Chapter 307

Jun Mo stood quietly at the same place, watching every move of the master of the temple.

After a while, she said softly: "You can save him, right?"

She had an intuition that the old man in front of her would definitely be able to save Fanchen.

Just as she knew that the old man in front of her knew Qing Mingye, and knew better that the Qiankun bag was in her hands, but she was not worried at all.

Fan Chen's divine power has no time to save her. She doesn't understand why he has been sleeping like a vegetable for more than two years. Right now, she puts all her hopes on him.

The master of the temple did not reply immediately, but slowly withdrew his hand and asked Jun Mochu, "Do you really want to save him?"

"Think." Jun Mochu affirmed without hesitation: "This journey, from the northwest region to this central part, is to ask you to save him."

"Even..." The master of the temple turned around little by little, and slowly met Jun Mochu's eyes. Jun Mochu couldn't see his appearance clearly, but he could feel a pair of sharp eyes, not blinking for a moment She is looking at her: "Even if that will disrupt your current life, disrupt your current, all memories?"

Hearing this, Jun Mo was taken aback for a moment, puzzled: "I just want to wake him up, why would I disrupt everything I have now, including life and memory?"

The master of the temple sighed softly, and asked her quietly, "Just tell me, if you can save him, how much are you willing to give?"

"Fate." Jun Mo uttered a word at the beginning. Her life was originally saved by Fanchen, and she saved him more than once. If she wanted to save him, she would have to sacrifice her own life, and she would never hesitate.

"Then, since you don't even care about your life, why were you hesitating?" When he said that it would disrupt her life and memory, what was she hesitating about.

Jun Mo lowered his eyebrows at the beginning, and his tone couldn't help being a little hoarse, "I hesitate, not because I don't want to, but because I don't want to hurt my current relatives by disrupting my life."

"Really." The master of the temple lowered his head and looked at Fan Chen who was sleeping in front of him, his old but extremely sharp cloudy eyes suddenly became dazed, "Then have you ever thought that you are sleeping right now? Messing up his life, messing up his life, is... hurting his loved ones."

Jun Mo was taken aback for a second, then suddenly fell silent.

Everyone knows that when Fanchen was in Yuncang Continent, he didn't have any relatives.

But when she came to the temple and saw the human-shaped jade statue in front of her, she vaguely understood that perhaps there seemed to be some relationship between the master of the temple and Fan Chen.

Otherwise, how could Fan Chen be exactly the same as the person in the jade statue?

Now that she heard him say that again, she suddenly found that she couldn't find any words to refute.

Jun Mo was silent at the beginning, and the master of the temple did not seem to break the peace.

There was an unspeakable suffocation in the air.

The air was very thin, filled with speechless silence, and outside the church, bells rang out, ringing in everyone's heart one by one.

In Jun Mochu's mind, the bits and pieces of his acquaintance with Fan Chen echoed in his memory bit by bit.

For a long time, she has always had an inexplicable sense of dependence on Fanchen. She can be tough and indifferent to anyone, but only to Fanchen, she has a kind of flattery and concern.

He didn't want such a holy person to be bullied by Wuyan, he didn't want him to be looked down upon, and he didn't want him to be angry. Even after he was injured, the first thing he thought of was relying on him to take him away.

In front of Fan Chen, she couldn't be fierce, instead she was thinking of him all the time.

She thought it was the first time they met because of her frivolity towards him, or because no one would be able to look up to a person like him.

However, at this moment, the words of the master of the temple suddenly awakened her. Perhaps, is there something she doesn't know about between her and the great god?

The distant and lingering bells gradually faded away, and the half a quarter of an hour's bell finally returned to calm. Jun Mo raised his head and looked at the old man not far away, and said calmly and gently: "Anyway, I'm sure , I want to save him."

The master of the temple let out a long sigh. He didn't look at Jun Mochu, but lowered his head, and wiped away the blood remaining on Fan Chen's mouth with his skinny hands, feeling a little relieved in his eyes.

Baby, she has the heart to save you, so, one day, if you do something wrong, please forgive me as a father, and I hope you can live in peace, child.

To watch you fall asleep, as a father, I wish you to love each other, and then, to accompany die alone, to watch your endless...painful rebirth.

Jun Mochu waited for his answer, and did not disturb him.

After a while, he stood up slowly, walked in front of the statue, and pressed a certain mechanism.

An extremely complex totem suddenly appeared at the bottom of the jade statue, with simple characters and cumbersome symbols. The statue emitted a burst of light and absorbed Fanchen's body into it.

Jun Mo was startled, watching Fan Chen disappear in his eyes, and wanted to say something, the statue suddenly opened an entrance, and from that entrance, there was a burst of aura.

The old voice of the temple master rang in her ears, "Come with me."

Jun Mo followed silently and entered the entrance. The surrounding light was bright enough, and there was only one mirror in the entire secret room.

The mirror was as tall as a person and nearly half a meter wide, like a floor-to-ceiling window. What surprised her was that there seemed to be a transparent space in the mirror, because she found that Fan Chen was sleeping peacefully on the side of the mirror. inside.

The master of the temple said: "This is the mirror of reincarnation, the only magic weapon of gods and gods in the world, which can span life and death, and will be presented in this mirror of reincarnation."

He turned to look at her, Jun Mochu still couldn't see his appearance clearly, he could only hear him say: "Do you want to see his life after life?"

"If this can save him." Jun Mochu said without hesitation.

"Come." The temple master said: "Put your hand on the reincarnation mirror, and it will lead you to find the lost memory."

According to what he said, Jun Mochu walked to the mirror of reincarnation, she could clearly see Fan Chen in the mirror of reincarnation, she gently raised her hand and placed it on the mirror of reincarnation.

A strong white light burst out from the reincarnation mirror, covering Jun Mochu's whole body in it. In the blink of an eye, Jun Mochu had disappeared in place!

The master of the temple looked at the place where Jun Mochu was standing before, and sighed softly.

Unlock the dusty memory and let her know that the person she loves is always you... Child, don't blame me, don't blame a father who can't watch you sleep.

He lowered his head slowly, looked at his skinny hands, and sighed again.

"My father is really... old."


Thank you White Horse Dead Leaf Butterfly, luo138284, 13828983386, 975961608 for the red envelopes, thank you, o(n_n)o has been added~

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