Chapter 244

In fact, Wuyan was right to be concerned.

Fortunately, there is plenty of spiritual power in the Qiankun Bag, and practicing here will have a multiplier effect.

So on the third day, Jun Mo woke up.

"Sister Mochu, you finally woke up!" Cheng Chencheng was so excited as if he had woken up, and before he could congratulate her on becoming a holy rank powerhouse, Jun Mochu interrupted him in a deep voice, "Wuyan, what day is it now?" gone?"

Wuyan looked at the expressionless Jun Mochu, stretched out his paw and bit it, and said with a wry smile, "The tenth day."

tenth day……

Jun Mo's heart trembled at the beginning, that is to say, she still has five days left...

five days.

She got up abruptly, left the space without saying a word, and hurried to the east.

Shengtan City is located at the junction of the Dark Realm and the Five Sects of Xianshan Mountain. It is still too far from here to Wuyan Mountain, but she only has five days.

"Tell me, will Sister Mochu make it in time?" Cheng Chencheng looked at Wuyan worriedly. Originally, he also wanted to find space to go on the road with Sister Mochu. I can only stay in the space obediently.

Wuyan shook his fiery head, and sighed old-fashionedly, "'s hard to say, if it was the girl from before, it would probably take ten days, after all, she only had the strength of the seventh level at that time, so the speed was naturally slow A little bit, but now the girl is already a holy rank strongman, and a holy rank strong man travels thousands of miles a day, so he should be able to get there, just be afraid..."

His big blue eyes inevitably became a little worried.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Wuyan Mountain is the headquarters of the Five Sects of Immortal Mountain." Wuyan looked at his paws. After Mo Chu broke through, he got a lot of benefits because of the contract, and it changed back to its previous size. "Ours Those who belong to the Five Sects of Immortal Mountain may have already found out clearly, and it may not be easy to enter the Five Sects, but the girl only has five days, if she is trapped in the Five Sects, she will really be doomed."

"What are you afraid of? Sister Mochu is now a strong man in the holy rank. Who is her opponent? Come and kill the other!" Cheng Chencheng said in a gloomy manner, as if he was the one who broke through the holy rank. Can be proud.

Wuyan gave him a blank look, "You've been beaten stupid by Juexin, do you know what it means to kill an elephant with too many ants? It's hard for one person to defeat a thousand troops. That's the enemy's headquarters, let alone thousands of troops. Our girl has only one person, no matter how strong one person is, she is no match for thousands of troops, you know, unless the girl is a god."

Cheng Chencheng scratched the back of his head, he hadn't thought about it, so he humbly asked for advice, "Then what should I do?"

Wuyan was helpless, "One step counts as one step. The most important thing now is to rush to the five sects of Xianshan first."

There is no day and night in the Qiankun bag, but fortunately, you can see everything outside the space, and rely on the time of the outside world to calculate the time.

After a day, Jun Mochu has arrived at Yingshan Village, Wumeng Town.

Looking at the three big characters "Wumeng Town" at the gate of the town, her speed, which had never weakened at all, suddenly stopped.

She summoned Cheng Chencheng out of the space, panting slightly, it was the result of the non-stop driving all day and night.

"Your home." She pointed at Wumeng Town and said to Cheng Chencheng.

Cheng Chencheng's heart warmed, and he couldn't help smoothing the hair on her forehead. Unexpectedly, she remembered the hometown he casually mentioned to the registered teachers at the college that day, but she remembered it clearly.

Who said she was a difficult, cold and heartless person?

She is more careful than anyone else. Once she recognizes you, she will give you the best help and care, and silently remember all the good things in her heart. How can such a woman not be distressed.

Cheng Chencheng softened his voice slightly, and said: "My home is still a little far away from here. It's in the tribe in the ravine beside Yingshan Village, Wumeng Town. Sister Mochu, don't worry about me. I won't go home. Let's continue on our way, don't Time wasted."

Jun Mo blinked at the beginning, then nodded lightly, "Yeah."

She originally intended to let Cheng Chencheng go home and set off on her own. After all, the five sects of Xianshan are not a safe place, and she was afraid of implicating him, but since he didn't go back, she didn't force it. She had the space to keep them safe.

Cheng Chencheng was about to ask Sister Mochu to put himself into the space, when he suddenly heard a familiar voice, the voice was crisp, and there was shock and panic in his pleasant ears.

"You guys... Get out! Let me go! Let me go, you bastards!" Not far away, a woman was tightly clutching the open front of her chest, and was constantly struggling under the molestation of three men.

"This girl is very exciting."

"Grandpa likes such pungent things."

"Haha, I'll go first later, don't fight with me!"

The three slick-tongued men talked loudly and unscrupulously, and there were many people watching the excitement around them, but no one stepped forward to help. It seemed that these three men had committed crimes long ago.

Cheng Chencheng paused, looking at the woman, his eyes showed surprise and deep complexity.

"What's wrong?" Although Jun Mochu was anxious for time, he still asked with concern when he saw Cheng Chencheng's expression.

