Chapter 320

It seems that something is breaking through the shackles of memory, like a raging wave, rolling in.

He knows this man!

He must know this man!

Jue Xin hugged her head, took a big step back suddenly, her headache was severe, who is this person? !

Who is this person? !Why can't he remember?Vaguely, he seemed to perceive something, but when he wanted to further feel the memory that seemed to have been buried for a long time, the severe pain eroded over and over again, so that he could only give up and continue to explore.

He's pretty sure he knows this person who looks exactly like him, but... why can't he remember who this person is?

As if his head was about to be torn apart, Jue Xin hugged his head with both hands and squatted on the ground, the severe pain almost paralyzed all his nerves and senses, making him almost out of breath.

Xiao Qingyun and Jun Yi looked at each other, Nani?This hasn't been fought yet, why did uncle Jie just fall down like this?

The adults are really unreliable!

Jun Yi decided to save himself, grabbed Xiao Qingyun and wanted to continue running.

Jun Shaoyang discovered his motive, and suddenly shouted, "I want to run! It's not that easy!"

Stretching out the sharp claws, it was like piercing through the air, and the strange long whip pierced the air and came roaring.

"I'll do it!" Wen Yang decided to protect the two little guys to the end, without saying a word, he stepped forward.

"Yangyang, you take the children away, I'll block him." With a long arm, Qin Hai took the lead in bullying him, blocking Wen Yang's body.

Wen Yang thought that Qin Hai's cultivation was higher than hers, so he no longer hesitated, and directly hugged Junyi and Xiao Qingyun, "Let's go!"

Xiao Qingyun is a clever ghost, when she saw that Wen Yang was going to save them, she immediately put her arms around Wen Yang's neck like a dog's, and said sweetly: "Thank you sister... sister is so beautiful!"

Although Jun Yi is young, he has inherited Jun Chen's full personality of laughing, he is not talkative, but also stubborn, from the beginning to the end, he keeps his lips tightly pressed together, and will not speak unless it is absolutely necessary.

Therefore, when he heard Xiao Qingyun's words, he just complained silently in his heart, this woman is not as beautiful as his mother, and his sister is so innocent and kind...

As a woman, Wen Yang's natural maternal light flooded instantly. He is really a cute and good boy. How could he let them die in the hands of the villain? Without saying a word, he just hugged the two of them and rushed out.

Seeing that Wen Yang had taken the two little guys away, Qin Hai made a bold move with confidence. However, when he made the move, he was careful and suddenly found that the aura around him seemed to become more and more intense. As soon as he mobilized himself With his powerful force, those auras will be absorbed by him automatically, replenishing the previously consumed energy, giving him a kind of inexhaustible supply of all the energy of the world for him to use.

How can this be? !

Qin Hai knows his own cultivation best, but his moves are more gorgeous, and he spends a lot of force every time he strikes. He has never been very satisfied with his cultivation, because it means that as long as he encounters a difficult If the opponent is entangled, if there is no way to take down the opponent for a while, it is easy to exhaust the force, and the opponent will counterattack dangerously at that time.

But what is going on now?As long as his body loses a little bit of force, spiritual energy will automatically replenish into his body.

Qin Hai quickly glanced around, and his eyes fell on Jue Xin who was holding his head. He was in so much pain that he almost lost control. Emanating from this person?

A noun flashed across his mind instantly, aura!

He had rarely seen this aura for tens of thousands of years, and he could only find out about it in ancient books and elders, but he actually encountered it?

According to the legend, a person with spiritual energy is simply a mobile treasure house. He will never be afraid of the day when his force is exhausted. When the strength is not strong, it is already difficult to deal with. If the strength is strong, it is definitely an extremely heaven-defying existence!

Qin Hai was too shocked for a moment, his thoughts were complicated, and he was inevitably shocked. This distraction gave Jun Shaoyang an early opportunity. With a long whip, the door of the restaurant fell to the ground with a bang, and he lifted himself up and chased him out.

"not good!"

Qin Hai came to his senses, and hurriedly chased after him, thinking a thousand times, and still thinking about Jue Xin, such a person with spiritual energy, if he was a loose person and had no power, he could definitely win him over to become a own strength...

