Chapter 308

Three floors of the holy tower.

Wuyan went down to the 53rd floor with some curiosity. He couldn't feel the aura of someone on the 53rd floor. It seems that the person's cultivation level must be higher than his, so he can hide the aura well, so that he can't feel anything. arrive.

"Who do you think it will be?" Wuyan asked Mo Yantian who was beside him a little nervously, for some reason, he suddenly felt nervous.

Mo Yantian raised his eyebrows slightly, and said lazily, "I don't know." But he could vaguely guess it.

There are very few people who can come to the temple and enter the holy tower, and there is only one candidate in his heart who can make the master of the temple an old friend...

His purple eyes squinted at Wuyan, seeing his curious expression, Mo Yantian thought mischievously, it's better not to tell him.

The 53rd floor is different from the top floor. There are not as many screens and lofts on the top floor. There seems to be only one single room here, which looks very empty and wide.

Wuyan gave Mo Yantian a blank look, yes, he forgot that this guy has only come to this heaven for a few years, and he has stayed here for thousands of years, so asking him is tantamount to asking for nothing.

So he directly pushed open the door, and said with a loud voice: "Who is the old friend that the old guy is talking about, I am here, scholar, come out soon and see."

The 53rd floor was quiet, and the entire hall was very peaceful and quiet. Wuyan's voice echoed several times in this empty hall.

Not long after the words fell, a chuckle echoed around, the voice was very magnetic, because of the undisguised laughter, it was a little clearer, "Wu Yan, long time no see, you are still so frizzy."

Hearing this, Wuyan suddenly petrified, his whole body was as stiff as a stone, as if it would shatter if he moved.

this sound...

this sound...

Wuyan was so excited that he couldn't help himself, it was the master!

This voice is the voice of the master!A voice he will never forget!

Wuyan trembled and wanted to rush in, but found that his body seemed to be fixed on the ground, making him unable to move.

He thought that this person must be known to him, but he never thought that it would be him,

Even when he first returned to the heaven, he thought that he would definitely see his master again, but he was just worried about the girl. In order to find her, he had to put this matter aside. With the addition of Xiao Qingyun, this matter has been delayed like this.

Unexpectedly, he would be here now, and meet the person who had always played an important role in his life again.

Wuyan stared blankly ahead, not knowing how to respond.

This is the first time Mo Yantian has seen Wuyan with such a silly expression, his sharp lips are slightly hooked, in Xiao Chu'er's words - really good.

As if feeling Wuyan's excitement, Qing Mingye walked out from the inside. Behind his hands behind his back was the same blue gown. The handsome face that hadn't changed for thousands of years was the deepest thing in Wuyan's mind. shadow.

There was a slight smile on Qing Mingye's resolute face, he looked at Wuyan with a smile, and said with a smile: "Even the foolish look hasn't changed."

Hearing what Qing Mingye said, Wuyan was shocked, and suddenly came back from embarrassment, rushed over quickly, and punched Qing Mingye in the stomach.

"Bastard! You didn't recognize me at the beginning! You didn't recognize me!" He beat him up indiscriminately, but the strength in his hands was not great, and Qing Mingye only thought he was tickling himself.

He patted Wuyan's shoulder a little apologetically, "I'm sorry, my memory at that time... was very confusing, so I didn't recognize you."

Back in the human world, when he just broke the seal, Wuyan chased after him, but because his memory was too chaotic, the two of them just missed it.

Wuyan's temperament has always been straightforward, and he expresses what he hates, likes, and misses very directly. After returning to the heaven, after several months of recuperation, he gradually sorted out the chaotic memories, and only then remembered In the human world, Wuyan who had been chasing him and calling him master, he thought, Wuyan must have been very sad at that time.

"Master..." Wuyan said hoarsely, but his eyes gradually turned red.

The people who used to rely on each other, who used to share life and death together, after ten thousand years, finally... met him again.

Qing Mingye's eyes were also a little sad, but more joyful, but seeing Wuyan's jealousy so unambitious, he couldn't help but chuckled again, "I'm so grown up, I'm still crying."

"Crying for your sister! I'm excited! Do you understand how excited!" Wu Yan became angry from embarrassment.

Qing Mingye smiled slightly, "My sister was already gone when I came to this world, where are you going to cry for my sister?"

