Chapter 245 Going Alone ([-] words including red envelopes and more)

Cheng Chencheng looked at her back and sighed helplessly.

He tilted his head slightly, glanced at Jun Mochu who was leaning on the tree with his eyes closed and recuperating, and for a moment, his heart was filled with distress.

What she bears on her body is the lives of both her father and mother. She is clearly in dire straits, but for him, she endured Tingting. If it were someone else, she would have killed someone long ago.

But he knew that Tingting was the woman he liked.

He really liked Mo Tingting very much, and it was the first time he had the feeling that he wanted to be with a woman forever, so he couldn't leave her behind.

It's just that sister Mochu can do this for him, why can't he.

Cheng Chencheng suddenly made a decision in his heart, he stood up and called out Mo Tingting who was about to enter the depths of the woods.


Mo Tingting turned around quickly, her eyes brightened, "Will Chen come with me?"

Cheng Chencheng smiled gently at her, and said softly: "Come here, I have something for you."

"What is it?" Mo Tingting was convinced, and ran over happily, "What is it?"

She knew that Cheng Chencheng had no money, so she always gave her some weird things in different ways, but she didn't need Cheng Chencheng to give her expensive things, instead she liked those little things more.

Cheng Chencheng smiled slightly, put his hand on her head, and stroked her hair affectionately.

Mo Tingting blushed, Chen being nice to her in front of this woman, did it mean that she was more important to Chen?

Feeling his hand come down to her neck little by little, Mo Tingting's face turned redder, she was a little embarrassed, and was about to coddle something, when suddenly, she felt a pain in the back of her neck, and her eyes were suddenly plunged into darkness.

Cheng Chencheng caught her fallen body, held her in his arms, and walked towards Jun Mochu step by step.

As if feeling something, Jun Mochu slowly opened his eyes, seeing Mo Tingting who had passed out, she was slightly startled, and met Cheng Chencheng's eyes.

Cheng Chencheng lowered his head and said, "Sister Mochu, I'm sorry..."

Jun Mo frowned.

Before she could speak, Cheng Chencheng said again: "Let us enter your magic weapon of space together, don't worry, as soon as she wakes up, I will immediately stun her again, and I will never let Tingting find out where she is .”

Gently moving the long and slender fingers lying in front of him, a hint of warmth appeared in Jun Mochu's indifferent eyes, "Actually, it doesn't have to be like this, you can keep it to accompany her."

Cheng Chencheng shook his head, looked at her, and said firmly, "I love her, but I don't worry about you. Although I may not be able to help you, at least I can know your situation."

Jun Mochu looked at him silently.

Cheng Chencheng smiled, imagining that he would hook her shoulders as usual, but found that he couldn't free his hands, so he could only smile shyly: "Don't look at my brother like this, or my brother will mistakenly think that you are in love with me, the love rival of the Emperor of the Dark Realm , I can't bear this title, I said I will take care of you, and I won't leave you behind."

Jun Mochu continued to look at him.

Cheng Chencheng sighed helplessly, "Okay, okay, to be honest, as long as you obediently call me brother, brother will be satisfied, ah... If you marry Mo Yantian in the future, he will also have to call after you My brother is now, uh, to be able to become the emperor of the dark world, it really feels very impressive!!"

"……"Fool.She dropped a sentence in her heart, but the corners of her lips rose slightly.

In the world, besides her relatives, parents and lovers, she can also have a confidant who understands you and supports you so much, what else is she not satisfied with?

She stood up, took out a pill from her bosom, handed it to Cheng Chencheng and said, "Feed her, it will let her sleep peacefully for a few days, it won't affect her body, if you attack a girl, you Don’t feel sorry for me, I have pity.”

Cheng Chencheng smiled wryly, who said he didn't feel distressed, but that was the only way out, and now letting Tingting sleep peacefully for a few days is the best way.

After feeding Mo Tingting the medicine, Cheng Chencheng entered the space without saying a word, and Jun Mochu heaved a sigh of relief. A new round of running around was about to start again.

