Chapter 285

Qiankun bag has evolved again.

Jun Mochu's mental power invaded the inside of the Qiankun Bag, and the Qiankun Bag did not resist her. Jun Mochu discovered that the originally dilapidated world was changing little by little.

The desert, which was full of yellow sky, slowly turned green. The Promise Flower fell in the desert, like the tree of life, expanding continuously, and the whole desert was shrinking little by little.

The thick roots became the size of a human body, and that leaf, like another piece of sky, covered the entire desert.

The Promise Flower in front of me... No, it can no longer be a Promise Flower, it is like the tree of life in the Qiankun bag, bit by bit, it will brighten the whole world!

Wu Yan said that the greater the potential, the higher the level of advancement.

And the Qiankun Bag, as the unique treasure against the sky at this time, the potential of the Qiankun Bag...

Jun Mochu took a deep breath. Now, she is witnessing the earth-shaking changes in this world with her own eyes!

The mountain rises from the bottom, and the world's first tree, transformed from the Promise Flower, has become the tree of life in this world. The beautiful mountain forest that has disappeared for a long time is changing little by little.


Jun Mo first invaded all his spiritual power into the Qiankun bag, trying to find out where the first drop of water in the space was found.For that would be the real fountain of life.

A drop of crystal light reflected under the tree of life, and Jun Mochu suddenly became excited.

The tree of life, the spring of life, you have it, you have it all!In other words, the world has come back to life again!

Excited, she had a thought, and the whole person got into the space of Qiankun bag. There was a strong aura in the air. She took a deep breath. This would be the most exciting thing for her in a long time. Surprised.

The surprise came so quickly that she felt unreal.

Cosmos bag, back!

Jun Mochu walked out of the Qiankundai space contentedly, and hurriedly wanted to share his mood with Wuyan.

"Wuyan..." She reached out and patted him.

Wu Yan peeled off her hand, turned his head, and ignored her.

"Wuyan." Jun Mochu shouted again.

Wuyan turned around directly, aimed at Jun Mochu with his ass, and ignored it!

"..." Jun Mo was speechless at the beginning, this guy... lost his temper.

"Brother..." He had no choice but to ask Jun Chen for help with a smile. Jun Chen spread his hands with a smile and said that he was not familiar with Wuyan, so there was nothing he could do.

Jun Mochu had no choice but to say, "Wuyan, don't be angry, there must be other ways to break the seal, uh, it's Qiankun Dai's fault to take away your Promise Flower, but it has digested the Promise Flower now, you can regenerate There is no way to be angry."

Wuyan was angry, and with a swipe, he stared at the totem on her wrist fiercely, "Girl, let me tell you! If you have it, you don't have it! If you have it, you don't have me!!! You choose one!"


It's simply too much!

The treasure he had guarded for tens of thousands of years was swallowed just like that!

This is simply too much!

Hey, hey - he doesn't care, from now on there will be him without me!

"..." The corner of Jun Mochu's mouth twitched. How old is he? Should he be so childish...

"Okay, since you insist, then I'll throw the Qiankun bag away." The Qiankun bag is very precious, but after all, it's just a thing. If she really had to choose, it would undoubtedly be Wuyan.

After all, she urged her thoughts to melt the Qiankun bag on her wrist, wanting it to show her figure.

Qiankun Dai seemed to be able to understand her words, and it was so anxious that it emitted faint rays of light, as if begging.

Seeing that Jun Mochu really wanted to throw away the Qiankun bag, Wuyan couldn't bear it anymore. In the end, it was a good thing, but when he thought of the Promise Flower, he...

Wuyan fell into Jun Mochu's arms, and said in grief and indignation: "It's too hateful, girl, you must abuse it, and you must help me to torture it back. This guy is simply not human! It's a robber! A bandit !unacceptable……"

Jun Mo burst out laughing at the beginning.

Even Jun Chen smiled and pulled the corner of his mouth slightly.

The Qiankun Bag seemed to know that he had done something wrong, and bursts of red light continued to emerge from Jun Mochu's wrist. However, in general, for the Qiankun Bag, the Promise Flower had a great effect on it , That's why I can't wait to grab it.

The top-level magic weapon has its own consciousness. The stronger the treasure, the smarter the consciousness. The independent consciousness of the Qiankun Bag has reached the point where there is nothing wrong with it. No wonder it will snatch Wuyan's Promise Flower.