Wuyan was annoyed, of course he knew where Qing Mingye came from, but he was still brooding about the fact that someone abandoned him back then, so he could only be secretly depressed.

However, only he himself knows how excited and excited he is right now. The two people who hadn't seen each other for ten thousand years, who thought they were going to die, were reborn this time.

"You're here too." Qing Mingye looked at Mo Yantian, and then asked unwillingly, "Have you considered it?"

"Have you considered what?" Wuyan had just calmed down, when he heard Qing Mingye ask Mo Yantian, he couldn't help asking curiously, "What's the matter with you two?"

Mo Yantian shrugged, his purple eyes were evil, and he didn't answer.

Qing Mingye said with a smile: "I want to take him as an apprentice, but he has never agreed."

Hearing this, Wuyan swears directly, "Grandma, Mo Yantian, you idiot! The master has been here for thousands of years, but

Not a single apprentice has been accepted. Do you know how many people wanted to join my master at the beginning, but now he wants to accept you, but you still refuse, you idiot! "

Mo Yantian's handsome eyebrows were slightly raised, and he asked indifferently: "Why can't you refuse?"

"Then tell me, why did you refuse! Such a lucky thing." Wuyan felt that his master seemed to be rejected, and his tone was a little dissatisfied.

In fact, Qing Mingye didn't know why he refused to be his apprentice, so he was also curious about the reason why Mo Yantian would reject him.

It's not that he boasted, in the Nine Layers of Heaven, it was indeed as Wuyan said, even though he was being chased by the eight great god kings, but his strength was there, so many people wanted to worship him as a teacher, but at that time he He felt that because he was the target of public criticism, he would harm his apprentice if he really took him in, so he never thought about taking him in.

That day, seeing Mo Yantian is a body of chaos that is rare in thousands of years, and he successfully merged the two chaotic forces of yin and yang. He was greatly amazed, and then moved his mind to accept disciples. He didn't want to, directly refused.

Mo Yantian glanced at Qing Mingye, and said simply: "I admire your unique knowledge and wisdom, but with Master, you will be more limited."

"More limited?" Qing Mingye frowned slightly, and then suddenly said: "So, I have overlooked this layer."

Indeed, Mo Yantian feels that he can develop his own potential, and occasionally asks him about bottlenecks or incomprehensible cultivation techniques, and most of the time, he is thinking about it by himself. Confidence.

However, if there is a master, as a master, he must teach his apprentices how to cultivate and how to use force. Under such circumstances, his own expansion of thinking will be limited, and he will not be able to exert his greatest potential Come.

Qing Mingye looked into Mo Yantian's eyes and admired him more and more. He never thought that such a young man could see so clearly. It seems that this person's achievement will catch up with him one day, and it is possible... beyond.

"Tsk, don't want my master to be your master. This is your loss. Don't regret it in the future." Wuyan had to admit that his master was indeed rejected. How much is still a little unhappy.

Qing Mingye didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he didn't want to see Wuyan for such a long time.

"Master, since we are all back, what are you going to do?" Wuyan asked the most important thing in his heart. They have all returned to the heaven, and those people are afraid of them, so they will not let him and him go. Master, and he didn't intend to just let it go, after all the suffering of ten thousand years of imprisonment, he wanted to get back this breath no matter what.

Hearing this, Qing Mingye narrowed his eyes slightly, "Of course this matter won't be left alone, but we have to find out the real mastermind first."

"The mastermind behind the scenes?" Wuyan was puzzled, "Aren't the eight god kings who murdered us back then? Who would the eight of them be if the masterminds were not behind the scenes?"

When mentioning the Eight Great God Kings, Qing Mingye's eyes showed a bit of coldness, "If no one instigates the Eight Great God Kings behind their backs, unites them, and gives them ten guts, they won't bother me."

Wuyan was shocked, "Master, you mean, behind the Eight Great God Kings, there is a mysterious person who is urging this matter?"

"That's right." Qing Mingye Wuyan returned to the Jiuchong Heaven Realm early in the morning, and with the help of the Master of the Zhenwu Temple, he has already obtained some information, but that person is hiding too deeply, and it is very difficult to find him out. Disaster.

"Who is that person?" Wuyan showed a murderous intent, wishing to tear that person into pieces.