Thinking of this, Qin Hai was ecstatic in his heart, thinking to send that person away quickly, and come back to find him again!

However, when he raised his head after making a decision, how could there be Jun Shaoyang in front of him?Even Yangyang who ran away with the two little ghosts disappeared.

Qin Hai stopped and cursed on the spot. With Yang Yang's skill and strength, he shouldn't be overtaken by that person. It's better to go directly to the old place to meet her.

He returned the same way, and saw that Juexin seemed to have recovered from the pain just now, and was slowly standing up from the ground, he was overjoyed, and hurried up to meet him.

"This brother..."

"Get out of the way." The cold voice came from Jue Xin with a thick and indifferent voice. Jue Xin was a little impatient at the moment. He wanted to find that person just now. He felt that that person must know him, otherwise how could he look exactly like him? Woolen cloth.

He wants to find him, he wants to ask him, who is he?

Jue Xin slowly clenched his fist... Even if he doesn't say it, it doesn't matter, he can't ignore the feeling of loathing that person, since he is so annoying, it doesn't matter if he is killed, isn't it?

Qin Hai continued to lobby without giving up, "Brother, I'm going to Qin Hai, can you..."

Jue Xin finally looked at him, a pair of eyes that couldn't tell what kind of emotion he was staring at him through the cloak, oh yes, he also saw this person present just now, maybe he knew that that person looked exactly like himself Where did the people go.

"Where is that person?" he asked.

"...Who?" Qin Hai was a little confused.

"The injured one."

"...He went after those two children." After thinking for a while, he was afraid of Jue Xin and those two weird children, and added, "But don't worry, my little junior sister took those two children away , it should be fine."

child?Is that the one with the soft face that is easy to touch?Jue Xin frowned, feeling even more unhappy.

"Lead the way." He stared at Qin Hai and said coldly.

"...?" Jue Xin's jumping thoughts were too fast, Qin Hai didn't turn the corner, and led the way, where to?

"Your junior sister."


Qin Hai, who was determined to meet Wen Yang at the agreed place, still wondered why the person who was following him now could take him as a servant for granted?

Unexpectedly... He actually really listened to him.

Qin Hai bowed his head silently, and just do what he wants. It's understandable that such an aura, which is rarely seen in tens of millions of years, should be a bit airy and arrogant, right?

Qin Hai wanted to build a good relationship with him selfishly, so he broke the silence and asked, "Have you asked your name yet?"

"Juexin." Juexin's voice was still cold.

He really lives up to his name.

Qin Hai smiled and said flatteringly, "Where is Brother Juexin from? Do you have a family background?"

After being silent for a while, Jue Xin seemed to be thinking about where he was from, and said half aloud, "I forgot."

"……"forget?How could this kind of thing be forgotten? Qin Hai was depressed, and felt that he was unwilling to tell himself, so he had no choice but to stop asking more questions, and awkwardly changed the subject: "I hope the little junior sisters and the others will come to join us safe and sound. "

The Lanling God King's people are too weird. Although he has confidence in Wen Yang, he is still afraid of other accidents.

In fact, Wen Yang, who is running away with Xiao Qingyun and Jun Yi at this moment, is indeed in some trouble. She wants to go to the place agreed with Qin Hai in advance to meet in the event of an accident, but Jun Shaoyang is chasing after her , she had to go in the opposite direction.

"Do you remember where to go home? Where is home?" She lowered her head and asked the two children in her arms. The only way out now is to send the two little guys home first, or wait for that guy After catching up, she has to worry about the two children, so she is definitely not that person's opponent.

"Sister, Yunyun's home is..." Xiao Qingyun blinked her big eyes and was about to answer.

"In the temple." Jun Yi suddenly grabbed the words, took Qingyun's little hand, and said to Wen Yang, he could already see the seriousness written on his handsome little face, "If my sister can send me and my sister back to the temple, Parents will definitely thank my sister."

Jun Yi's little hands are covered with sweat, and his little face is very calm, but only he knows that he is actually very nervous, but... he and his sister don't know whether this sister is a good person or a bad person, if they are from the Dark Realm What about the enemy?What if they stopped helping them when they heard that their parents were powerful figures in the Dark Realm, and wanted to kill them instead.