If you do something wrong, you will naturally have to make up for it, and the Qiankun Bag suddenly reappeared and flew away from Jun Mochu's wrist.

Seeing it like this, Wuyan quickly jumped out of Jun Mochu's arms nervously, blocked a certain place in the ground with his body, and said angrily: "I'm telling you! The things here are now you alone!" You are not allowed to touch it! Otherwise, I will roast you and eat you!"

The Qiankun bag stopped in mid-air and flew around Wuyan, as if studying what treasures were under his body.

Jun Mochu said in surprise: "You still have something?"

Wuyan snorted, "Of course, do you think it's just this Wuji flower?"

After spinning the Qiankun bag for a long time, he found that he didn't need it, so he flew away from Wuyan's side and headed for the seal.

"This is...?" She didn't understand what the Qiankun Bag was going to do, but she saw that the Qiankun Bag could pass through the seal and fly directly to the huge corpse.

"It's absorbing the power of the seal." Jun Chen said with a deep smile, obviously feeling the power of the seal weakening little by little.

The mutation of the Qiankun Bag itself requires a lot of power to evolve, and the power of the seal gathers the power of eight god emperors. The surging divine power is a kind of super tonic for the Qiankun Bag, which can transform its The world has evolved again!

It's just that the sealing power is extremely domineering and self-contained, encircling the center of the entire sealed place, preventing any aura from leaking out, so the Qiankun bag absorbs it very slowly.

"Could it be that it wants to help Wuyan break the seal?" Jun Mochu asked quickly.

Wuyan also saw this situation, his eyes lit up, and then he thought of something, and said: "I can't break it, I don't have the strength of the master, besides, after my rebirth, my strength is not as strong as it was in my heyday. One, it is very difficult to break the seal."

Hearing this, Jun Mo frowned at the beginning. She didn't know how strong a person like Qing Mingye was, but he was able to break the seal of the eight god emperors, so he had to be said to be a strong man.

And now Wuyan, if his strength is still the same as before, he must be able to break through as long as he has enough aura, but now his strength is less than ten times what he used to be, even if he has enough aura, it is difficult to break through .

After finally finding a Promise Flower, it might break through one of his current hurdles, but he didn't expect that he would be tricked by the Qiankun Bag.

She fell silent, not knowing what to say to comfort Wuyan.

At this moment, Jun Chenxiao was startled suddenly, and hurriedly said: "Xiao Chu, look quickly."

Jun Mochu and Wuyan looked up, and saw that Qiankun Bag suddenly automatically took Wuyan's previous body into the space, then passed straight through the seal, ran beside them again, and with a bang, Wuyan's body was taken away again. The corpse of the previous life was vomited out.

"..." Jun Mo was speechless for the first time.

"..." Jun Chen smiled silently.

"..." He was shocked by Wuyan's dense expression.

The three of them stared dumbfounded at the huge monster lying in front of them, and remained silent for a long time.

And the Qiankun bag persevered and flew back into the seal, continuing to absorb the traces of divine power with difficulty.

"This..." After a long while, Jun Mochu said with difficulty, "Does it mean that you are out of the seal?"

Jun Chen smiled and expressed his silence. If the seals of the eight god emperors were completely ignored by such a small thing, he would definitely despise the eight god emperors in the heaven, because... they are too weak.

Wuyan twitched the corner of his mouth, and said silently: "If you are talking about this corpse, it is indeed out of the seal."

"Then the seal on your body?"

Wuyan said speechlessly: "Girl, the sealing technique not only seals the body, even the soul is also imprisoned together."

Otherwise, why after he was reborn, although he lived outside the seal, the seal was still there.

Jun Mo patted his chest at the beginning, "Fortunately, I thought you were out of trouble like this, so what kind of seal is it, it's too weak."

Sure enough, the two brothers and sisters even had the same idea.

"But..." Wuyan suddenly said again, he glanced at the Qiankun bag, then at himself in front of him, twitching the corner of his mouth and saying, "I didn't expect that this guy could actually get my corpse out."

"Is this useful?"

"Of course." How can the body after rebirth compare to the body that has been cultivated for thousands of years?

Although he can't go back to this body, he can take back the spiritual consciousness that was left on this body at the beginning.

