Chapter 321

Outside the house, a woman in black clothes was leaning on the railing, with her hands crossed over her chest, her starry eyes were like torches, and she was bathed in the sun with a cool aura, making her look even more arrogant.

She stood there expressionless, not saying a word, but it made people feel a sense of indifference and oppression.

Wen Yang looked at the lonely woman in front of him in a daze. She looked even younger than himself, and she didn't want to look like a mother at all. Is she really this little girl's mother?

Soon her doubts were resolved.

I saw Xiao Qingyun with a bitter face, twisting her little skirt with her hands, with a grievance on her face, pitiful, flattering, and flattering running towards Jun Mochu, "Mama, Yunyun loves you the most..."

When Jun Mo raised his hand for the first time, Xiao Qingyun, who hadn't approached her, stopped three steps away from her, unable to get any closer.

Xiao Qingyun rushed forward with all her strength, and there was always a transparent barrier blocking her, making it difficult for her to get through. Xiao Qingyun felt even more aggrieved, "Ma Ma..."

Jun Mo raised his eyebrows at the beginning, his red lips parted slightly, and said coldly: "Do you still know that I am your mother?"

Xiao Qingyun crossed her face, her little head drooped, "Yunyun knew it was wrong..." What a miracle!Why is she not a beauty? Daddy came to pick her up!Why does the horse turn into a numb?

Jun Mochu snorted coldly, "I know I was wrong? Very good, you know how to punish me, so I don't need to remind you."

Xiao Qingyun's small body trembled, she sucked her little nose aggrievedly, tears came as soon as she said it, "May I not..." Woooooo, she won't be punished, my brother is still here!It's embarrassing to be punished...

"It's useless to put away your tears and pretend to be pitiful." Jun Mochu snorted coldly, "Or do you want me to do it myself?"

"... Ma Ma is the worst!" Xiao Qingyun, who pretended to be pitiful and failed, angrily took out ten large bowls from the interspatial ring, put them on top of each other, and put them on top of her head, and took two chubby bowls. His calves were set up in a dignified gait.

"I'm bad?" Jun Mochu sneered, "Very good, ten more bowls." With a wave of his slender fingers, ten more bowls were added to the ten bowls that were originally on top of Xiao Qingyun's head.

The sudden extra weight made Xiao Qingyun unsteady and took a step forward.

"Do you still dare to move? It seems that the punishment is not enough..."

"Yunyun is wrong! Huh, don't add more, it's so heavy... Yunyun knows it's wrong..." Thinking that Jun Mochu wanted to add another bowl, Xiao Qingyun really cried this time, pitifully beg for mercy.

Although she was already used to such punishment, twenty large bowls were really heavy... Her neck was so sore right now...but she didn't dare to move again.

Jun Mochu snorted coldly, pretending to be silly and coquettish, this girl is really learning more and more superbly.

"Auntie." Jun Yi, who came out of the room, saw his sister being punished, frowned and walked over with his lips pursed, "It's my fault, I didn't take care of my sister. Auntie will punish me too."

Hearing this, Jun Mo looked at Jun Yi in surprise, and he called himself... Aunt?

The bright red lips hooked slightly inaudibly. Does this mean that he is willing to admit that his eldest brother is his father.

Wen Yang frowned, and said in a dissatisfied tone, "Are you her mother?"

Jun Mo first looked at her, "Not bad."

Wen Yang stepped forward, directly protected the two little guys behind him, and said coldly: "If you are her mother, do you know that these two children narrowly escaped death, and you, as a parent, are not good?" To appease them, but to punish them, I would like to ask you, do you think you are worthy to be this mother?"

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