Chapter 210 She Let Someone Kiss

With a sound of "snap!", Jun Mochu suddenly closed the notebook, angry, "Mo Yantian, please explain to me, what kind of mess is this!"

She was angry, and Mo Yantian was even more angry than her.

The sword eyebrows flying across the temples almost frowned, and the voice squeezed out from between the teeth, "You promised."

Hearing this, Jun Mo, who was depressed, was taken aback for a moment, "What did I promise you?"

"Don't allow him to kiss." Mo Yantian gritted his teeth, grabbed the notebook, and turned to the page of the latest record, which happened to be today's date. He pointed angrily at the brand new writing on it, furiously, "This is What!"

Mo Yantian, who felt that he was being deceived, was full of jealousy and resentment.

"..." Jun Mo was speechless at first.

Yes, she remembered.

When he was in the Dark Realm back then, this Mo Yantian had said to himself in a serious and domineering manner that he was not allowed to let another Mo Yantian kiss her.

However, she didn't agree if it was good or not.

But that's not the point, the point is...

"You said he remembered this?"

She looked at the ink that had been dried out. This handwriting... seemed to be Feng Fei's handwriting. Could it be that Feng Fei is here too?

Jun Mochu's expression changed, and he opened his mouth and shouted, "Feng Fei, come out!"

Sure enough, the next moment, her closed window was pushed open, and Feng Fei hung upside down on the window, looking at Jun Mochu seriously, "Miss Mochu, call me."

"..." The corner of Jun Mochu's mouth twitched, he picked up the notebook, and said seriously with a stinky face: "In the future, don't write this again!"

Feng Fei looked embarrassed, "Miss Mochu, you should tell the master about this, I am just a subordinate, and the master asked me to kill and set fire, how dare I go for adultery and robbery?"

It seems that this is a refusal, a disapproval, right?

Jun Mochu twitched the corners of his mouth, put his hand behind his back, put the notebook behind his back, and then squinted at him, "Feng Fei, I suddenly remembered that today when you were in the freshman contest, you looked very cute. good."

Hearing this, Feng Fei's face froze, and he suddenly had a bad premonition, "Miss Mochu..."

"Since you like big red flowers so much, and like twisting and jumping so much, I think Mo Yantian, your master, will definitely satisfy your little request." She showed her white teeth to him, and smiled broadly. insidious.

Feng Fei immediately looked serious and said very sincerely: "...Miss Mochu, although Feng Fei cannot disobey the master's order, there is another way."

"for example?"

"For example, 'Kissing nakedly at Imperial College on xx xx, Shengjing year?', can the subordinates omit the following four words 'explicitly kiss'?"

In other words, it became 'Shengjing year xx year xx day at Imperial College'?In this way, dare to love!

Jun Mochu smiled slightly, and patted him on the shoulder in great relief, "As expected of the most loyal assistant in the Dark Realm, Master Feng Fei is indeed a smart man."

"..." Feng Fei.

"..." Mo Yantian.

Mo Yantian, who was ignored and watched them unscrupulously discuss how to cheat him, suddenly slapped the table, "Do you dare to disobey the order?"

He stared at Feng Fei, his eyes filled with threats and warnings, as if he would be rude to him if he dared to nod his head.

You don't need to remember that Mo Yantian's matter, but you must remember your own, every day, all the time, and you can't miss it even once.

Feng Fei looked at him with a confused face, "Hey, master, what did you say that the subordinates don't understand."

Mo Yantian was even angrier, veins appeared on the back of his hand, his purple eyes flickered coldly, he gritted his teeth and reminded him, "What you just said!"

If you have the guts, say it again in front of him!

Feng Fei was even more confused, "Miss Mo Chu, did I say anything just now?"

"Yes." Jun Mochu said lightly: "You said just now that you had a stomachache and wanted to go to the toilet."

Feng Fei suddenly realized, grabbed his stomach, and groaned in pain, "Oh, master, I remembered, this subordinate is having diarrhea, so I rushed to the latrine first."

"..." Mo Yantian inhaled and exhaled, a fire choked in his heart, and he suddenly started to smoke.


This is too presumptuous!

This woman actually encouraged his subordinates to rebel so blatantly in front of him!

He said that women can't be spoiled, and they must not be spoiled. Look at what that guy said when he spoiled this woman so lawlessly.

He pushed all the faults on his other personality, completely forgetting that he was also one of the culprits.

"Wait." Jun Mochu suddenly stopped Feng Fei.

"Miss Mochu, what other orders do you have?" Feng Fei turned her head and continued to cover her stomach with her hands, pretending to be in a hurry to go to the toilet.

Jun Mochu took out the notebook from behind in a serious manner, "teared" it, and directly tore off the explicit kiss, the night together, the extremely ambiguous and pornographic content, and put it on the Feng Fei's hand, "Come on, don't forget the toilet paper (toilet paper)."

"..." Feng Fei.

"..." Mo Yantian.

Feng Fei fled.

Jun Mo clapped his hands at the beginning, turned around and looked at Mo Yantian frankly, "No, there is nothing left now."

Mo Yantian's purple eyes almost popped out, and he stared at Jun Mochu, "But the fact happened." Even though those records were torn up, the fact still happened.

she!Let others kiss!

Hearing this, Jun Mo looked at him first, and suddenly said: "Mo Yantian, no matter what personality you are, in my eyes, you are all the same person."

Hearing her words, the anger in Mo Yantian's heart disappeared miraculously, but the purple eyes still had deep dissatisfaction, "So, you regard me as him?"

"Is there any difference between you and him?" As long as he is Mo Yantian, then there is no difference. If it is someone else, if she treats her frivolously, how can she make him feel better?

Her earnestness soothed his restless heart a bit, Mo Yantian fixedly glanced at her a few times, and said in a dull voice after a while: "Okay, I don't need to worry about it, but."

"Huh?" There was actually a but.

"The emperor wants to come back with a kiss." He said without doubt, as many kisses as that person has, he must have as many, otherwise there will be no talk!



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