Chapter 239

Coming out of the dean's office, Jun Mochu's face was still pale.

She still couldn't accept the sudden news of her parents' death.

She has been reborn in this world for 17 years. As her elder brother Jun Chenxiao, she has never met him, so she doesn't know what kind of person he is. However, her father and mother are the only people who cared and loved her for 17 years. How could she just die like this... …

"Girl, don't be in a hurry." In the Qiankun bag space, Wuyan comforted Jun Mochu and said: "Then Yin Jili is definitely a powerful guy, don't worry, since he can get such a taboo as the soul pill It will surely save your parents."

He thought, now Yin Jili must be looking for the tree of life. The tree of life is the origin of every continent, containing infinite power of life, whether it is in the Yuncang continent or in the nine layers of heaven. There is a tree of life on the ground, as long as you can get the spring of life conceived in the tree of life, it is a breeze to revive the Jun family couple.

Therefore, the soul pill is called a taboo thing that can change one's life against the sky.

With it, it is equivalent to having a second life. The preciousness of this thing cannot be expressed in words.

Therefore, he became even more curious about Yin Jili's identity.

This is the first time it has seen Yin Jili. Before he came to the academy on his own, but he stayed at Cheng Chencheng's place all the time. He only heard Cheng Chencheng mention that Mochu was with Yin Jili, but he didn't take it seriously. In fact On Yuncang Continent, there are only the miracles in the original trial ground, and the person imprisoned in the black hole in the forbidden area of ​​​​the dark world, and he hardly pays attention to it.

Now he suddenly discovered that the Yuncang Continent is not as simple as imagined, and Yin Jili is definitely not from the Yuncang Continent.

He believed that Yin Jili must have descended from the Nine Heavens Realm for such a generous gesture, but what he didn't understand was why he valued Mo Chu's parents so much.

Jun Mo bit his lip at the beginning, did not speak, and tightly held the white jade bottle containing the soul pill in his hand.

The crystal clear jade bottle is not like anything in the world, but it is actually lying in her palm at this moment.

Holding the jade bottle was like holding the lives of her parents tightly in her hands, making it impossible for her to let go.

"Girl..." Wuyan was helpless, knowing her mood at the moment, but he could only accompany her silently and comfort her silently.

After hesitating for a moment, he still said: "It is said that Wuyan Mountain is the headquarters of the Five Sects of Xianshan Mountain. According to Yin Jili's words, it will take ten days at the fastest to start from us, not to mention that it is the headquarters of the Five Sects of Xianshan Mountain. Zong, I'm afraid they have known our identities for a long time. It's not easy to go in. It will definitely take more time to come and go, but we only have fifteen days, girl, we should set off immediately."

Yin Jili said that before he left, he placed a life seal on the Jun family and his wife, which can maintain life functions for a few days, but Yin Jili has returned to Shengtan City now, and according to the time, maybe today, or tomorrow , Mochu's parents will really die. Once they die, there will only be fifteen days.

When she originally thought that Jun Mochu would remain silent forever, she suddenly let out a faint 'hmm'.

"Girl?" Wuyan called out worriedly.

"I'm fine." Jun Mochu took a deep breath, glanced at the white jade bottle in his hand, and put it in the Qiankun bag with a thought.

Holding it in the palm of her hand can make her feel that if her parents are not dead, that is their fate. However, reason tells her that money is not in vain. Although it can make her feel at ease in the palm of her hand, it is easy to lose it. The safest place.

Wuyan breathed a sigh of relief, and his tone was a little relieved, "I know you are a strong person, there is no obstacle you can't overcome, no matter what, I'm here."

Jun Mochu silently nodded, "I know."

Thank you.

She added another sentence in her heart.

Wuyan is connected with her mind, so he can naturally hear her words.

"Hey, Feng Fei and Cheng Chencheng." Wu Yan was taken aback suddenly, feeling their aura.

Jun Mo raised his eyes for the first time, and he saw the people coming out of the alley in front. Feng Fei was carrying Cheng Chencheng on his back, and seemed to have seen them, walking towards them.

Wuyan wanted to go out from the space. Jun Mo first glanced at the surrounding people, and Feng Fei had seen her summon Wuyan, so he must have suspected it. She didn't hide it, and summoned Wuyan from the space with a simple move. come out.

Wuyan jumped up and landed on Cheng Chencheng's back, "Hey, I said you brat, why don't you take a good rest and run out?"

Although Wuyan has the body of a beast, like a small fiery red puppy, he still has some weight on his body, and a lot of the flesh on his body is rotten, causing Cheng Chencheng to grin his teeth and let out a cry of pain when he stepped on it.

Feng Fei explained: "He heard us say that he was going to the Dark Realm, and he didn't know when he would be able to go back, so he wanted to find a student in the college, who was said to be a fellow from his neighboring village, and wanted to write a letter back to his hometown. The relatives of the tribe report that they are safe."

"Just write it down and let us send it to save you." Wuyan scratched Cheng Chencheng's ear, "You kid is really capable of torturing people."

Cheng Chencheng smiled wryly, "How can I write when I can't even raise my hand? My fellow has a weird temper. If I don't tell him personally, he won't believe it's me. I have to go find him myself."

Wuyan rolled his big blue eyes, and waved at Jun Mochu who was coming from a distance, "Girl, come here and teach this kid a lesson, what are you trying to do... Get out of the way!"

Before he finished speaking, Wuyan's face suddenly changed, and he quickly grabbed Feng Fei's skirt with his claws and dragged him to the side.

The sudden change made Feng Fei startled, his sense of danger was not as sensitive as that of the beast Wuyan, plus he was carrying a person on his back, the speed of dodging almost paused, and then he felt a long claw grabbing him A sharp pain spread from his abdomen, he slipped his hand suddenly, and Cheng Chencheng on his back fell to the ground.

Jun Mo saw only a blue shadow approaching quickly, and suddenly laid hands on Feng Fei.

The pretty face suddenly changed color, because she realized that the man was actually Hai Yang.

Hai Yang, who had succeeded in one blow, was no longer as fragile as before. His white fingers were stained with blood that kept falling down, and his eyes were condensed with a cruel killing intent. Upon closer inspection, there was a bit of bloodthirsty red color. .

She put her bloody finger on her red lips and licked it, as cold as frost: "Don't you really want to force me to show my true colors? Congratulations, you have done it!"


The third one is delivered,

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