Chapter 246

In a certain attic, an old man opened his eyes, his eyes brightened, "A master of the holy rank? Could it be that kid Mo Yantian came in person? Hmph, I will let you come and go!"

He closed his eyes again, but at that moment his body disappeared in place without a sound.

Relying on the speed of a saint-level powerhouse, Jun Mochu rushed all the way into the main hall of the headquarters, completely rampaging, and made the entire main city jump.

Originally, she only planned to sneak into the five sects of Xianshan Mountain quietly, but she thought about it, since she was cautiously going alone, why not create chaos with great fanfare, let them into a mess, and then sneak in by herself. These two methods, the latter It was much easier, so she decisively chose the latter.

"Left to the left!" Wuyan's excited voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of his heart. The guy used telepathic communication, and the undisguised excitement passed into Jun Mochu's heart naked|naked|naked.

Jun Mochu turned without hesitation and flew to the left.

"Stop, stop, move forward! Now move forward!" After walking not far, Wuyan jumped out again to show the way.

Jun Mo was a little helpless at the beginning, and asked mentally: "Where do you want to go? Don't forget that we don't have time."

Wuyan snorted twice, "Girl, don't worry, I know how to be a scholar, don't you want to create chaos, let's go and collect the Treasure Pavilion of the Wuzong headquarters, and they are still completely messed up?"

Hearing this, Jun Mo's eyes lit up slightly, "Treasure Pavilion?"

Wuyan's big blue eyes turned into gold, and he nodded shiningly, "Quick, go ahead, turn right, turn right! Oh! God of Valor, I saw countless silver coins flying towards me Already!"

Wuyan, who was once forced to perform on the street, was forced by the reality to become a money addict. His current life motto is - don't be afraid of money, be afraid of performing arts.

Jun Mo nodded evilly, "I saw it too."

When we were in the Dark Realm, Wuyan almost emptied the entire Treasure Pavilion in the Dark Realm, but at that time they didn’t have Qiankun Bags, so Wuyan was looking for something to put it in. People found out.

But now that they have Qiankun bags, if they don't remove all the treasures of the five sects, they can't justify it...

May I ask, will there be fewer geniuses and treasures with thousands of years of experience in the five sects of Xianshan who dominate the plane of Fengyun?

As if he really saw the shiny baby, Jun Mochu couldn't help but go faster.

In the Great Hall of the Five Sects, many guards who had received orders from someone to break into the city were preparing to conduct a full-scale investigation and killing. Suddenly, they felt as if something was passing by above their heads.

The guards looked at each other, looked up at the sky, but there was nothing.

"Just now... it seems like something flew over?"

"You have hallucinations, how can there be anything?"

"...Obviously it seems..."

"Don't say it, don't say it, you will be seen by the commander later, let's go and track down the spies."

"……All right."

A group of guards left quickly.

At this time, the spy they were talking about was already standing in front of the treasure house.

This place is different from the entire attic like the Treasure Judging Pavilion in the Dark Realm. It is more like the entrance of a secret room. After solving the guards guarding the treasure house, Jun Mochu directly blasted open the entrance of the secret room.

There was a loud bang, and the huge shock trembled the entire five sects of Xianshan.

With a 'swish', everyone turned their attention to the location of the treasure house.

In the treasure house, Wuyan happily jumped on all kinds of genius treasures, "Echinacea? The grade is not high, it is barely acceptable, take it!" Throw it to Jun Mochu, and Jun Mochu directly She collected everything in the space.

The space of Qiankun bag is divided into several parts by her, one part is used to store things, and the other part is mainly a place for people's life and activities. Before that, all the necessities were stuffed into it. The whole space is boundless, and she is not afraid of not being able to put it down.

Wuyan continued to search for treasures, "Spirit Gathering Pill? It has some effect, take it!"

"Dragon Whip? This weapon is good, take it."

"Hey, there is still a Huanji Pill? Take it away!"

"..." Jun Mo first saw him jumping up and down busy, he couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "Did you pick any treasure?"

