Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 224 It's not that I won't divorce, I can't

Chapter 224 It's not that I won't divorce, I can't

Feng Fei's expression changed, and with a voice that only the two of them could hear, he secretly said: "Miss Mochu, Haiyang...Miss Haiyang has also come to Shengtan City."

Hearing this, Jun Mochu suddenly looked back at him.

Feng Fei said solemnly: "Miss Mochu, don't worry, I'm on your side." After a pause, he looked at her and blinked, "Otherwise I wouldn't have come to tell you secretly."

He looked like 'I'm only optimistic about you and my master, I will never be optimistic about other women and master', which made Jun Mochu speechless for a while.

"Actually, I want to say..." Jun Mo straightened his sleeves, put his hands together, and opened his mouth lightly.

"Miss Mochu, please tell me."

"What does she have to do with me?"

"..." Feng Fei scratched his head.

Not right.

Don't they all say that it's unreasonable for a woman to be jealous?Why does Miss Mo Chu seem to be fine?Could it be that the master is really in unrequited love?

Oh... unrequited love, Feng Fei sighed, Wuyan told him that unrequited love is the most tragic.

"Girl." Wuyan's voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of Jun Mochu's heart, "I have a colorful stone here, you can give it to Cheng Chencheng."

"Seven-colored stone? What is this?" Jun Mo first entered the space with his mental power, and found that Wuyan was using his furry claws to remove a small stone tied with a red rope from his neck. He said it was a seven-colored stone, but It only looks red.

It was fiery red, even the rope was red, no wonder there was no such thing on Wuyan's body before, and the hair on Wuyan's body was also red, so it couldn't be seen when it was mixed together.

"It's a treasure that can be defended, you ask Cheng Chencheng to take it, and let him be careful." Wuyan said.

Before Mochu treated his eye injury, he lived in Cheng Chencheng's dormitory. Although that guy was a little noisy, he brought him delicious food every day, so he didn't want to see Cheng Chencheng have an accident.

"Are you going to give it to Cheng Chencheng?" Jun Mochu was a little surprised.

Hearing this, Wuyan jumped up and yelled furiously: "It's a loan! It's a loan! I just picked a treasure from the Treasure Pavilion in the Dark Realm with great difficulty, and this is the only one that is a little bit eye-catching. But tell that kid to protect it well, don’t lose it!”

Although, compared with his previous magic weapon of protection, the seven-colored stone is really much worse, but this is the only one that is more attractive.

"..." It turned out that it was stolen from Mo Yantian, and if Wuyan could barely catch his eye, it wouldn't be too bad if he thought about it.

She reached into her bosom, pretending to take something, but actually took out the colorful stone from the space.

"Miss Mochu, you...really don't want to go back and have a look?" Feng Fei didn't know that she was talking to Wu Yan from the bottom of her heart, thought she was in a daze, hesitated for a while, and then asked persistently.

It's not that he is nosy, but as the most powerful subordinate of the master, he has to help the master end this tragic unrequited love. Since he wants to end the unrequited love, how can we do without Miss Mochu?

Hey, I don't know where Wu Yan has gone recently, otherwise I can talk to Wu Yan about it.

"It has nothing to do with me." Jun Mochu said lightly, Shengtan City is not her home, Haiyang comes here whenever he wants, what does it have to do with her?

She stuffed the seven-colored stone to Cheng Chencheng, and said half-orderly: "Take this."

"What is this?" Cheng Chencheng pulled the seven-colored stone and studied it for a while, and suddenly came over with a smile, "Could it be a token of love? Sister Mochu, brother already knows! In fact, you have been secretly in love with brother for a long time, right? Yes, like brother Handsome, charming, unrestrained and suave..."

Feng Fei snatched the colorful stone in Cheng Chencheng's hand before he could play with it narcissistically.

Feng Fei squinted his eyes and looked at the colorful stone, "Well, Miss Mochu, why do you think this looks... familiar?"

As a member of the Dark Realm, Feng Fei knew exactly what was in the Jubao Pavilion, so when he saw the seven-colored stone, he immediately recognized it.

"Oh, I also think it looks familiar." Jun Mochu nodded lightly.

"It seems to be called colorful stones... huh?" Feng Fei stared at her, the most precious thing in Jubao Pavilion!Why is it on her body!

It's fine with her, but she actually gave it to another man? !

Feng Fei stared at Cheng Chencheng several times vigilantly. This guy is indeed becoming more and more threatening to the master. What should the master do when the rival in love is strong?

It seems that we have to find an opportunity to 'communicate' with this guy.

"Well, it seems to be." Jun Mochu still nodded lightly.

"Then." Feng Fei gritted his teeth, "Dare to ask Ms. Mochu, why are the colorful stones here?"

"Do you have an opinion?" Jun Mo looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Uh..." The tone was exactly the same as the master's, and the eyes were exactly the same as the master's.

If it was Jun Mochu who was in Shengjing back then, then Feng Fei would have no fear of her, because Jun Mochu was not his opponent back then.

But now she...

It is said that Ye Xuan was almost roasted by her.

Compared with Ye Xuan, it seems... Ye Xuan is a little better?

Thinking of this, Feng Fei immediately became serious, "Of course I have no objection, the master's stuff is your stuff, there is no need to explain it."

"That's it." She took back the colorful stone, hung it on Cheng Chencheng's neck, and said seriously: "You can't take it until the game is over."

Cheng Chencheng looked at Feng Fei, then at Jun Mochu, and obviously understood that this is not an ordinary treasure. He originally wanted to refuse, but seeing Jun Mochu's serious expression, he hesitated for a while, and had no choice but to nod helplessly. , "I'll give it back to you after the game is over."

"En." Jun Mo nodded at the beginning.

At this time, on the arena, the competition between the other two students was coming to an end, and soon it was Cheng Chencheng's turn to face Zhou Fei.

Seeing that she didn't want to leave at all, Feng Fei couldn't help sighing, and said in a low voice: "Miss Mochu, do you really not mind Miss Haiyang at all?"

Hearing this, Jun Mo lowered his eyes slightly, his voice was still flat, but if he listened carefully, he could still feel that her words were much colder than before.

"If Mo Yantian really doesn't like her, he will naturally withdraw the engagement, but he has said that, he will not withdraw."

Feng Fei shook his head and looked at her fixedly: "It's not that I won't divorce the engagement, it's that I can't."


It's already one o'clock after the code is finished. Dear friends who gave gifts and gold medals today, Yinyin will be updated tomorrow. Good night╭(╯3╰)╮

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