Chapter 251

In the boundless world, a crystal-clear river murmurs endlessly, distant peaks are far away, and mountains and rivers are majestic. The once vast grassland has now become a continuous stream of high mountains and peaks.

Jun Mo looked at the changes in front of him in surprise, feeling a little unbelievable.

Since entering the holy rank, she hadn't had time to carefully study the changes in the Qiankun bag, and she couldn't help being surprised and delighted to see such a change suddenly.

Qiankundai is now more and more like another world, and she is the master of this world, with mountains and rivers, land, can build houses, and can live in people. The only thing missing is the endless stream of human beings.

"Hey, this surprises you, girl, you look like a bumpkin now." Wuyan wagged his tail, dangling at her feet, teasing.

Jun Mo touched his face at the beginning, no wonder she looked like a bumpkin, it was the Qiankun bag that shocked her too much.

Wuyan ran to the river, stuck out his red tongue to lick the water, and said mysteriously, "Girl, why don't you try to push Juexin into the river?"

Jun Mo looked at him for the first time, and then looked not far behind him. He has been roasting chicken and duck since he entered the Qiankun bag. He glanced at Wuyan in disapproval, "You want to torment people again?"

She thought about letting Juexin leave here, but she was worried that once she left, Juexin would disappear again.

Jue Xin has no previous memories, and her body is strangely tight. She asked her brother about the family of the living dead that Feng Fei mentioned that day, but he said he hadn't heard of it.

She didn't understand how Haiyang could turn Juexin into such a living dead person. Juexin didn't have any previous memories, and he didn't know what to ask. This is the five sects of Xianshan. get it under control.

Wuyan bit his paw, "Girl, scholar, do I look like someone who can bully people casually? I'm doing it for his own good."

"The way you look now, you are not human," Jun Mochu said mercilessly. Now he can only be called a beast.

"..." Wuyan bit his claws bitterly!He must immediately, immediately return to his human body!

"To be specific, what does it have to do with Jue Xin?"

Wuyan said: "Didn't you always want Juexin to recover? But judging from Juexin's current situation, unless he doesn't practice, once he does practice, the dead energy on his body will gather more and more, and in the end it will be completely corroded by backlash. It will become an unconscious puppet of the living dead, and Da Luo Jinxian will not be able to save him at that time."

"Then there is a solution now?" Jun Mochu asked in a low voice, looking at Jue Xin who was expressionless roasting chicken not far away.

"Of course." Wuyan said proudly: "If it was in the past, there was no way, but now, you can try."

"How to do it, you say." If Jue Xin can be turned back into a normal person, there is a one in ten thousand chance, and he has to try.

Wuyan's big blue eyes exuded soft gaze, looked at the world in front of him, and said: "The world was first opened, and chaos was divided into two parts. This is how the world was formed. After tens of thousands of years of evolution, the first tree formed between heaven and earth , is called the tree of life, and the first drop of water formed is called the spring of life. Although the space of Qiankun bag is not a complete world, it can only be regarded as a broken world, so there is no tree of life here, and there is no life Spring water, but there are still high mountains and flowing water here. When the heavens and the earth first opened, the aura is always the strongest, and water is the source of the aura. The air is purified and transformed into the purest aura in the world."

Hearing what Wuyan said, Jun Mo's eyes lit up at the beginning, "This may be a good way."

There is no way out, if you continue to cultivate with determination, you will commit suicide slowly. If you want to get rid of the dead energy in your body, you can only abolish martial arts by yourself, but in that case, he will become a useless person forever. If one day Jue Xin recovered his memory and found himself a useless person, which may be more uncomfortable than killing him.

Wuyan's method, although I don't know if it will work, is the only way.

Thinking of this, Jun Mo turned his head and called out, "Juexin."

The movement in his hands paused, Jue Xin raised his head, thinking that they were going to eat roast chicken again, he shook the roast chicken in his hand, shook his head and said: "It's not cooked yet."