Wuyan took a cautious look at the shiny babies all around, and said sincerely: "Girl, it's rare for us to come to Wuzong of Xianshan Mountain. Wuzong must be a hospitable person to welcome us with such great fanfare, and we can't let them down." Why don’t we move all of them?” They’ve stolen all their money!

Jun Mo nodded, "It makes sense."

Then with a wave of his hand and a thought, he directly collected all the things in the entire Treasure Pavilion into the space, even put them on the shelves of Lingbao and so on, all the treasure boxes were taken away together, and the Treasure Pavilion suddenly became empty Get up, nothing but bare walls.

Looking at the empty Treasure Pavilion, Wuyan shook his paw towards Jun Mochu, "You're done, hold your paw!"

"It's time to go, they are here." Jun Mochu said in a deep voice.

"Wait!" Just as he was about to enter the space, Wuyan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly jumped off Jun Mochu's shoulder and landed in the center of the empty ground, "Girl, come and have a look, there is something weird here."

Jun Mochu walked over, and the power of the earth element spread, and he really felt that the space here seemed a little weird.

"Here, there seems to be a small space of its own." Jun Mo opened his eyes at the beginning, with a strange expression on his face.

Wuyan slapped his paw, and immediately became excited, "It's a space stone! Aww - there's a space stone in the ground! Hurry up! Girl, dig it out quickly, we're going to make a fortune, it's a space stone!"

Hearing the word 'space stone', Jun Mochu couldn't help being surprised.

Space Stone!This is a super rare spirit stone that can be used to make space rings. The reason why space rings in Yuncang Continent have become so precious is because space stones are too rare, which has caused such a situation.

And the space stone really represents the space ring!

Jun Mochu was a little excited, and quickly wanted to split the ground with his palm and dig out the space stone.

"—Slow down!" Wuyan hurriedly stopped her, and said angrily: "Girl, be gentle! Please be gentle! You want to smash the space stone directly!"

"Ahem." Jun Mo retracted his hand awkwardly at the beginning, "Then what do you think, I don't have anything to dig rocks with me." Besides, normal people wouldn't bring that with them, would they?

But Jun Mochu secretly decided in his heart that he must buy more than a dozen shovels and put them in space for preparation.

"Call Juexin to come out, let Juexin come!" Wuyan quickly made a decision.

Jun Mo summoned Jue Xin without saying a word. Jue Xin was roasting a chicken. He had just finished roasting and before he had time to stand up, he was suddenly summoned out of the space. He still maintained a half-squatting position, holding a A stick with two fat roast chickens embedded in the end.

Holding the roast chicken in a daze, he stood there, looked at Wuyan, and then at Jun Mochu.

Then—slowly stood up straight, stretched out the grilled chicken in front of Jun Mochu, and asked blankly, "Want to eat?"

The smell of roast chicken permeated the entire Zangbao Pavilion. Jun Mochu, who hadn't eaten for a few days, swallowed suddenly, and his stomach groaned—slander.

"Thank you."

She unceremoniously picked off a roast chicken directly, and Wuyan swooped over to pick off the other one. One person and one beast quickly bit and devoured it, with a terrifying appearance and a terrifying appearance.

Jue Xin stood in the same place silently, watching one person and one beast tear apart the roast chicken tragically, and then silently counted the time, secretly surprised, it turns out that ten breaths are enough to solve a roast chicken. (less than 1 minute)

"Juexin, hurry up, face this place, and inject your body's strength into it." Wuyan, who quickly finished the roast chicken, had no time to wipe his mouth, and hurriedly ordered Juexin.

"Oh." Jue Xin is very obedient, he always thought that his last master, Sect Master Haiyang must have given him death because he thought he was disobedient.Well, so this master, he must be very obedient.

Following Wuyan's instructions, he squatted down, with his palms facing the ground, and a cloud of gray gas gushed out from his palm continuously. Under the gray oppressive and dark gas, the ground slowly began to corrode and melt.

"This is?" Jun Mochu was a little surprised, he was still holding the last chicken leg bone in his hand, he didn't throw it away, and looked at Jue Xin in surprise.

