Chapter 213

Mo Yantian froze for an instant.

Then, Jun Mo first discovered that his face, at the speed visible to the naked eye, had two suspicious red tides...

His Royal Highness, the majestic Lord of the Dark Realm, blushed when a woman kissed him on his own initiative.

Jun Mochu suspected that he was wrong, so he couldn't help but get closer, and he really found that there were two red tides on his face that were too late to disappear.

No, he actually blush!

Jun Mochu blinked in surprise, she had seen Fanchen blushing, but he is a great god, it is normal for a monk who has never been close to a girl to blush.

But Mo Yantian actually blush...

She couldn't help touching her lips, and looked at Mo Yantian tentatively. Could it be that she... was a little too proactive?

Seeing Mo Yantian's awkward expression, Jun Mo turned serious at the beginning. She really took the initiative. It seems that this kind of thing should be done less in the future.

Of course, if Mo Yantian knew what was really going on in her heart, he would definitely be very annoyed, so what should he do less, he wished that people would come to please him like this every day.

"I said, haven't you been kissed by a girl before? Are you still shy?" Jun Mochu looked at him with a half-smile, and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Mo Yantian froze instantly, pursed his lips awkwardly, stiffened his neck and said, "Why are you shy? How can my empress be shy!"

"...Then why are you blushing so much?" He still didn't admit it.

"Hot." He's hot!My face turns red when it's hot!

"It's almost winter now, the wind is so strong, you're still hot?" She felt very cool, so cold, okay.

"This emperor is hot inside!" Mo Yantian was furious, and he retorted dryly, resolutely refusing to admit that he was... surprised just now.

Really surprised.

In Mo Yantian's heart, only men have always taken the initiative in these matters, so he was surprised when Mo Chu suddenly took the initiative.

What's more, he is used to being domineering and ruthless. Except for some bold women, many people see him as far away as possible. Who dares to treat him like her... Uh, like this?

Mo Yantian involuntarily touched his lips, and felt the heat on his face rise a little more involuntarily.

"Oh, it turns out that I'm in love."

"..." Mo Yantian.

Jun Mo shrugged at the beginning, and it's fine if he doesn't want to admit it, but Mo Yantian, who is so awkward, is really... no matter how you look at it, he thinks it is cute.

Seeing Jun Mo's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling at first, Mo Yantian looked away, suddenly felt like sitting on a needle blanket, vaguely embarrassed, and said dryly: "What are you looking at?"

"...No, I'm introspecting." After introspection, I can't really be too active.

Mo Yantian looked at her from the corner of his eyes, thinking of the light kiss just now, his thin lips raised involuntarily, but in order to prove that he was not embarrassed at all, Mo Yantian coughed a few times, pretending to be indifferent: " Well, the emperor accepted."

Knowing that you are wrong and knowing how to reflect.

For the sake of her being so well-behaved, well, I will forgive her this time.

"Accept what?" Mo Yantian's thoughts jumped too fast, and Jun Mo couldn't turn the corner at first.

"Your reflection."

"..." This guy automatically filtered her words again.

Mo Yantian raised his thin lips inaudibly. He sat on the side, couldn't help touching his lips, and suddenly thought about it again, if she... makes mistakes every time, does it happen every time... like this that?

There seemed to be a touch of softness and fragrance on his lips, and Mo Yantian suddenly fell into the biggest battle between heaven and man in history.

On the one hand, he hoped that she would make a mistake again, so that she would admit her mistake obediently, and then treat herself like this.

On the other hand, he thought that she made the same mistakes every time, either attracting bees and butterflies everywhere, or not telling him anything, if he did this every day, he would grayed in advance.

So does he want her to make mistakes, or not.

The more Mo Yantian thought about it, the tighter his brows became.

Cheng Chencheng stood aside, acting like an adult, he looked at Mo Yantian and Jun Mochu, his whole body was stiff and straight.

"You, sister Mochu, you..."

He is not dazzled, is he right? His sister Mo Chu, who has always been extremely indifferent to both men and women, actually took the initiative to kiss this man? !

Cheng Chencheng felt a little dizzy. Sister Mochu was notoriously cold in the class. Ever since she knew that she was the dean's apprentice, not only the students in their class, but even the students in other classes showed her Okay, I want to have a good relationship with Mochu's sister.

However, no matter who they are, Mochu's sister always refuses with a blank face.

This made Cheng Chencheng's self-esteem swell for a while, but fortunately, he had the foresight to establish a good relationship with Mo Chu's sister from the very beginning.

Seeing that Jun Mochu didn't want to get close to other people, and only walked with him in the whole academy, Cheng Chencheng was so excited. Sister Mochu really couldn't do without him...

However, today, he actually saw Jun Mochu, who had always been indifferent, take the initiative to show his favor to a man.

Such a picture is too stimulating to his nerves, and he was stunned for a long time and couldn't recover.

Seeing that Cheng Chencheng was still in the dormitory, Mo Yantian's good mood suddenly changed, his purple eyes were cold, "Why are you still here?"

"..." The corners of Cheng Chencheng's mouth twitched, did he really treat himself like nothing just now?

"Why can't I be here? Hey, who is that? Your name is Mo Yantian, right? Let me ask you, who are you? When did you meet Sister Mochu, how did you meet, and how long have you known each other?" I regarded myself as Jun Mochu's natal family, and a series of questions only missed the eighteen generations of the other party's ancestors.

Hmph, if you want to be with Sister Mochu, you have to let him check it first. Who knows if this man took a fancy to Sister Mochu's identity and background, and deliberately approached her?

Seeing Cheng Chencheng's boss's rude tone, Jun Mochu silently coughed, and she asked Cheng Chencheng very sincerely, "Cheng Chencheng, don't you want to go to the dark world?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chencheng's face fell instantly, "Sister Mochu, it's not that you don't know how high the threshold of the dark world is, even if brother wants to go, he won't have the chance."

Jun Mochu patted Cheng Chencheng's shoulder sympathetically, and pointed at Mo Yantian, "Put Mo Yantian's flattery more, there will be a chance."

"...Huh?" Cheng Chencheng looked bewildered.


There was a power outage at home, and I updated it in an Internet cafe. This is the first update, and I continued to code.

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