Chapter 284

But Jun Mochu turned his head and said with a smile to Jun Chen: "I just said, you can't be human or beast? Look, the offspring born are generally more weird."

Wuyan stayed for a while.

It seemed that she hadn't fully understood the meaning of her words, and when she was about to ask, Jun Chenxiao lowered her tone, and said softly to her precious sister: "Well, I don't like humans and beasts either. "

"..." Wuyan suddenly became angry: "You are amazing! Your whole family is amazing!"

"If that wasn't the case, why didn't you dare tell me before?" Jun Mochu put his arms around his chest and asked lukewarmly.

Wu Yan was at a loss for words, unable to find words to refute, biting his paws angrily to discourage himself.

Looking at him like this at the beginning, Jun Mo couldn't get angry, so he just said softly: "Wuyan, I don't care what you are, whether you are the strongest bloodline beast in the world, or a half-orc who is looked down upon by everyone. Well, we are not in a master-servant relationship, but just companions."

Since they are partners, they are partners who support each other and fight together.

It doesn't matter if they are looked down upon by others, they have hands and feet, and one day they will impress them. Besides, he has already proved this with his own strength, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Wuyan bent his neck awkwardly, "I'm not... I'm afraid you think I have no potential..." I regret signing the natal contract with him.

This natal contract can only be signed once in a lifetime, who wouldn't want to find a powerful beast as their natal contract beast?

Jun Mo was speechless at first, does she look like that?

"Oh, okay, okay, girl, don't say anything, I understand everything now." Wuyan quickly changed the subject, and if he continued, he would lose all his old embarrassment.

He looked around, as if he was looking for something, and said after a while, "Girl, come with me." The reason why he wanted to get back this miracle was because he wanted to take away something else.

Jun Mochu immediately followed behind him, and Jun Chenxiao followed behind.

I saw Wuyan bypassing his huge body and walking towards the void somewhere.

"What are you looking for?" Jun Mochu asked suspiciously.

Before Wuyan answered, Jun Chen smiled and said suddenly: "There is such a strong aura here."

Wuyan suddenly smiled, and said proudly: "Feel it? I found this when I was sealed here. Fortunately, no one will come here except the guardian, otherwise this treasure will fall into the hands of others gone."

The guardian is the person who guards him in the sealed place, just like the person who guarded Qing Mingye in the black hole, but he can't move this place because he can't get in, so maybe that person didn't notice In fact, he is already dead.

They should also be thankful that the master broke the seal and returned to the heavenly realm, and that person was also quickly recalled to the heavenly realm, otherwise they would have come here with great difficulty, and they might have faced a fierce battle.

Wuyan squatted down, and lightly stroked his paw on a certain place on the ground, opening the knot seal he had made there, a very strong spiritual energy shot up into the sky, and a fairy grass with only one vermilion leaf was exposed. come out.

Jun Chen smiled and stared blankly, unable to hide the surprise in his eyes, "This is Wuji Flower."

He said with great certainty that he had seen the Promise Flower in an ancient book brought down from the Nine Heavens Realm by his master.

Because the characteristics of the Promise Flower are too obvious, there is only one vermilion leaf, one stem and one leaf, and nothing else, so he recognized it at a glance.

Wuyan proudly said: "I didn't expect you to know Wujihua. Fortunately, when I was here, I used the power to seal me to set up this barrier of confinement, so that the time inside was in a state of stop. Otherwise, the ten thousand years Time, the Promise Flower has withered long ago."

"The Promise Flower, what is it?" Jun Mo asked in confusion.

Jun Chen smiled on his always cold face, looked at Wuyan and couldn't help but show a little envy, and even talked a lot, explaining to Jun Mochu: "Wuji flower is a divine flower, although it is called It is a flower, but there is only one leaf, and the person who takes this flower, no matter who it is, can automatically raise the rank without cultivation."

Hearing this, Jun Mo was a little surprised at the beginning, "So against the sky?"

"It's more than against the sky." Wuyan continued: "The stronger the strength, the better the effect of taking it. That is to say, if you are a strong person of the sky rank, you can become a god rank immediately after eating it. If you are lucky, you can also eat it." It is very possible to directly increase two ranks, become a god king, and do not need to practice at all, can you not go against the sky?"

Promise flower stimulates medicinal properties according to its own potential, the greater the potential, the more strength it will improve.

Jun Mochu twitched the corners of his mouth in shock, and instantly understood that cultivation is a complicated and cumbersome journey, and it becomes more difficult to improve your strength as you go to the end, and this Promise Flower is just for you to hang up, let you even Cheating is saved, and the strength is directly improved. Such a heaven-defying thing was actually discovered by Wuyan?

Wuyan cautiously tried to pull the Wuji Flower up from the ground, "Having this thing added another layer to my success in breaking through the seal, girl, I'm so excited!" He was so excited that he couldn't talk to himself!

Jun Mo was about to say something at the beginning, but suddenly felt a heat on her wrist, and a faint red light flowed from her wrist.

It turned out to be a universe bag that hadn't moved for a long time!

Before she had time to be shocked, she saw the universe bag flew away from her wrist in an instant, and flew straight towards the Promise Flower.

Wu Yan was stunned, "The Cosmos Bag? You want—oh! My Promise Flower!"

Wuyan let out a roar suddenly, because he suddenly discovered that the Qiankun Bag swallowed the Wuji Flower in one gulp at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The sudden change made Jun Mo dumbfounded, and Jun Chen laughed silently.

Satisfied, the universe bag that swallowed the Wuji flower flew back to Jun Mochu's wrist, and stuck it on it contentedly, turning it into a pattern.

Wuyan rushed towards Jun Mochu angrily, grabbed her arm, and took out the mission, as if to take out the Qiankun bag, but the Qiankun bag just ignored him, and let Wuyan mess around there,

"Ahhhhhh, my Promise Flower - bastard! You spit it out, spit it out for me - blah blah - how could it be like this -"

"..." Jun Mochu.

"..." Jun Chen smiled.

Happiness and sorrow, it turns out that they really exist, they really want to laugh, but they can't.

Jun Mochu even discovered that after devouring the Promise Flower, the Universe Bag is actually evolving!


Thank you Qiuri〓Whispers for the dear gold medal, it has been updated.

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