Chapter 254

Jun Mochu took back what he said mocking Mo Yantian earlier.

A man's ability in some aspects cannot be underestimated, even if it is his first time!

She was half lying on the bed, rubbing her waist, gritted her teeth and greeted a certain man in five 360 ​​ways in her heart, and then fell asleep a little exhausted, and swore secretly in a daze that she would never It will make him gain an inch.

After exercising too much, she fell asleep very quickly. I don't know how long she slept. Jun Mochu suddenly felt a hot and numb feeling coming from her body, and she couldn't help opening her eyes slightly.

A person was pressed heavily on his body, Jun Mochu looked at Mo Yantian on his body, his face darkened instantly, " are enough..."

Does he know how to control himself, your sister!

But she obviously doesn't understand how a man who has never touched a woman for more than 20 years can be so easily fed once he starts eating meat, let alone... this Mo Yantian is not that Mo Yantian.

Ignoring her words, Mo Yantian's purple eyes flashed with annoyance, that damned guy, dared to touch her first, dared to touch her before himself!

Mo Yantian grabbed Jun Mochu who was under him with all his might, turning grief and anger into motivation, dragging him to death, desire | fire mixed with anger in the depths of his purple eyes, burning blazingly.

"Only he is allowed to touch you? I am not allowed to touch you?" The hoarse voice was too cold, and Jun Mochu, who was in a daze, was alert and suddenly woke up.

"You..." It turned out to be another personality, and she felt like crying for a moment. This guy who has always been jealous, wouldn't care about this kind of thing, would he?

Sure enough, without further ado, Mo Yantian said in a half order and half request: "I want you, don't refuse."

Jun Mo was helpless at the beginning, knowing that if he didn't agree to him, he might not even think about going out today, so he could only lie on the bed and said in a self-defeating manner: "Okay, okay, please hurry up, and take it easy."

Unexpectedly, he grabbed Jun Mochu's hand solemnly, put it on a certain part of his body, and said coolly: "I don't know, come here."

"……"Won't!Tsao, he actually said no!

Feeling something hot in the palm of her hand, her heart skipped a few beats. Is this guy really good or fake?

But... Seeing that he endured so hard, Jun Mochu hesitated silently for a while, sighed secretly, forget it, just this one time, never an example!

Who knows that at this moment, Mo Yantian is complacent in his heart, hum, so what if you get her first?She still used her hands on me, did you?no!

Of course, the final result was still that Mo Chu was eaten up to nothing.

When they came out of the space, five days had passed in the outside world, and the world had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The battle between the army of the dark realm and the five sects of Xianshan started. The dark realm was coming fiercely. The five sects were caught off guard at the beginning and lost several big cities in a row. Deadlocked.

But at this time, the five sects had a sudden change, and they surrendered without a fight, and handed in a letter of surrender, begging the dark world for a truce.

This made everyone puzzled as to what was going on. The victory came so easily that everyone in the Dark Realm thought it was a trap. was an accident.

When Jun Mo first came out of the space, he saw a chaotic situation in front of him. Many houses collapsed, many roads were also destroyed, and broken eaves were scattered all over the ground.

"This is... what's going on?" She only left for a few days, and the place was swept away by a tornado?

Mo Yantian frowned, thinking that it was because the war continued to the main city.

In the struggle between the two countries, the most taboo thing is to kill innocent people, so he has already made a strict order that even if the city of the five sects of Xianshan is captured, the local people must not be harmed, but the situation in front of him makes him angry.

Jun Mo first walked to an old man who was cleaning up the debris outside the house, "Ma'am, did something happen here? Why are so many houses collapsed?"

The old woman looked back at Jun Mochu and said, "The little girl is not from the local area, is she?"

"Yeah, I just entered the city, what happened?"

"Hey, it's a monster! It's such a big one, and with a flick of its long tail, it ruined everything here. It's terrible!" The old woman gestured to the monster with her hands, her eyes filled with lingering fear, Obviously still a little scared.