Hurrying alone, running around day and night, even a saint-level powerhouse can't bear it, but Jun Mochu didn't feel normal at all.

They didn't intend to persuade her in Wuyan in the space, because they knew that even if they persuaded her, it would be useless. They might as well recharge their batteries in the space, so that they could continue to help her run around when she was tired.

Without the obstruction of people, Jun Mochu was able to travel unimpeded by himself. The speed of the holy rank powerhouse was almost a thousand miles a day, but with her driving day and night, it was not only a thousand miles, she never stopped for four consecutive days Jun Mochu finally arrived at the main city of the Five Sects of Xianshan on the morning of the fifth and last day.

The main city here is similar to the imperial city in the dark world, it is the headquarters of the five sects of Xianshan, and Wuyan Mountain is behind the headquarters, that is to say, if you want to reach Wuyan Mountain, you must pass through the headquarters of the Wuzong of Xianshan.

The five sects of Xianshan who can dominate the entire Fengyun plane together with the dark world, the entire main city is like a lion sleeping, and its majesty and grandeur are not at all inferior to the imperial city of the dark world.

Far away, the solemn gate of the city was heavily guarded, carefully checking every person who entered or left the main city.

Jun Mochu stopped outside the city gate. At this time, her face was a little pale, her lips were chapped and peeling, but her eyes were fixed on the direction of the city gate for a moment.

She wasn't sure if the city gates here had any restrictions like the Dark Realm. The Dark Realm's restrictions were aimed at the Five Sects of the Immortal Mountain. At that time, it was Fan Chen who helped her resist the restriction. The prohibition at the gate of the city was not touched.

Jun Mo thought about it at first, wondering if there were restrictions in Wuzongli, she hesitated for a while, and asked Wuyan in the space.

"Wuyan, can you feel the barrier at the city gate?" She didn't have time, and she had to see her brother before today.

Wuyan didn't answer, but Jun Mochu felt that his spiritual power was spreading out continuously, and he was investigating.

After a while, Wuyan slowly opened his big blue eyes and shook his head, "No, but girl, you still have to be careful. I feel that there are many dark but powerful auras in the main city."

The restriction of the dark world is for those who possess the original power.

However, the five sects of Xianshan have no limitations. They recruit practitioners with the original power, but there are not many people with the original power on the road. Therefore, most of the disciples in the five sects of Xianshan are also ordinary cultivators. Only those with strength can become core disciples.

"Yeah." Nodding his head, Jun Mochu expressed that he knew.

Now that she has come to the enemy's headquarters, if it was before, she would definitely make a fuss, but the situation is different now, she cannot be tied down by anything.

Thinking of this, she decided to enter the main city without alarming those experts.

She glanced at herself, the clothes on her body were still stained with blood, and she went straight on her way as soon as she woke up that day without changing her clothes, so going in like this must be eye-catching.

She casually took out a large cloak from the space, covered herself, and then walked towards the gate of the city seemingly inadvertently.

There are many people entering the city, but there are three entrances and exits, so it will be her turn soon.

The guards guarding the city came up to check, "What's your name, where did you come from? What did you do in the city? Where is your ancestral home?"

Jun Mo raised his eyebrows at the beginning, and said calmly: "Han Qingqing, who came from Shengtan City, went to the city to find my brother, and his ancestral home is Shengtan City in Yi Kingdom."

"Do you have an ID card?" The guard asked lazily. Thousands of people come and go here every day, repeating these few words every day. Over time, they didn't pay much attention.

The guard stretched out his hand, habitually wanting to take the ID card, and prepared to glance at it casually before returning it to the person.

And this identity certificate is the identity document in each country, and the document will record where you are from.

However, after holding up his hand for a long time, he still hadn't handed in his ID card. He was startled, and turned his head impatiently, "Where's the ID card?"

He was stunned for this brick, staring blankly at Jun Mochu's delicate and pretty face, and couldn't help but brighten up.

