Chapter 310

Up and down the Dark Realm, people suddenly felt panic, because they found that their Lord Mo Tian, ​​the King of God, was in a bad mood.

Although the master was indifferent and unlovable in the past, he didn't have such a heavy evil spirit on him. Today, the guards guarding the gate saw Mo Yantian who came back from a distance, and hurried forward to greet him.

No, Lord God King ignored them directly, his whole body exuded a deep coldness, which seemed to be able to freeze people three feet.

The guards who originally wanted to salute, were directly caught by those extremely terrifying purple eyes, and froze in place, not daring to speak. They didn't gasp until Mo Yantian disappeared.

"King Mo Tian... seems to be in a bad mood."

"It's more than bad, it's simply terrible!"

"The last time I saw the Divine King like this was when the Western Heavenly King sent people to suppress our Dark Realm, the Motian Divine King seemed to have the same expression."

"At that was the situation?"

"... More than 30 people, including two masters at the level of the god king, none of them survived, and they were all given by the god king... Ka, no one will be left alive."

Everyone couldn't help swallowing their saliva, it's too scary, the masters of the god king level are always gone...

In the Nine Layers of Heaven, it is not only the eight great god kings who have the strength of the god kings. In fact, many people in the heavens are very talented, and there are many people who can reach the level of god kings, but the eight god kings are all very talented It existed before ancient times, and it has been passed down from ancient times to the present. It is the ruler of the Nine Heavens.

Therefore, the strength of the territory of the eight great god king families is beyond reproach. Of course, it is not ruled out that there are a few particularly powerful people. Become a new generation of God King, but such a situation rarely happens.

Although the Eight Great God King Families seem to be in harmony with each other, but if they really threaten their status as rulers, they will still unite. The alliance of the Eight Great God King Families is definitely the strongest strength in the heavens, so that even Qing Mingye at the beginning. Can't escape the evil hands.

They are very good at recruiting masters at the level of god kings. Once they find that a new god king is born, they will pay a huge price to gather them in their own family. Because of this, the strength of the eight god king families has always been beyond the reach of the heaven Beyond.

And Mo Yantian was able to deal with more than 30 people including two god king masters in one breath, which is enough to show the horror of his strength. At that time, it caused a great sensation in the heavens, but no one knew where he came from. Yes, it seems that he appeared out of thin air, but the people of the eight major families know that he ascended from the human world with Qing Mingye, so they are especially afraid of Mo Yantian.

Mo Yantian naturally didn't know what they were thinking, and at this moment, he didn't have the mood to think about other things. He had to figure out what the relationship between Fanchen and the temple was.

It is also necessary to find out what is the relationship between her... and Fanchen.

Mo Yantian's lips curled up evilly, she was avoiding him, but so what?

What he wants to decide, whether it is people or things, he will never let them slip away from him, not to mention, it is his beloved woman.

Xiao Chu'er, if you provoke the deity's heart, then there is no way for you to retreat, even if it is a robbery, you will be snatched back.

So what about the temple, what about Fanchen, you... can only belong to me.


A beautiful little figure flew towards him.

"Master, master, you are finally back!"

When Mo Yantian saw that it was Xiao Xiaoxian who was always by his side, the coldness in his eyes eased a little, and he said softly, "You're back?"

Xiao Xiaoxian nodded again and again, "I'm back, I'm back, but master, you have to tell me first, when did you have a child! You suddenly have such a little princess, people are scared to death by you!"

She sent Xiao Qingyun in her arms.

Xiao Qingyun giggled, and opened her hands towards Mo Yantian, "Pull and hug!"

A warm feeling flashed in Mo Yantian's eyes, and he hugged Xiao Qingyun into his arms, "Miss us?"

Xiao Qingyun nodded like a chick pecking at rice, "Mama?" Why did Baba come back alone?

Hearing this, Mo Yantian's expression turned back, and he slightly lowered his eyes. Deep in the purple eyes, there was a flash of helplessness.

"Master, you haven't told me yet!" Xiao Xiaoxian muttered dissatisfiedly, she looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, her face was still a bit childish, and her mind was not very mature.

Mo Yantian glanced at her, and asked back: "When will the deity give birth to a child and report to you?"

"Uh..." Xiao Xiaoxian choked in his throat, pitifully pointing at his fingers, "If you don't say it, don't say it, really... and so fierce..." Brother Wuyan is the best, never will kill her...

By the way, Brother Wuyan!

Xiao Xiaoxian suddenly remembered that Xiao Qingyun had said that Brother Wuyan had been with them for the past two years, since Mochu and Xiao Qingyun had both arrived in this dark realm territory, he should have come too. .

"Master..." Xiao Xiaoxian moved back with a blushing face, and asked a little shyly, "Where's Brother Wuyan? Why haven't you seen him?"