He has to be careful and protect his sister carefully.

His mother once told him that the shrine is the most sacred place in the heaven, and few people dare to disrespect the shrine. My sister's beautiful father is also in the shrine. As long as they can return to the shrine, they will be able to return home safely.

Xiao Qingyun blinked her big black eyes, as if she understood what Jun Yi said, she hurriedly bit her little paw, and nodded vaguely, "Yeah! Su Temple! Beauty Daddy, Yunyun is going to the temple, going Beside the beautiful father~~"

Xiao Qingyun knew very well that when she introduced her, she sneaked out by herself. If Ma Ma found out, she would be doomed!So when she heard that the beauty's father had woken up, she was going to find the beauty's father as a backer!

"Shen Temple?" Wen Yang's eyes flickered, he didn't expect that these two children would have anything to do with the temple.

Where is the temple?

It is the belief of the entire heaven, where the families of the Eight Great God Kings dare not be presumptuous easily. Could it be that these two children are the descendants of the gods?

For a moment, Wen Yang's face became more serious. If they were just ordinary children, it would be fine to send them home safely, but now that they have something to do with the temple, she has to take it seriously.

If any accident happened to the descendants of these two gods, it would affect her entire family...

"Okay! I'll take you back to the temple." Wen Yang stopped and sprinkled it, a cloud of powder quickly spread around, and she immediately turned around and ran towards the temple in the central area.

"Sister, flour?" Xiao Qingyun looked curiously at the powder that floated in the air for a while before disappearing completely, her big black eyes were full of curiosity.

"It's a kind of breath-dispersing powder. There are several paths here. If you erase our breath left in the air, he will lose his direction and temporarily confuse the other party." Wen Yang explained patiently, but after finishing speaking, he She was taken aback, thinking what she was going to do with these two little milk babies. She explained so clearly, but they might not understand.

But at this moment, Xiao Qingyun was thinking in her heart, this is really a good thing, and she will ask Uncle Wuyan to get some for her to keep in the ring later!

Not long after the figures of Wen Yang and the two little guys disappeared in place, Jun Shaoyang, who had been chasing after him, really quickly caught up.

The aura that followed all the way suddenly disappeared, Jun Shaoyang stopped with a gloomy expression, his lower body was still bleeding, looking at the three-pointed road in front of him, his expression became even more gloomy.

"Damn you bastards... I underestimated you, damn it!" Spit Xingzi bitterly, "I'm guarding you at the gate of the dark world, I don't believe you don't show up! Bah!"

Jun Shaoyang put away his long whip, and headed towards the dark world without hesitation.


Wen Yang wholeheartedly wanted to send the two little guys back safely, but... the dream is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Looking at the sacred and solemn temple door in front of him, Wen Yang felt a little sad. He ran around all day, thinking that he could finally complete the task, but he didn't want to be turned away...

She really thought too much, what is the temple, how could she be allowed to enter if she wanted to?Even if she is also a member of the family of the Eight Great God Kings, she still does not have that qualification.

She looked helplessly at the two little guys, "Do you really have no tokens, or things that can prove your identities?"

The two little guys shook their heads in unison, their eyes a little pitiful and innocent.

"Then how did you get in before?" Isn't this their house?Why can't you go in? !

"I've never gone in." Xiao Qingyun innocently bit her finger.

"...Then you said, your father is here?" Wen Yang endured it, and took a deep breath.

Xiao Qingyun nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice, "Yes!"

Wen Yang finally let go of his heart, "Then your father's name is...?" Report the child's father's name, even if the guards of these temples say they have never seen these two children, they should have seen their father, right?

Beauty's father's name?

Xiao Qingyun was stunned for a moment, looked at Wen Yang blankly, then looked at Jun Yi, then lowered her head, pointing at her fingers, "Ma Numa has told Yun Yun about the name of the beauty's father..." Beauty's father is called Beauty's father.

"..." Wen Yang felt the sound of the taut string in his temple snapping suddenly.

Jun Yi gently pulled off her sleeve, and said kindly: "We can climb the wall."

"..." Climbing the wall?Where are they as a temple!The wall here means that if you climb it, you can climb it, and if you say you can climb it, you can climb in! !

