Chapter 309

Jun Mochu eagerly wanted to see the woman's face, after thinking about it, he quickly flew towards the two snuggling together.

At this moment, something happened suddenly. Before Jun Mochu approached them, the woman next to the Great God was suddenly covered in blood for some reason, and blood sprayed out from her body, which made people see at a glance. I actually felt a little shivering.

Jun Mochu was taken aback, and saw the woman fell to the ground, revealing a familiar face, Jun Mochu looked at that delicate pretty face, his whole head buzzed, and exploded.

How could it be her?

How could it be me?

Jun Mo froze in place at the beginning, and wanted to rush over to ask Fan Chen what role he played in his memory.

However, her footsteps seemed to take root in place, making her unable to move. In her heart, she vaguely understood something, but she didn't seem to want to understand anything.

She watched Fan Chen anxiously and panickedly looking at herself lying on the ground, trying to cover the blood that kept gushing out of her body over and over again, but it was of no avail.

Fan Chen panicked, Jun Mo had never seen Fan Chen like this before.

In the past, the holy, noble, jade-like gentleman who would only smile at him warmly no matter what, at this moment, like a crazy little leopard, mourning the loss of his partner.

From another place, a tall woman came out, her face was pale, but there was a cruel smile on the corner of her mouth.

She looked at Fan Chen and her lying on the ground, and laughed wildly. Jun Mo couldn't hear what they said at the beginning. The tall and beautiful woman seemed to be arguing with Fan Chen, but Fan Chen ignored her, just pressed He hugged the person in his arms tightly.

The woman also seemed to be injured, her face was abnormally pale, and every step she took was covered with black blood, as if she was at the end of her battle.

Her gaze contained strong hatred, but it seemed to be full of deep love, and extreme love begets hatred.

However, Fan Chen didn't even look at her all the time, she couldn't support her body, and knelt down on the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out from her mouth.

She was smiling, more coquettish and beautiful than ever before, she looked at the man and woman in front of her with love and hate, her mouth kept moving and talking, Jun Mochu got closer, wanting to hear what happened to her What are you talking about.

But hear nothing, hear nothing!

She was a little anxious, but she could only look at what was happening in front of her eyes. Jun Mo felt powerless at first. She wanted to do something, and wanted to stop something, but she didn't understand why she did it.

Afterwards, Jun Mochu watched the tall slender woman slowly fall to the ground, the last look left in this world was filled with strong hatred.

Jun Mochu suddenly stopped, not knowing what to do. At this moment, a curse full of hatred sounded in her mind.

"I, Yue Fuyao, am here today, using blood as a guide, using my soul as a curse, and at the price of falling into the [-]th floor of hell forever, I curse you not to love each other forever! Once you fall in love, she will die tragically, and you will be alone forever, endlessly." reincarnation, living in pain forever! Life after life!!"

"Hahaha... You owe me this! You owe me this! I want you to never be together!"

This voice full of hatred was like a thunderbolt in Jun Mochu's mind, which made her whole mind buzz, and she felt a faint pain. Before she recovered, what did this mean? Suddenly, the picture in the reincarnation mirror changed again.

In the first life, on the banks of the Xishui River, he played the flute and played the music, she played the zither and confided in each other's hearts. He didn't expect that she would suddenly bleed from seven holes, and he had no magic power, but he was powerless to save her. He could only watch her bit by bit. When the point disappeared, he could only commit suicide in pain and die with her.

In the second world, in the farmland of cloth clothes, he turned into a commoner, she weaved and plowed, looked at each other with a smile, didn't want her to suddenly petrify and turned into a hard stone, he shouted anxiously, but just a light touch, the stone statue shattered Broken into pieces, he watched her crumble to pieces in front of him, crazy and powerless.

In the third life, he proclaimed his memory and didn't go to find her, but met each other in the dark. He who proclaimed his memory didn't understand the consequences, and knew and agreed with her. In the end, she still died tragically, and he died at that moment. With grief and indignation, he retrieved his sealed memory, and looked at his dead loved one, he hurt himself in pain.

In the fourth world, he no longer proclaims his memory. He found her, but did not recognize her. He has been far away from her, silently guarding her, protecting her silently. His family was broken and his family was destroyed, so he had no choice but to appear, but in the end tragedy happened again.

Fifth... Sixth... Seventh...

Jun Mochu clenched her fists tightly, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. She pinched her thighs fiercely, in order to hold back the intense heartache and choked breath.

Seeing him committing suicide with her again and again, she almost couldn't help rushing up to him and shouting, that's not her!That's not her!Why are you so stupid?

The scene in front of him changed again, and he returned to the top floor of the holy tower of the temple. Fan Chen knelt in front of the master of the temple, lying down on his body.

The master of the temple turned his back to him. At that time, his body looked extremely tough, not at all like a person who had lived for tens of thousands of years. He stared sadly at the child in front of him.

"Fool, the world of mortals is in chaos, why are you doing this?"

Fan Chen smiled lightly: "With her by my side, what is the pain?"

The master of the temple sighed and shook his head: "Seven generations of reincarnation, cursed, once you fall in love, she will die tragically, and you will be reborn in endless reincarnation alone."

