Chapter 250

What Jun Mochu and others didn't know was that Haiyang originally planned to go back to the five sects of Xianshan to recover from his injuries that day, but Wuyan almost beat him to death, without any sympathy at all.

Although she regained her life, it was at the end of her battle, but what surprised her the most was that she still underestimated Mo Yantian.

It was such a big movement when a master of the holy rank made a move. He was also in Shengtan City, and Mo Yantian could feel a little movement, but he has always been an indifferent person, so when he first felt the movement, he didn't care.

Later, when Wuyan forcibly improved his strength regardless of the consequences, Mo Yantian couldn't ignore such a huge momentum, especially when he felt that the aura was Wuyan's aura. Wuyan and Jun Mochu had always been inseparable, so , Mo Yantian immediately thought of Jun Mochu, and hurried away without hesitation.

But after all, it was still a step too late. Jun Mochu and Wuyan had already entered the universe bag. Mo Yantian, who hadn't seen anyone, searched around, but couldn't find Jun Mochu, but instead saw the ocean.

Haiyang suddenly saw Mo Yantian, and subconsciously wanted to escape.

Although Mo Yantian didn't like Haiyang, Haiyang was from the Dark Realm after all. Seeing that she had suffered such a serious injury, he immediately asked her what was going on.

Haiyang found that Mo Yantian didn't know what happened just now, but he was afraid that Jun Mochu, Feng Fei and others would come back to tell him the truth, so he immediately changed into a weak look, pretending to be scared and saying that he saw Jun Mochu Mochu fought with a very powerful master, she passed by by accident, was regarded as an accomplice, and was almost killed by the other party, she finally escaped, and was going to go back and report to him, asking him to save Jun Mochu quickly, but it happened that Met on the way.

When he heard that Jun Mochu met a powerful opponent, Mo Yantian's heart tightened, and he almost believed it, but he was not stupid, and then he immediately thought of the conflict between Mochu and Haiyang, how could it be possible for Haiyang to come back report?

What's more, Mo Chu's skills are not weak, but Hai Yang has no martial arts. If Hai Yang can escape, why can't Mo Chu escape?

Suspicion was left in my heart at the moment, and coincidentally, Feng Fei came back at this time.

Seeing Feng Fei, Haiyang's face changed drastically, knowing that he could no longer lie to Mo Yantian, he wanted to run immediately.

But how could Mo Yantian let her run away? The gap between a heaven-ranked master and a holy rank is not even a star and a half. Even the uninjured Haiyang is no match for him. Now that he is injured, how can he run away.

Especially when Haiyang found out that Mo Yantian had become a master of heaven, she was so surprised that she lost even the desire to run.

Tianjie... She smiled wryly in her heart.

She has always regarded the dark world as a goal, not only her father's goal, but also her goal.

Mo Yantian is the one she has been comparing and chasing. Whenever he breaks through to the seventh level, she will grit her teeth and sprint hard in the month after he breaks through. gap.

After constantly chasing and comparing, she found that she fell in love with him, but she didn't worry, she thought that only she could be worthy of the Emperor of the Dark Realm.

The Five Sects of the Immortal Mountain and the Dark Realm will unify one day. If so, why not make it happen on her?

As long as they are together, her father's last wish of reunification can be realized, and what she wants can also be obtained, which is exactly what she has been looking forward to.

However, what she didn't expect was that without knowing it, Mo Yantian had already far surpassed her and became a master of the heavens, and she... probably won't have the chance to fight like that again.

"Pa——" a soft sound pulled her back from her thoughts, and a slender figure walked in from the outside, with a simple blue robe hanging loosely on her body, showing the master's carelessness.

Seeing the person coming, Haiyang froze inaudibly.

Mo Yantian walked into her lazily.

"Brother Yan..." Haiyang looked at him, and uttered a sentence from his bloodless lips.

Hearing this, Mo Yantian lowered his head to look at her, with a smile on his sharp and thin lips, but it made people feel that it was colder than ice and snow.

Haiyang bit his lip, and couldn't help swallowing what he wanted to say later, and his eyes became cold little by little.

"Stop talking?" Mo Yantian said lazily, looking at her with a smile, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "I'm still waiting to hear you continue to fabricate, continue to distort, or...continue to act?"

Haiyang bit his lip and stared at him without blinking, "I know you hate me very much now, so you could kill me right now."

"Kill you?" Mo Yantian knelt down, looked at her at the same level, raised her chin with his slender fingers, and spoke coldly: "Don't you think that's too cheap for you?"

The bottom of Haiyang's heart was filled with ice and snow in an instant, "Mo Yantian, what do you want, don't forget that I am still from the Hai family! If the Hai family suddenly disappeared in the Dark Realm, do you think the elders of the Dark Realm and my father's father were alive?" Those all the disciples and the old department, will hear your one-sided words, and believe that I am a member of the Five Sects of Xianshan?!"

This is her biggest reliance. Her father had a lot of influence in the dark world before. As long as she refuses to admit it, Mo Yantian will not dare to touch her easily without evidence, otherwise he will end up ungrateful.

