Chapter 238 Bad news

"Come back to the dark world with me, okay?"

This is the first time, as the cold Mo Yantian, he said something similar to her request.

Jun Mo's heart softened at the beginning, and he suddenly held his hand, interlocking his fingers tightly, "You said that my business is your business, and since that's the case, your business is naturally my business."

The disappearance of Mrs. Dark Realm is a big deal for Dark Realm. Mo Yantian naturally cannot leave, so why would she leave his side at this time.

What's more, Cheng Chencheng also needs his help.

Hearing this, Mo Yantian's eyes lit up with a ray of light, interspersed with the colors of purple pupils, overflowing with colour.

"Thank you." He said, his thin lips raised lightly, and his faint smile was full of elegance.

"Do we still need to say thank you?" Besides, she was the one who thanked him.

"Since we're leaving at night, there's no need to delay. Wuyan and I will go back to the academy to help Cheng Chencheng pack his things. You can tell Cheng Chencheng for me."

Jun Mochu hurriedly said, no matter what, she still needs to make it clear to Cheng Chencheng first, but she believes that guy will not refuse, as for...

She thought of Jue Xin.

Feeling helpless in my heart, I can only wait for the turmoil in the dark world to calm down before making any plans for desperate things.

Having made up his mind, Jun Mochu no longer hesitated, and after finding Wuyan, he returned to the academy with Wuyan.

Wuyan had been living in Cheng Chencheng’s dormitory before, and Cheng Chencheng and Jun Mochu were on good terms. The students in the dormitory saw that they were going to pack Cheng Chencheng’s things, and thought they were letting him recuperate outside the academy. They didn’t doubt it, but enthusiastically helped clean it up. thing.

Cheng Chencheng was a simple person, he didn't have many things, so he packed them up quickly.

When he was about to leave the academy, Jun Mochu suddenly thought of Yin Jili.

After all, he is also her brother's master and has helped her a lot. Before leaving, she should say goodbye to him.

She turned around and went to the dean's office. Knowing that Yin Jili was no longer in the academy, she was going to tell the other teachers in the office and ask them to help pass the news.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked into the dean's office, he unexpectedly saw Yin Jili who was researching strange things.

Jun Mo stopped at first, hesitated for a while, and then called out, "Master."

Yin Jili had already noticed Jun Mochu's arrival, and when he heard her shout, he just raised his head and said indifferently: "Well, the girl is here? Just right, Wei Shizheng wants to find you."

Jun Mo took a few steps back, and said solemnly: "Master, I'm very busy." She said that she was really busy, don't look for me for big things, let alone small things, in short, just don't look for me up.

Hearing this, Yin Jili raised her phoenix eyes, slowly put down the things in her hands, and looked up at Jun Mochu, "Little girl, how dare you refuse to be a teacher?"

That handsome and handsome facial features are depicted in ink. When he smiles, he looks like a monster. When he doesn't smile, he looks more like a monster. His soft words are like the cold wind, making people feel like they are standing on the ground of ice and snow. middle.

Jun Mochu stepped forward obediently, succumbed to his lust, and said sullenly: "Okay, then... what do you want from me? Hurry up? I really have something urgent to do."

She looked at Yin Jili without blinking, hoping that he could feel the absolute sincerity in her eyes.

"Leave everything aside first." Yin Jili picked up what he had put on the table just now, it was a crystal clear white jade bottle, and handed it to Jun Mochu, saying: "Take these two A soul pill must be delivered to your brother within fifteen days."

Jun Mochu looked at the white jade bottle in his hand, and suddenly felt uneasy, "Soul Pill? What is this for?"

Before Yin Jili could reply, Wuyan was already lying on the ground in horror in the space of the Qiankun bag, "Soul Pill... This guy actually has a Soul Pill...!"

"What is this?" Jun Mochu asked quietly in his heart, seeing Wuyan's shocked appearance, this must not be Fanpin.

Wuyan didn't answer, he just muttered to himself in a daze, "How could he have a soul pill... This kind of taboo thing that can change one's life against the sky...Even in the Nine Heavens, it only appeared once... My God, who is this guy? Yin Jili? Yin Jili? This name... seems familiar, but also strange..."

Yin Jili patted Jun Mochu's shoulder, looked behind her, and said lightly: "As long as these two soul pills are taken within fifteen days after death, the soul will not leave the body for the time being. Your parents..."

He paused for a moment, withdrew his gaze from afar, fell on Jun Mochu's suddenly pale face, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, before I come back, I placed a few life seals on their bodies, which can still support them." It will take a few days, but no matter what, you must deliver these two soul pills immediately, otherwise after fifteen days, the soul will fly away, and even if I want to save... there is no other way."

"You, you mean..." Jun Mochu's face was very pale, she tightly held the white jade bottle in her hand, biting a trace of blood on her lower lip, "My parents..." Dead?

Those two words, like a taboo, prevented her from saying it.

How could her parents die?

Didn't they say that father and mother are with brother?

Her brother Jun Chen laughed... Isn't he very powerful?How could such a situation be encountered?What about her brother?Did something happen?What will happen?

"What are you afraid of?" Yin Jili snorted coldly, pinched her face involuntarily, and said, "There is a teacher here, what are you afraid of? Be good, listen to the master's words, and take these two soul pills to the dust Laugh there, but you must remember that you cannot tell anyone anything about Soul Pill, you know?"

People cannot be resurrected after death, Jun Motian and Liu Qingyun are already dead, but now he is changing his fate against the sky, trying to bring them back to life.

Soul pill, a seemingly ordinary pill, is a treasure that everyone in the nine heavens fights for. For thousands of years, only five pills have appeared in total, and each soul pill can completely preserve a person's life. Soul, as long as the soul can be preserved intact, there is a chance to be resurrected from the dead.

At this moment, Yin Jili used such a precious thing on Mochu's parents without hesitation, which made Wuyan wonder if there was some kind of special relationship between Yin Jili and the Jun family couple. relation?

Yin Jili raised his head, his seemingly soft eyes contained fatal murderous intent, "Hmph, that old man of the Feng family dares to touch even my people, see if I don't overthrow your lair..."


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