Chapter 226

Hearing what Feng Fei said, Jun Mochu was not surprised at all.

With Mo Yantian's temperament, under normal circumstances, he would not promise anything so easily. She once thought that this marriage was actually arranged by his father.

But even so, you don't have to get married, do you?

"I think, after hearing what I said, Miss Mochu, you must think that even if the old emperor personally agreed to this marriage, it is not to the point of no return." Feng Fei guessed her intention at a glance. mind.

"Isn't it?" Jun Mochu asked back.

"Of course not." Feng Fei said seriously: "I think Miss Mochu, you should also know that the Hai family has a high prestige in the dark world, but unfortunately, Miss Haiyang's parents passed away early, leaving only Miss Haiyang as a woman , the Hai family has gradually declined, but the Hai family still has a lot of weight in the dark world, do you know how Miss Haiyang's father died?"

Jun Mo shook his head at the beginning, the shadow of the tree fell on her face, and the sunlight was refracted into golden spots.

"General Hai died to save the master." Feng Fei said in a deep voice: "The dark world and the five sects of Xianshan were not as peaceful as they are now. At that time, there were often large-scale battles between the five sects of Xianshan and our dark world. , At that time, General Hai was ordered by the old emperor to work as an undercover agent in the five sects. Seeing that he was about to complete the task of the old emperor, it was at that time that he was discovered by the people of the five sects, and they arrested the master. As a hostage, he forced General Hai to hand over all the information he stole in the five sects, otherwise he would kill the master."

Feng Fei sighed slowly, "At that time, the master was still young, and we were helpless. It was General Hai who tried his best to save the master, but he himself... returned the only orphan of the Hai family, who was the general, before his death. Miss Haiyang was entrusted to the old Huangzun. After all, the old Huangzun was a father. In order to let General Hai rest in peace, he immediately entrusted Miss Haiyang with his life, and made an oath, unless Miss Haiyang didn't want to marry, Otherwise, no matter what, the master must fulfill the last wish of Admiral Hai.”

Although Feng Fei did not personally experience this matter, after knowing the truth, he was able to understand what the old emperor did.

The master is the only son of the old emperor, and the only heir of the Dark Realm. If five sects were really killed that year, then the Dark Realm would not have an orthodox bloodline heir.

Putting aside the dark world, the old emperor is a father. General Hai exchanged his own life for the life of his son, but left the young and ignorant Miss Haiyang behind. From a perspective, the kindness is as heavy as a mountain.

What the old emperor did was just the simplest remedy.

Hearing this, Jun Mo fell silent at first.

Dazedly recalling when she was still in the Dark Realm, she could see that Mo Yantian was already very impatient with Haiyang, but because Haiyang said that she wanted to see her father, Mo Yantian still followed .

It turned out to be the case.

His life was saved by Haiyang's father. That general Haiyang not only sacrificed for the Dark Realm, but also for Mo Yantian. Whether public or private, he must respect the Hai family.

What's more, there is such an oath on him.

It's no wonder that Feng Fei would say that it's not that he doesn't want to withdraw from this marriage, but that he can't.

"It's just, Miss Mochu, Miss Haiyang has grown up in the dark world since she was a child, and she has always had a deep affection for her master. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Miss Haiyang to voluntarily withdraw the engagement. So, do you understand what I mean? ?”

He looked at Jun Mochu quietly.

This was the first time he had looked at her so closely.

I have to say that she is indeed beautiful, but it is not the kind of beauty that makes people's eyes shine, but the beauty that is getting deeper and more fragrant like old wine, like a piece of rough jade, which is constantly excavated, and finally blooms shining.

She is not like the woman he met before, she is not arrogant in victory or decadent in defeat, but she becomes stronger and stronger when she encounters strength, the more frustrated she becomes, the more courageous she becomes.

Perhaps it was because she was such a strange woman that he felt that she was qualified enough to stand by the master's side, making him willing to serve her as if he were loyal to the master.

"Why did you tell me this?" Jun Mo looked back at him at first, with a somewhat inquiring gaze.

As he said, Haiyang grew up in the Dark Realm, and the Hai Family contributed so much to the Dark Realm. As a member of the Dark Realm, shouldn't Feng Fei be more toward Haiyang than her.

But listening to Feng Fei's vaguely revealed tone, he hoped that there would be no marriage between Haiyang and Mo Yantian.

Hearing this, Feng Fei also turned serious, and his tone couldn't help revealing a bit of arrogance, "Miss Mochu, I know what you are doubting, indeed, I did this not for you, but for my master, and even more for Feng Qing .”

For the master, because he can see the affection the master has for Jun Mochu.

But, he is more, because he grew up with him, and his love is as gentle as a brother.

"Fengqing?" Suddenly hearing this name, Jun Mochu subconsciously lowered his face. She will never forget how Fengqing joined hands with Haiyang to harm her.

Blind her eyes and almost ruined her martial arts.

Seeing Jun Mochu's immediately sunken face, Feng Fei raised his forehead slightly, and suddenly asked: "Miss Mochu, can you tell me that when you first came to Shengtan City, your eyes...really? can't see?"

The corners of Jun Mochu's eyes were cold, and he said lightly: "You know the earth grain stone."

"Earth texture stone?" Feng Fei frowned, "The earth texture stone that is almost extinct on the mainland has a certain power for people with the original power of the earth element..."

Before she finished speaking, Feng Fei's face changed. She mentioned the earth grain stone at this moment, could it be that...

"But I don't know." Jun Mochu said sarcastically, "You know very well that I come from a small, backward country like the Shengjing Dynasty. I haven't even heard of earth texture stone, but thanks to General Fengqing's intention , personally handed the earth texture stone into my hands, in the name of monitoring my relationship with Wuzong, but secretly wanted to abolish all my martial arts. As for the person who attacked me that night, I know it wasn't him, but he definitely broke away from Haiyang. It doesn't matter."

"Then why did you leave suddenly?" Feng Fei hurriedly asked, no one knew what happened that night, only she knew it all.

"Don't go? Stay as an archery target?" Jun Mochu sneered: "You are right, I was indeed blind at the time, I don't know what Fengqing and Haiyang have done to me, but I can't Sit and wait, all of you in the Dark Realm dislike me and want to kill me, if I stay, I will only become a burden to Mo Yantian and make myself even more dangerous."

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