Fan Chen asked quietly, with an extremely calm face: "What if she falls in love with someone else in this life."

The master of the temple was stunned, "Could it be that it's a wrong marriage, you...are you willing?"

Fanchen said firmly: "Don't be afraid of the turbulence of ten feet, don't be blocked by the four seas, don't suffer for the common people, but for her sake, I am happy."

The master of the temple hesitated: "She will forget you."

After all, he just smiled: "So what? Knowing each other for seven lifetimes is enough. In this life, I am willing to shave my hair and become a nun, ordained as a monk, to comprehend the world of mortals, to save the world, and to fulfill her...wrong love."

The master of the temple closed his eyes slightly, and nodded slowly with trembling eyes, "That's, that's fine."

It's better than letting him bear the pain of a white-haired person giving a black-haired person for a lifetime.

However, the master of the temple still lied to his child after all. He spent 5 years of his divine power to send her to another time and space, and then sealed Fanchen's memory.

It is said that in that time and space, there is another parallel world. As long as they are no longer in the same world, as long as he no longer thinks of that woman, then this curse will definitely not appear again.

With 5 years of divine power, the master of the temple almost overwhelmed his own life. At the moment when the divine power disappeared, he became as thin as a stick. He was no longer the handsome and handsome master of the temple. Now he is just a short man , a bad old man who is as old as a puppet.

However, the master of the temple did not expect that in the 21st century, as a special soldier, Jun Mochu's mission was to wander in the Temple of Hades every time. At that time, in order to find her missing friend Huofeng, she was trapped in Las Vegas. In the sea of ​​flames that filled the sky, he returned to this world to meet him again.

At that time, he had already comprehended the world of mortals, and she had...loved others wrongly.

Perhaps, this is life.

However, this is the only life they can live forever.

The tears in Jun Mochu's eyes slid down her cheeks, she didn't move, ever since she discovered the supernatural powers on her body, and since she entered the Ministry of National Defense, the word "tears" is too far away for her.She couldn't remember whether she had cried or not, or how many times she had cried.

But this time, she really felt that her heart was hurting.

In my mind, the memories that seemed to be dusty spread out bit by bit.

He spent all his cultivation, reversing her fate of marriage, shaved her hair to become a nun, ordained as a monk, and fulfilled her...wrong love.

Jun Mochu finally understands why he has a vague sense of dependence on Fanchen, why when facing Fanchen, he always doesn't want him to be angry, doesn't want him to be bullied by Wuyan and the others, doesn't want him to see himself kill .

I thought it was a kind of guilt, but it turned out that it was the familiarity deep in the soul that could not be erased.

Jun Mochu's heart throbbed over and over again, for the person who was so stupid and loved her so deeply.

Everything in front of her eyes gradually returned to calm. At the beginning, Jun Mo felt that her body was passing through the tunnel of time and space. Finally, the light flashed, and she felt her whole body lighten. She returned to the mirror of reincarnation again, with one hand, lightly Lightly touching the reincarnation mirror.

At this time, the person who was originally in the Samsara Mirror was no longer there, and the nearly transparent and pure Samsara Mirror exuded a faint silver light.

Jun Mochu gently withdrew her hand, the coolness on her face made her raise her head slightly, it turned out that she was really crying.

She silently wiped away the tears on her face, and silently... left the secret room.

Following the memory to open the mechanism of this secret room, as soon as he went out, he found Wu Yan and Mo Yantian who had been waiting outside the hall of the inner hall.

When Mo Yantian and Wuyan saw her walking out, their eyes lit up, and they rushed to meet her.

"Girl! Why have you stayed inside for so long, ten days! If Fan Chen hadn't told us that you would be fine inside, and let us just wait here for you, I really want to break through this damn mechanism , rushed in to find you!" Wuyan's temper is always so straightforward.

"Xiao Chu'er..." Mo Yantian seemed to want to say something, but his eyes touched her red eye sockets, and he couldn't help being startled. She... cried?

Immediately, the purple eyes sank instantly, he stretched out his hand, and gently landed on the corner of her eyes, his eyes were cold, but his movements were extremely gentle, and he whispered: "What's wrong?"

However, before his hand touched Jun Mochu's face, Jun Mochu suddenly took a step back, avoiding his touch in a panic, and turned his face away.

Mo Yantian's hand suddenly froze in mid-air, and in his purple eyes, there seemed to be something wrong and puzzled, but more of it was cold.

She is running from him.

She was... avoiding him.

Jun Mo was hoarse at the beginning, and asked in a low voice: "Fan... the great god, is he awake?"

Wuyan and Jun Mochu had the same mind, and immediately felt that she was different, and couldn't help being stunned, as if he didn't understand why his girl seemed to have many, many things on his mind every time he saw her for a few days, and those things , but she deliberately shielded it, not letting anyone know.

Wuyan nodded embarrassingly, "He woke up three days ago and told us that you are fine and will come out in a few days."

"Where is he?" Hearing Wuyan's words, Jun Mochu asked quickly.

Wuyan said silently: "It should be in the temple..."