Qing Mingye turned his gaze to Mo Yantian, "Have you found any news recently?"

Mo Yantian nodded, "The doubt is in the north."

Mo Yantian established the Dark Realm, firstly, to find Jun Mochu, Wuyan and others, secondly, because he agreed to Qing Mingye.

Ten thousand years ago, the reason why Qing Mingye and Wuyan were jointly sealed by the Eight God Kings was because they were always alone and had no power behind them to maintain them. Although Wuyan was the king of all beasts, he Lazy and playful by nature, they have always followed Qing Mingye, while the Wanshou Kingdom is far away in the northern region, so when something happened to the Wanshou Kingdom, they had no time to go back, so that they later became a tool to threaten them , resulting in a sealed situation.

Therefore, this time, Qing Mingye strongly supported him in establishing a dark realm in the heavenly realm. It was exactly this kind of thinking. As long as they had enough strength, they would not be so easy to take advantage of it if they started fighting again.

"Northern?" Qing Mingye frowned slightly, "The northern part is the territory of the King Beimu." More importantly, Wuyan's people, Wanshou Kingdom, are all there.

Wuyan seemed to have thought of something, and quickly asked, "Who is in charge of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts now?"

Qing Mingye glanced at him and said, "Your third uncle, the current patriarch of the Qilin clan, Gu Yueqi."

Hearing this name, Wuyan couldn't hide the disgust in his eyes. At the beginning, it was his third uncle who kicked him out of the Qilin clan, saying that he was the lowest half-orc, not worthy of being the descendant of Qilin beast, and made him suffer all kinds of ridicule. and insult.

"No matter what, it's impossible for him to turn. Isn't Elder Sanhu still here?"

Qing Mingye shook his head, "This is also where I am puzzled, so Wuyan, now that you have returned, it is time to find some time to go back and have a look."

Wuyan nodded grimly.

"Also." Qing Mingye suddenly remembered something, and said in a deep voice: "The reason why that person instigated the Eight Great Divine Kings to deal with me was because of the Qiankun Sack."

He looked at Mo Yantian, and said: "Once the Qiankun Bag evolves into a complete world, it will completely break away from the laws of heaven and earth here. That person is looking for this Qiankun Bag. You have to make your little wife be careful." Now, don't leak the news about Qiankun Bag."

Hearing this, Mo Yantian's handsome brows frowned, thinking that such a powerful Qing Mingye had fallen for that man's tricks, so what about Xiao Chu'er?

Hearing Qing Mingye's words, Wuyan also became worried, "Master, the Qiankun bag was originally yours, why don't you let the girl return it to you?"

With the strength of the girl's current high god, she will indeed not be that person's opponent.

"No." Qing Mingye said, "Now the whole heaven is staring at me covetously, it's not safe to put the Qiankun bag on me, why not let everyone's eyes focus on me, give her more time to go Evolve the universe bag, so that the universe bag will not fall into their hands, I can also rest assured, but the most important thing is that you must keep this secret, and no one can leak it for the time being, otherwise she will very dangerous."

Right now, the enemy is in the dark, and they are in the light. Every step needs to be cautious. Therefore, even this time, he chose to meet in the temple, because the temple is the only place that is most suitable for them so far.

What's more, it is difficult for him to improve his current strength, and Jun Mochu is only a god-level now, and he still has great potential. With the Qiankun Bag in her hands, he can evolve faster and better. He is looking forward to being another A time of perfect timing.

Both Mo Yantian and Wuyan nodded solemnly. Thinking of the danger they were about to face, they couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

"Okay, it's inconvenient for me to stay here, I will go to the north to check the situation first, and then we will meet there again." Qing Mingye said.

"Master, are you leaving now?" Wuyan felt reluctant, and wanted to go with the master. Thinking of Jun Mochu, he felt that he was reluctant to leave the girl alone, so he couldn't help being entangled.

Qing Mingye smiled slightly, "Wuyan, now we each know each other's well-being, right now, we can only be together freely in the future after the troubles are resolved, isn't it?"

Wuyan's face was a bit ugly, and in the end he could only shake his head helplessly. He clenched his fist to express his firmness, "Then we will meet again in the north! Master, don't worry, the girl is a very smart person, and she will definitely not let you down. The universe bag is well protected!"

