Chapter 227

Hearing this, Feng Fei couldn't sit still, "Then your eyes now?!"

This is not a small matter, he did not expect that Feng Qing would actually do this, if the master knew, given how much the master loved Jun Mo at first, Feng Qing would probably...

Thinking of the consequences, Feng Fei's face became more serious. For the first time, he almost asked Jun Mochu in a pleading tone: "Miss Mochu, can you not tell the master about this for the time being?"

Jun Mo raised his willow eyebrows at the beginning, and looked at him lightly, "Do you think that I am wronging Feng Qing?"

She didn't intend to tell Mo Yantian about this matter, she will avenge her revenge, and she also knows that Feng Fei's begging her like this must be for the sake of Feng Qing, but she wants her to let go of the person who hurt her the most , that is absolutely impossible!

"No." Feng Fei said hastily: "When you left the Dark Realm suddenly, I guessed that it was really related to Ah Qing."

His tone was a little helpless, "I should have guessed that when I saw Ah Qing's appearance that day, and it was because of this that I began to doubt Haiyang. The master is still Ah Qing, and I don't want her to stay in the Dark Realm anymore."

That's why today, he told Jun Mo Chu Kaicheng everything that he had announced.

"Miss Mochu, maybe you don't know that Fengqing is missing."

Jun Mo was slightly taken aback, "Missing?"

Before she left that day, she asked Fanchen to help her protect Fengqing. She was afraid that Haiyang would kill people, but how could Fengqing disappear?Could it be that he has been murdered?

"Yes." Feng Fei sighed slowly, "So I hope you can give Ah Qing a chance, I believe that Ah Qing will definitely satisfy you..."

Before Feng Fei finished speaking, Jun Mochu's face suddenly changed, and he stood up abruptly.

"Miss Mo Chu?" Feng Fei was startled, not understanding why she was acting like this all of a sudden.

Jun Mochu immediately flew to the square where the freshman competition was held.

Could it be that something happened to Cheng Chencheng?

In the freshman competition, only Cheng Chencheng was the closest to her. Seeing her eagerness, if Feng Fei was not the second choice, it should be Cheng Chencheng.

Thinking of this, he could only swallow all the unfinished words back into his mouth, and flew over in a hurry.

In fact, it was indeed Cheng Chencheng.

While talking with Feng Fei, Jun Mochu occasionally observed the game carefully, but just now, she clearly saw Cheng Chencheng lying on the ground dying.

Wuyan and Jun Mochu had the same mind, and Wuyan, who was trying to break through the seal, was awakened in an instant.

"What's the matter? The kid won't just hang up like this? What about the colorful stone?" Wuyan yelled.

Jun Mochu didn't answer, but flew towards the arena at a faster speed.

At this time, the judge teacher had already announced the victory of Desire, and he walked down the stage very neatly, while Cheng Chencheng lay motionless on the ground.

As the teacher of the judges, Mr. Mu, one of the teachers who admired Cheng Chencheng the most, felt that something was wrong, so he flew off the high platform and landed next to Cheng Chencheng.

"Cheng Chencheng." He called out in a deep voice.

Cheng Chencheng didn't respond, his face was ashen.

Mu Lao was startled, and quickly reached for his breath, and he was relieved when he found that he was still breathing.

Injuries are inevitable during competitions, especially when facing evenly matched opponents, and Cheng Chencheng is extremely talented. The previous battle with Zhou Fei on the stage also aroused Zhou Fei's strong fighting spirit. The two can almost be said to be They are evenly matched, so they often fight with all their strength. As long as no one is killed, it is difficult not to be injured under normal circumstances.

Therefore, Cheng Chencheng was seriously injured in an accident. He could only blame himself for not calling a stop or defending in time, and no one judged Juexin for a foul.

"Old Mu, is it okay?" Dean Friesen also asked worriedly.

Both of them fought very hard at the beginning of this match. Cheng Chencheng's talent was also a key student of the academy, and Friesen didn't want to compromise such a good seed.

Mu Lao frowned deeply, feeling that Cheng Chencheng's aura was a little weird, but there was nothing strange about his pulse, so he said: "It should be a minor injury, just temporarily unconscious."

He called other students and carried Cheng Chencheng down for treatment.

At this time, Jun Mochu had already rushed back. When Mu Lao saw her, he said: "He passed out, it was a minor injury, don't worry too much."

Jun Mochu and Cheng Chencheng were brought into the academy together by him, and Mu Lao knew that the two of them had a good relationship, so he explained.

Jun Mo nodded to him at the beginning, but he held Cheng Chencheng's pulse with one hand, "How is it, can you see it?" She said to Wuyan from the bottom of her heart.

"Look at the three inches of his armpit." Wu Yan said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Jun Mochu ignored everyone's strange eyes, directly cut his sleeve with a dagger, raised his arm, and looked at the three inches under his arm according to Wuyan's request.

I saw that the skin there was festering, as if there were countless roundworms biting and devouring it, it was extremely disgusting.

In order not to be discovered by others, Jun Mochu just took a look and put it back.

But this glance was enough for Wuyan to judge the result.

"He was overwhelmed with anger." Wu Yan said.

"What will happen?"

"The whole body corroded and festered to death."

"Crack—" With a soft sound, the dagger in Jun Mochu's hand broke.

Mu Lao looked at her suspiciously, "Mo Chu, what are you doing?" She was picking Cheng Chencheng's clothes in full view, even if they were good friends, even if Cheng Chencheng lost the game this time, they wouldn't do that.

Jun Mochu took a deep breath, shook his head at him, but his tone was extremely cold, "It's okay, can the teacher put my competition to the end, I want to follow Cheng Chencheng first to see how the injury is."

Mu Lao nodded, "You can go, I will arrange your group at the end, but you will be back in half an hour."

"Thank you teacher." Jun Mo was slightly grateful at the beginning, and then left the square with the two students who carried Cheng Chencheng away.


Thank you carin2012, 373757221, the gift of the three relatives of Xinjiezi, has been updated, and there will be a chapter of gold medals, but it is very late, dear friends, get up and watch tomorrow.

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