The divine consciousness of the king of beasts bears the faith of tens of millions of beasts, and the continuous power of faith is, to him, the most sacred and incomparable power in the world.

Thinking of this, Wuyan became excited again. He slowly stretched out his furry paws, touching himself in the previous life, as if he was feeling, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Then, he slowly closed his blue eyes, the blue light rolling on the corpse, as if being drawn by someone, actually followed Wuyan's front paws bit by bit towards his body flow away.

Dazzling golden light suddenly erupted from Wuyan's body. At this moment, it was beating like a blazing golden fire. The blazing temperature seemed to distort this space as it burned it.

This is the unicorn fire!

Jun Mochu and Jun Chenxiao quickly backed away!

The fire of the unicorn is extremely domineering. Wuyan is a half-orc born of unicorns and humans, so he naturally has half of the blood of unicorns. No wonder, when he was still in Shengtan City, Wuyan forcefully forced himself to fight against Haiyang. A drop of blood essence, that blood essence was the bloodline of a divine beast, directly burned a hole in the ground with scorching heat.

In this regard, they did not dare to be careless.


There was a small sound, although it was not obvious, but Jun Mochu, who was always paying attention to Wuyan, soon realized that two blood holes suddenly burst open on Wuyan's head!

This scared Jun Mochu.

Immediately rushing forward desperately, "Wuyan!"

She didn't understand what happened to Wuyan, but how could she just sit back and watch the two shocking blood holes opened on his head.

"Don't come over!" Wuyan roared suddenly, calling Jun Mochu who was about to rush up.

At the same time, Jun Chenxiao also quickly pulled Jun Mochu back, "Don't go over."

"But he..." Jun Mochu worriedly looked at Wuyan who was not far away. At this moment, Wuyan's face was full of pain, and his already fiery red hair was stained with blood. Shocking.

"He told you not to go, he will be fine." Jun Chen smiled and held her hand tightly, whispering.

"Pain..." Wu Yan couldn't bear the strong pain, and cried out in pain like a child.

"Damn it, what's going on?!" Jun Mo was angry at first, she looked at the bloody Wuyan, trembling and rolling on the ground, her heart throbbing.

"Girl...I, I'm fine..." Afraid that Jun Mo would rush over at the beginning and accidentally be injured by the fire of the unicorn, Wuyan panted and called out weakly.

Jun Mo knew at the beginning that Wuyan had a natal contract with her, and she could feel that Wuyan's vitality was still very strong, but seeing him in such pain, how could she bear it.

At this moment, something surprising happened.

I saw that the two horns on the huge head of Wuyan's previous life were slowly melting and disappearing.

In the light of the fire, a very obvious blue light lit up, and the two bloody holes on Wuyan's head were slowly sprouting two horns.

The milky white horns look rounded and look very cute, if you ignore the bloodstained traces.

Wuyan's pain gradually weakened, his expression was not as horrible as before, and he was getting better little by little.

The blazing unicorn fire on his body was gradually fading, but at this moment, the two horns on Wuyan's head burst out bursts of blue light, enveloping Wuyan inside again.

But this time, Wu Yan was not hurt. On the contrary, the soft blue light surrounded Wu Yan's bloody body and quickly healed all wounds.

The two brothers and sisters Jun Mochu and Jun Chenxiao looked at the step in front of them in surprise, Wuyan... seemed to have changed.

His body seemed to be bigger than before, and there were actually two horns growing on the top of his head. The fluffy fiery red hair on his body became a bit duller, but he could feel that his condition was much better than before.

Could it be that he was transforming before?

"I...much better." Wuyan let out a breath slowly, his tone still weak.

Jun Mochu quickly ran over, picked him up, and found that he was heavier than before, but this is not important, "Are you okay?"

Wuyan shook his head, but showed a smile, "Girl, my strength has recovered to the third floor."

Withdrawing those powers of faith directly allowed him to break through some seals, and took back the strength of the third level. The third level of strength is still very little for him now, but it is enough for him to instantly kill any heavenly master. "

Jun Mo breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine."

As long as it's okay, he knows, he really scared her just like that just now.

"Of course I'm fine! I'm so good now!"