"Monster?" Jun Mo first squinted his eyes. Seeing what she described, it should be a huge monster. Could it be a divine beast?

Mo Yantian's purple eyes flickered, and he seemed to have a bottom line in his heart.

At this moment, a blue ball of light flew towards them from a distance.

Jun Mochu subconsciously reached out to catch it, and Wuyan rushed into Jun Mochu's arms.

"Girl, hurry up, let me enter the space! It's my grandma's, I can't shake it off!" Wuyan said anxiously.

"What's going on?" Jun Mochu asked in a deep voice.

Little Fairy's black pearl-like eyeballs were dripping with tears, and she hugged Wuyan's neck tightly with her paws, and said tearfully, "Brother Wuyan moved on! He wants to be with the dominatrix!" Brother Wuyan doesn't want anyone anymore, woohoo..."

"Ah bah! Little fairy, you can't wrong brother me, it's obviously that hag who is pestering me, ahh, girl! Quick, I want to enter the space! That hag is here again!"

"Huh?" Jun Mo was stunned at first, what is this?There seems to be a huge black shadow coming here in the distance, it seems to be the dominatrix they are talking about, when Jun Mo first saw Wu Yan's eager look, he had no choice but to take him and Xiao Xiaoxian together space.

"Girl! You come in too, hurry up!" Wuyan shouted anxiously in the space, that hag is too strong, if he disappeared suddenly, the hag must suspect Mo Chu, so he let her enter the space together Come here.

Jun Mochu had no choice but to return to the space together with Mo Yantian.

"Tell me, what's going on." On the grassland, Jun Mochu asked lightly while roasting a chicken.

Wuyan tilted his head dejectedly, "Hey, don't mention it, Huluo Plain was bullied by dogs, that hag is too cruel!"

"You obviously enjoyed it! You even kissed her!" Xiao Xiaoxian accused with tears in her eyes, and it turned into a human form and simply sat down on the ground and cried.

"Ah, Xiaoxian'er, don't cry! Brother, I was really wronged! She kissed me! Brother is the one who was raped!" Wuyan circled around Xiaoxian, flustered explain.

Xiao Xiaoxian puffed her cheeks angrily, just ignored him, and crawled into Mo Yantian's arms without looking at him.

Wuyan also complained.

"..." Jun Mochu and Mo Yantian looked at each other face to face, and smelled jqk, no matter how you look at it, you feel that there is a bit of ambiguity between Xiao Xiaoxian and Wuyan.

"Hello." She touched Mo Yantian, "Is Xiao Xiaoxian the male?"

Mo Yantian nodded, "For now."

"Temporary?" Jun Mochu looked at him in surprise, a little confused.

Mo Yantian said: "Before the Slaughtering Beast became an adult, it could choose its own gender. It is now in its infancy." So, he thought, she understands.

Jun Mochu understood decisively!

That's right, I heard that the super divine beast Shi Tianshou can choose its own gender before it reaches adulthood, and once it becomes an adult, once it has chosen a gender, it cannot be changed.

And Xiao Xiaoxian is a mutated super divine beast, who used to stay by Mo Yantian's side, surrounded by men. When transforming into a human form, it is natural to use men as the standard, but it can still become a woman if it wants to. .

Thinking about it this way, the way Jun Mo looked at Wuyan at the beginning had a little more taste, "Wuyan, it's your fault, I usually think you're just joking when you play tricks, I didn't expect you It’s really so thoughtful.”

"Ah bah! Girl, don't add insult to injury, I was really wronged!" Seeing Xiao Xiaoxian ignoring him, Wuyan circled sadly.

"Hmm, who will tell me, who is this hag? What's going on?"

"Hey... this matter... it's a long story." Wu Yan said with lingering fear.

That day after he left with Xiao Xiaoxian, he accidentally broke into a secret realm, and a powerful white tiger was sealed deep in the secret realm. It is said that this white tiger was once the guardian beast of the five sects. When it was there, almost no one dared to cause trouble in Wuzong, but it seemed that a hundred years ago, the white tiger suddenly went berserk and became disrespectful, and almost destroyed Wuzong. It suppresses and seals it.

