Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 204 The Strongest Cheerleader in History

Chapter 204 The Strongest Cheerleader in History

The back and forth pincers kicked Han Zhaocheng unprepared and rushed forward a few steps, standing on the edge of the arena, obviously about to fall!

But at that moment, he stabilized his figure, his gloomy eyes turned around, and his murderous intent surged!

This time, it was not for revenge for his cousin Han Qingqing, but for himself.

Never, no one has ever dared to disrespect him like this.

This woman is absolutely damned!

Regardless of the pain in his body, he quickly withdrew and returned. The force on his body soared. The dark purple force was like a violent storm, so bright that people couldn't open their eyes.

In the arena, many people narrowed their eyes slightly, startled by the strong purple light.

Many of these freshmen have some friendship with Han Zhaocheng. Han Zhaocheng's skill is about to break through the seventh level and reach the holy level. Once he fights his life, not everyone can take over.

At this time, Han Zhaocheng was obviously going to use his strongest ultimate move.

Strangely, facing such a strong purple light, everyone in the arena closed their eyes a little uncomfortable, but Jun Mochu rushed towards the opponent without blinking.

A figure flew out of the arena and landed on the stage. Now there are only four people left in the team of seven, and they still have three left!

It's not that Jun Mo is not afraid of light at first.

Instead, she discovered that since she was blind once and was cured by Yin Jili, not only was her mental strength stronger than before, even her eyes seemed to be a little different.

The biggest difference is that, facing such a strong light, when she looks at it, it is like looking at ordinary things, and it has no effect on her at all. She can even see farther and more clearly.

Even the pimples on the faces of the freshmen standing in the square watching the game, she could clearly see them.

Of course, this is just an example, she is not interested in studying how many pimples other people have on their faces.

Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise.

Jun Mochu was a little relieved, but he didn't stop for a moment when he shot. After throwing a person in the way off the stage, she followed Han Zhaocheng again.

If she wanted to kill someone, she would have been determined to Han Zhaocheng in normal times.

However, it is a competition now, and there are clear regulations in the competition that no one can kill, otherwise they will be disqualified from the competition, and some will even be expelled from the academy.

But... if she doesn't kill someone, she can't let go of her hands and feet!

"I'll drag the other two for you, speed up!" Cheng Chencheng's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Jun Mo was stunned for a moment, and saw that Cheng Chencheng quickly restrained the other two people, and Sima Zhao was also facing an opponent at this time, and only Han Zhaocheng was left.

"From seven to three to four to three." Jun Mo first hooked his lips, looked at Han Zhaocheng provocatively, and said, "You said I can't do it, so you can do it?"

Hearing this, Han Zhaocheng's face became even more ugly, "Bitch, I'll make you look good!"

Han Zhaocheng became ruthless and rushed towards Jun Mochu.

At this moment, an earth-shattering shout of cheer suddenly sounded from the square. I don't know when, a step was temporarily built on the square. The steps have a total of seven floors. , with big round and shiny eyes open, stood on the highest step, with a cloth strip with black characters tied on his head, and a few big characters were written crookedly on the cloth strip, someone out of strong curiosity I leaned over and studied for a while, only to find that it said, "The strongest cheerleading team in history!"

The strongest cheerleading team ever?What does it mean?

Everyone was puzzled, but before they had time to think about what this meant, they were attracted by another movement of the little boy.

I saw the little boy holding a flagpole tightly with a serious face. On the flagpole was a bright red oil sand cloth, and Wu Qima wrote two large characters in black:


On that step, standing behind the pretty little boy, there are seven or eight big men lined up, holding bright red big red flowers in their hands, waving them constantly.

The little boy waved the flag in his hand.

The big men standing in a row behind him immediately shook the bright red flower ball in their hands and shouted: "Mochu is the brightest!"

The little boy waved the flag again.

The bright red flower ball floated up again, "Mo Chu will win!"

The little boy waved the flag in his hand, shaking it violently.

The big red flower ball immediately floated back and forth, "Mochu is the brightest! Mochu will win! Mochu will be the brightest! Mochu will win! Mochu..."

Some of the freshmen who were competing on the arena were forced to the edge of the stage. When they heard the earth-shattering cheering cheers, they immediately fell over and fell directly from the stage.

"Ah, my quota, I accidentally dropped it, I didn't get knocked down! I want to go back, I want to go back to the stage!"

"As long as you step off the stage, you will be eliminated, no matter what the reason."

"Wow, how could this be..."

Facing the sudden cheerleaders, the whole audience petrified, including those who competed and watched the game, including the judges and teachers.

Jun Mochu suddenly had a bad premonition, she turned her head slowly, and looked directly up the steps, when she saw the beautiful little boy at the top of the steps, the corner of her mouth twitched, her feet staggered, and she almost fell over .

Little... little... fairy...

Who could tell her that Xiao Xiaoxian would transform into an ancient version of the cheerleader and lead such a group of strange men to perform on stage with big red flowers...?

At this moment, Ye Xuan on the judges' stage completely ignored Xiao Xiaoxian, and directly cast his gaze on the seven big men behind Xiao Xiaoxian. When he saw Feng Fei, one of them, Recognize it, paint your face black on purpose, hold a nondescript big red flower and twitch around there, while yelling...

Ye Xuan covered his face with his hands, and silently lay down on the table and wept.

Oh, I don't know him, I really don't know him, where the hell is this pervert?

But at this time, the happiest Xiao Xiaoxian flew directly towards a certain place, where a man was sitting quietly, Xiao Xiaoxian flew directly onto him, and said excitedly: "Master!" Master, how do you think they are doing? Is it very special? Is it very cool? This is what I learned from Brother Wuyan. I heard from Brother Wuyan that this is what his previous master did before. Master, master, can people redeem their crimes?"


The fourth change, one more change, continue to code words.

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