Cheng Chencheng didn't speak, but just looked at the woman, clenched his fists tightly.

As if feeling Cheng Chencheng's gaze, the woman looked towards them, her eyes lit up instantly when she saw Cheng Chencheng, and she cried a little, "Chen, Chen..."

"Sister Mochu, wait for me, right away!" Cheng Chencheng dropped a sentence, flew towards the woman in an instant, kicked the three gangsters away, "Get out."

"Who are you, you dare to control me..." Before the gangster could speak, Cheng Chencheng punched him flying.

The remaining two gangsters shuddered suddenly, and found that the person who came was actually a seventh-level expert, but they were only a fourth-level expert, so they ran away in fright.

After beating the three gangsters away, Cheng Chencheng took a look at the woman, took off his coat silently, put it on her body, and said calmly: "Exit the town and go east, it's closer to your home."

After speaking, he stood up, "Sister Mochu, let's go."

"Chen!" The woman panicked, hugged his arm quickly, and cried, "I don't want to go back, I'm here to find you! But, but I don't know where Yingshan Village is, and I met a high-level monster on the road You will be hurt by them, by them..."

Jun Mo clearly felt Cheng Chencheng's back was stiff at the beginning. She wanted to say something, but Cheng Chencheng sneered: "Come to me? Miss Mo, I heard you right, don't forget, I, Cheng Chencheng, have no money and no identity , even your servants can’t compare, didn’t you tell me to go as far as I could? You said to come to me now? Are you kidding me?”

At that time, he thought with joy that she would not dislike his identity and status, as long as the two of them were together, that was enough, even if her parents disagreed, as long as she was willing, he swore that he would treat her well for the rest of his life, But it turns out he was naive after all.

However, he still needs to thank her for being the one. If it wasn't for her, he would not have come to Saint-Tan City with a dream in mind, and would not have met her in Saint-South College. Mo Chu's younger sister.

"No!" Mo Tingting cried and shook her head, regretful in her heart, "I was angry, and I was angry!"

Cheng Chencheng let out a sigh of relief, slowly pushed her hand away, and said sarcastically: "Angry words? You can trample on other people's dignity with a single angry word from Miss Mo? Sorry, I don't want to mention these things again. I don't have time to talk to you about this, so go away and don't come to me again, the relationship between us has already been broken."

He took Jun Mochu's hand and was about to leave.

In Jun Mochu's heart, Cheng Chencheng has always been simple and honest, occasionally committing crimes, and bragging about himself, but he is a very simple person, never treating others with such cynicism, this is her first time To see him like this.

Come to think of it, he really let go of his affection for this Miss Mo, but the more affection he has, the more he will be hurt.

Seeing Cheng Chencheng holding Jun Mochu's hand, Mo Tingting finally burst into tears, "Is it her? Are you already in love with her? How could you, how could you change your mind so quickly, how could you treat me like this... ..."

Cheng Chencheng pursed his lips tightly, did not speak, but pulled Jun Mochu away.

He ignored it, and Jun Mochu was not a meddlesome person, so he left silently.

However, Mo Tingting was not reconciled, and rushed towards Cheng Chencheng, hugging him tightly, "Chen, I was wrong, please don't do this, please, give me another chance, please, I will definitely not." Tell you those things again, forgive me, forgive me."

Jun Mo glanced at him for the first time, felt his body tense, and frowned slightly.

Faced with such pleadings from his beloved, the wall of Cheng Chencheng's heart was finally broken again. He looked at Jun Mochu pleadingly, "Sister Mochu..."

Jun Mochu had no choice but to nod his head, "Take it."

Cheng Chencheng finally let go of his heart, "Thank you, thank you."

In the end, he couldn't let her go alone. When he saw Mo Tingting in Wumeng Town, his heart softened. She came here from thousands of miles to find him. On the way, she encountered a high-level monster and was injured. , reduced to the point where even people of the fourth rank dare to bully her, how could he not be moved.

However, with the addition of Mo Tingting, Jun Mochu didn't know her identity at all, and he couldn't act rashly to expose the Qiankun bag in front of her. In this way, he could only hurry on his way.

The three of them were on their way together, Cheng Chencheng was at the seventh level, Mo Tingting was at the sixth level, their speed was much slower, but Jun Mochu could only cater to their speed, slowing down his pace, after a day, the distance was still less than Jun Mo At the beginning of yesterday, half of the journey alone.

Seeing that two days have passed and there are still tens of thousands of miles away from Wuyan Mountain, not only Jun Mochu is impatient, but even Cheng Chencheng has become anxious. Several times he wanted to ask Jun Mochu to leave by himself, but he was worried again When he arrived at the five sects of Xianshan, he couldn't put her in danger alone.

But he couldn't leave Mo Tingting behind.

Cheng Chencheng knew that the fact that Mochu's sister had a magic weapon of space could not be leaked out, otherwise he would face more than just being chased and killed.