Jun Mo lowered his eyes at the beginning, bit his lips, and said, "I'll go and see him." After finishing speaking, he went straight out.

Wu Yan hurriedly chased after her, "Ah, don't be in a hurry, girl, you haven't told us what you're doing in there yet!"

Mo Yantian didn't move, he just slowly withdrew his hand and placed it on his chest.

He finally understood why he was so uneasy before. It turned out that his greatest uneasiness came from her... change.

Her eyes no longer looked at him so calmly and with a smile.

She was hiding from him, from his touch, from his gaze.

Mo Yantian didn't know what kind of feeling this was, but he could feel it in a trance, as if... he was about to lose her.

He did not follow to the temple, but flew directly back to the territory of the dark world.

Although Jun Chenxiao was anxious to go to the territory of the God King Dongling, Mo Yantian and his sister had not returned yet, and Jun Yi had been avoiding him, so he could only stay in the territory of the Dark Realm, although he was anxious , but still can only endure.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Qingyun was not afraid of his cold face at all, instead she would often pull the awkward Jun Yi to play with him, although the games played by children were really...

But Jun Chenxiao is still very grateful to Xiao Qingyun. With Xiao Qingyun as the middleman, even if Jun Yi wanted to avoid him, he had no choice but to follow him awkwardly.

After the first time, there will be the second time. Gradually, Jun Chenxiao obviously feels that Jun Yi is not rejecting him more and more, and even sometimes even if Xiao Qingyun is no longer, he will take the initiative to stand with him Even if the two of them didn't say a word, Jun Chenxiao still liked this feeling very much.

Looking at Jun Yi not far away, who was playing with a book, Jun Chen smiled and softened his heart, walked directly towards him, sat beside him, and asked, "Can you read?"

When Jun Yi saw it was him, his eyes lit up, and he quickly regained his composure. He nodded silently. The more characters he recognized, the happier his grandfather was. As long as his grandfather is happy, he won't quarrel with his mother. .

So he has been working hard to practice literacy.

There was a hint of pride in Jun Chen's smiling eyes, which was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He couldn't help but soften his eyes again, and said softly: "Where's Xiao Qingyun?"

Speaking of Xiao Qingyun, Jun Yi frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction: "My sister is playing with sister Xiao Xian'er."

That's right, Xiao Xiaoxian is back.

On the fifth day of the Dark Realm where Mo Yantian and the others left, Xiao Xiaoxian came back after finishing her mission. When she came back, she didn't see her master, but instead saw two extra children. Xiao Xiaoxian was shocked.

What shocked Xiao Xiaoxian even more was that it actually felt the power of its master's bloodline on that little girl!Xiao Xiaoxian naturally knew Jun Chenxiao, and after being soft and hard, she asked out that this little girl was actually the daughter of the master!

Xiao Xiaoxian seemed to have picked up a treasure, and carried Xiao Qingyun with her all day long, causing Jun Yi to protest severely, but he was too small to grab other people, so he could only read words silently, but he was still very unhappy in his heart , my sister is obviously his sister, why can't I play with my sister?

Jun Chen patted his head with a smile, and said softly, "Let her play with you next time."

Jun Yi nodded heavily, "Yes."

"Ah, if you can't grab me, I'll find someone to sue." As soon as Jun Yi's voice fell, a girl's voice like a silver bell rang out. Jun Yi looked up, and there was a person walking towards here holding Xiao Qingyun not far away Come.

Her voice is very sweet, but she is dressed like a boy, with a cute little straw hat on her head, and her big eyes are watery. Because she is dressed in men's clothes, she looks indistinguishable from male and female, but she is very clear and handsome. .

Seeing him, Jun Yi snorted angrily, turned his head away, and didn't look at them.

Xiao Qingyun let go of her chubby legs and ran towards Jun Yi, looking innocently at Jun Yi with big black eyes, "Brother, are you angry?"

"Huh!" Jun Yi snorted again, this one was obviously much louder than the one just now.

Xiao Qingyun climbed up his lap, leaned close to Jun Yi's ear and said, "Brother, don't be angry, Yunyun loves brother the most!"

Jun Yi's eyes lit up, and he turned to look at her, "Really?"

Xiao Qingyun nodded quickly, "Xian'er has delicious food on her body! Yunyun tricked me over and gave it to my brother!" So she really loves her brother the most, playing with sister Xiao Xian'er is to lie to her baby Well.

Although Xiao Qingyun was whispering to Jun Yi, how could Xiao Xiaoxian and Jun Yi not hear their voices due to their advanced cultivation?

At that moment, Xiao Xiaoxian's face darkened, thinking that Xiao Qingyun really liked playing with her.

"Hey, it's the breath of the master!" Xiao Xiaoxian suddenly said in surprise: "It's the master who's back! Let Xiao Qingyun go, we'll go find your father."

After finishing speaking, he quickly picked up Xiao Qingyun who was on Jun Yi's lap, and rushed to the front hall.


Last night I was writing and writing, suddenly there was no electricity, tragedy, the manuscript was not saved, and I rewrote it all today, woo woo, there are more changes, continue to write

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