Mo Yantian glanced at her, and said calmly, "Find it yourself."

"..." Xiao Xiaoxian burst into tears, she wanted to protest, she decided to protest!Before finding Mochu and Xiao Qingyun, the master treated her very well, but now that she has Xiao Qingyun and Mochu is back, the master is very angry with her!

Xiao Xiaoxian was sad and angry, the master was really too unreliable!She wants to betray the dark world!She wants to abandon her master!Hey, human beings are really too unreliable!

"Then...can you tell me, where is Brother Wuyan?" If you look for it by yourself, as long as Brother Wuyan is in the central region, she might not be able to find him?

Mo Yantian held Xiao Qingyun's hand, paused, and slowly uttered two words from his thin lips: "Shen Temple."

Hearing Mo Yantian's words, the little fairy turned into a real body, and instantly rushed out of the hall, and ran directly to the temple.

I haven't seen Brother Wuyan and Mochu for a long time. I don't know how they are doing now. The most important thing is... Xiao Xiaoxian's face turned, she was afraid that they would not recognize her!

But the master said that if she wants to be with brother Wuyan, she must become a woman like Mochu, otherwise she can't be together, and she has been sad for a long time because of this.

Xiao Xiaoxian felt a little excited in her heart, what she was most afraid of was that Brother Wuyan would not like her appearance...

She ran all the way to the temple, Mo Yantian lived in the temple, Xiao Xiaoxian has been with him all the time, so naturally she is no stranger to the temple, it can be said that she is familiar with the road.

At this time, Jun Mochu was standing at the entrance of the temple, and in front of him was a majestic and simple huge palace. Two majestic stone lions stood in front of the towering temple gate, adding a bit of sacred and solemn momentum.

And she was standing in front of that magnificent palace, looking at the people sitting in meditation in the main hall, motionless.

It was as if a thick wind had fallen on her thin shoulders, and her jet-black long hair was also blown to flutter in the wind. The brows that were once full of indifference and fierceness, like the capital of the world, now condensed a faint look. Sad and sad.

Wuyan looked at her from a distance, he didn't understand why the girl suddenly seemed to be a different person, he really wanted to ask, but he didn't want to disturb her at this moment, because he could feel the sadness in her heart at this moment, he didn't know What's wrong with the girl, even Mo Yantian was weird, he seemed to have guessed something, and became weird like the girl.

Wuyan sighed helplessly, forget it, when the girl wants to say something, she will naturally tell him.

Jun Mochu didn't understand Wuyan's worry and Mo Yantian's doubts at the moment, she just stood outside the hall, looking at the so familiar yet strange person.

She knew about the past and his intentions. After waking up, the first thought in her mind was to see him. However, when she actually got here, she found that she dared not go forward.

He's in it, he's in it, as soon as she walks in...

Jun Mo gritted his teeth for the first time, but finally hesitated,

The people in the hall had already spotted her, and Fan Chen slowly stood up from his meditation seat, turned around, and met her uneasy eyes with clear eyes.

Jun Mochu was taken aback.

Fan Chen smiled slightly, "Juner." He seemed to know nothing, nothing happened, his clear smile was warm, his usual gentle, like the warm sun in spring, soft and warm.

Inexplicably, all the uneasiness in Jun Mochu's heart disappeared without a trace in that clear smile.

"Hmm." She responded, walked forward, and finally stepped into the hall that made her hesitate.

"Have you been standing for a long time?" Fanchen smiled, "I was practicing just now, but I didn't notice you coming." When he returned to the temple, his mind was very relaxed, and he had just woken up not long ago, and his body was very weak, so his whole body Dedicated to practice.

Jun Mo shook his head at the beginning, looked at his still pale jade face, and asked with concern: "Is your body... better?"

Fan Chen nodded with a smile, "It's basically fine." The reincarnation mirror is his magical weapon, and it also has the function of automatically protecting the master. When he was still in the reincarnation mirror, all his injuries had healed, but he slept for too long and his body Just a little weak.

"Come here, gentleman." Fan Chen walked to the statue of Zhenwu God on the side, took out something, like jade, but not like jade, it looked very crystal clear, he put it in the palm of his hand, clasped his hands together, and said something devoutly silently, Then gently put it in Jun Mochu's hand, and said softly: "I heard from Wuyan that I slept too long and missed the birth of Xiao Qingyun, so I gave this to her."

Looking at the gift, Jun Mochu had a sore nose. Now... what kind of mood is he in, to send such a precious gift to his beloved and a child born to another man?


Thank you 896568232, 2902733, Wang Weijia 66, 149969304, xiaowoniu516 for the gold medals, which have been updated. Today’s gold medals and red envelopes will be updated tomorrow, so that two more chapters can be added. Yinyin is really diligent!

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