Jun Mo, who was regarded as a foodie, was a little speechless at first, so he had to say: "There are other things."

So that was the case, Jue Xin understood, put down the wooden stick in his hand, and walked towards them expressionlessly.

When Wuyan saw him coming, he smiled and waved at him, "Juexin, how about the two of us go soak in the water?"

"No." He frowned and replied, "This water is uncomfortable."

Speech, of course it's uncomfortable, this place is the purest aura in the world, and he has a lifeless aura all over his body, the two collide, it must be uncomfortable.

Wuyan flicked his tail, jumped on him, and said in a strange way: "Aren't you going? Are you really not going? I said Juexin, but you don't even think about it. How many chickens did you steal from the girl while you were living here?" , how many ducks, yo, look at you smell of sweat, tsk, haven't you bathed in a year? So you have the nerve to stand in front of the girl? Do you want to throw it away?"

"..." The corners of Jun Mochu's mouth twitched slightly, this, she suddenly remembered, it seems that she also...hasn't showered for five or six days?

A few days ago, in order to hurry, when I arrived at the Five Sects of Xianshan Mountain, when the Great God Fan Chen told her to change clothes, I washed her with water casually, was true that I hadn't showered for several days.

Jue Xin took a silent look at Wuyan, then at Jun Mochu, then raised his hand, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, and said expressionlessly: "Smelly?"

Obviously, it only tastes like roast chicken.

"Nonsense, you want to smoke us to death! Go wash it! Soak it for at least two hours a day, otherwise you won't be able to wash off the sweat residue on your body."

Jue Xin hesitated for a while, although the memory was gone, but the pride in his bones was still there. Hearing what Wu Yan said, he also seemed to be unable to tolerate his own dirtyness. Regardless of the fact that the water in front of him made him feel uncomfortable all over, he jumped directly down.

Wuyan flicked his tail in satisfaction, "That's good, you can't come up for two hours."

Jun Mo smiled knowingly at the beginning, Wuyan had the best way to deal with Juexin.

After finishing Juexin, Wuyan became bored unwilling to be lonely, and planned to take Jun Mochu together to study the treasures collected from the Five Sects of Xianshan, find out if there is anything suitable for him, and collect all those treasures After space, they haven't had time to carefully study exactly how much and what there is.

But Jun Mochu suddenly said: "Didn't you say that the army of the dark realm is here? The more chaotic the five sects of the fairy mountain, the greater the chance of winning the dark realm. Since we are all so boring, why not..."

Before she finished speaking, Wuyan's big blue eyes lit up instantly, and she nodded repeatedly, "Okay! Okay! Scholar, I like creating chaos the most!" The baby and the like were instantly forgotten.

But Cheng Chencheng knew that his strength was not good, so he didn't follow, but soaked in the spiritual spring with Juexin, concentrating on cultivation, hoping to break through the holy rank.

Jun Mochu and Wuyan came out of the space, and found that Mu Luoli was sitting in the corner of the cave, while Jun Chenxiao was sitting in another corner, guarding Jun Motian and his wife. There was a strange silence in the cave.

Jun Mo raised his eyebrows at the beginning, Mu Luoli seemed to like to get together with her brother, why would he sit so far away?

In fact, Jun Chenxiao was also puzzled.

If it were normal, whenever he saw him, Mu Luoli would stick to her body, unable to get rid of it no matter how much she tried to shake off, she would call out to her every time she was a beauty, and her frivolous words were not what a girl should be.

However, this time, he sat in the corner unusually quietly with his eyes closed and rested, which made him a little unaccustomed, and he was more suspicious, wondering if she was injured.

But in the end, he still didn't ask his doubts out of his indifference, so it became the current situation of silence.

"Brother." Jun Mochu called him first.

"Yeah." Jun Chen nodded with a smile, because his younger sister only had the strength of a holy rank, and he was vaguely dissatisfied before.

