Chapter 216 I Dislike You (Red Envelope Plus)

Because of Fang Ziyun's sincere attitude and straightforward personality, Jun Mo had a good impression of him at first, and personally sent half of the money back in the middle of the night.

Fang Ziyun was overwhelmed by the flattery, and was greatly moved, "Miss Mochu, a mere 500 million taels, is really easy for me, so you can rest assured."

Although I know that he is rich, hearing his tone of voice still makes people feel... Damn, this damn rich man!

Jun Mochu said expressionlessly: "No, you are my first customer. For the sake of future business prosperity, I must give you a [-]% discount."

Fang Ziyunmo, the first guest... Why did he feel so weird when she said this?

"[-]... off?" What does this mean?

"It's just half of your money." Jun Mochu kindly explained.

Her attitude was very firm, and Fang Ziyun felt that if he continued to refuse, it would mean that he was not mean enough, so he accepted it readily, not forgetting to praise: "Miss Mo Chu is worthy of being the apprentice of the dean, who treats money so poorly." For dung, she is a strange woman who does not climb the dragon and attaches herself to the noble."

"..." Treating money as dung?Dare he forget that the remaining 250 million taels on her was also extorted from him?

The breeze is blowing, and the sun is shining.

In Shengnan College, the entire square was once again crowded with people. Those who came to participate in the freshman competition and those who came to watch the competition were crowded with countless people.

Today is the first round of one-on-one competition.

In the eyes of everyone's anticipation, the game finally started.

Jun Mochu's order was placed in the middle, and Cheng Chencheng played before her.

Cheng Chencheng's opponent is Jiang Fan, the second class of the elite class. He is a very strong master. It is really bad luck for Cheng Chencheng to meet Jiang Fan in the first round.

However, compared to Jiang Fan, Cheng Chencheng's force is superior.

However, Jiang Fan's background is worse than Cheng Chencheng's. Jiang Fan has received various trainings since he was a child, and his strength has risen steadily, while Cheng Chencheng is just a poor man in a small tribe that is not known. He relied on his own groping, and was completely inferior to Jiang Fan in terms of experience. Therefore, even though he was behind Jiang Fan in force, he was always suppressed by Jiang Fan and was at a disadvantage as soon as he came to power.

However, I have to say that Cheng Chencheng has been able to explore his strength all the way to today's strength without anyone's guidance and training. His talent must not be underestimated. It is also true that Mu Lao valued his talent at the first sight. excusable.

Therefore, after being suppressed by Jiang Fan for a period of time, Cheng Chencheng suddenly figured out the trick, changed his previous disadvantage, and quickly became the active side, forcing Jiang Fan to nowhere to retreat, and finally ended in failure.

Cheng Chencheng wins!

For a moment, the people watching the game couldn't help being surprised.

Except for the students in the elite class, few people knew Cheng Chencheng, but definitely no one knew Jiang Fan.

Therefore, in this match, almost everyone was optimistic about Jiang Fan, and Jiang Fan did not let them down. He had always been on the stage and had the upper hand, firmly suppressing Cheng Chencheng.

However, what I didn't expect was that Cheng Chencheng would turn defeat into victory in the end!

For a while, Cheng Chencheng's name gradually emerged, and many people began to formally know him.

"Hey, I didn't expect Jiang Fan to lose. I also bought him to win the first round. This is Cheng Chencheng. Why is he so good?"

"Yeah, but this time, is there anyone who bought Cheng Chencheng to win? If not, wouldn't the banker have made a lot of money?"

In terms of betting, if someone bets successfully, then all the losers will belong to the person who made the bet successfully, and the banker will take 20.00% of the profits.

But if no one wins the bet, the money goes to the dealer.

But this time, almost no one knew about Cheng Chencheng. Maybe someone had seen him get close to Jun Mochu, but no one knew what strength he was. Therefore, who would buy him to win?

In the case that no one bought him to win, those who lost their bets, that is, those who bought Jiang Fan to win, all the money lost went to the dealer.

However, just when everyone thought that the dealer had made a fortune this time, the dealer suddenly let out a howl, and the wind quickly spread.

It turned out that no one bought Cheng Chencheng to win!

Everyone learned from the dealer that there was a young man who first bought Cheng Chencheng to win with a penny, and then raised his bet by 20 taels.

So, the young mysterious man won nearly 20 times more money with only 100 taels and one penny.

It is said that when the young man went to the banker to withdraw money afterwards, the banker asked him why he was so insightful when he was sure that Cheng Chencheng would win.

The young man simply replied, "Oh, because I only know him."

So, everyone fell silent.

Dare to feel that there are so many thunderous masters in Shengnan College, she doesn't know any of them?

Among them, Cheng Chencheng was the happiest. He stood next to Jun Mochu with emotion and sighed, "Finally someone can know that my brother is the true martial god in the future, and finally someone can see my brother's talent at a glance. And strength, sister Mochu, tell me, it is rare in the world to have someone who understands my brother so well, shouldn't my brother get to know her well? Maybe she is the confidante that my brother has been looking for for many years..."

Jun Mo Chumo, "Haven't you heard that he is a man?" She is also a confidante... She has obviously disguised herself as a man!

Cheng Chencheng stared into the distance, put on a pose that he thought was the most handsome, and said affectionately: "Sister Mochu, don't you know that the most touching feelings are regardless of gender, man or beast, or age?" What? That person actually knows that my brother is a master of the future generation, so why would my brother dislike him for being a man?"

"...Forget it, I'm sure she will dislike you." Jun Mochu said coolly.

"Why?" Cheng Chencheng was dissatisfied, "Brother, I am handsome and handsome in Yushu Linfeng, why does he dislike me?"

"Because that person is me."

"...Sister Mochu."

"I despise you very much."

"..." The perfect love that Cheng Chencheng longed for, crossing genders, ages, and humans and animals, was shattered again.

On the high stage, the teacher held the list and said loudly: "The next round, Jun Mochu, Fang Ziyun, invite two students to the arena."


The fourth update, adding more chapters, thank you a913138738, Buyu_, Zishu, limengparker for the red envelopes, there is one more update, continue to code~

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