Chapter 202

Of course, Cheng Chencheng didn't know that Jun Mo had dealt with Lei Li and Ye Xuan in the early days, so seeing them didn't look excited or excited at all, but he was a little confused.

She was surprised to see Lei Li.

But he didn't expect that even Yexuan would come here.

Why are so many people running to Shengtan City?Could it be that the murderer who killed Li Wan has been found?

She can understand Mo Yantian coming here, why even the four great generals have come here, the dark world... is it so idle?

If Ye Xuan knew Jun Mochu's thoughts at this moment, he would definitely vomit blood with anger.

He is free? !

Where is he free!

He is not idle at all!

Originally, he was busy with a lot of official and military affairs, but Feng Qing disappeared and has not appeared until now. Feng Fei was transferred to her side again, under the name of protection, but in fact, he was always reporting this woman to the emperor. every move.

Therefore, all the matters in the hands of Feng Qing and Feng Fei fell on him!

He was so busy that he was almost out of breath, but this was not the most ruthless thing. The most ruthless thing was that when the emperor heard that this woman was going to participate in some kind of Mr. competition in Shengnan College.

This is a good idea, every year the Dark Realm will select a lot of fresh blood from Shengnan College to cultivate, and this time after the emperor knew that this woman was here, he specially asked him to come here and let him choose it himself.

Originally thought that after leaving the Dark Realm, he would not need to do those things.

As a result, Huang Zun said, it’s okay not to do it, and when the work in Shengtan City is over, go back and continue to do it.

Hearing this, he immediately froze. Some things can be delayed, but things in the army must not be delayed!

If he really stays in the future, who will be responsible if something happens in the army?He is still in charge, so now he wished he had ten hands, ten avatars, and one avatar to handle one thing, so that he could relax completely.

Ye Xuan complained silently in his heart, Huang Zun must have hated him for doing something like this woman back then, that's why he put everything on his head this time.

Hey, women, they really are more popular.

He twitched the corner of his mouth, and under the introduction of Dean Friesen, he pulled out a slightly forced smile, holding back, he is representing the dark world now, and there is an annoying person from the five sects of Xianshan next to him Guy, he must maintain his image, and he must not reveal an image that would damage the honor of the dark world.

Under the exclamation of the students, Friesen invited out the remaining two judges one after another.

The remaining two judges are all hard-faced teachers in the academy, and one of them is the old Mu who took Jun Mochu and Cheng Chencheng to register directly.

All the judges and teachers have arrived, and Friesen announced with a smile, "This time, the freshman competition has officially started!"

The audience cheered enthusiastically, and the entire square was crowded with people, giving out loud applause.

The rules of the competition, the teachers of each class have informed their students long ago, therefore, after the competition started, all the freshmen who participated in the competition spontaneously went to the arena, each of them gearing up with enthusiasm!

In the square, there is only one high platform, which is the place where some heavyweights such as the judges, teachers and dean stay.

In the middle of the square, there is also an arena, which is used for competitions.

At this time, the arena was already full of students. The college recruited only 500 freshmen this time, but there were more than 300 people participating in the freshman competition, so the arena seemed a bit crowded.

Cheng Chencheng and Jun Mochu stood together, and Sima Zhao, who was not far away, saw them and came over to stand beside them.

Sima Zhao and Cheng Chencheng did not know each other, and when they finally divided the dormitory, Sima Zhao and Cheng Chencheng were assigned to the same dormitory, so the relationship between the two rose rapidly, and they almost became friends who talked about everything.

As soon as Sima Zhao came over, he said to them in a low voice: "When the game starts, let's not make a move and let them fight."

"Isn't it impossible to not move?" Cheng Chencheng frowned, "Even if we don't do anything, they will come to find us. Before the time is up, there can only be a maximum of one hundred people left on this arena, and everyone wants to stay Playing in the second round is not."

"No." Sima Zhao said rigorously: "The three of us are standing here. With our alliance, we are already considered a strong force. At the beginning of the game, it is best not to provoke those who are strong, but to fight against the strength first. The poor students do it, so that in the end, they will have the strength to fight against the strong students."

Cheng Chencheng nodded suddenly, "So that's it, then sister Mochu, let's take a look at them first."

"Yeah." Jun Mo had no objection at first, and in fact, as Sima Zhao said, many acquaintances already formed a small group automatically, and in this way, those students with weaker abilities could not find a group The students were soon dismissed.

The entire arena became chaotic.

Countless people fought together, while the three of Jun Mochu stood quietly, watching the students step off the stage quickly, and stepping off the stage meant losing.

Soon, more than 300 students were eliminated in a blink of an eye, and only 150 remained.

At this time, the game has passed the time of half a stick of incense.

With half the time left, as long as 150 people are eliminated from the arena with more than 50 people, the remaining 100 people can continue to participate in the rest of the competition.

However, the ones standing on the stage at this moment are either a small group of four or five people, or a student who is alone but very powerful. Anyone who wants to be eliminated will be a big resistance.

Just when everyone was deadlocked and secretly thinking about which team to eliminate first, standing in the middle of the stage, directly opposite Jun Mochu and others, a seven-member team suddenly looked at Jun Mochu eeriely.

One of them wiped his lips, and his long phoenix eyes looked unusually charming. His eyes turned around Jun Mochu, Cheng Chencheng and Sima Zhao, and then landed on Jun Mochu, his lips raised , with a slightly contemptuous tone:

"Master Dean's apprentice?" He smiled slowly, "Let this young master come and see how powerful you are."


The second change, continue to code words.

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