Chapter 319

It was a very shameless act for Jun Shaoyang to deal with two children in such broad daylight, especially when the other party was such a young child. Many people dare not do it because they are not stronger than Jun Shaoyang, but the sky is so big. , There are many strong people, and Jun Shaoyang is not the only one who is powerful. A woman in yellow couldn't see it, grabbed the people around her, and wanted to help.

Unexpectedly, this sudden change made them all startled. Their eyes moved down, and they saw a large piece of Jun Shaoyang's clothes stained red with blood between his legs. The men in the room couldn't help but feel a little bit pained...

What a ruthless little baby boy, this man must have been abolished. Who taught such a nasty little baby boy such a sinister move?

"Brother, run!" Xiao Qingyun dropped the iron bump in her hand, grabbed Jun Yi and ran out the door.

"Damn it! I'm going to kill you two little bastards today!" Jun Shaoyang staggered, and originally wanted to cover his lower body with his hands, but under the eyes of everyone, even though the pain was so painful that he almost lost consciousness, He still couldn't bear the face.

Furiously rushing upwards for a moment, Jun Shaoyang didn't care about the pain, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and a two-meter-long whip with long spikes flew straight towards the two little guys.

The long whip mixed with strong wind, like a sickle for harvesting life, swung towards Xiao Qingyun mercilessly.

Ma Ma Mia!Xiao Qingyun's little heart is terrified, what should I do if it is swollen?It's all her fault that caused my brother to be caught by the bad guys!Now that she can't escape, Ma Ma will definitely despise her for being stupid and useless!

It was as if they could feel that the long whip with the breath of death was about to fall on them. The strong wind shook the floor at the feet of the two little guys, and the two little guys were tripped and fell to the ground.

"Be careful! Little devils, get down quickly and don't get up!" The woman in yellow who wanted to help just now yelled when she saw this situation, and then immediately pulled forward and swung her palm forward. The long whip received an external force. , turned around in mid-air, changed direction, and slammed heavily on another young man in gray who had just entered the door.

This whip, carrying Jun Shaoyang's gloomy anger and killing intent, condensed his eight layers of force, but he didn't expect that when it fell on the gray-clothed youth, he was abruptly blocked, and he had never been there. No trace was left on the young man in gray, as if there was a kind of transparent barrier on the young man in gray, which easily blocked his attack.

The attack of the high god couldn't hurt him at all, which means that the strength of this gray-clothed youth is the same as his high god, perhaps even stronger than Jun Shaoyang!

This acknowledgment made Xiao Qingyun suddenly a little excited, she inflamed a pair of beautiful black eyes, got up from the ground, and instantly threw herself on the young man in gray, shouting in a childish voice : "Uncle help, uncle help!"

Ma Ma said, to be a human being is to have a thicker skin!Make it thicker!Make it thicker! !Whether it's acting like a baby or being cute, you must get an uncle to help you.

Because Uncle Jie looks so powerful, you can't let go if you catch him!

Unexpectedly, the young man in gray didn't push Xiao Qingyun away. He wore a wide cloak on his head, covering his entire appearance in the cloak, making it impossible to tell what he looked like. Although he looked like a young man, he could vaguely see his outline, as if he was a very ordinary young man.

He lowered his head slightly, looking suspiciously at the pitiful little girl who was hugging him tightly and asking for help, he moved, suddenly stretched out his hand, and slowly stretched out his hand towards Xiao Qingyun, landing on the fleshy girl Dudu's little face, and then stopped.

Well, it was soft, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes, and he pinched it a few more times.

Xiao Qingyun looked at him without blinking, her wet eyeballs were a little worried, while praying silently, uncle, pinch, pinch, pinch Yun Yun's face, don't forget to save Yun Yun and brother after pinching Yun Yun's face!

Xiao Qingyun suddenly felt that she was greater than Uncle Wuyan and Baba Mama, she sacrificed her body in order to save her brother.

The handsome face under the cloak of the gray-clothed young man flashed a trace of bewilderment and joy, and finally, he patted Xiao Qingyun's head slowly, and a word escaped from his throat, "En."

When Xiao Qingyun heard this, she immediately hugged him even more happily, and excitedly rubbed against him: "Uncle, hello!" The prostitution was successful!

However, Xiao Qingyun didn't know that if her Uncle Wuyan and Jun Mochu were here, they would definitely be able to recognize that this young man in gray was not someone else, and he hadn't seen him for more than two years or almost three years—absolutely Heart.

The Juexin at this time seems to be the same as before. Since he lost his memory, he has been relatively silent and seldom talked. He is as ignorant of many things as a newborn. He does what he does, it is a kind of complete trust.

