Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 205 How long will you hold my wife?

Chapter 205 How long will you hold my wife?

Looking forward to redemption, the little fairy shows its love of learning, asking questions and being funny all the time, and writes down everything Wuyan told it before.

There is no way, the master is not easy to offend.

It's even worse to be offended, it has to work hard!

Mo Yantian slowly and gently pushed the little fairy that was pounced on him, making it stand still. Seeing the expression on its face begging for praise like a living treasure, he couldn't help but smile.

He raised his head, passed the sea of ​​thousands of people from a distance, and landed on that beautiful person on the arena.

When he saw Jun Mochu's stunned and surprised expression, Mo Yantian curled his lips, and his mood rose in an instant.

He patted Xiao Xiaoxian on the head, and said with a smile: "Continue to dance until Xiao Chuer wins the competition, and I will forgive you."

Xiao Xiaoxian put the flag behind her, patted her chest and said, "No problem! I promise to complete the task!"

Complete your sister!

On the steps, hearing what Xiao Xiaoxian said, Feng Fei almost fell off the steps.

Eh, no, how did he learn to swear by Miss Mo Chu?

However, this is not important!The important thing is, is he still going to keep wearing this nondescript clothes and continue to dance with this bright red and nondescript big red flower?

Who is he? !

It is one of the three attendants who are under one person and above ten thousand people in the Dark Realm, named after the four kings and generals!To let him dress up in such a sissy way!

Although he had already smeared charcoal on his face in order to avoid being recognized and lose face.

However, he and Ye Xuan grew up wearing the same pair of trousers in the dark world, how could he not recognize the truth? Seeing Ye Xuan's expression, he knew that his fame was over.

Feng Fei really wanted to look up to the sky and sigh three times, who did he owe in his previous life, why did he have to suffer this kind of crime in this life!

Of course, Feng Fei also understood that the reason why the master asked him to dress up like this was also punishment for him. Before the master asked him to protect Miss Mo Chu secretly, but in the end, he lost him.

In the beginning, Jun Mochu had been missing for more than ten days, and he couldn't receive any news at all, and he couldn't find where she was. He was very anxious, but he knew that his master must be even more anxious.

Finally, more than ten days later, she reappeared in the college, but in less than a day, he had no time to investigate the reason for her disappearance, and she disappeared again.

But at this moment, the master came in person.

Feng Fei also knew that he should be punished for the failure of the task, but he didn't expect that the punishment would be like this. He would rather be whipped and fried than do such a sissy thing, twisting and dancing with the big red flower here.

Fortunately, Miss Mochu reappeared after only disappearing for a few days this time, otherwise, he might really be skinned alive by the master.

Feng Fei glared at Xiao Xiaoxian with resentful eyes, it's all this little guy, what bad idea did he come up with!

Xiao Xiaoxian blinked at him innocently, "Brother Fengfei, I really didn't avenge my private revenge, I really forgot about it a long time ago, the last time you pushed him into the fire pit to deliver a letter to the master regardless of life and death, really , so people are really not taking revenge, you have to believe me."

"..." Feng Fei gritted his teeth, and with a 'click', he almost smashed the big red flower into pieces.

This bastard who pretends to be good and show off! ! !

Shocked but shocked, the game still had to go on. Seeing how many people were pushed off the stage due to daze, Deputy Dean Friesen shook his head and sighed.

This is the most luxurious freshman competition in the history of Shengnan College - because there are two kings from two major forces as judges and teachers.

But it was also the messiest freshman match in the history of Saint-South College-because of the appearance of some inexplicable cheerleader, the competition students in the entire arena fell into chaos.

Dean Friesen was so angry that he wanted to kick that cheerleader out of the academy, but would he dare?

His eyes fell on Mo Yantian, who was casually lying on the corner of a wall watching the game, Friesen sighed secretly, the opponent was the Emperor of the Dark Realm, he couldn't afford it, and he didn't dare to push it away.

However, Friesen wondered, what does Yin Jili's precious apprentice, Jun Mochu, have to do with the Emperor of the Dark Realm?

Otherwise, why would the Emperor of the Dark Realm allow his subordinates to make such a big commotion in Shengnan College?

Friesen looked at Jun Mo for the first time, and it seemed that this woman's background was not simple.

"Hurry up! Don't be in a daze, it's the last bit of time!" Seeing Mo Yantian, Jun Mo was surprised for the first time, but he quickly adjusted his mood and quickly pushed Cheng Chencheng and Sima Zhao who were in a daze.

The two quickly came back to their senses, wiped off their sweat, and asked weakly:

"Sister Mochu, who are they?"

"A bunch of idiots, don't worry about it." Jun Mochu snorted, but Cheng Chencheng and Sima Zhao still saw the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

She seemed very happy, this was the first time Cheng Chencheng saw her so happy, he couldn't help but looked in the direction where Mo Yantian was, this man... who could it be.

Why is sister Mochu so happy when she sees this man and that cheerleader?

"Cheng Chencheng!" Seeing that Cheng Chencheng was still in a daze, Sima Zhao yelled and kicked him quickly, "Hurry up!"

Cheng Chencheng finally came to his senses, and at this moment, many people on the arena have already started to work hard.

The stick of incense was almost burned out, but there were still more than 110 people on the field, and more than ten people had to step down before they could win!

For a time, fierce fighting broke out again.

At this moment, only Han Zhaocheng and another man were left in Han Zhaocheng's team. The winner was already divided. Jun Mochu and Cheng Chencheng looked at Han Zhaocheng mockingly. One person attacked him mercilessly, after a violent beating, Cheng Chencheng directly lifted him up and threw him off the stage!

When the last bit of incense burns to ashes, the game is over.

Unexpectedly, there were only 96 people left on the arena.

Having won, Cheng Chencheng hugged Sima Zhao and Jun Mochu excitedly!Excitedly said: "We won! Hahaha, Han Zhaocheng was kicked off the stage by us in the opening match, and there will be another strong opponent missing in the following matches!"

As soon as the words fell, Cheng Chencheng suddenly felt an extremely cold gaze piercing his back, which made him shiver. Before he could turn around, a gloomy voice sounded in his mind, "Excuse me , how long will you hold my wife in your arms?"


The fifth update is over, you can sleep after watching it, Yinyin is going to attend a friend's wedding tomorrow, the update will be later, but it will still not be less than three or four!Good night everyone╭(╯3╰)╮

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