It’s been a long time since I saw a little girl with such a sign. Those young ladies have carriages to pick them up when they go out, so they can’t see their true faces at all. When they suddenly saw such a beautiful girl, the decadence of guarding the city for the past few days was instantly wiped away. lights up.

"No." Jun Mochu replied.

She has a lot of identity documents for the nationality of Sunset City in Shengjing, but she can't take them out, because once she takes them out, her identity will be exposed.

"No?" The guard raised his voice in a strange way, and immediately approached Jun Mochu in a fascinated manner, and said in a strange voice: "Beauty, you know that you can't enter the city without an ID card Oh, what should I do?"

Jun Mo frowned slightly, and seemingly unintentionally took a step back, backed away a little, and humbly asked for help, "Then tell me, what should I do?"

"Hey." The guard wiped his lips, showing a mouthful of yellow teeth, leaned towards her again, looked up and down Jun Mochu's beautiful figure with presumptuous eyes, stretched out his hand, and touched her little hand, "Mr. How about letting you enter the city with a kiss?"

In the space, upon hearing his words, Wuyan and Cheng Chencheng ran away instantly.

"Fuck! I haven't even kissed him yet, relying on his grandma, how dare he touch my girl!" Wuyan angrily hurriedly tried to find a knife and gouged out the bastard's eyes.

"Grandma, mother, you want to take advantage of your brother, baby sister, and I won't smooth your necks when you look back!" Cheng Chencheng wanted to guard Mo Tingting, but he still did not forget to express his anger.

Even Jue Xin, who was sitting on the side helping Wuyan roast chicken, couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, kill."

Wuyan and Cheng Chencheng both stared at him.

Jue Xin shook the roast chicken in his hand expressionlessly, and said, "After killing it, roast it and eat it."

...Fuck, who wants to eat human|meat!

"What if I say no." Jun Mochu said lightly.

The guard snorted coldly, "No? Just don't think about it."

Under the city gate, Jun Mo looked at him with a calm face, and then silently found a ring around his neck. This was the ring that Mo Yantian gave her when he was in Shengjing when he was about to leave.

She held the ring in the palm of her hand, and under the sun, it dazzled the guard's eyes.

"A promise ring." She said flatly, "I have a husband."

The guard showed his yellow teeth again, and said lewdly: "Don't you say you are from Shengtan City? This place is hundreds of thousands of miles away. Your husband doesn't know what you are doing here. Stop talking nonsense. If you don't tell me Don’t even think about entering the city.”

"Girl, you have to persevere, and you must guard yourself like a jade for the scholar!" Wu Yan roared in the space.

Jun Mochu snorted coldly, "Am I that kind of person?"

"What are you going to do?"

"What should I do?" Jun Mo started to grind his fists, and threw out a word, "Hit."

Chairman Mao's grandfather said, what should we do if there is no peace for the Japanese|Japanese|people?Of course it is - fight.

Aggression and surrender, needless to say?

She really didn't want to cause too much noise, but it didn't mean that she could let such a wretched and disgusting man molested|molested herself!

After the words fell, Jun Mochu punched him down, and the guard flew out immediately, bumped into the city gate, foaming at the mouth.

"Ah—killing, killing!"

There was a scream, and Jun Mochu jumped, and everyone felt a blur in front of them, like a gust of wind, and the people had disappeared.

Immediately, the signal flares flew all over the sky.

"Someone is breaking into the city—quickly stop—"

For a moment, the entire city gate was in chaos, and the news quickly spread to the main hall of the five sects' headquarters.

"Report—someone broke into the city, suspected to be a spy from the dark world!"

The elders of the five sects ordered one after another, "Look! You must find him!"

The entire main city was on alert, and the whole process was searched and arrested.

In a certain attic, an old man opened his eyes, his eyes brightened, "A master of the holy rank? Could it be that kid Mo Yantian came in person? Hmph, I will let you come and go!"


Thank you Xiao_Tang and Buyu for the red envelopes, which have been updated, thank you o(n_n)o Remember to recommend after reading it, it will cost [-] votes, and [-] votes will definitely explode!

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