Chapter 229

The chaffinch is silent, and the coolness under the tree.

In the remote courtyard, Mo Yantian turned indifferently and stepped out of the main hall, Haiyang hurriedly followed behind him.

"Brother Yan, where are you going? Are you going back to the Dark Realm?" Haiyang looked forward to it.

Mo Yantian didn't answer, a trace of irritability flashed in the depths of his purple eyes, and he strode out of the main hall.

"Brother Yan?"

She followed him out of the main hall, but the courtyard door was suddenly opened, and several people hurried in.

Although Jun Mochu had already made preparations, she still frowned subconsciously when she saw the ocean as soon as she entered the door.

Seeing Jun Mochu, Haiyang was even more surprised, and blurted out: "Jun Mochu? Why are you here!"

Why is this woman here?

Haiyang was stunned, and suddenly understood something. Could it be that Brother Yan came here just to find this woman?

For a moment, Bai Teeth bit her lip, her heart churning.

I see……

It turned out to be for her!For this woman!

Compared to Haiyang's surprise, Jun Mochu just glanced at her indifferently, "Why can't I be here, or does Miss Haiyang think I shouldn't be here?"

Hearing this, the ocean is at a loss for words.

She looked at Jun Mochu and saw that her face was rosy, and she seemed to be fine. What's going on?Could it be that the control of the soul lock flute has lost its effect?

Silent for a while, Haiyang said quietly: "This is Shengtan City, of course you can stay here, but what are you doing here? Before the evidence of Li Wan's death was found, you absconded and sneaked here in fear of crime." Come on, are you trying to deceive Brother Yan? Brother Yan will not be fooled by you."

Well said, absconding in fear of crime.

A cold light flashed in Jun Mochu's eyes, and suddenly he seemed to think of something, the corners of his lips curled up, and he yelled brother Yan one by one, it was really joyful, but, will she let her continue to be happy?


Jun Mo changed his previous indifference, walked towards Mo Yantian, and took Mo Yantian's hand affectionately, "Yan~~ Didn't you say that you will never associate with other women except me? Why is there a woman here? You lied!"

She imitated those babes, pouting her mouth and stomping her feet. As soon as the words came out, she was the first to feel sick to herself, but she was willing to endure seeing Haiyang's face twisted in an instant.

Mo Yantian held her hand indulgently, "Well, not in the future."

Jun Mochu murmured unrelentingly, "I don't care, you let this woman enter this courtyard now, you should be punished!"

Mo Yantian raised his eyebrows, looked at Jun Mochu who was talking and wanted to twitch the corners of his mouth, the corners of his lips curled up inaudibly, a smile flashed across his indifferent purple eyes, and he said very cooperatively: "Punishment."

"Then... kiss me as a punishment!" She pointed to her face, with a pampered attitude like a little girl.

Without saying a word, Mo Yantian directly lowered his head and kissed her, but the target was her lips, not her face.

With a 'shua', Hai Yang's face turned livid immediately.

Jun Mochu pretended to be surprised and exclaimed, and shyly pushed Mo Yantian away, "Oh, dead face, who told you to kiss here..."

Shy on the outside, but scolding in her heart, damn Mo Yantian took the opportunity to eat her tofu again!

But... Forget it, because he cooperated with her acting so well, she just turned a blind eye.

Wuyan vomited wildly in the space, "Girl..."

He called out weakly, "I'll trouble you later, absolutely, absolutely, don't talk to me in this tone, I can't stand a scholar."

What is decisive is Mo Yantian's strong resistance, and he can respond without changing his face.

Wuyan thought silently, his skill is really not enough, he needs to practice.

Even Feng Fei, who was carrying Cheng Chencheng on his back, couldn't help but sighed with his hands on his forehead. When he was used to being strong alone, seeing her suddenly turn into such a coquettish appearance, it really scared his liver.

I just ask Haiyang to leave quickly so that Jun Mochu can return to normal.

"Why are you so shameless, you bastard!" Seeing Jun Mochu doing this, Xi'er rushed out angrily, pointing at Jun Mochu's nose and yelling, "You seduce someone's husband! , vixen! Huangzun's fiancée is my young lady, why do you ask Huangzun to drive away the young lady!"

As soon as the words fell, Jun Mochu slapped him across the face, so fast that she didn't even have a chance to dodge.

"The master didn't say a word, what's the point of you being a slave here? There are no rules!" She said coldly.

Xi'er was staggered a few steps by her slap, and nearly fell to the ground. She wiped the blood from the corner of her lips, and stared at Jun Mochu in shock and anger, "You dare to hit me?! You foxy Why did you hit me?!"

Jun Mochu slowly let go of Mo Yantian's hand, "Why?"

She sneered, "Shall I remind you, this is not the Dark World!"

In the Dark Realm, she had to worry about Mo Yantian and Fan Chen, so she endured it and didn't touch them.

However, she thought that now that she left the Dark Realm, she would still be polite to her?

"So what if it's not the Dark Realm?! Don't tell me you still want to kill me!" Xi'er was not afraid at all, with Miss by her side, she didn't believe that this bitch could do anything to her.

However, she forgot that Mo Yantian was by her side.

Hearing Xi'er's words, Mo Yantian's eyes sank, and his whole body became purple. Those slender and clean fingers were like the claws of the king of hell, firmly grasping Xi'er's fragile neck, and grabbed it in front of his eyes.

"The Emperor said so." He stared at Xi'er ruthlessly with a pair of extremely bewitching purple eyes, "I won't spare you any more presumptuousness."

Since she doesn't cherish her own life so much, then he will accept it!

Xi'er's face was flushed red as her neck was stuck and she couldn't breathe, begging for mercy and help were written in her eyes.

"Brother Yan!" Haiyang was taken aback, and rushed over, grabbed Mo Yantian's hand and begged for mercy, "Brother Yan, let Xi'er go, I apologize to Miss Jun on Xi'er's behalf, Brother Yan!"

"Get out." Mo Yantian's impatience rose to a peak, this time it directly shook the ocean, "I don't even want to see you."

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