Wuyan and Xiaoxiaoxian didn't know the origin of this divine beast, the White Tiger, and accidentally broke the seal. The White Tiger who had been suppressed for a hundred years became stronger than before, and broke out of the seal directly, and then... Bai Hu helped her break out of the seal. Wuyan was very grateful. After knowing that Wuyan's identity was absolutely worthy of her, he decided to agree with her body. Hugging Wuyan was a hot kiss. The degree of enthusiasm made Wuyan petrified.

So, Xiao Xiaoxian got angry and directly fought a battle with the white tiger, but although it was a mutated super beast in its infancy, it was not the opponent of the adult white tiger, and it was defeated.

In the end, Wu Yan, who was almost raped, dragged Xiao Xiaoxian away quickly. He likes gentle and sweet people, but he doesn't like such passionate ones, he can't bear it.

The divine beast Baihu, who didn't react, watched them run away. When she wanted to chase after her, she couldn't find Wuyan. Under anger, she became mad again. Teaming up to seal her heavenly masters, in order to get revenge, the berserk white tiger traveled all over the five sects of Xianshan, and almost tortured all the heavenly masters and holy masters of the five sects.

Adult divine beasts, with all their eyes covered, within a day, all the heavenly masters of the five sects were either dead or disabled. In the case of a serious shortage of masters, the five sects were wiped out.

Before the army of the dark realm approached, and then the divine beast White Tiger put pressure on them. This war was a disastrous defeat for the five sects, and the defeat was really...dramatic. Speaking of it, they were not defeated by the dark realm, but by the divine beast Under the white tiger.

Fortunately, Fan Chen made a move, and under the Buddha's light, the divine beast White Tiger regained its sanity and stopped going berserk, which saved the lives of many innocent people.

Afterwards, the divine beast Baihu never forgot about Wuyan, and launched a new round of chasing after her husband...

Wuyan's strength was sealed, but he was once the king of all beasts above the Nine Layers of Heaven, and his speed was so fast, so for several days in a row, he and the divine beast White Tiger have been chasing after each other, until today The first appearance of Jun Mo.

Wuyan sadly recounted his bad luck, while biting his paw and complaining: "God knows that I only like gentle and sweet scholars. Those who are so violent and terrifying scare me to death!"

"Pfft." After listening to Wuyan's sad reminder, Jun Mochu's reaction was to spit out a word directly.

Wuyan flicked his tail weakly, and said with lingering fear: "No, girl, I won't go out until you leave Wuzong, it's too dangerous outside! Xiaoxian'er, let's stay here!"


"..." Wuyan became even more resentful.

"Also, girl, where have you been these past few days? Xiaoxian'er and I can't find you two everywhere." Wuyan glared at Mo Yantian, this guy wouldn't be kidnapping the girl to do something It's something shameful.

"Cough." Jun Mochu, who was in the same heart as him, immediately coughed in embarrassment, and immediately changed the subject, "Look, she won't give up until she finds you."

She released her mental power outside the space, and saw a tall beauty looking for Wu Yan's trace, but found that she had lost his aura again, and the beauty quickly flew into the distance with a gloomy face, you bastard!She doesn't dislike the white tiger, one of the four majestic beasts, he hasn't evolved yet, how dare he dislike himself?

The angry white tiger ran away.

"Aww! Fortunately, we hid quickly!" Wuyan patted his chest exaggeratedly, and at the same time gloated: "Girl, you didn't see that the five sects of Xianshan are miserable, tsk tsk... a hundred years ago they sealed the white tiger of the god beast Come to think of it, now the divine beast Baihu is stronger than before, several heavenly masters joined forces and they are no match for her, if Fanchen didn't help, the five sects would have been moved to the ground, it really is self-abuse."

"So what's the situation now?"

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