell...

I came to the boys' dormitory. The dormitory here is prepared for students whose families live far away. Four people share a room, and the room is very spacious.

Therefore, even if Cheng Chencheng's bed was occupied by Wuyan, he would not have no place to live, let alone the freshman who shared the bed with him, when he accidentally learned from Cheng Chencheng that Wuyan was a divine beast, he would feel sorry for Wuyan. Yan is such a treasure, people who don't know think Wuyan is his magic pet.

When he came to the shed, Jun Mochu didn't avoid suspicion at all, and followed Cheng Chencheng to the shed.

Cheng Chencheng lived on the third floor, the two of them went upstairs, the door of the dormitory was half open, and there was a vague figure moving inside.

They pushed open the door and swaggered in. Before Jun Mo could see clearly where Wuyan was, there was an exclamation from the dormitory.

"Woman! A woman has come in!"

"Oh—why would a woman come to a boy's dormitory!"

"Hurry up and put on your clothes!"

Immediately, the entire dormitory jumped up and down, and saw a man wearing only trousers, covering the key parts of his lower body with one hand, and shaking a towel with the other, as if he had just come out of the shower.

"Hey, have you guys hidden my trousers again! Stop messing around and take them out!"

Swish, swish, for a moment, several pairs of eyes stared at him.

Sima Zhao suddenly felt that something was wrong. His hand holding the towel froze in mid-air, and the hand covering the important parts of his lower body tightened, little by little, slowly raised his head, and then met a pair of playful eyes.

"Jun, jun, jun, Mochu..." Sima Zhao called out tremblingly, trembling all over, as if he couldn't recover.

Why are there girls in the boy's dormitory?

And it's Jun Mochu of their class!

"Sima Zhao?" Jun Mochu folded his arms around his chest and looked at him with a half-smile, "Although I admire your bravery of running naked|running naked, but..." Her eyes looked from top to bottom on his stiff body. I walked around, "But I still want to persuade you, your figure is really not very good."


Sima Zhao finally came back to his senses, and fled into the inner room like a gallop, screaming, "Ahhhhh, you bastards! Don't notify me when a girl comes, I'm not playing with you!"

Angrily kicking the door panel, "Sima Zhao, don't come here, who told you to be undisciplined and don't come out to endanger sister Mochu's eyes!"

The other two boys in the dormitory held back their smiles and greeted Jun Mochu.

"Miss Jun, why are you here?"

"Yeah, maybe he came back with Cheng Chencheng... Hehe."

"Shall we go to the dormitory next door to take shelter?"

The two laughed very ambiguously.

Cheng Chencheng wholeheartedly defended Jun Mochu. Although Jun Mochu had only been in class for a few days, he was lukewarm with the students in the class, and he could only get closer to Cheng Chencheng.

Therefore, in the class, everyone regarded Cheng Chencheng and Jun Mochu as a recognized couple.

Hearing this, Cheng Chencheng glared at the two of them, and put his hands on Jun Mochu's shoulders, with a look of 'brothers are good', "Stop talking sarcastic, sister Mochu is my brother's good sister, don't you bother?" Dirty."

He was telling the truth, for Jun Mochu, from the beginning of pity to now, he has never had any unreasonable thoughts about her.

In his heart, Jun Mochu seems to be the always proud Fenghuang, who will return to soar in the sky one day, and he... can't catch it, and he doesn't deserve it.

Sister Mochu deserves a better man than him.

And Wuyan, who had already noticed Jun Mochu's breath, felt it when Jun Mochu first entered the door. However, he continued to lie on the bed listlessly.

This made Jun Mochu couldn't help but frown, walked directly to Wuyan's side, hugged him, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong."

Is he injured?

I noticed that his vitality is very strong, but he looks abnormally weak, what's going on?

Wuyan shook his head, put his fluffy fiery red head on Jun Mochu's shoulder, and said weakly, "Girl, don't worry, I'm fine."

"What's going on?" Sensing the presence of an outsider, Jun Mochu switched to communicating with her in his heart.

Wuyan said softly: "It's a seal. The power of the seal is now in a weak period. I'm trying to see if I can break some seals." Every time, the seal in his body will have a weak period, and that is the only way he can slightly weaken it. He couldn't miss the opportunity to open a little seal, so he stayed here and broke through with all his strength.

"Will something happen?" Jun Mo was most worried about him at first, if breaking through the seal would be dangerous, she would never agree.

"No." Wu Yan said: "Girl, I managed to get my life back after being reborn, and I cherish my life more than you, so nothing will happen to me."

Jun Mo raised his forehead, "This is the best."

"By the way, girl, I can feel Mo Yantian's breath." As the former king of all beasts, Wu Yan reborn his body, but his soul and mental power were extremely powerful. At the moment of Tancheng, he felt, "He has arrived in Shengtan City."

Hearing this, Jun Mo was taken aback for a moment.

Mo Yantian... is he here?


Aww, the train goes home at 14 o'clock tomorrow, and there will be an update tomorrow night!

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