Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 214 We Are Not Short of Money

Chapter 214 We Are Not Short of Money

"...Huh?" Cheng Chencheng looked bewildered.

I don't understand what Jun Mochu said, but Jun Mochu stopped and didn't say much.

All people have bad roots.

Jun Mochu suddenly thought badly, if one day Cheng Chencheng knew Mo Yantian's true identity, what kind of expression would he have?

She flipped through Fang Ziyun's information.

Fang Ziyun is her opponent in the first round tomorrow. He is not very strong, only the sixth rank. He is the only son of a Fang family in Shengtan City. The Fang family is also quite powerful in Shengtan City.

However, Fang Ziyun is not idle and self-righteous like other noble sons. On the contrary, he practiced very hard, so other sons who got close to Fang Ziyun called Fang Ziyun a "cultivation madman".

Jun Mo touched his chin and thought carefully, "Under what circumstances can I lose to Fang Ziyun without any flaws and not be suspected?"

Hearing Jun Mochu's words, Cheng Chencheng froze, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Unless you suddenly lack arms and legs, do you think you will lose to Fang Ziyun with your strength?"

"..." Missing arms and legs, this is a bit difficult.

Jun Mo thought for a while, then glanced at Fang Ziyun's family background, a treacherous smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, "The Fang family should be... pretty rich?"

"Of course." Cheng Chencheng said: "Although the Fang family is not as good as ordinary big families, the Fang family has developed through business. There are countless industries under the name of the Fang family. It can be said that there is nothing, only It's time to pay."

"Then tell me, since the children of big families have participated in the competition, their Fang family must hope that Fang Ziyun can win." For a family, they have power and influence.

Now what they want to fight for is face, so naturally they don't want to lose the game.

"That's for sure." Cheng Chencheng said enviously, "Fang Ziyun is the only son of the Fang family. They definitely hope that he can win and win glory for the family. It is said that the head of the Fang family directly spent 50 taels to encourage his son. The buyer Ziyun won the game."

It's a pity that Fang Ziyun was unlucky, and met Mo Chu's sister in the first round of one-on-one competition.

If other people are okay, there is no lack of practitioners with sixth-level force in this freshman competition. If he meets a sixth-level force, he might really win, but he met sister Mochu.

Even he himself didn't have the confidence to fight against Mo Chu's sister, let alone Fang Ziyun.

It's really hard to win.

Jun Mochu smiled treacherously, "I suddenly thought of a good way to make money."

As soon as he heard that it was easy to make money, Cheng Chencheng immediately became interested, "How is it?"

Before Jun Mo could speak, Mo Yantian's indifferent voice came, "Are you short of money?"

"Of course." Jun Mochu said with a hint of helplessness, "Otherwise, why do you think I want to participate in the freshman contest?"

If it wasn't for the 20... No, it is said that Yin Jili has already increased the bonus to [-], why would she bother with such a thing.

What's more... She even pays her tuition fees on credit now...

"Feng Fei." Mo Yantian shouted directly.

"The subordinate is here." Feng Fei immediately hung upside down from the window again, and asked loyally: "What is the master's order?"

"Money." Throw out a word lightly, and never talk nonsense.

"Master wants money?" Feng Fei hastily stretched his hand into his bosom to feel it, and asked, "Master, do you want 1 taels of silver bills, or 10 taels of silver bills? Or do you want money?" Do you want silver? Or gold? Of course, if the master wants gold bars, the subordinates can only send someone to the bank to bring the gold bars over, but this will take a lot of time. It will take about ten days to transport it. If you go by land, the time will be shorter, about seven days, but it depends on how many gold bars you want, master. If the master needs a large amount of gold bars, it will take more time a little longer……"

After finishing speaking, Feng Fei seriously asked Mo Yantian, "Master, what kind do you want? Silver notes or gold, or gold bars."

"...I want you to shut up." Mo Yantian finally understood why Mochu hated long-winded men.Now, he has a deep understanding.

"..." Feng Fei closed his mouth obediently.

Cheng Chencheng couldn't help laughing, but Feng Fei's words still left a shock in his heart.

Judging by Feng Fei's tone of voice, if he said he would transport gold bars, he would transport gold bars...

Could it be that they are really so rich?

Gold bars... what is that concept?How much gold can a gold bar be worth?

For him, let alone gold bars, even gold he has only touched a few times, Cheng Chencheng is sad and indignant, my mother's grandma, she is poor and short-sighted, why is my brother so unbelievable!

However, why is the name Feng Fei so familiar? Cheng Chencheng patted his head as if he heard it somewhere, wondering why he couldn't remember it.

"You didn't go to the latrine, why are you still here." Jun Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at Feng Fei, the person who was said to have diarrhea to rush to the latrine.

Feng Fei said solemnly: "It's just been resolved."

"Solved on the spot?"

"..." What does it mean to solve it on the spot, treat him like a beast!When he is an animal!

Jun Mo patted Cheng Chencheng's shoulder at the beginning, and said his plan, "Tell me, if I tell Fang Ziyun that I am willing to let him win tomorrow's game, how much money do you think the Fang family will give me as a reward?" compensate?"

"Sister Mochu, do you really want to do this?" Even so, Cheng Chencheng looked excited, "The Fang family is so rich, it must not be less!"

"Very good." Jun Mochu raised his eyebrows, "Let's go, let's ask for money."

Feng Fei, who was hanging upside down by the window, fell to the ground when he heard the words, "Miss Mochu, can you have something to do, we are not short of money!"

Wouldn't it be too shameless to ask for money in this way?

"You're not bad, I'm bad." Jun Mochu left a sentence and stepped away.

Hearing her words, Mo Yantian's purple eyes were deeply locked, and there was deep doubt in his heart. She... is really poor?

Let her woman be so poor, well, it really shouldn't be.

"Feng Fei."

"Subordinates are here."

"Go and bring a few cartloads of gold bars."

"..." Feng Fei.

How many cars...Feng Feimo, master, you will be punished by God if you spend too much...


The second change, continue to code words.

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