Chapter 217 I Lost (Gold Medal Plus)

When the sun shines, the golden light is bright.

On the arena, Jun Mochu and Fang Ziyun stood by themselves, looking at each other silently.

On the steps not far away, the old god Mo Yantian sat at the top comfortably. He didn't think there was anything interesting about this kind of match that was completely unavoidable.

Xiao Xiaoxian was still waving that flag, shouting for Jun Mochu on the steps with all her might.

"Mo Chu is the brightest!"

"Mochu must win!"

In order to exaggerate the atmosphere, in order to exaggerate the effect, Xiao Xiaoxian did not forget to command the cheerleaders it found temporarily, making them twist and dance hard, waving the twinkling big red flower.

Perhaps it is precisely because of its strongest cheerleading rendering that countless people's eyes are focused on Jun Mochu.

"Miss Mochu, you must win! I bet all my money on you!"

"Hey, what are you worried about? Miss Mochu is the principal's apprentice, so she will definitely win, and I will buy her to win!"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and out of ten people, nine of them were bought by Jun Mochu.

On the steps, Feng Fei had a bitter face, shaking the big red flower, wishing he could find a hole in the ground and get up.

Damn little fairy, public revenge, he will definitely remember it!

The little fairy, who never forgets to flatter Mo Yantian, leaned in front of Mo Yantian, "Master, master, I think Mo Chu will definitely win!"

Mo Yantian raised his eyebrows, his bewitching purple eyes glanced at it lightly, and gave a faint 'hmm'.

Does his woman need to talk about her strength?

"Uh..." Because his gaze was too cold, Xiao Xiaoxian couldn't help shrinking her head, but she couldn't say a word when she was full of flattery in her throat, so she obediently returned to the front of the cheerleading team and continued. Take command.

Feng Fei glanced at the dejected Xiao Xiaoxian, his eyes flashed a bright light, he changed his previous bitter face, and said with a smile: "Xiao Xian'er, how about we make a bet."

"What are you betting on?" Xiao Xiaoxian became interested.

"Whoever wins the bet, how about giving the other party 1000 taels of silver and promising one thing to the other party who loses?" Feng Fei said with piercing eyes.

"Is there still a need to gamble? This must be Mo Chu's win!" Xiao Xiaoxian, who had no idea that Jun Mochu and Fang Ziyun had made a private agreement, said innocently and positively.

"I guess she must lose!"

Xiao Xiaoxian looked at him like an idiot, "Brother Fengfei, you are stupid, how could Mochu lose? Since you want to give money to others, how can they refuse? It's a bet!"

"Okay, I bet." Feng Fei triumphantly placed a bet with it, brat, fight with me, you are still tender.

At this time, under the order of Vice President Friesen, the competition on the arena officially began!

"Student Fang, it's up to you!" On the arena, Jun Mochu whispered to him in a voice that only two people could hear.

Fang Ziyun said: "Miss Mochu, don't worry, leave it to me!"

Almost instantly, both of them started to fight!

"Miss Mochu, come on!"

"Miss Jun, beat him! Beat him!"

"Come on, come on! Miss Mochu will win!"

"Hey, Miss Mochu's martial strength seems to be at the second level..."

"Yeah, what's going on? But she's so fast!"

For a moment, the shouts from the arena were deafening. Even though she only had a second-level force, she still couldn't refuse everyone's high hopes for her to win the game.

The battle on the stage seemed to be fierce, the two were coming and going, the battle was fierce!

But the real situation is like this.

"Student Fang, I'm going to attack you in the next game, get out of the way."

Fang Ziyun dodged in embarrassment, "Thank you, Miss Mochu, for reminding me."

"Student Fang, watch your eyes!"

"thanks for reminding."

"Pay attention to the left hand!"

"thanks for reminding!"

"Come on, give me a slap on the shoulder!"

Fang Ziyun struck down with one palm, without pain or itching.

But Jun Mochu fell backwards and screamed, "Ah!" The voice was tragic and resounded throughout the square.

Everyone was stunned.

"Quick, kick my right foot again!" Jun Mochu once again said to Fang Ziyun in a voice that only two people could hear.

"Right away!" Fang Ziyun rushed over sweating profusely and kicked her.

"Ah!" A more tragic scream came out of Jun Mochu's mouth, shaking people's hearts and souls!

In the square, someone finally realized that something was wrong.

"Why... I seem to hear Miss Mo Chu screaming?"

"It's not like she was being stepped on the ground by Fang Ziyun's foot."

"...Miss weak?"

"..." Everyone was silent.

In the entire square, there was a moment of silence, and then, the audience was in an uproar——

"Fight back! Miss Mochu, fight back!"

It seemed that the crowd's shouts called out Jun Mochu's will to fight. She got up from the ground and quickly attacked Fang Ziyun.

"Be careful, I'm going to attack your vitals."

"Okay!" Fang Ziyun hurriedly dodges, but Jun Mochu's speed is very fast, so Fang Ziyun almost exhausted all his strength in order to avoid her.

"Come back after avoiding it, and slap me on the back!" Jun Mochu said quickly.

Fang Ziyun hurried back again, "Hit, where?"

"Back, wherever you want!"

"Understood!" Fang Ziyun slapped her on the back, and he, who was sweating profusely from running, was almost limp after the slap, without any strength.

The corner of Jun Mochu's mouth twitched, Ciao, is this called a palm?

Is this considered a palm?Is it a palm that can't kill even an ant?

Jun Mochu secretly sighed, Nima, losing a game is simply harder than winning the championship...

But in order to cooperate, she still screamed quickly, then staggered and flew down the arena, as if being slapped off the stage by Fang Ziyun's palm.

If you step off the stage, you lose.

Jun Mochu looked willing to bow down, and gracefully cupped his hands to Fang Ziyun on the stage, "Student Fang is superb in martial arts, I am convinced to lose."

On the stage, Fang Ziyun, who was so tired that he could hardly stand still, was panting profusely with sweat: "Where is it, Miss Mo Chu gave up."

"..." The audience was silent.

Then, everyone discovered an even weirder thing.

Jun Mochu, who lost the game, had no dust all over his body, he was still clean and tidy, and he was unrestrained and unrestrained.

And Fang Ziyun, who won the game, was full of big men, panting, exhausted, and extremely embarrassed.

"..." The audience fell silent again.


Thank you, Lingling is here, the gold medals from yan6686 and 13935929681 have been added, thank you o(n_n)o

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