Chapter 228 (Gold Medal Plus)

When heading to the treatment room, Cheng Chencheng suddenly woke up and grabbed Jun Mochu's hand.

"Sister Mochu..."

"I'm here." Jun Mo held his hand tightly at first.

"There is something... my brother must tell you!" Cheng Chencheng gritted his teeth, his face pale.

"Let's talk about it later." Jun Mo didn't look at him at first, she didn't want to hear his last words like this, she won't let him have trouble!

"No, ahem, I must say it now...I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future..."

"...shut up." Jun Mochu's face was cold, hearing his words gave her the urge to kill.

"Sister Mochu... my brother is going to be unable to hold on anymore... let me, ahem, let me talk..." Cheng Chencheng said weakly, his voice full of pleading.

"..." Jun Mochu still couldn't bear it after all, if, if he really had any wish that hadn't been fulfilled, she would help him realize it no matter what.

"Sister Mochu..." Cheng Chencheng's voice became weaker and weaker.

"You say." Jun Mochu lowered his tone, with a bit of imperceptible loss.

Originally, she thought that she would hear Cheng Chencheng weakly confess his last words, asking her to do something for him.

But he didn't expect that Cheng Chencheng would suddenly grab her hand tightly, get up half of his body, and said angrily: "Brother finally remembered, ahem, finally remembered who Mo Yantian was..." He gritted his teeth, and through the gap between his teeth, Squeezed out words, "Mother, mother's grandma... Brother, cough, brother actually threatened, threatened the emperor of the dark world... Cough... Sister Mochu, you must, you must not save me...Let brother die Well, at least, cough cough, at least die sooner..."

When he was only an inch away from death, Cheng Chencheng, whose brain had failed, finally remembered who the familiar name Mo Yantian belonged to.

The emperor of the dark world!

The famous Emperor of the Dark Realm!

And he actually threatened the Emperor of the Dark Realm!

Cheng Chencheng doesn't want to live anymore, let's die... It is said that the emperor is very vengeful, and there is no hope of living anyway. He has offended the five sects of Xianshan, and the dark world, mother's grandma, it would be worse for him to continue to live die...

"..." Hearing Cheng Chencheng's words, Jun Mo was stunned for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth twitched.

Ciao, is this his last words? !

your sister!She was worried for a long time and decided that no matter what wish he said, she would definitely help him realize it, but this guy actually told him this!

But Cheng Chencheng didn't know that his words would blow Jun Mochu into a rage, and after he finished speaking, he fainted again.


At this time, Feng Fei also followed, "Miss Mochu, what's going on?"

Before Jun Mochu could answer, the fainted Cheng Chencheng seemed to feel Feng Fei coming, and suddenly woke up miraculously, grabbed Feng Fei, held him tightly, and slurred his speech, "I, cough cough , I also think of you, who are you!"

"..." Jun Mochu.

"..." Feng Fei.

"Four great generals...three attendants...Dark Realm, ahem, the most outstanding under the Emperor of the Dark Realm, the outstanding seven generals, ahem...Mother's grandma, brother actually, actually saw you, in Twisting farts|butts on the steps...dancing with big red flowers...cough cough..." Cheng Chencheng coughed out a mouthful of black blood, and fell back on the stretcher with a 'dang', with a dead gray despair on his face, "Oh, I, I will be silenced...Seeing such, such a powerful picture...I will definitely, I will be silenced, let me die, die...Living is too painful, don't, definitely don't save me..."

After finishing speaking, he took another look and was dizzy.

"..." Jun Mochu.

"..." Feng Fei.

Jun Mo raised his head and looked at Feng Fei.

Feng Fei turned his head and looked at Jun Mochu.

The gazes of the two met in the air, staring... and then staring...

After a while, Feng Fei said: "I suddenly don't want him to die."

"I think so too." Jun Mochu nodded calmly.

"It's too cheap for him to die." Feng Fei continued.

"I think so too." Jun Mochu replied calmly.

"It's so peaceful when you're dead."

"I also think so."

"So?" Feng Fei looked at her expectantly.

Without saying a word, Jun Mo grabbed Cheng Chencheng's skirt directly, pulled him up from the stretcher, and leaned into his ear, gnashing his teeth and roaring, "Cheng Chencheng, listen clearly, if you now If you dare to die, I will flog the corpse! I will flog you until you come back to life!"

Cheng Chencheng, who was in a coma, spat out another mouthful of black blood.

In a trance, he suddenly felt, why is it so terrible to want to die...

So in a trance, he thought about it again, since death is so terrible, he... better try to live.

After carrying him to the treatment room, a teacher immediately came to check on Cheng Chencheng's situation. Like Mu Lao, this medical teacher didn't see Cheng Chencheng's special, but smiled and said to Jun Mochu: "He is just being treated. I just got a small injury and passed out temporarily, don't worry, it's normal to get a little injury during the game, and it will get better soon."

Originally thought that the teacher here could have a solution, but now hearing what he said, Jun Mochu could only frown.

"We must first control the death energy in his body from spreading and rotting, go to Mo Yantian, he can restrain it." Wuyan's voice sounded from the bottom of her heart.

Jun Mochu didn't hesitate, and immediately asked Feng Fei to help, "Let's go find Mo Yantian."

Feng Fei glanced at her, the medical teacher had already said that Cheng Chencheng was fine, but she still looked so cautious, could it be that Cheng Chencheng was really hurt so badly?

But let him carry someone...

Feng Fei frowned, no matter what, compared to Cheng Chencheng's status, his status was in a world of difference, how could he do such a thing?

Jun Mochu didn't even think about it, he directly lifted Cheng Chencheng and went to him, "Hurry up, don't dawdle."

"..." Well, besides the master, he is the only person in this world who dares to order him like that.

Feng Fei accepted Jun Mochu's back on his back, took two steps, and suddenly remembered something, and said: "Miss Mochu, Haiyang may be with the master now, do you really want to go together?"

Because of her fear of Haiyang, Feng Fei hoped that she would hide for a little longer so that she could test Haiyang secretly.

Hearing this, Jun Mo paused at first, and then said lightly: "Go, just take a look, what kind of tricks does she want to play again."


Thank you 373757221, the gold medal of the heart, has been added, 02:30, I can't hold it anymore, I went to bed, good night dears

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