Chapter 223 The Arrival of the Ocean

The faces of the people in the square were even more different, and it seemed that they were all deceived.

And the deceitful master was lazily walking down from the arena with a calm expression on his face.

She has always disliked troubles, since this match cannot be lost, then she can directly settle the battle quickly and cleanly.

In this second round of the competition, only the students who lost in the first round need to be eliminated, and those who won the first round can directly enter the third round of competition, and do not need to participate in the second round.

Therefore, the second round ended quickly, and the third round was held directly.

The opponent is still determined by lottery, but the person who draws the lottery is the one who did not draw the lottery in the first round. Both Jun Mochu and Cheng Chencheng can only wait quietly for their lottery to finish before deciding who their opponent is.

Looking around for a week, Jun Mo first saw Jue Xin. From a distance, his face was extremely pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun for a long time, and it was indescribably strange.

Seemingly sensing Jun Mochu's gaze, Jue Xin turned slightly and looked at her.

Strange eyes, with frivolous, arrogant fighting intent.

He shook the list in his hand, with anticipation in his eyes, as if he hoped to open the list and see her name.

"Sister Mochu, do you know Zhou Fei?" Cheng Chencheng asked suspiciously when he saw their eyes on each other.

"I don't know." She said flatly, she really didn't know, the person she knew was Jue Xin, not Zhou Fei.

"Then why is he looking at you?" Cheng Chencheng was even more puzzled, always feeling that something was wrong with the way Zhou Fei looked at Mochu's younger sister.

"Perhaps, the list he drew was me."

Just as he was talking, he saw Juexin walking towards the two of them holding the list.

Jun Mo frowned at the beginning, could it be that the list he drew was really himself?

Remembering what Wuyan said not to get too close to him, she pulled Cheng Chencheng back a few steps, avoiding Jue Xin who was walking towards them.

Jue Xin stopped a few steps in front of them, neither near nor far, and indifferently shook the list in his hand, turned his gaze to Jun Mochu, and landed on Cheng Chencheng.

Jun Mochu looked down, and suddenly saw the three big characters of 'Cheng Chencheng' written on the list.

"It turns out that my luck is really bad." Cheng Chencheng also saw his name, and couldn't help but lose his face, and howled angrily, "I met Jiang Fan for the first time, but I actually met you for the second time..."

How to fight this!

Both Jiang Fan and Zhou Fei are the elite among the elites. He is really unlucky. It will be very difficult to compare.

Jue Xin glanced at Cheng Chencheng indifferently, and said indifferently: "Congratulations on becoming my opponent."

His voice was stiff, but very arrogant, as if announcing that it was a great honor for Cheng Chencheng to be his opponent.

Cheng Chencheng's face suddenly sank, his impression of Zhou Fei was greatly reduced, his tone became cold, and he said coldly: "I also congratulate you, you have the opportunity to become my defeat."

"Hmph." Jue Xin snorted contemptuously, and turned his gaze to Jun Mochu, "Don't forget our agreement."

After saying that, he raised his hand, and the list flew up and landed behind his disappearing figure.

"Too arrogant!" Cheng Chencheng angrily gestured his middle finger to his leaving back, "Sister Mochu, my brother told you, never associate with this kind of person, lest you lower your standard!"

"Cheng Chencheng." Jun Mochu suddenly called out solemnly.

"...Sister Mochu, why are you so serious all of a sudden." Cheng Chencheng couldn't help touching his nose before seeing her look so solemn. Could it be that his brother's image is too rude to scare Mochu's sister?

"If possible, in this match, I hope you don't compete, just admit defeat." Jun Mochu said seriously.

Hearing this, Cheng Chencheng jumped, "Sister Mochu, what are you talking about, you actually asked me to admit defeat with Zhou Fei?"

Cheng Chencheng couldn't believe it. She didn't see Zhou Fei's attitude before. If he surrendered without a fight, what would others think of him?

Even if he doesn't care about other people's eyes, he will not allow himself to surrender like his opponent.

What's more, this is a competition for freshmen. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, no self-respecting man can do such a thing.

"Zhou Fei is not as simple as we imagined..."

Cheng Chencheng interrupted her directly, "Even so, I will definitely win this match! Sister Mochu, if you still treat me as a friend and tell me to admit defeat, you are not allowed to say it again in the future!"

"..." It was because he was a friend that he said that.

Jun Mochu Liu's eyebrows frowned even tighter. For more than a month, Cheng Chencheng was the closest to her. Cheng Chencheng has always been glib, but he is a very honest and honest person. He has been taking care of her when she is treating her eye injury. Wuyan also protects her everywhere in the academy.

She is such a person, once she has identified someone, she will regard that person's life as more important than her own.

As for Cheng Chencheng, she had already regarded him as her friend, so she didn't want any accidents to happen to him.

After all, the situation this time is not trivial.

Cheng Chencheng looked resolute, she knew that he was not trying to be brave, but a matter of maintaining his self-esteem.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little helpless, but she could only nod, "Okay, I won't say anything, but in any case, be careful."

Hearing her compromise, Cheng Chencheng smiled and said confidently: "Sister Mochu, don't worry about that, what is Zhou Fei, brother, I am the champion, you have to have confidence in brother!"

This guy... Jun Mo was helpless at first.

"Miss Mochu." At this moment, Feng Fei suddenly pushed through the crowd and appeared behind her.

Seeing Feng Fei, Jun Mo was slightly taken aback. The cold Mo Yantian doesn't like to make noise. After watching her match for a day, he was sure that she could handle it, so he didn't come to watch today's match. Feng Fei always followed her With Mo Yantian, how come here?

Feng Fei's expression changed, and with a voice that only the two of them could hear, he secretly said: "Miss Mochu, Haiyang...Miss Haiyang has also come to Shengtan City."


Second update~

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