Chapter 203 Doubt

"Master Dean's apprentice?" He smiled slowly, "Let this young master come and see how powerful you are."

What he said was extremely arrogant and contemptuous.

Others were worried and afraid of Yin Jili, the dean of Shengnan College, and even more afraid of Jun Mochu's own strength, so they didn't dare to attack her rashly.

However, he seemed to be fearless, and during the last half-stick of incense, he aimed at Jun Mochu as soon as he came, and regarded her as his target.

It is much easier for a group to stand against a group than for a single person to fight against a group.

But Jun Mochu's team has only three people, while the opponent's team has seven people, the opponent's chance of winning is obviously greater.

Seeing that person, Cheng Chencheng and Sima Zhao frowned, obviously they were familiar with that person.

Cheng Chencheng whispered to Jun Mochu: "Sister Mochu, be careful, he is Han Zhaocheng, Han Qingqing's cousin."

"So that's how it is." Jun Mo understood at the beginning, no wonder the other party would target himself at this time, wanting to knock down their team of three,

Obviously, Han Zhaocheng wanted to avenge Han Qingqing now.

"Be careful, just protect yourself, he can't do anything to me." Jun Mochu said lightly.

If she was dismissed in this scene, not to mention what others would think of her, Yin Jili's nominal apprentice, even she would look down on herself.

The three of them stood on guard.

Seeing their vigilant expressions, Han Zhaocheng smiled coldly, "Don't worry, my young master will definitely make today's game unforgettable for you forever."

After the words fell, Han Zhaocheng waved a little, and quickly attacked Jun Mochu and the other three with a one-hit kill plan.

The other six team members behind him also moved quickly when they saw Han Zhaocheng make a move.

For a moment, the force on his body increased sharply, like a rapidly moving firepower, ready to go.

On the contrary, Jun Mochu's team, although there are only three people, both she and Cheng Chencheng are close to the point where they are about to break through the seventh advanced holy rank. Such strength is a powerful resistance that cannot be underestimated.

The two teams collided fiercely, breaking the moment of silence on the arena.

The moment Han Zhaocheng and Jun Mochu both attacked, many teams also began to attack other teams!

Just fifty more people.

If more than fifty people leave the stage, they can smoothly advance to the next round of the competition.

On the arena, there was chaos again.

"Huh?" At the moment of the fierce collision on the stage, Lei Li on the stage suddenly looked at someone suspiciously.

Now there are only more than 150 people left on the arena. Originally, it was so crowded that only the silhouettes of the people on the stage could be seen clearly, but at this moment, the arena with only more than 100 people left suddenly felt a little empty.

Therefore, at the first glance, Ye Xuan saw Jun Mochu, Cheng Chencheng and others standing in the corner.

At that moment, Lei Li suddenly felt a little familiar.

What is familiar is not the face, but the strength.

The woman seemed to have the power of the five sects of the Immortal Mountain, the Earth Sect.

However, her appearance was very strange to him, and Lei Li couldn't help thinking about it. There are a lot of people in Wuzongli, but since that time in Shengjing Sunset City, the girl with the origin of the earth element was rescued by Mo Yantian's men. After returning to the sect, he specifically checked everyone in the Tuzong, but he did not find that woman.

So Lei Li affirmed that the woman was not from the Five Sects of Xianshan.

It's not the five sects of the fairy mountain, but also the original power of the earth element. So far, Lei Li has only seen one person, and that is the woman who was rescued by Mo Yantian that day.

Could it be that……

His eyes fell on Jun Mochu's body in the arena. Could it be that she was that person at that time?

Lei Li's eagle-like eyes fell straight on Jun Mochu's body, sizing him up for a moment.

Perhaps his gaze was too direct and presumptuous, which not only made Ye Xuan feel Lei Li's overly sizing up, but also made Jun Mo Chu, who was fighting, notice it.

The movement of her feet stopped suddenly, she suddenly turned her head, looked in the direction of Lei Li, and met those dark and deep eyes from a distance.

It was a pair of unrestrained and probing expressions, which made people feel a little cold in their hearts. With just one glance, Jun Mo knew that Lei Li was suspicious of her.

Suddenly a palm wind came from behind, Jun Mochu's gaze was fixed, and he looked away calmly, as if the movement just now was because of the inadvertent staring she just met when she turned around.

Han Zhaocheng seemed to regard her as a target. Seeing that she was a little distracted, several attacks came straight at her without showing any weakness.

Jun Mochu sneered, turned and misplaced, stepped back before approaching him, and went directly to meet him.

"Sister Mochu, be careful!" Cheng Chencheng happened to be standing opposite Jun Mochu, and was startled when he saw Jun Mochu's actions, and was afraid that something might happen to her.

Han Zhaocheng's eyes lit up, hmph, do you think she wants to take his attack just by her own strength? It seems that this woman really thinks she is someone. If she thinks she is Dean Yin's apprentice, she is really invincible.

With a sneer in his heart, killing intent suddenly appeared, he added a little more force in his hands, and ruthlessly thrust into Jun Mochu's vitals.


A mocking voice suddenly sounded in his ear, and Han Zhaocheng was furious. Just as he was about to curse back sharply, Jun Mochu in front of him suddenly fell backwards.

Han Zhaocheng's hand touched the ground, and Jun Mochu fell to the ground with his hands, and he did a backflip, stepping forward with both feet, and kicked Han Zhaocheng's lower body directly.

Han Zhaocheng's face suddenly changed, and a huge pain was transmitted to his brain instantly.

However, he hadn't fallen down yet. Jun Mochu was a little surprised. He didn't expect this man's concentration to be so good. Just as he was thinking, the other two people who joined forces with Han Zhaocheng to attack her attacked quickly, trying to beat Jun Mochu alone caught off guard.

It's a pity that Jun Mochu folded his body unhurriedly, supported his hands on the ground, jumped up from the ground, and stepped on Han Zhaocheng who was still clutching his lower body and enduring the pain.

The back and forth pincers kicked Han Zhaocheng unprepared and rushed forward a few steps, standing on the edge of the arena, obviously about to fall!


The third update, two more updates, the next chapter, Xiao Yanyan makes an appearance, exhausted~

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