Seeing that Wen Yang was about to go berserk, Jun Yi touched his nose and stopped talking.

Wen Yang felt that she had been played by these two little guys, maybe they were not from the temple at all, but she couldn't do it if she was asked to leave these two little guys here, so she hesitated for a while, Only then said helplessly: "Forget it, the sky is getting dark, find a place to live first, and try to find a way tomorrow to see if I can go in and find your parents."

Xiao Qingyun stuck out her tongue, and said obediently: "Listen to my sister!"

"Yes." Jun Yi agreed.

They turned around and left, deciding to find a place to stay nearby. At this moment, a very ordinary carriage came out of the temple without any haste.

There were no guards to protect them, no one to see them off, only an ordinary man driving a carriage, and an ordinary carriage.

Normally, Wen Yang would only treat this carriage as a commoner, but seeing it coming out of the temple today, Wen Yang was overjoyed, and hurriedly dragged the two little guys over.

Since the carriage can come out, it will definitely be able to enter again, why not ask the people in the carriage to help?

However, before Wen Yang stepped forward to stop the carriage, the carriage stopped suddenly. Inside the carriage, a person who was closing his eyes and resting his mind suddenly opened his eyes, and those eyes, which were as clear as magnolia flowers, passed a few times. Very suspicious and surprised.

He felt his divine power.

That was his strength, and the power of faith that he had once possessed.

"Who is outside the sedan chair?" He asked gently, his voice was a little low, a little hoarse, a little... vicissitudes, unlike his eyes that were so clear.

The coachman replied, "A girl and two children."

Wen Yang said in a timely manner: "Little girl Wen Yang, I want to ask your Excellency for help."

The person in the sedan chair did not answer immediately, but closed his eyes gently.

After a long time, just when Wen Yang thought that the people in the sedan chair were unwilling to help, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a man in white came out of the carriage.

The aura of a thin fairy is sacred and noble. He is standing not far from her eyes, but it makes people feel that he is far away in the sky, but he can't be touched from a distance. Wen Yang is shocked, with such a noble and holy aura. Man, what kind of person would he be?

She involuntarily raised her head slowly, thinking that she would see a beautiful and handsome face, but she didn't expect that what she met was a slightly aged face, Wen Yang was startled, and there was a flash of disappointment in her eyes.

It's a pity to have such a perfect aura, but what makes her feel strange is that his eyes don't match his appearance at all, so clear and clear, as if the sky is full of splendor falling into his eyes, and she will also be attracted by his eyes. Static precipitation.

Who would this old man be in the temple?

She looked at him curiously.

But his gaze was focused on Xiao Qingyun on her left.

He stared at Xiao Qingyun, with doubts, surprises, and sighs in his eyes.

Xiao Qingyun saw this old grandpa for the first time, and saw that the old man was looking at her all the time, but she didn't feel afraid at all. Instead, she felt that there was a very kind feeling about this old man, and she grinned. mouth, smiled at him, then touched his little head, and said sweetly: "Grandpa is good~~~"

Fan Chen smiled slightly, walked towards her slowly, knelt down in front of her, and gently took her little hand.

Jun Yi beside him stared at him warily, as if he was afraid that he would do something bad.

Fan Chen didn't look at other people, but gently put on Xiao Qingyun's small wrist.

Feeling the familiar and friendly breath coming from her body, the smile on Fan Chen's lips became more gentle.

He once sent all the divine power in his body into Jun'er's body to reassure her and prolong her life. Now, he feels the breath of his own power in this child, so this child...

Gently stroking|stroking the delicate and beautiful face under the palm, Fan Chen murmured softly, "Qingyun is so good." It must be Qingyun, Wuyan said it... Mo Qingyun, cute Little Qingyun.

Wen Yang was overjoyed, did this person really know this little guy?

Xiao Qingyun's small face lit up, her eyes widened instantly, and she looked at him in surprise, "Grandpa knows Yunyun?"

"I know." How could he not know, Fan Chen chuckled.

"This is great." Wen Yang said quickly: "To be honest, these two little guys were almost killed by gangsters, so I sent them back here, but they couldn't enter the temple. These two little guys couldn't tell My identity, since you recognize them senior, can you please take them back to find their parents?" She briefly told Fan Chen how to rescue the two little guys.

