Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 218 Ginger is still old and spicy

Chapter 218 Ginger is still old and spicy

At the moment of silence in the audience, Jun Mochu returned to the arena, waiting for the judges and teachers to announce the results of the competition.

Of course, this is just a formality, the result is obvious to all, she lost.

"Cough." Ye Xuan, who never expected Jun Mochu to lose, stiffened his neck.

He looked at Jun Mochu for a while, and Mo Yantian, who was expressionless not far away, and said with a difficult tone, "This match..."

For Jun Mochu's strength, he is the one who knows best. Back in the Dark Realm, he had fought against Jun Mochu, but he was the one who lost miserably.

But now, Jun Mochu actually lost to Fang Ziyun, who was only at the sixth level. This match is... weird.

However, the facts are firmly in front of us.

Lei Li, who was flamboyant and fiery, glanced gloomyly at Jun Mochu, and said coldly: "Fang Ziyun wins this game."

The whole place was silent.

Only the Fang family who came to support Fang Ziyun cheered excitedly after the announcement.

"The young master won!"

"Ah—Young master is so powerful, he actually beat the apprentice of the dean!"

"Master is mighty!"

In the entire square, only their voices could be heard.

On the arena, Jun Mo winked at Fang Ziyun at the beginning - happy cooperation.

Fang Ziyun scratched his head in embarrassment - thank you very much.

Jun Mo turned around and was about to leave the arena in a cool manner. Suddenly, an egg flew in the air, and it was about to hit her.

Jun Mochu quickly moved away, and as soon as he got out of the way, Fang Ziyun behind him faced an egg head-on, the eggshell cracked, and the egg white and yolk sprayed all over his face.

On the arena, both of them were taken aback, what...what's going on?

Only then, countless rotten eggs and rotten vegetables were thrown up from the audience, mixed with the angry curses of everyone's dissatisfaction.

"Ah, bah! Will you fight? You actually lost!"

"I lost all my money!"

"Give us back our money! How dare you compete on stage if you're so bad! Don't be ashamed!"

"Bastard! How can I lose! I bought all the money and she won!"

The crowd boiled, and the deafening complaints rang through the sky.

While avoiding rotten eggs and rotten vegetables, Jun Mochu was a little stunned. Although if she lost, she would surely arouse dissatisfaction from many people, but she never expected that it would arouse public anger...

However, this is not the most important.

The important thing is, this is Shengnan College, where did these rotten eggs and rotten vegetables come from?

"Why are there these things!" Fang Ziyun's whole body was covered with vegetables and eggs, but he did not forget to raise his own doubts.

Jun Mochu quickly looked around the arena for a week, and soon found the answer.

I saw that Cheng Chencheng found a big cart from nowhere, as if he had picked up all the rotten vegetables discarded by others in the entire Shengtan City, and happily yelled in the square: "Come on, it's a big sale! It's a big sale! Rotten eggs cost seven taels of silver each, and rotten green vegetables cost ten taels of silver each. Don’t miss it when you pass by, everyone, hurry up and buy them, they’ll be out of stock soon..."

"..." Jun Mochu.

"..." Fang Ziyun.

I saw countless people taking out a lot of money, cleaning up the rotten vegetables in the entire cart, and throwing them all on the arena.

Jun Mo gritted his teeth at the beginning, good Cheng Chencheng, my old lady underestimated you!

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared on the arena, with rotten vegetables flying around and rotten eggs all over the sky.

Just when Xiao Xiaoxian tried her best to express that she wanted to go on stage to save Jun Mochu, and she was in dire straits, the turmoil of rotten vegetables and eggs finally stopped...

"Throwing away?" Jun Mochu was still dressed in plain and clean clothes, standing gracefully on the arena in white clothes, let alone eggs, not even a single vegetable fell on her.

"Thank you for your support. Now that I'm done throwing, I'm going down." As she spoke, she walked down the arena gracefully and calmly step by step, with an elegant posture and a calm expression.

On the stage, Fang Ziyun, the winner of the competition, had two rotten vegetables on his head, and his whole body was covered with yellow, red, and weird liquids.

He waved away at the crowd embarrassingly, "Then, then I will go down too."

He took a step carefully, but stepped on the slippery egg yolk, and rolled off the arena with a 'bang'.

"..." the audience.

It is said that this game was called the weirdest game by the later Shengnan College. Of course, this is a later story.

Jun Mo Chu, who placed everyone's expectations and high hopes, lost the game. In this game, almost everyone bought Jun Mo Chu to win, but she lost.

Therefore, just when Jun Mo thought that she could earn a lot of gambling money again, the dealer told her that besides the dealer's 20.00%, the gambling money must be shared equally with another person.

"Equal split? Why!" Jun Mo was angry at first, "Why should I share the money I won equally with others!"

The dealer looked at the betting money distressedly, and sighed sadly: "Because besides you, there is another person who bought Jun Mo and lost."

"Who?!" Jun Mo was stunned at the beginning, but he didn't expect that someone would buy her to lose.

"Principal of Shengnan College, Yin Jili." The Zhuang family was indignant. At first, he thought that Dean Yin was just joking. Who would buy his apprentice to lose? In the end, unexpectedly, Jun Mochu really lost .

"..." Hearing Yin Jili's name, Jun Mochu's mouth twitched instantly.

How could it be Yin Jili!

After a while, she finally admired him silently in her heart.

Ginger is really old and spicy...

All the money was safely collected in the space. Now, there is no need to worry about running out of money.

She left the casino contentedly. The bright moonlight stretched her figure long, showing that she was also in a good mood at the moment.

At a certain moment, beside the shadow reflected on the ground, a black shadow suddenly appeared, mixed with the cold wind, which made Jun Mochu's mind tremble, and he quickly turned to one side.

"Who!" She asked sharply, the visitor had a cold aura, like the smell of death.

The black shadow paused slightly, and the face hidden in the darkness slowly lifted up, revealing a slightly pale face.

Jun Mo was taken aback for a moment, "You are... Jue Xin!"


Juexin, who appeared in the previous article, is a member of the same Jun family as Mochu. His real name is Jun Shaoyang. He was later pretended to be Juexin and disappeared after encountering a tornado in the training place.

Today's first update, continue to code words, there will be more later.

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