"Girl, get out of the way, don't touch those gray gases." Wuyan explained: "The dead energy on Juexin can corrode everything, this broken ground will be gone soon, but the space stone can purify the gas, so the space The stone will not be damaged or corroded in the slightest."

Jun Mochu immediately understood that breaking the ground directly would easily damage the space stone, but after Jue Xin melted away the stones around the space stone with his dead energy, he could take it out completely.

Sure enough, within a short while, the ground in the middle slowly sank and melted under the corrosion of dead energy, revealing a brown space stone the size of an egg.

Judging from the appearance, there is nothing strange about this space stone at all, but the space stone looks like a barrier, and the silver-white light flows quietly.

"You're done!" Wuyan hugged the space stone excitedly, excited with joy.

"It's too late to go out, they are here, let's hide in the space first!" Jun Mochu said in a deep voice, many masters have come outside the Treasure Pavilion, and now they will be surrounded when they go out.

So she acted decisively, quickly took Wuyan and Juexin back into the space, and hid in herself.

When many masters from the Five Sects of Xianshan rushed into the Treasure Pavilion, the Treasure Pavilion was empty, not even a scum was left.

Seeing this scene, the elders of the five sects of Xianshan immediately roared.

"Damn Xiaoxiao—I will not be a human unless I kill you!"

Some people found that the Treasure Pavilion seemed to have the smell of roast chicken. They thought it was a little weird. How could there be a smell of roast chicken here?

"Report—Elder, there are strange things here!" Suddenly someone also found strange things on the floor.

The elders of the five sects had a gloomy face and a violent tone, "Submit it!"

The man had a strange expression on his face, and he presented the things tremblingly.

It was a fat, big, oily, smooth, bright, tender, delicious, newly baked and specially made exquisite and delicious barbecue-chicken|fart|butt.

In an instant, the faces of the elders of the five sects changed from red to blue, and then from blue to black.

"Give—I—find—! Dig three feet into the ground!! Find that bastard for me!"

The magic sound pierced the ears and deeply shocked the entire Five Sects of Xianshan.

The entire Treasure Pavilion was evacuated, and the five sects of Xianshan were destined to change.

In the space, Wuyan flicked his tail triumphantly, "Look, look, not everyone can be like me, a scholar, with such superb skills, such a unique mouth, to gnaw out such an unparalleled chicken|fart| Come on." Cheng Chencheng and Jun Mochu couldn't help laughing with his expression of "worship me, worship me, you all come and worship me".

Jue Xin lifted his lips, sat back silently by the fire and continued to roast the chicken, silently thinking in his heart, it seems that this master and her monster with him now seem to be... a little twitching?

"They're gone, and we're going to leave too." Jun Mochu said in a deep voice, passing through this huge palace is Wu Yanshan.

Wu Yanshan... brother, father, mother, Mo Chu is here!

She came out of the space. At this time, the people from the Treasure Pavilion had already passed by, and she left quickly without any hesitation.

Before leaving the Treasure Pavilion, she hadn't walked far, when suddenly, she felt a strong aura locking her in, Jun Mo was shocked at first, and according to her intuition, the opponent's strength was only higher than her own !

Jun Mochu stopped immediately, and hid in the flowers, his face was solemn, a master came, and he was a very strong master, but she was not surprised at all, this place was originally a place of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, a Among the big forces, how could there not be a few powerful masters sitting in charge.

In her thoughts, an old man slowly appeared not far away, with sharp eyes, staring at the surroundings, "Come out, don't hide, do you think you can leave safely in front of this deity."

Has it been discovered?

Jun Mochu's expression changed. Since he was discovered, there is no need to hide. It is still unknown who will win!

With a cold snort in her heart, she was about to show up when suddenly a warm palm covered her mouth and pulled her back.

Jun Mochu was taken aback. Someone approached her, but she didn't notice?

She turned her head quickly, but unexpectedly met a pair of unusually familiar eyes, which were clear and clear.


May wish to guess who is who appeared~~ Remember to recommend it after watching~

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