Hearing this, Fan Chen paused his hand, and he stood up slowly, looking far away, as if he was thinking about something, before he said after a while: "There is an Orchid Pavilion in front of you, which is the foreign residence of the temple. The girl took the children to hide After staying inside, within two days, someone will come to pick up the child."

With the nature of Jun'er and Mo Yantian, it's impossible for them not to know about what happened, and it's even more impossible for them to have no clue.

They must have tracked down the traces, and they are now looking for Qingyun's whereabouts, or more likely... they are looking here right now.

Fanchen looked at the long road in front of him, the sky was high and expanding, it seemed so empty and lonely, just like his mood at the moment, complicated and worried.

Hearing what Fan Chen said, Wen Yang heaved a sigh of relief. The old man was from the temple, and he knew these two little guys again. Since it was the site of the temple, he said there would be no danger, and there should be no danger.

Thinking of this, she quickly cupped her hands in thanks: "Thank you for your help, senior."

Fan Chen shook his head, smiled without saying a word, lowered his head, looked at Xiao Qingyun who was looking at him curiously, and there were ripples in his heart again.

What a lovely child, this is her child... He can still see her child with his own eyes.

He smiled, raised his hand slightly, and took off the prayer beads that had been hanging around his neck since he was a child without hesitation. It was a string of ordinary prayer beads without any power, and there were all the bits and pieces that had been with him for more than 20 years.

He gently put the Buddha beads on Xiao Qingyun's neck, and said softly: "Qingyun, take it with me to keep you safe, okay?"

Xiao Qingyun touched the prayer beads on her neck, she was still too small, the string of prayer beads looked very long on her body, hanging down to her waist, she frowned her delicate eyebrows, pouted and said: " But Grandpa Su, it’s too long for Yunyun to wear it.”

"It's okay." With a chuckle, he wrapped the beads around twice and put them on her body again, "Look, how about this?"

Xiao Qingyun touched it, the Buddha beads felt warm to the touch, and had a nice fragrance, she immediately fell in love with it, and nodded vigorously, "It's beautiful! I like it so much, thank you Grandpa!"

"It's fine if you like it." He stroked Xiao Qingyun's head, then stood up, sighed inaudibly, and said to Wen Yang: "The Lanting Tower is a place for foreigners in the temple, and idlers should not go in easily, I will Let someone take you in, as for these two children..."

He paused for a moment, then lowered his voice a little, "Thank you for protecting me all the way, girl, the child's parents will definitely thank you very much."

He beckoned, summoned the guards guarding the gate of the temple, and said, "Take this girl and the children to the Lanting Tower."

"Yes!" The guard replied respectfully.

"Then let's go first. Goodbye, Grandpa!" Xiao Qingyun waved her little hand, feeling a little bit reluctant, why did Grandpa say that someone would come to pick her and her brother up?Could it be Daddy the Beauty?

She was looking forward to it, but...she couldn't bear to part with this gentle grandpa.

Fan Chen smiled and nodded, "Go."

"Thank you, senior." Wen Yang thanked again, then turned around, "Let's go."

Fan Chen watched them leave, his clear eyes filled with nostalgia, until their figures disappeared in the street, then he turned around lightly and returned to the carriage.

"Let's go."

Maybe... never see each other again, child.


After living in the Lanting Building, Xiao Qingyun waited eagerly for her beautiful father to pick her up. Every day when someone knocked on the door, she would be the first one to open it.

Unfortunately, even after waiting for a day, no one came.

Until the next day, there was another knock on the door, and Xiao Qingyun excitedly ran to open the door again, this time it must be Daddy the Beauty!

When the door opened, she froze instantly.

"It must be the wrong way for me to open the door..."

"What's wrong?" Wen Yan asked strangely.

"I... I saw something that I shouldn't have seen." Xiao Qingyun's body was still stiff.

"What?!" Wen Yang's face changed, thinking that the weird Jun Shaoyang was chasing him again, even Jun Yi became serious, and hurried over, "What is it?"

"My mother." Xiao Qingyun said with a bitter face and tears.

"..." Wen Yang.

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