"So what?" Mo Yantian's handsome eyebrows were raised slightly, his black eyes seemed to touch a pool of water, bottomless, "How normal do you think this emperor is in their eyes? Huh?"

While speaking, his deep black eyes flickered faintly, as if there was a seemingly invisible purple light hovering, changing from black to purple constantly.

Haiyang froze all over, subconsciously took a few steps back, looked at the purple and black eyes that were constantly changing, and was puzzled.

She loves him, but she still can't adapt to such a strange phenomenon immediately, she needs time, needs time to adapt to such a strange him.

Seeing her subconscious movements, Mo Yantian's sharp, thin lips curled up slightly, and he sneered slightly, "Are you scared? Remember that the emperor is a monster? If so, the emperor will kill you and destroy you." The entire Hai family, who dares to say otherwise?"

The women in this world, apart from mother, only Xiao Chu'er, would not look at him strangely, it was enough for him to have her.

"You!" Haiyang clenched his hands into fists, a bit of hatred welled up in his heart, and his voice squeezed through his teeth, "If you kill me, no one in this world will ever know Liu Liqing's whereabouts again!"

Mo Yantian smiled charmingly, "The emperor said, killing you is too cheap for you." He slowly stood up, looking down at her as if he were looking down on an ant, "The emperor wants you to see Now, all your hard work, your so-called Five Sects of Immortal Mountain, bit by bit, inch by inch, is all for me!"

Haiyang gasped for breath, "No! You can't do this! That's what Dad spent years of painstaking efforts to get it! You can't do this!"

Dad kept his name incognito, endured humiliation, and finally got everything he has now. How could he just be ruined like this?How could this be!

Mo Yantian stopped looking at her, lazily patted off his robe, walked out, slowly out of her sight, and left her with the last words.

"Your fate has only just begun."

He had reminded her a long time ago that she shouldn't have done it, she shouldn't have plotted against him, and even hurt her mother and Xiao Chu'er.

For all of this, he will make her repay ten times.

After Mo Yantian left, the surroundings became quiet, only the sound of Hai Hai's rapid breathing and restless heartbeat was left. She wanted to escape from here, to go back to the Five Sects of Xianshan Mountain, to protect everything left by her father, and then, No matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't summon any source of power. She cursed and struggled, but she was just wasting her physical strength after all.

The door closed and opened again, she thought it was Mo Yantian who had left and returned, she quickly raised her head, but she didn't think it was Feng Fei.

Feng Fei walked in from the outside.

Haiyang snorted coldly, turned her head away, and the long mysterious cable made harsh sounds along with her movements.

Seeing that she didn't want to see his appearance at all, Feng Fei twitched the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently: "It seems that Miss Haiyang still doesn't want to say where Madam's whereabouts are."

Haiyang sneered, "I said, you will let me go?"

"Impossible." Feng Fei replied without thinking.

Not to mention that it was impossible for him to let her go, even the master would not do so.

"Then there's nothing to say." Hai Yang dismissed it.

Feng Fei was neither angry nor angry, but slowly sat down far away from her, "Miss Haiyang, listen, do you know what sounds are coming from outside?"

Haiyang didn't say a word, the outside has been noisy and chaotic these past few days, she wanted to leave this place, but Mo Yantian didn't know how to trap her, not only made her unable to recover her strength, but also kept in a weak state, let alone If I want to escape, I am afraid that I will be caught back as soon as I leave.

Feng Fei didn't wait for Hai Yang's answer, and said softly: "Outside, my dark army is harvesting the land belonging to the five sects of your Immortal Mountain."

Hearing this, Haiyang froze and suddenly turned around to stare at him.

what did he say?Could it be that the Dark Realm and the Five Sects of Xianshan have started again...

Feng Fei didn't seem to see her shock, and said slowly: "Miss Haiyang, Feng Fei is telling the truth, in my heart, before Miss Mo Chu appeared, I thought that sooner or later you would become The master's wife has become the hostess of the dark world. Miss Haiyang grew up in the dark world. We are not picky about your conduct and behavior. Afterwards, the appearance of Miss Mochu suddenly made me feel that the master's side , perhaps what is more needed is a person who can understand him and stand shoulder to shoulder with him, so between you and Miss Mochu, I am partial to Miss Mochu, but I cannot deny that I have always respected you, not only You also respect the Hai family, and so does the master, because we all know that if General Hai didn’t sacrifice himself to save us back then, there would be no master today. However, one day, we suddenly discovered that everything in the past was lived in When you were lying, did you ever think about how we would feel?"

Haiyang pursed her lips, and the Xuansuo who was trapped on her body 'tapped' twice, she suddenly laughed, "Do you think I don't want to understand him? Do you think I don't want to stand shoulder to shoulder with Brother Yan, but he has always been You didn't give me any chance, what can I do?"

She wanted to get close to him, but he wouldn't let anyone get close.

Knowing that he has two weird personalities, she restrained herself from looking at him weirdly, but he didn't appreciate it at all.

She could only bring out her father's name, because every time only in this way, he would let herself get closer, let herself get closer.

