Chapter 252

The enemy was in the open, and they were in the dark, and the opponent was dealt with very smoothly.

Jun Mochu and Mu Luoli rushed to the main hall of Wuzong again. The army of the dark world was in front, and the whole army of Wuzong was waiting to guard the city. The defense in the main hall of the headquarters was weakened.

The two sneaked into the hall cautiously.

"The one on the right, and the one in the west." Jun Mochu withdrew his ability, turned to Mu Luoli and said, "Let's split up and meet up in the east of the city, how about it?"

Mu Luoli smiled, "No problem, leave the one on the right to me." After saying that, he flew to the right first.

Between the same ranks, she is completely sure of defeating the opponent.

"Let's go too." Seeing Mu Luoli leaving, Jun Mochu no longer hesitated to go due west.

The holy rank master was studying the strategy carefully with the military deployment map at the moment, the study room was completely silent, and the servants passing by the study room were afraid of disturbing him, so they came and went carefully not to make a sound.

At a certain moment, the lights in the study suddenly went out.

He immediately raised his head vigilantly, his sharp eyes were like day in the dark night.

On this stage, a fluffy paw waved in front of his eyes, "Boy, watch out for the back."

A talking magic pet, a mythical beast?

The man narrowed his eyes and didn't take Wuyan's words to heart. In his eyes, the divine beast that appeared suddenly in front of him was his biggest threat.

He shot subconsciously, and grabbed Wuyan. Just as he moved his hands, a huge crisis came from behind him, his back hurt, and a strong smell of blood instantly filled the air.

The man staggered and fell forward a few steps.

Wuyan smiled and flapped his fiery red wings, "Hey, if you don't listen to grandpa, you will suffer a disadvantage in front of you, so I told you to be careful behind."

"You—!" The man gritted his teeth, and quickly realized that there was an enemy behind him, and immediately turned to meet the enemy.

A blue light flashed in Jun Mochu's hand, and the man just turned around, suddenly his whole body froze, a dagger passed through his neck, and after a while, he fell straight back.

"You're done, hold your claws!" After a successful blow, Wu Yan cheerfully jumped up on Jun Mochu's shoulder, cooperating in perfect harmony.

"Let's go." Jun Mo first grabbed him and ran out. Because of the advancement of supernatural powers, her martial power has also broken through, and has turned into blue, fifth-level martial power, fifth-level martial power and holy-level supernatural power With the power after fusion, it is really easy to kill a master of the holy rank. When she was at the seventh rank, she could barely fight with the holy rank. Although she still lost in the end, the strength of the holy rank is now completely fearless master.

One person and one beast left quickly. At a certain moment, a general came to report the news from the front. He found that the room was dark. He knocked on the door several times but no one responded. In the dark night, there was a scream from the corpse.

"General! General! What's the matter with you? Come on—come on! Someone murdered the General!"

For a moment, the entire five sects of Xianshan jumped up again.

After Jun Mochu mercilessly harvested more than a dozen seventh-level masters by the way, he went all the way to meet Mu Luoli at the agreed place.

There is a small east gate in the east of the city, which allows you to go out of the suburbs, but at this moment in the middle of the night, the gate has been closed, and in the east suburbs of the city, thousands of troops are gathering in ambush to prevent the sneak attack of the dark army.

When Jun Mo first arrived at the destination, he found that Mu Luoli hadn't come yet.

Of course, she didn't know that Mu Luoli was trapped in the Great Hall of the Five Sects at this moment.

Mu Luoli himself is a militant, plus he was upset, and wanted to vent his anger on his opponent, but when he was about to do it, he remembered that he was pregnant, so he couldn't have too many violent actions, and in the modern world At that time, she heard people say that the first three months of pregnancy are more dangerous, otherwise it is easy to miscarry, and the fierce battle between the holy masters is not something her current body can bear, and she cannot take her own child make a bet.

Thinking of this, she prepared to retreat without hesitation.

But at this moment, the Great Hall of the Five Sects became chaotic, and there was news that a certain general had been assassinated, which instantly alarmed the heavenly and holy masters staying at the Five Sects, and they searched carefully for the murderer's whereabouts.

Mu Luoli had to hide carefully, but knew that she had to leave here immediately, otherwise she would be easily discovered, or she could only hide with Master Fan Chen.

However, Fanchen lives in the north, and the five sect halls are extremely vast, so she is not sure whether she can reach Fanchen's place safely.

Just when she was about to leave for the back mountain, a voice suddenly shouted in her ear, "Where are you going!"

The attack of a celestial master landed without hesitation!

At the same moment, in the cave of Wuyan Mountain, a flame exploded, and Jun Chen smiled coldly and discarded the failed item in his hand, wasting a small space stone.