He was very grateful to her for trusting him so much, so he didn't propose to let Mo Tingting enter the magic weapon of space with him. Seeing that the day passed like this, he was more anxious than guilty.

If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid that the current speed of sister Mochu and Mochu would have reached the fifth sect of Xianshan.

Mo Tingting, the eldest lady, was on the road without eating or drinking for a whole day. She thought that Jun Mochu would ask for a rest at night, but she didn't expect that she would still keep on going. Mo Tingting couldn't help complaining.

"Miss Jun, although I know you are in a hurry, you must rest. We haven't eaten for a whole day, so our bodies can't bear it." Mo Tingting accused dissatisfiedly.

When she saw Cheng Chencheng and Jun Mochu together, she regarded Jun Mochu as her rival in love, always sticking close to Cheng Chencheng, as if she was afraid of being snatched away.

Hearing this, Jun Mo didn't stop at the beginning, but turned his head lightly and said: "You can rest by yourself."

Mo Tingting frowned, "You didn't stop, how dare we rest." Her tone was a bit sour, Jun Mo was going to hurry, and Chen must have followed her, how could he stop.

Sometimes she wondered whether Chen really fell in love with this woman, or why, he would listen to whatever she said, and would not take herself seriously at all.

"Tingting." Cheng Chencheng frowned, "Don't say such things, sister Mochu is really in a hurry."

"It's urgent, no matter how urgent it is, there is always time to eat and drink, right?" Mo Tingting pouted, and pulled Cheng Chencheng's sleeve aggrievedly, "Chen, I haven't eaten all day, and I'm tired again I'm hungry again, after driving so much, can't I stop and rest for a while? Just for a while, okay?"

She said she was hungry, but why wasn't Cheng Chencheng hungry? In fact, he didn't eat for a day. He was fine when he was in the space. There were a lot of poultry in it. .

But he knew that Mochu's younger sister hadn't run out of water since she was on her way yesterday, so he kept silent.

Sighing softly, Cheng Chencheng could only comfort his beloved woman softly: "Tingting, bear with it for a few more days, okay? Sister Mochu is really in a hurry..."

Seeing his flattering Jun Mochu's eyes, Mo Tingting felt even more dissatisfied, and simply stopped where she was, and said angrily: "Okay, since it's urgent, you can go on, if I don't leave, I'll stay It's here, you follow your little sister Mochu to work!"

After finishing speaking, she went directly to a tree, sat down with her hands clasped, and did not show Cheng Chencheng any shame.

She didn't believe that Cheng Chencheng would really leave himself in this wilderness.

Seeing her stop, Cheng Chencheng could only turn his head, anxious and depressed, "Tingting, don't act like this..."

"How am I doing?" Mo Tingting turned her head and glared at him. As soon as the words came out, her eyes turned red again, "I've been thinking about finding you for the past month, but my father didn't agree, so I ran out secretly. Knowing the way, I searched all the way, asked people all the way, met bandits, and no one helped me, met high-level monsters, finally escaped from death and came to Wumeng Town, and was bullied by three hooligans. I can't sleep well, if it wasn't for you, why would I have suffered like this! Now I have to take a rest, can't I?"

"Ai, don't cry..." Seeing her crying, Cheng Chencheng took all the reproaches out of his mouth, and patted her on the back distressedly, "It's my fault, it's my fault, don't cry... "

Mo Tingting is a young lady from a family in the Dark Realm, her father is a duke, and she is a veritable young lady. She has never experienced such hardships. When Cheng Chencheng heard her say that, his heart softened immediately. He looked at Jun Mochu, a little Embarrassed, and a little guilty, I wanted to say something, but saw Jun Mochu stopped, and said lightly: "Rest."

Cheng Chencheng heaved a sigh of relief, and wanted to thank her, but Jun Mochu had already walked under another tree, sitting on the ground with a blank expression on his face.

As the moonlight fell and the shadows of the trees swayed, the tiredness hidden under the bangs on her forehead loomed.

Cheng Chencheng's heart tightened, and he suddenly became dumb, not knowing what to say.

"Chen, I'm so hungry. Let's go to see if there is any game nearby. Can you get something to fill your stomach?" Seeing that Cheng Chencheng was willing to stay for her, Mo Tingting felt more at ease. After complaining, she knew enough was enough, so she just said in a low voice. .

Cheng Chencheng was stunned, and subconsciously glanced at Jun Mochu again, and quickly said: "Tingting, you can enter the city after passing here, or we can rest here first, and then buy something to eat when we enter the city. okay?"

It was a waste of time to hunt wild game, clean it, start a fire, and barbecue. He didn't want to say it directly, but he said it tactfully.

"But I'm very hungry now." Mo Tingting looked at him wronged, "I'm really tired and hungry."

Cheng Chencheng looked hesitant.

Seeing her like this, Mo Tingting simply stood up and said depressedly: "If you don't go, I will go by myself!"

After that, he walked into the depths of the woods a little angrily.

Cheng Chencheng looked at her back and sighed helplessly.


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