Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 211 Who Knows What Kind of Heart You Have

Chapter 211 Who Knows What Kind of Heart You Have

"The emperor wants to come back with a kiss." He said without doubt, as many kisses as that person has, he must have as many, otherwise there will be no talk!


May I ask if this is still called indifference?This has clearly reached the point of haggling!

Jun Mo first rolled his eyes, and directly ignored the man who looked indifferent and cold, but was actually childish and awkward.

Adults and villains can't communicate!

"You want to go?" Seeing Jun Mochu turned around and walked out, Mo Yantian held his breath in his heart, and his eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together. If she didn't explain it to him, she would take this opportunity to talk to him. Confession, she is leaving in the middle of the night?

Mo Yantian grabbed her arm, brought the whole person into his arms, and said coldly: "You are not allowed to go anywhere."

"Hey, you..." Jun Mochu protested, just about to say something.

Mo Yantian raised his head suddenly, purple light flashed in his eyes, and a killing intent flashed across, staring at somewhere in the darkness.

Jun Mochu frowned, knowing that he might have noticed something, and just about to ask something, a familiar breath followed.

Indistinctly, a figure flashed in this direction from the corner, and quickly ran towards the direction where her dormitory was located.

It's Cheng Chencheng.

Mo Yantian's strength is much better than hers. He doesn't know how strong Tianjie is, and he hasn't tried it, so he immediately felt that someone was approaching this place. Not surprised.

It's just that the person who came was Cheng Chencheng.

Jun Mochu's beautiful eyes lit up a bit, and when he thought of something, he quickly pushed Mo Yantian away, saying: "He is my friend, I asked him to help me collect some information."

Mo Yantian snorted, and said in his heart, your friend Ben Huang knows everything well, but will Ben Huang tell you?

Cheng Chencheng's identity and background were investigated by Feng Fei as early as the first time he got close to Jun Mochu. His identity, his background, and the details are at what age did Cheng Chencheng start walking and at what age did he start practicing martial arts? , how old and broken everything is clearly recorded.

Of course, he also naturally knew that Cheng Chencheng didn't have any thoughts about his woman, because anyone who dared to have any unreasonable thoughts about his woman would have been sent by him to chat with the real Martial God long ago.

Cheng Chencheng quietly opened the door, it was not the first time for him to come to Mochu's younger sister's dormitory, and he was already familiar with it.

But I didn't want to open the door tonight, and the first thing I saw was a man exuding coldness all over his body. A pair of extremely bewitching purple eyes stared at him indifferently the moment he opened the door, full of extreme cruelty.

Cheng Chencheng was taken aback, and subconsciously shuddered in his heart, and then quickly apologized, "Sorry, sorry, I went to the wrong building!"

He hastily closed the door.


Jun Mochu looked at the closed door speechlessly, Ciao!What kind of eyes did Cheng Chencheng have? She was so big standing here, but he didn't notice it!You only saw Mo Yantian, and you thought you knocked on the wrong door?

In fact, Cheng Chencheng is quite innocent.

It's not that he can't see Jun Mochu, but that Mo Yantian's aura is too strong, and when he enters the door, he sees the Mo Yantian who exudes a strong aura all the time. Therefore, Jun Mo It was just like this at the beginning... He ignored it.

Cheng Chencheng, who turned around and went out, suddenly felt something was wrong.

That man...why does he look so familiar?Where do you seem to have seen it?

Cheng Chencheng tried his best to scratch his head, and for a moment he couldn't remember where he had seen this man.

Regardless, it's more important to quickly hand over the information to Sister Mochu.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly walked elsewhere, raised his footsteps, and after only a few steps, Cheng Chencheng stopped again, looked at the surrounding scenery, looked at the road under his feet, and finally looked at the familiar layer behind him. attic.

No, this is obviously the dormitory of Mochu's younger sister, he did not go wrong!So, why is there a man in Mochu's sister's dormitory?

Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, Cheng Chencheng was taken aback, ah, it's him!

During the freshman competition today, the man sitting in the corner, the man who secretly warned him not to touch Mo Chu's younger sister!

Cheng Chencheng suddenly came to his senses, that guy came to Mochu's sister's dormitory in the middle of the night, wouldn't he want to do something unhealthy to Mochu's sister? !

Cheng Chencheng, who seemed to regard himself as his elder brother, hurried back and came to the place where the girl lived in the middle of the night, there must be nothing good!

Cheng Chencheng, who was worried that Jun Mochu would suffer, pushed the door open without saying a word.

However, before his hand touched the threshold, the door was suddenly opened, and Jun Mochu stood expressionlessly at the door, staring at him.

"Sister Mochu!" When Cheng Chencheng saw her, he quickly grabbed her, looked her up and down for a while, and after making sure that there was nothing wrong with her, he was relieved, rushed into the door, and saw her again Mo Yantian sat at the table indifferently.

He carefully protected Jun Mochu behind him, stared at Mo Yantian vigilantly, and asked her in a low voice, "Sister Mochu, are you okay, did he treat you well?"

Hearing this, Mo Yantian raised his eyebrows, squinting at Cheng Chencheng's movements, "What do you think the Emperor will do to her?"

Cheng Chencheng said coldly, "Come to a place where a girl lives in the middle of the night, who knows what kind of heart you have, let me tell you, no matter who you are, you'd better leave here immediately, otherwise, I'll call someone."

Mo Yantian snorted coldly, "What can you do for me, a small dilapidated academy?"

"..." Jun Mo knew at the beginning that this guy's arrogance had begun to flare up again. In his eyes, as long as it was something he didn't like, everything was small and tattered.

I really don't know what this guy's head is made of.

"Don't pay attention to him." Jun Mochu directly pulled Cheng Chencheng to sit down on the other table, "Have you found Fang Ziyun's information?"

Although Mo Chu's younger sister seemed to be really familiar with this man, Cheng Chencheng was still on guard against Mo Yantian. He took out a piece of information from his arms and put it on the table, "We found it, but it's not My credit is that Sima Zhao helped to investigate."

His status is too low, and he has no such interpersonal relationship at all, so he can only ask Sima Zhao.

"Thank him for me." Jun Mo first picked up Fang Ziyun's information and looked at it impatiently.

"Who is he?" Cheng Chencheng stared at Mo Yantian, but asked Jun Mochu.

Jun Mo said without raising his head, "Oh, him, just call him Mo Yantian."

"Mo Yantian?" Cheng Chencheng was taken aback, this... this name.

Why are you so familiar?


The third update~~Continue to codeword, continue to update

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