Jun Chenxiao's twin sister, he is already a heavenly rank, how can she be a holy rank?But after knowing that she has a space magic weapon, lingering satisfaction began to gather between her brows. Well, although her strength is not very good, at least she can hide safely when she can't beat her.

Jun Mochu took out the elixir that Fan Chen gave her before from the space, "Brother, my eyes are already healed, master cured it, this medicine is a high-level elixir, you can put it away yourself."

"No need." Jun Chen said lightly with a smile: "When necessary, I will practice myself."

Hearing this, Jun Mo asked in surprise: "Could it be, brother, you are a pharmacist?"

She thought that the elder brother who was called a perverted genius could only focus on cultivation all day long, that's why he was so powerful. She didn't expect that he was also a pharmacist, and if he could refine high-level elixir, he must be a high-level pharmacist!

Jun Chen nodded with a smile, and didn't feel complacent about it.

Mu Luoli's voice suddenly drifted over, "Don't be so surprised, Chen Xiaomei knows a lot, and refining medicine is just one of them. He also knows alchemy, and the weapons he forges are all high-level equipment. .”

"Really?" Wuyan's big blue eyes flashed brightly as he looked at Jun Chen and smiled, as if he had been hungry for three days and finally saw a piece of meat, "Girl, brother, you can also do alchemy!" technique?"

Jun Chen looked at Mu Luoli with a smile, but Mu Luoli looked away, as if he could avoid him, Jun Chen smiled and looked back, his tone was much colder, "Yes."

"Great! Young lady, brother, it's time for you to show your skills!" Senior alchemist, this is simply a treasure sent from heaven!

Wuyan excitedly said to Jun Mochu: "Girl girl, quickly take out that space stone."

Hearing what Wuyan said, Jun Mochu suddenly realized that if her brother was a senior alchemist, wouldn't it be possible to refine this space stone into a space ring?

She took out the precious space stone without hesitation.

Jun Chen was slightly surprised with a smile on his unchanging face, "Do you have a space stone?"

"Yes." Jun Mo smiled wickedly at the beginning, "The five sects of Xianshan snatched it."

Jun Chen smiled on his forehead, rubbed her head, and said solemnly: "Good grab."

Absolutely!She gave the space stone to Jun Chenxiao, and said with a little regret: "It's a pity that there are only so few."

Hearing this, Wuyan and Mu Luoli both rolled their eyes, and even Jun Chen couldn't help but twitch.

What is a little bit...

You know, it's just such a little bit, it's probably the only piece that has appeared in the entire Yuncang Continent so far, and she still dislikes it a little bit.

"How many space rings can be refined?" Jun Mochu asked with some expectation.

Jun Chen looked at the size of the Space Stone with a smile, and his tone became much lighter, "If there is no failure, six."

"Six..." Jun Mochu began to distribute them, one for Mo Yantian, one for elder brother, one for Wuyan, one for Cheng Chencheng, one for Great God, and one... well, let's give it to Juexin.

As if he could read her mind, Jun Chen smiled and said, "I have it."

He raised his hand and shook the ring in his hand. His master gave him one as early as when he was on the holy stage. He didn't need one, but thinking of Mo Chu's intentions, his heart still felt flying.

Hearing this, Jun Mo was dumbfounded at the beginning, thinking about it, who is Yin Jili, who even has such precious things as soul pills, and the magical space ring is nothing to him.

Thinking of this, she smiled faintly, "Give the space stone to brother, and Wuyan and I will go down the mountain for a 'walk'."

Speaking of walking, Jun Chenxiao naturally knew that she wanted to make some small moves in the Five Sects of Xianshan, but he didn't know that she was doing it for a certain man, so he just said: "Don't get hurt."

"I'll be careful." Jun Mo said at first, but secretly happy in his heart, feeling like his family cares, it's really... very good.

"I'll go too." Mu Luoli stood up suddenly, and said with a smile: "Sister Mochu, let's go, sister will help you avenge yourself."

"Okay..." With the help of a master of the holy rank, Jun Mochu of course accepted all the orders, and was about to agree, but Jun Chen said with a smile: "Luo Li, you stay."

