Chapter 255

"Then what's the situation now?" Jun Mochu asked.

"The five sects have lost so many masters, how can they have the mind to fight against the dark world? Now they want to cultivate themselves, but that kid Feng Fei is cunning, how long will it be if they don't take advantage of the chaos and accept the five sects? And Yexuan even led troops straight to the main city, the five sects fled, and the rest couldn't escape, and some couldn't make a fortune." Wuyan looked at Mo Yantian with a sigh, "You boy is happy , now the entire Fengyun Plane is yours."

Hearing this, Mo Yantian just slightly raised his eyebrows.

Dark Realm and Wu Zong have always been mortal enemies. It is indeed good news for him that Wu Zong is down, but he feels a little unhappy in his heart.

What he wanted was to win all of this with his own hands, but now the divine beast White Tiger also took the lead.

Sure enough, beauty hurts people...

He raised his eyebrows and thought that if he hadn't been tired of being with Mo Chu for the past few days, maybe he would have the opportunity to do it himself, but he didn't regret it at all.

I even hoped to be tired for a few more days, but someone just wouldn't allow it.

"Where's Mu Luoli?" Jun Mochu suddenly thought of Mu Luoli, "Did you see her after that night?"

"She... is with your brother." Wuyan saw it when he went back to the cave to avoid the white tiger, but he always felt that something was wrong, especially the girl and her brother, who kicked him out. Outside the cave, he was not allowed to enter, and he was discovered by the divine beast White Tiger, so he had no choice but to continue running.

"Then you stay in the space, and Xiao Xiaoxian also stays here, so as not to be discovered by the beast Baihu." After ordering, Jun Mochu directly took Mo Yantian out of the space, and the two went to Wuyan Mountain together.

No longer the original majesty and solemnity, the five sects hall was almost torn apart under the push of the beast Baihu. Looking at everything in front of them, both Jun Mochu and Mo Yantian felt that the once dazzling five sects were over like this. Some can't believe it.

Jun Mochu suddenly remembered Fan Chen's words, cause and effect are destined, what kind of cause is planted, what kind of fruit will be reaped, if they hadn't attacked the divine beast Baihu, they would not have gotten revenge from the divine beast Baihu.

All this is their own fault.

But even without the mythical white tiger, this day will come sooner or later.


At this time, in the stone cave, Jun Chen sat on the side with a smile, his cold eyes remained motionless, as if he had kept that posture for a long time.

On the stone couch, Mu Luoli woke up faintly, her body was aching, she moved, trying to get up, a cold voice came from her ear.

"woke up."

Mu Luoli was stunned, and looked up to see Jun Chen smiling.

She squinted her eyes, why is she here?Why are you back in the cave again?

As if seeing her doubts, Jun Chen smiled and said lightly: "I brought you back."

Fanchen bestowed God's blessing, and she fell asleep for five days.

Mu Luoli suddenly remembered what happened before she fell into a coma, she froze slightly, and quickly attached herself to her abdomen, her child...

"The child is fine." Jun Chen smiled and said coldly again, looking at her like a beam of cold, piercing eyes.

Hearing this, Mu Luoli's whole body stiffened, " know it all." Did he know it all?

Jun Chen looked at her coldly, "Who is the father of the child?"

Mu Luoli raised her head and stared at him in astonishment, her breath seemed to be choked, and the weight was so heavy that she could hardly breathe.

Jun Chen smiled coldly, and the anger revealed between his brows could not be suppressed, "Say."

There is a kind of anger of being betrayed in her heart. This woman who has been sticking to him all this time and said she can only love him has a child of another man. Since she has someone else in her heart, why bother him?

Clenching his fists tightly, he didn't understand why he was so angry, but when he knew she was pregnant, the feeling of being betrayed and deceived quickly spread throughout his body, making him so angry that he wanted to kill, the child father.

Mu Luoli suddenly laughed, and under her flowery smile, the momentary loss and bitterness were quietly hidden deep in her heart.

She stood up slowly, "Jun Chen smiled."

This was the first time she had called him by his first and last name since she knew him.

Mu Luoli looked at him seriously, "If I say that you are the father of the child, would you believe me?"

The hands folded in the sleeves were soaked in sweat, and after asking this sentence, she was even more nervous than she imagined.

"Mu, Luo, Li." Jun Chen frowned with a displeased smile, his expression was cold, and his tone was a little bit colder than before, with a warning in his tone, and he paused every word.

Mu Luoli's eyes darkened slightly, but he smiled nonchalantly, "Think I'm messing around again? Tsk tsk, then you can just think I'm joking."

"Tell me, who is that man!" He insisted on knowing the answer.

"I've already said it." Mu Luoli's tone calmed down. She had already said it, but he didn't believe it. If that was the case, what else could she say?

Jun Chen smiled and became more and more irritable, "Do you have to mess around like this?"