Qing Mingye smiled, "Well, I trust you."

Because when Qing Mingye came, he came in secret, so when he left, he also walked very quietly. When he got out of the third floor, Mo Yantian looked at the sky and realized that several hours had passed since their chat. It's getting darker now.

They returned to the top floor, but they didn't see Jun Mochu, "It's strange, it seems that the girl hasn't come out yet?" Wuyan looked around and asked in doubt.

Mo Yantian frowned, pursed his lips tightly, and felt a little weird uneasiness in his heart. He always felt that something happened to her. Thinking of this, he said directly: "Let's go in and have a look."

"Old guy! Old guy, are you still there?" Wuyan yelled, and there was an echo from the quiet top floor, but there was no voice of the temple master, let alone Jun Mochu's breath.

Thinking of this, Wuyan also felt a little strange, and followed Mo Yantian into the inner hall without any hesitation.

There is no one in the inner hall, only a huge jade statue.

"Why is there no one? Where did the girl and that old guy go?" Wuyan frowned. Could it be that he had already rescued Fanchen, but he went back first?

After thinking for a while, he shook his head again, obviously thinking that the girl is not the kind of person who leaves alone without saying a word, she should still be here, but he can't feel the girl's breath strangely, he can only feel her life Fluctuates, showing she doesn't have anything.

Mo Yantian didn't move, he frowned, staring at the huge statue in front of him for a moment.

Seeing him staring at a certain place in a daze, Wuyan followed his gaze, and was taken aback for a moment, "Ah... boy, do you think that this jade carving... looks familiar?"

Mo Yantian pursed his lips, "It's not familiar, but you and I have seen each other before."


"Vatican dust."

"...Wow, it really is!" Wuyan shouted in surprise, "Why didn't I know that the monk's statue would be enshrined in this temple? Could it be that the monk has something to do with this temple?"

But it's not right, the monk obviously ascended with them, how could he be familiar with the temple?

Mo Yantian frowned tightly and did not speak. He couldn't see any emotion deep in his purple eyes, but only he knew it. There was a very uneasy feeling emerging from the depths of his heart.

As if...something important seemed to be leaving him, making his chest so oppressed that he couldn't breathe.

"Or, you wait here, I'll find out where that old guy is, maybe they are saving that monk Fanchen in a quiet place."

"En." Mo Yantian spit out a word from his throat, but his body still didn't move.

However, they didn't know that behind the jade statue, there was only a wall separating them from Jun Mochu.

At this moment, Jun Mochu didn't know where she was. She seemed to be standing on the clouds, and she clearly felt that her body was sleeping in the mirror of reincarnation, but her consciousness was taken to nowhere by the mirror of reincarnation.

She looked at the white misty place in front of her in a daze, and suddenly there was a little more greenness in front of her eyes. It was a forest in midsummer, with flowers and grass, and birds and insects. She walked along the forest, a A figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

It was a man in white clothes, with clear eyebrows, handsome and noble. He was standing under the tree with his head slightly lowered, as if he was thinking about something. The faint smile on his lips set off his whole body as if Immortal.

Jun Mo was taken aback for a moment, isn't this a great god?She hurriedly walked towards the great god, he seemed to feel someone approaching him, raised his head slightly, looked at the direction where Jun Mochu was, and smiled.

Jun Mochu was taken aback again, she always knew that the Great God was very handsome, but she didn't expect to be so outstanding at first sight, which made her lose her mind.

"Big..." God!Jun Mochu opened his rosy lips, and was about to call him, but suddenly found a figure running from behind her.

The flower-like woman, with a silver bell-like laugh, flew towards the Great God, and the two interlocked their fingers, smiling similarly, and their eyes were full of happiness.

Looking at the woman's back, Jun Mo frowned slightly, what's going on?It seems that the great god can't see her, and can't feel her.

Could it be that she is now in the dream of the Great God?

No, the master of the temple said that the mirror of reincarnation would take her to the memory of the great god. Could this be the picture of the memory of the great god?

So who is this woman?Why has she never heard that it is better for a master to be so close to a woman?

Jun Mochu eagerly wanted to see the woman's face, after thinking about it, he quickly flew towards the two snuggling together.


There is only one male protagonist from beginning to end, don't you all know who it is?There is also Jiageng, Yinyin to write...

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