Mu Luoli thought of the child in her womb, and the sudden arrival of a little life made her flustered and made her not know how to face him for a while, so she chose to leave with Jun Mochu.

She faintly followed her breathing, and said in a pretensely seductive way: "Tsk, are you reluctant to let me go? Beauty, you said it earlier, of course people don't want to leave you..." Pink bubbles rushed towards him go.

Jun Chen avoided it with a cold face, he was wrong!This woman is still clingy and unreserved!

"Let's go." He changed his mind immediately.

Mu Luoli wrinkled his nose in dissatisfaction, "You're kidding me, huh, you thought I really wanted to stay, go, sister Mochu, ignore this paralyzed face!"

As he said that, he pulled Jun Mochu out without saying a word, as if he was mad at him.

But Jun Mochu vaguely felt that Mu Luoli was holding his hand, trembling slightly.

The two walked down the mountain, Mu Luoli's face turned pale, and Wuyan, who was on Jun Mochu's shoulder, secretly looked at Mu Luoli, while communicating with Jun Mochu from the bottom of his heart.

"Hey, woman's heart, sea needle, girl, look at you women, you just like duplicity so much."

Jun Mo glanced at him for the first time, and said indifferently: "The needle on the seabed may not necessarily be a woman."

"But most of them are women." Wu Yan said with a flick of his tail, "Men are more straightforward than girls."

Jun Mo didn't bother to talk to him at first, but looked at Mu Luoli who was beside him, and said in a low voice, "What do you like about my brother?" She didn't understand what there is to like about a person like my brother.

He was too cold-hearted, even when facing his sister whom he hadn't seen for many years, he just asked lightly, 'How are you'.

As if he didn't expect Jun Mochu to ask such a straightforward question, Mu Luoli was stunned for a moment, then covered his lips with a smile and said, "Sister Mochu, you suddenly asked me like this, it really upset me, it's true, his face is paralyzed He's stinky and macho, but emotional matters are always unreasonable and inexplicable, maybe I just like his facial paralysis and his macho chauvinism pervertedly."

Jun Mo thinks about it at the beginning, she thinks of Mo Yantian, that guy... is not much better than her brother, doesn't she like her?

She raised her chin slightly, and looked at the distant sky through the five sect halls in front of her. That guy...should be here too?

In her mind, there was a sudden rush of thoughts urging her to see him, to see that person, and once the embankment was destroyed, the thoughts would be rushed and flow endlessly. This thought became more and more intense in her mind.

So much so that she didn't notice that Mu Luoli's tone of voice was the tone of modern people.

"A master is approaching here, he is from the Five Sects." Wu Yan suddenly reminded.

Jun Mochu and Mu Luoli were on guard at the same time.

"It's a holy rank, it's just right, use it to practice your hands." Jun Mochu said coldly, the masters of the five sects will kill one and lose one, and she will only pick the single one today!The hatred that Haiyang imposed on herself and Juexin, today, she wants to take back bit by bit!

"Let's go!" Mu Luoli was also a militant, and without saying a word, he rushed towards the direction of the holy rank master, completely forgetting what Fan Chen had told her to be careful not to get pregnant.

The figures of the two turned into a meteor, Wuyan rolled his eyes, scary woman...

Just as he was thinking, he vaguely felt Xiao Xiaoxian's aura. The connection between divine beasts has always been more sensitive than that of humans. He blinked suspiciously. Could it be that Xiao Xiaoxian is here too?

Somewhere in the main city of the Five Sects of Xianshan Mountain, a little fairy who turned into a fluffy white ball suddenly grabbed Mo Yantian's long black hair with his claws, "Master, master, I can feel the breath of brother Wuyan."

"Oh?" Mo Yantian raised his lips with a smile that was not a smile, "It seems that it's not far away."


The recommendation ticket is [-], Yinyin promised to add more, and tomorrow will definitely add more! !

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