But just like this, she is already very satisfied, because she knows that apart from her, no other woman dares to approach him, and she has always thought that this careful relationship can last forever, forever.

As long as he will always have her by his side and no other women.

However, Jun Mochu appeared.

She is doing things that no woman has ever done to brother Yan, enjoying a moment of tenderness that no woman has ever enjoyed, how can she be willing, how can she be willing?

"Opportunities are not given by others, but earned by yourself." Feng Fei looked away, looking at the faint light shining in from the small skylight, "The reason why the master likes Miss Mo Chu is not because of how good Miss Mo Chu is." Powerful, but because she understands the mind of the master, Miss Haiyang, you have known the master since you were a child, do you know what the master is afraid of?"

Hearing this, Haiyang dismissed it, "Brother Yan has a noble status, the emperor of the dark world who can call the wind and rain, what would he be afraid of?"

Such a proud and lofty man, there is nothing he can't do, what has he to be afraid of?

"That's why you don't understand master." Feng Fei looked back at her, but what he didn't say was that master actually cared about other people's eyes, and cared about other people's evaluation and opinion of him, even though he looked cold or indifferent on the surface. In fact, in his heart, as long as there is a small change in the way others look at him, he can feel it clearly.

It's just that outsiders don't know it.

"What's more, if you can't get it, why force it? There are other people who will cherish Miss Haiyang besides the emperor." Feng Fei stood up slowly, looked at her, and said in a low voice: "Ah Qing is right. You don't know what's on your mind."

As the voice fell downstairs, Feng Qing's figure suddenly broke into her mind, Hai Hai was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously shook her head, as if she could get rid of the shadow in her mind by shaking her head like this.

"What's Feng Qing? He's just Brother Yan's slave." How could he be worthy of her?

Feng Fei's eyes sank slightly, and he laughed suddenly, with a cold tone, "That's right, only a stupid slave like Ah Qing would do whatever you say, even at the expense of morality."

Feng Fei turned around and was about to leave. He was so disappointed with Hai Yang and the gentle and lovely woman he had met in the dark world.

He wanted to leave, Haiyang just looked at him coldly, let alone persuade him to stay.

At the moment Feng Fei was about to step out of the door, there was a sudden pause, and an erratic voice came from in front of him, "Not everyone is willing to be a cow or a horse for you, wash your hands, or do anything for you , you should think about it, there is only one Fengqing in the world, and you have already lost it."

After finishing speaking, he strode away and closed the heavy black iron door.

Haiyang sat on the cold floor, looking at the thick black iron gate, pursing his lips for a long time without saying a word.

"Master." On the towering city gate, Feng Fei stood silently on top of Mo Yantian, calling softly.

Mo Yantian turned around and looked at Yexuan who commanded thousands of troops. There were four great generals, and he never had to worry too much about it, except... only two were missing.

Fu Chen's body has been found, but Feng Qing's whereabouts are still unknown.

He put his hands behind his back, discarded the emotions in his heart, and said lightly: "How."

Feng Fei hurriedly said: "Fu Jia has received news that the five sects are in chaos. It is said that someone stole all of the five sects' thousand-year heritage without anyone noticing."

Speaking of this, he paused, and said with a little doubt: "What my subordinates don't understand is that the treasures in the five collections that have been collected for thousands of years must be more than a little bit, right? How did the thieves hide those treasures from the pirates? something?"

In their Dark Realm, there is an entire attic, the five-story Treasure Judging Pavilion, all filled with treasures. The five sects were established no later than the Dark Realm, so how could they be taken away without anyone noticing.

What's more, there are so many masters in the five sects, it is impossible to quietly take away the countless treasures, right?

Hearing this, Mo Yantian hooked his lips into a smile, his eyes filled with pampering, who else could do this?

I remember that she just waved her hand at the beginning, and she collected all the gold bars in several boxes. With such a powerful space magic weapon on her body, who else in this world can do it without anyone noticing it? ?

"Master, what are you laughing at?" Feng Fei looked at him suspiciously and smiled, a little inexplicably.

"What do you think?" Mo Yantian raised his handsome eyes slightly, and looked at him with a smile.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Feng Fei's eyes widened, "Could it be...Miss Mochu did it?" He suddenly realized, yes, that magic weapon of space!Even people can be taken in. In such a big world, let alone pretending to be treasures, it is more than enough to take in the entire five sect halls!

Include the Five Sect Halls?A drop of cold sweat dripped from Feng Fei's head, and he felt that his idea was too outrageous, Miss Mo Chu would not be able to do it if she wanted to.

Who knows that when he finds out that the Great Hall of the Five Sects has disappeared, Feng Fei realizes that he is so real.

Mo Yantian patted his shoulder with a smile and said: "I will leave this place to you and Commander Yexuan, my emperor..." He looked at the five sects of Xianshan Mountain not far away, with a wicked smile on his lips, "I heard that Jun Chenxiao is also here, to communicate with the future brother-in-law, as well as father-in-law and mother-in-law about such important matters..."

No matter what, you can't miss it, right?


I couldn’t code because of a power outage yesterday, sorry, this month will definitely be over, try to code and code!Dear friends, remember to recommend after reading it

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