He frowned, thinking about the reasons for his failure. Since he was about to start refining the space ring, his mind had been non-stop, and he was so depressed that he felt like he was going to be out of breath, which made him very uneasy.

Under such emotional interference, the first time to refine the space ring failed.

Jun Chen stood up with a smile, his eyes were cold and boundless, and he looked out of the cave with deep eyes. Where did the anxiety in his heart come from?Could it be... something happened to them?

Thinking of this possibility, his expression became even colder, he put all the space stones into the space ring without hesitation, and rushed down the mountain quickly.

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they were led to the pavilion where Fanchen was by a young monk intentionally or unintentionally.

Fan Chen seemed to be waiting for him, as soon as Jun Chen entered the door with a smile, Fan Chen staggered and muttered in a low voice, revealing his face lying on the bed as pale as paper.

Jun Chen was taken aback with a smile, but his body took a step faster than his reason, and hurried over, as cold as ice, "What's wrong with her?"

Fan Chen clasped his hands together, and said in a clear and calm tone, "Ms. Mu was injured and almost had a miscarriage. The baby was saved, but don't forget it won't happen again." If he hadn't arrived in time, the baby might not have been saved.

Hearing this, Jun Chen laughed and froze, and suddenly turned back to stare at him, "Child?" could this woman be pregnant? !


At this moment in the east of the city, Jun Mo waited for a long time but did not wait for Mu Luoli to join him. After hesitating for a while, he glanced at the guarded east gate and prepared to break out to the suburbs to see the situation.

The East City Gate was broken, so they would be chaotic, the more chaotic the better, isn't it?

With a sneer, she stood up and prepared to act. At this moment, a black figure in the distance was one step faster than her, and quickly broke into the east gate.

The speed of the black shadow was so fast that she had no time to see who it was, so she couldn't see his figure. The man was still very cautious and completely shielded his breath, making it impossible for people to guess who he was.

"Who is it!" The guard at the east gate shouted, just as the words fell, when a faint silver light flew by, the guard disappeared and fell down without a sound.

The whole east city gate was in chaos, the vigilant people quickly sent out signal flares towards the sky, and those who moved faster immediately wanted to stop the black shadow.

However, his speed was too fast. After he passed, no guard could stop him, and he disappeared outside the east city gate in a blink of an eye.

After the black shadow disappeared for a while, a white shadow was chasing after him. It seemed that he wanted to catch up with the black shadow in front of him. has disappeared.

"Who could it be?" Jun Mo asked suspiciously. Seeing that the other party had killed nearly 20 guards who tried to stop him without stopping, she concluded that the other party must not be from the Five Sects of Xianshan, otherwise it would be impossible to kill her own. people.

If you are not a member of the Five Schools, then the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

"I think that person is somewhat familiar, could it be Mo Yantian?" Wu Yan asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Jun Mo was stunned for a while, and said in a deep voice, "We will follow too." After that, he tiptoed and chased after him without hesitation.

The moonlight was sparse, and the shadows of the trees shook.

Mo Yantian slowly withdrew his hand, looked at the corpse in front of him indifferently, his lips curled up evilly, "Idiot."

Knowing that he deliberately lured him out, she still dared to catch up with her.

"Master is getting more and more powerful!" said Xiao Xiaoxian, who never forgot to flatter her whenever she had a chance.

Mo Yantian patted its fluffy head with a smile, "Hey, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

Xiao Xiaoxian raised her tail proudly, "Master taught me well."

"Hmm..." Mo Yantian flicked its little ears with a half-smile, raised his eyes slightly, glanced not far away, and snorted coldly, "Another person came to the door."

He took Xiao Xiaoxian in a flash and disappeared in place.

Not a while after he left, Jun Mochu's figure appeared, looking at the corpse on the ground, but there were no other people around him.

"It's near here." Wuyan said vigilantly, the other party deliberately concealed his aura, and it couldn't be sure whether it was an enemy or a friend for the time being.

Jun Mochu gave a faint 'hmm', a natural lake in front of her was shimmering under the moonlight, but the lake surface was very calm, no trace of people could be seen, but she was still standing by the lake, watching the lake surface vigilantly .

Suddenly, a hand suddenly stretched out from the calm lake and grabbed her skirt. Jun Mo's eyes were cold at the beginning, and he quickly slashed down with a knife in his hand. The sharp attack was like cotton, falling softly on a pair of warm clothes. In the hot big palm.

A familiar low laugh came, "You have discovered all of this, Xiao Chu'er's skills are getting better and better."


Stuck on the h play, first send [-] characters, Yinyin continues to write the h play hard, bed | the play god horse is so sad~~

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