"Yes! I'm just messing around!" Mu Luoli was upset at first, seeing him keep asking with such a cold face, he couldn't help but sink his face, "Jun Chen smiled, you are not mine, what qualifications do you have?" Mess with me?"

Who is he not to her...

Her sharp eyes narrowed slightly, she said, who is he not hers, he is not qualified to ask?

"Isn't it?" Mu Luoli asked coldly, "Does it mean that I have to report to you once if I sleep with any man or am close to any man?"

Hearing this, Jun Chenxiao's expression became colder, and the aura around him was like a ghost, and his killing intent became more and more intense. Under the anger, he suddenly sneered, "Since it has nothing to do with me, why do you chase me and keep pestering me?" My person is you."

It was she who said she loved him, but fell in love with another man.

As if being slapped across the face, Mu Luoli suddenly felt extremely embarrassed, is it really so?

She thought that if she followed him, stayed with him, and went through all kinds of difficulties and hardships with him, one day he would see her sincerity, but in his eyes, she just regarded her as a trouble that couldn't be shaken off...

It turned out that she stared at Jun Chen and smiled for a moment, took a deep breath, nodded for a while, and said, "Okay, I'm the one who pestered you, I'm sorry, I'm bothering you, young master, by the way, congratulations, in the future No more idiot woman pestering you again."

After all, she pushed him away and walked out of the cave.

"Mu Luoli!" Jun Chen's heart tightened with a smile, feeling his chest constricted, subconsciously not allowing her to leave, "If you dare to leave, don't see me again in the future!"

Hearing this, Mu Luoli paused slightly, and said flatly: "As you wish." If you don't see it, you won't see it.

She has only one heart, only one person, and she keeps following him. When he turns around, she will be tired after a long time.

And now, she was really tired.

Mu Luoli turned around sadly, and left without looking back.

Jun Chen smiled coldly, damn it, she really dared to leave!The body subconsciously chased a few steps towards the entrance of the cave, and suddenly stopped suddenly. What was he chasing?Wouldn't it be better if she left, no one would be annoying to chatter around her from now on.

However, in my heart, I felt as if I had lost the most important thing, a feeling of loss.

His fists tightened and then loosened, but in the end, he couldn't resist the worry in his heart, so he quickly chased him out.

This is the Five Sects of Xianshan, and that damned woman is pregnant again, and I don't know how far she can go... Yes, he sees that she is pregnant and has just moved her fetus, so there must be many things that are inconvenient, so, He didn't care about this matter with her.

As for the child's father...

Jun Chenxiao became even more irritable, damn it, if you let him know which man it is, you won't be able to spare him!

"elder brother?"

As soon as he got out of the cave, he saw Jun Mochu approaching him. Jun Chen hesitated for a while, looked at the man next to his sister, and had to stop.

"En." He responded lightly, and searched around with cold eyes, forget it, let's look for her later, first find out who the man next to Chu'er is.

"Brother, do you seem to be in a hurry?" Jun Mo asked worriedly when he first saw that his expression was a little off.

Jun Chen smiled on his forehead, "It's okay, let's go in first."

After that, he turned and returned to the cave.

"Very similar." Mo Yantian put his arms around his chest, his purple eyes showed some surprise, and he calmly came to the conclusion that the two siblings really look too much alike.

"Of course, what about the twins." Jun Mochu's tone was a little smug, and he glanced at Mo Yantian, "Be polite when talking to my brother later, don't lose your temper."

Mo Yantian raised his eyebrows, and his tone was dissatisfied, "Is this emperor such a person who loses his temper easily?"

"You are now."


Wife is strictly controlled, sure enough, women must not be spoiled, Mo Yantian came to a conclusion in his heart for the 130th time.

The two of them then entered the stone cave, not far away in the mountain depression, Mu Luoli stood with his head held high, silently gazing in the direction of the stone cave.

Jun Chenxiao, I have known you for three years and loved you for three years, but in the end you think I have children with other men, she lowered her eyebrows and smiled bitterly silently.

"Let's go." She said to herself, as if she had made a decision.

Raising his hand slightly, the ring in his hand suddenly lit up with a golden light, which shot straight into the sky.

In a moment, two black shadows flew towards her at an unbelievably fast speed, landed in front of her, and bowed respectfully, "Miss, you don't hide from us anymore, we have found..."

"I'll go back with you." Mu Luoli interrupted them coldly.

The two were overjoyed, "Miss, you have finally figured it out. The Emperor of God will be very happy if he knows. If you don't go back, the Emperor of God will come down from the Nine Heavens to find you in person."

Mu Luoli waved his hands impatiently, "Stop talking nonsense, let's go."

"Let's go, let's go." The two men were afraid that she would go back on their word, so they immediately summoned the divine bird to escort them.

Mu Luoli caressed her belly and smiled a little, at least...she still has this baby.

Goodbye, Jun Chen smiled.


Thank you lym4455, 434332190, 1348476, unhappy 123, 1963501171 for the gold medals and gifts, I will add more tomorrow~~

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