Wuyan rested for a while, got up by himself, and looked at his small arms and calves, which had grown a lot. The more he looked, the more satisfied he was, when he suddenly thought of something, he turned his head to look at Jun Mochu, "Girl, my strength has recovered You are my natal contractor, our life is shared, my strength has advanced, your strength should also improve, take a look, have you made a breakthrough?"

"Ah?" For the first time, Jun Mo felt a little dazed. She quickly summoned her supernatural power, but the faint power of supernatural power was now condensed with explosive power.

Jun Mo was stunned for a while, and with a thought, he summoned his own force again, purple... the seventh level?

She raised her head and looked at Wuyan with the corner of her mouth twitching, "I... have reached the heavenly level."

Wuyan nodded in satisfaction, "Although it's only the first level, it's not bad. When I recover to the stage of complete victory, the Emperor of God is just around the corner!"

"..." Jun Mochu.

There is such a thing in this world?

Before in the Dark Realm, she couldn't calm her mind, and she couldn't break through the holy rank no matter how hard she practiced, but now she broke through silently without doing anything.

Even she herself didn't know how to break through.

Just now, Wuyan's fighting power was so scary that she didn't notice her state at all. Now, when she came back to her senses, she actually became a master of heaven?

Jun Mochu twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, no wonder so many people dream of signing a contract with the beast.

It turns out that the benefits between these are actually so heaven-defying.

However, Jun Mochu didn't know that not all divine beasts could bring such benefits to their masters.

It is tens of thousands of times more difficult for divine beasts to cultivate than humans. They can only rely on opportunities. Generally speaking, divine beasts that can directly help their masters advance are almost rare.

Moreover, only the natal contract has such an effect. If it is a master-servant contract, the strength of the beast will increase greatly, but it will not be able to affect the master. Only when the master advances, the beast will be strengthened.

However, in today's world, occasionally someone gets a divine beast by accident, who would think of signing a natal contract with the divine beast?They all just wanted to take the beast as their own, and directly signed the master-servant contract, so such situations rarely happened.

But Wuyan is different, he doesn't need to practice, his own strength has already reached the peak, it's just that he was sealed, once the strength recovers, as his natal contractor, he will share his life, so he will naturally advance up.

This is the benefit of the natal contract.

Jun Chenxiao is the most speechless. He practiced hard and finally broke through the holy rank and became a master of the heavenly rank. Fortunately, Xiao Chu didn't have to do anything. Once he stood there, he would not have to worry about his future cultivation. This is very enviable How many people.

It seems that Wuyan is really a treasure to her.

Jun Mochu put away the body of Wuyan's previous life, Wuyan was in a good mood and didn't stop him.

The seal on his body is different from Qing Mingye's. Because of the relationship between strength, now he can only remove the seal step by step, bit by bit. Now the seal has been broken by him, allowing him to restore the third level Strength, the current him, as long as he continues to fight with the seal persistently, the hole will gradually grow bigger until it completely ruptures and disappears. At that time, it will be the moment of his real rebirth!

"Girl, there are still things here." Wuyan cut another small hole in the ground, and took out some things from it. The treasures here were all buried when he was sealed in the first place. Come back today , is to come back for these things.

A divine dragon whip, a piece of jade ruyi, and two precious divine pills. Except for the Wuji flower which is the most precious, these things are also unparalleled artifacts and treasures in the world above the nine heavens. These all belong to His, today, he wants to take them all away.

"Put these things away," Wuyan said.

Jun Mochu directly put it into the space ring. At this time, the Qiankun bag is still absorbing the power of the seal. The power of the seal seems to be weaker than before, but whether it is her before or the current heaven-ranked As long as she gets close to the seal, she will be bounced back.

The power of the God Emperor is really not comparable to her.

"Okay, we can leave now." He took what he needed, and now, he couldn't wait to go back to the heaven to meet his little fairy and master!

Hearing this, Jun Mo glanced at him for the first time, "Where are we going to go from?"

Without even thinking about it, Wuyan said, "Of course I'm going back the same way."

"..." Jun Chen smiled, his face darkened, he kicked over, and asked gloomily, "Go back the same way?"

Had he forgotten that there was a crazy snow toad and a bunch of mutated corpse poisoners on the snow mountain!They managed to escape, but he actually said to go back the same way?


There will be an update in a while, um~ I will go to Jiutian soon, and I will meet Xiao Yanyan!There is a warning sound for typos.

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