Therefore, after leaving the spring of life in Qiankundai, he is not used to life outside. He wants to go back to that space world, because the dead energy on his body has been transformed into spiritual energy. Now he can be said to be spiritual energy. The place where the spring of life is extremely sensitive, unexpectedly found Jun Mochu's trace that day, which caused his heart lake, which had been fluctuating all along, to fluctuate violently.

He wanted to find her, wanted to go back to that space world, and do what he wanted to do, so when he received the news from Jun Chenxiao, he came here.

But Jun Shaoyang didn't know that the man wearing a cloak who couldn't see clearly in front of him would be his worst enemy.

"Little guy, are you alright?" The woman in yellow in the restaurant also came over and helped Jun Yi up. Beside her was a tall and burly man, protecting her like a bodyguard.

Jun Yi pursed his lips, clenched his fists, and turned his head to look at Xiao Qingyun. Seeing that Xiao Qingyun was fine, he shook his head stubbornly.

The woman in yellow saw that Jun Yi was so young and still didn't cry out for the injury. She couldn't help feeling sorry for the child's sensibility, and couldn't help but want to reach out and touch Jun Yi's head. Beside Qingyun, she slightly avoided the hand of the woman in yellow.

The woman in yellow withdrew her hand in embarrassment, turned her head to look at Jun Shaoyang, her eyes were full of contempt, "I didn't expect that there are people like you in this dark realm territory, and you even bully two children. It seems that this so-called secret Territory, it’s not that bad.”

Jun Shaoyang is not from the Dark Territory in the central region, so naturally he would not pay attention to the words of the girl in yellow. He stared gloomyly at the few people in front of him, and said coldly: "Who are you? This matter has nothing to do with it. You have nothing to do, I advise you not to meddle in your own business."

There were bursts of severe pain in the lower body, Jun Shaoyang gritted his teeth, and almost called his father and mother, big drops of cold sweat fell from his head, he wanted to check the injury on his lower body, to what extent it was hurt, but here Obviously not a good place to check.

He was unwilling to just let these two brats go like this, besides, Jun Yi was his magic weapon to threaten Jun Chenxiao, originally he wanted to quickly finish off that bitch girl, and then take Jun Yi away, his gloomy eyes fell on Jue Xin and Jun Yi. The woman in yellow waited for the three of them. It seemed that it would not be so easy for him to get what he wanted.

The woman in yellow seemed to have a high status, and she didn't seem to be afraid of Jun Shaoyang's threat. She sneered and said, "I'll take care of today's matter. Don't even think about hurting these two little guys."

"Yangyang..." The man behind the woman in yellow looked at Jun Shaoyang, as if he wanted to say something.

"Brother Qin, would you like to see two children die at his hands?" She interrupted him directly and asked back.

Qin Hai shook his head, feeling a little helpless, "Yangyang, you misunderstood." He lowered his head, and whispered in Wen Yang's ear with a voice that only two people could hear: "This man's aura is very strange, like It's like...someone from the Westlands."

Hearing this, Wen Yang's pretty face changed slightly, the western region... could it be said that this person is a member of the Lanling God King?

It is said that the Divine King of Lanling has extremely strange and unique skills, and he can even split his muscles and bones. He is an extremely terrifying person. The Lanling God King became the head of the Eight Great God King families.

Although they are also members of the Shenwang family, if the other party is really a member of the Lanling Shenwang family, this matter really needs to be considered carefully.

Thinking that the other person might be the Lanling God King, Wen Yang also hesitated a little. She turned her head, glanced at Xiao Qingyun and Jun Yi, and suddenly bit her lip, making up her mind.

In any case, these are two such young children, how could she bear it, she must save them today.

She firmly said to Jun Yi and Xiao Qingyun: "Little guy, don't worry, Brother Qin and I will definitely send you home safely today."

"You are looking for death!" Jun Shaoyang's expression became more and more cold, and the aura emanating from his body became more and more strange, and his whole person seemed to reveal an evil smell.

Jun Yi was very worried, he quietly pulled Xiao Qingyun, pointed at Jue Xin and asked: "Can he fight?"

Xiao Qingyun immediately turned her head to Juexin, "Uncle, you're a bad boy, how can uncle beat you?"

Hearing Xiao Qingyun's words, Juexin finally turned his rusty head, lifted it up little by little, and looked at Jun Shaoyang ten steps away.

In an instant, the pupils under the cloak suddenly shrank.

his face...

Exactly like him!

This person is... This person is...

It seems that something is breaking through the shackles of memory, like a raging wave, rolling in.


Finally, a chapter was written, and there were only [-] words left of the [-] words promised. Yinyin continued to write, and it was estimated that she would not be able to write it until tomorrow morning.

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