Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 207 Don't try to escape.

Chapter 207 Don't try to escape.

Jun Mo first opened her list, it was an unfamiliar name, she showed it to Cheng Chencheng.

"Fang Ziyun?" Cheng Chencheng frowned, just about to ask, who is this.

A thin boy standing in front of him suddenly raised his hand, "Yes! Who called me?"

Immediately, the three of Jun Mochu turned their gazes to him.

A clean, gentle little boy, very thin, probably with little flesh on his body.

"You are Fang Ziyun?" Sima Zhao looked at him, then at Jun Mochu, then shook his head. It seemed that there was no hope. With such a small body, he didn't know how many tricks he could hold on under the hands of Miss Mochu.

"That's me, what's the matter with you?" Fang Ziyun naturally had heard of Jun Mo's first few names, and his tone became more polite now.

Jun Mochu took a step forward, stretched out his hand expressionlessly, and patted Fang Ziyun on the shoulder who was a few centimeters shorter than her, "Jun Mochu, your opponent."

"..." Fang Ziyun was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened, "Jun, Miss Jun, you are not... joking!"

Can't be so unlucky, his opponent is actually Jun Mochu?Master Dean's apprentice?

Fang Ziyun suddenly felt that the sky was dark, no, he hadn't drawn lots yet, how could he decide his opponent so quickly!

In order to prevent chaos in the lottery, only 96 of the 48 people were sent out to draw lots. The list drawn by those 48 people was the list of students who did not participate in the lottery. power.

But Fang Ziyun never thought that he would be unfavorable in the first round. The opponent in the first round was actually the disciple of the dean who spread throughout the Shengnan College, Jun Mochu!

It’s over.

Even Han Zhaocheng is not her opponent, let alone him!It seemed that he was destined to be eliminated.

Cheng Chencheng and Sima Zhao sighed sympathetically, and comforted them: "Brother, take a closer look, Sister Mochu is actually a very gentle person, and she will definitely not embarrass you too much."


After confirming the opponent, Dean Friesen ordered today's match to end, and the first round of one-on-one formal match will not start until tomorrow.

After the freshmen determined their opponents, they left one after another.

Jun Mochu subconsciously looked at the corner behind the crowd, but there was no one there.

Where is Mo Yan Tianren?

She put away the list, and turned around to look for the figure that seemed to be flashing in the pan, but suddenly there was a stern voice behind her.

"Jun Mochu."

This voice is thunderous.

She was stunned for a moment, her eyes sank slightly, then she turned around, her expression had regained her composure, and she said calmly, "Teacher."

Now that he is serving as the teacher of the judges, she called him a teacher with affection and reason.

Lei Li was wearing an extremely exaggerated bright red coat, which looked unusually evil and coquettish. His pair of phoenix eyes looked at Jun Mochu unscrupulously, and a light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

It really was this woman.

I didn't know who she was at first, but many students were talking about her, so I quickly remembered her name.

Jun Mochu, the Jun family.

"I don't know what else the teacher ordered?" Seemingly aware of the subtle relationship, Cheng Chencheng couldn't help standing beside Jun Mochu, and asked cautiously.

Lei Li never paid attention to those who were weaker than him. Therefore, without even looking at Cheng Chencheng, he suddenly leaned forward and slowly approached Jun Mochu. With a voice that only two people could hear, the evil Charmingly: "Woman, this time, you can't escape."

Sure enough, he recognized himself.

Jun Mo gave him a cold look, expressionless.

It is possible that she has already made preparations in her heart for being recognized. If Lei Li has not doubted Mo Yantian's bold appearance, then he must be stupid.

She was not surprised that Lei Li found her.

She stood there frankly, not running away, just looking at him coldly, and sneered, "I never ran away, the one who ran away with my tail between my legs, it was you."

Hearing this, Lei Li's expression changed, thinking of the scene in Sunset City that day, his expression was livid.

He laughed back in anger, and took a step back slowly, "Okay, hello." He dared to mention his greatest shame in front of him!

"Thank you teacher for your concern, I'm fine." Jun Mochu answered kindly without fear.

"!" Furiously rushing to his forehead, Lei Li wanted to raise his hand almost instantly to tear the woman in front of him into pieces. However, just as he raised his hand, a powerful force suddenly appeared Coming straight at him, dispelled the strength he had gathered.

Ye Xuan walked towards here step by step, and said coldly: "I said that Young Master Lei, as a judge teacher, privately attacked the freshmen. So the quality of the five sects of your Immortal Mountain is so poor?"

"What did you say?!" Lei Li's face turned greener, and a pair of fire-breathing eyes glared at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan clasped his hands behind his back, and said in a lukewarm tone, "Maybe I misread it? If that's the case, Mr. Jun, you guys are going to participate in the competition tomorrow, why don't you go back and practice hard?"

Jun Mochu suddenly understood that Ye Xuan thought she couldn't handle Lei Li, so he came to rescue her.

She nodded lightly, and whispered to Cheng Chencheng and the others: "Let's go."

Seeing Jun Mochu leaving, Lei Li smiled back in anger, staring at Ye Xuan with a pair of phoenix eyes, "Ye Xuan, don't be too self-righteous."

Ye Xuan sneered coldly, "Lei Li, I'll give you back this sentence, to fight the emperor? You don't have that ability yet."

After all, regardless of Lei Li's reaction, he strode away directly, and the woman of the emperor dared to move, idiot.

"Sister Mochu, do you know Young Master Lei Li?"

As soon as he left the square, Cheng Chencheng immediately asked, even he noticed something was wrong with the weird atmosphere just now.

There was no expression on Jun Mochu's face, just a faint 'hmm', "Don't worry about this matter, I have other things I want you to help, can you help?"

This was the first time Jun Mochu asked him to help, Cheng Chencheng felt a little weird, but more joyful, did this mean that Mochu's sister finally regarded her as her own?

"Help!" He didn't hesitate.

"Okay, before tonight, get all the information about Fang Ziyun, and then tell me."

"It's... no problem." But why does she want Fang Ziyun's information?

"I'll be waiting for you in the dormitory."

"Then I'll go right away!" Cheng Chencheng has always said that he will do it, coupled with his integrity, this is the reason why Jun Mochu is willing to get closer to him.

Watching Cheng Chencheng leave, Jun Mochu returned to his dormitory, just stepped in with one foot, and suddenly stretched out a hand behind the door, quickly pulling her in.

"Little Chuer..."


the second

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