Chapter 208 You are jealous

"Little Chuer..."

A low voice with a smile sounded beside her ears, and the breath sprayed behind her ears, calling out intimately.

"Mo..." Jun Mochu subconsciously wanted to call out softly, but just as the red lips opened, Mo Yantian directly attached himself to her body and sealed her lips.

At this moment, the thoughts and worries that had been away for more than a month turned into an extremely domineering kiss, forcing her to listen and accept.

Her leaving without saying goodbye, her mysterious disappearance.

Every time it touched his mind and made him restless.

Now, when she stood in front of him again, all the urgency and uneasiness disappeared, and he desperately wanted to prove whether she really existed.

"Hey, you..." Jun Mo was embarrassed on the first day, this guy failed to take aphrodisiac medicine, and fell in love as soon as he met!

She raised her hand in frustration, trying to push him away, but when she put her hand on his back, she suddenly remembered the words he said that day in the Great Hall of the Dark Realm.

"She, I dote on."

Ripples suddenly appeared in her heart, perhaps, it was just such a sentence that knocked on a door on the high wall of her heart, making her unable to ruthlessly refuse the man in front of her.

Jun Mochu let out a soft sigh, and slowly relaxed.

As if aware of her approval and response, a light flashed between Mo Yantian's brows, and he clenched his hands, hugging her tightly as if trying to rub her into his body, and kissed her wantonly.

Once Jun Mochu relaxed, he was extremely sensitive to any of his small movements, for example, his hand was walking on her back...

For example, he caressed her back and forth a little frivolously and restlessly.

She felt that the breathing of the two of them could not help but increase a little, and their shallow breathing became a little short.

This was the first time she had kissed a man so seriously, and it seemed...not bad?

It's just... even if it's not bad, isn't it a little too long? !

Feeling that he was almost out of breath, Jun Mochu had to give up his original plan and raised his hand to try to push Mo Yantian away.

But the moment she raised her hand, Mo Yantian swung his arms around, grabbed his two hands with one hand, and put them behind him.

Isn't it—still coming? !

Sure enough, you shouldn't be soft-hearted at the beginning, and you should kick him away as soon as he is pressed down!

Jun Mo was a little anxious at the beginning, his delicate and pretty face was flushed, not from embarrassment, but from suffocation and redness!

As she was about to be out of breath, she simply opened her white teeth, bit Mo Yantian's lips cruelly, and bit them.

"Uh..." Mo Yantian let out a low, muffled snort, with a bit of depression, which made people feel full of sexy temptation|temptation.

"Xiao Chu'er?" He left her lips slightly, but did not retreat too far, his forehead was pressed against his forehead, his dark eyes were full of doubts and desire|desires.

Jun Mo was gasping for breath at first, wanting to give him a blank look, and it melted down his throat, but he still just let out a muffled snort, "I'm out of breath."

Mo Yantian was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud, and couldn't help kissing her forehead again with bloody lips, "Xiao Chuer, has anyone ever told you that you are really cute?"

"..." Jun Mo is embarrassed at first, you are so cute!You all are so cute!

"Stop talking nonsense." Jun Mochu suddenly stared at him gloomyly, gritted his teeth, "Where do you put your hands?"


Mo Yantian followed his hand down little by little, and then landed on that well-developed chest.

"Cough." He coughed lightly, and retracted the hand on Xiao Chu'er's chest embarrassingly, "Well, Xiao Chu'er, you have to understand, this is an uncontrollable action, er, especially as a man instinct..."

Jun Mochu gritted his teeth, and suddenly pushed his knee upwards. The speed was so fast that Mo Yantian had no time to notice it, and he fell into his arms.

Mo Yantian's expression changed, but he could only grit his teeth and endure it, and smiled bitterly, "Xiao Chuer, are you going to murder your husband?"

"No." Jun Mochu was serious, "I have the instinct to guard against wolves."

"..." Mo Yantian.

"Why did you come here?" She thought he had gone back to where he lived.

After the pain passed, Mo Yantian suffered a lot, and became abnormally disciplined. With a slight smile, he wrapped her into his arms, and chuckled, "If I don't come here, where are I going?"

The corners of Jun Mochu's lips raised slightly, but he shrugged lightly, "Who knows, might His Royal Highness have nowhere to go? I believe that those women will definitely open the door warmly and invite you to go."

"Hehe..." Mo Yantian's low laughter came, with a bit of teasing, "Xiao Chuer, are you jealous?"

Hearing this, Jun Mo was stunned for a moment, then curled his lips, and looked back at him with a half-smile, "Jealous? No, I only eat soy sauce."

"..." The dead girl was still stubborn, Mo Yantian raised her sword eyebrows, and hummed softly,

If we say that in the past, Jun Mochu could rely on his own abilities to detect the changes around him and feel if there was anyone other than her.

But now, she suddenly realized that Mo Yantian was in her dormitory, but she hadn't noticed anything strange before!

She doesn't like crowded places, plus whether there are rocks around, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, it is even more impossible for her to sleep in the same dormitory with other girls, so she specially applied for her own separate dormitory to the teacher. one room.

Originally, the teacher disagreed, because in Shengnan College, no one can enjoy differential treatment. Even if a prince or princess comes to this college, he has to obediently listen to the teacher's words.

Later, it was Yin Jili who came forward and gave her the room.

It is said that this is the place where her brother Jun Chenxiao lives, because Jun Chenxiao is no longer here, so she is allowed to live.

There are many teachers living around here, but Mo Yantian unexpectedly arrived at this place by himself one step ahead without a sound. It seems that what Xiao Xiaoxian said is right, he really advanced.

After the holy rank is advanced, isn't that... a heavenly rank?

Jun Mochu suddenly felt a lot of pressure. Could this man's talent be a little too perverted?


The third update is over, thank you for the red envelopes and gifts from the three relatives of Anji, Buyu_, 896568232, two chapters will be added tomorrow!Thank you╭(╯3╰)╮

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