Chapter 39 Natural Muscles
"The Batman suit is a second creation, not the original."

Gu Weijing copied the photos uploaded from the computer to the iPad, and placed them in front of his drawing board to enlarge them.

He noticed the Hyperion store letters on the cloak.

Gu Weijing is not a person who is keen on surfing the Internet, so he is not isolated from the world, but he has only heard of the top local tyrant UP master [Mr. Hyperion] who is the number one YouTuber.

Of course, even Thomas' fanatical fans can only recognize that the cloak is the official peripheral of the opponent, and it is difficult to have more associations.

This trendy celebrity internet celebrity co-branded merchandise sells much better than most people imagined.

The singer Kanye, who is in the center of public opinion, has a co-branded coconut brand with annual sales of more than one billion US dollars. Therefore, he was once considered the richest black man in history.

Although the influence of Internet celebrities is not as good as that of real singers, being an Internet celebrity emperor with hundreds of millions of fans like Thomas is another concept.

His various merchandise has collectively sold more than 1800 million pieces in the past three years, with more bootlegs on the way.

Otherwise, DC would not have an official joint name with him.

Gu Weijing never doubted the other party's identity at all, just like you can't think that the person wearing the suit is Robert Downey Jr. just because someone sent you a photo of Iron Man.

He even just thought that the suit in the picture he was going to paint was just an ordinary fan creation.

European and American nerds love various styles of Cosplay costumes as much as their counterparts in Akihabara love Two-dimensional girl figures.

However, if the artist has high requirements for this kind of secondary battle suit, it is actually more difficult to draw than ordinary serious battle suits.

There are various online art resource libraries for Batman's various artworks, just import a similar one and modify it on the computer.

It's not that the second creation battle suit can't be drawn like this, but it will cause distortion of the final effect.

Moreover, Gu Weijing found that the bat suit in the photo sent by the other party was a bit strange, it was yellow-purple instead of black, and the appearance of the mask was also different from the common bat suit.

He searched for related keywords on the Internet.

Gu Weijing discovered that the prototype of this suit should be Batman in the first big movie of the 1966 version. It was the first time that the theme of Batman changed from a short series to a feature-length movie on the screen, which is very commemorative.

He doesn't care how interesting the story behind this Batman image from 60 years ago is, the real problem is that this is probably the worst Batman to draw.

The key to the problem is the muscles and body.

In the later DC movies, whether the actor is the tenth Batman Ben Alfred or the earlier Christian Bale, in order to unify the art style and show the sense of power of Batman, whether it is Batman The battle suit or Superman's S suit retain exaggerated to unreal muscle textures.

In the setting of the plot, wearing these superhero suits looks like wearing a set of muscle suits, as long as the marble-like muscle lines are drawn with comic-style exaggerated strokes.

In 1966, the Hollywood industry was not as developed as it was in the later period. The bat suit was a simple tight-fitting costume that was put on the body. The specific sense of power completely required the muscles of the actors themselves to show.

The masked figure in the bat suit in the photo...

how to say.

It's not Uncle Sakai's body that looks like an inflated ball. If the belly completely covers the muscles, it will be easier to draw.

Just pull two arcs on the round belly and it will be done.

He's muscular, even strong...but not Hollywood strong.

Anyone who studies painting or even fitness knows that it is very difficult for normal people to train the standard and smooth figure of Olympic bodybuilding competitions or Hollywood male models, and it is almost impossible.

This involves a problem of medication.

In order to pursue the muscle shape and lines in front of the camera, it is very common for these people to supplement steroids in the process of fitness.

Many people will inject [Sislon] and other oily substances into the biceps or quadriceps that can bring visual stimulation to the judges or the audience to fill the muscles.

It has safety risks, but it can turn muscles into sculptures that are as angular and full of strength. The specific principle is similar to that of breast augmentation for girls.

The guy in the bat suit in the photo I sent has the muscles of a normal guy who goes to the gym.

Strong, with a certain line, but absolutely natural and untouched.

This is a test of the artist's pen skills. If it is not handled well, or there is no muscle feeling at all, or it will be deformed.

Gu Weijing closed his eyes.

The cosplay figure in the whole photo is based on the "Human Anatomy Structure" in his mind, and begins to quickly decompose, and the skin under the tights begins to appear.

He took out a pen and compared it to the figure of the man in the bat suit in the photo, he quickly traced it on the paper.

If it was Thomas here, he might feel a little embarrassed.

As if by magic, chest muscles, abdominal muscles, thighs... His naked muscle lines are rapidly appearing on the paper.Exactly like a mirror in the bathroom.

Gu Weijing didn't have too many strange feelings in his heart.

When a good artist paints, he should be full of appreciation for the beauty of lines and shapes, just like the ancient Greeks faced Olympic athletes covered in olive oil.

Even in the face of the opposite sex, passion should be greater than desire.

Art students are the same as doctors. There is not much difference between men and women when it comes to the body. Almost any compulsory course in the art academy has the subject of human body sketching, even Dongxia, who is more conservative in body ethics. , Schools like Qingmei had already started learning human body sketching in the Republic of China.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China was completely liberated.

In order to relieve the concerns of the educators, the great man also specially issued instructions-painting nude models of men, women, old and young (models, the original word is English), which is a necessary basic skill for painting and sculpture, so don’t do it.It is inappropriate to prohibit feudal ideology.

Gu Weijing's high school art class, every year the school will have a special fund to hire special nude models, and students can voluntarily participate.

The course of human body sketching is far less exciting than everyone imagined.

When I saw a model for the first time, I might still feel a little shy and nervous about touching taboos, but after I started painting, only the muscle structure remained in my mind.

The more times you see this kind of thing, the more you get used to it.

You can't whisper in class, and you can't comment on the model's quality, which is a basic self-cultivation.

Then the mobile phone will be put in a storage bag on the wall by the teaching assistant before the class. This is to protect the privacy of the models and prevent someone from taking pictures of the models in private.

Oh, by the way, there is another important point of experience, that is, don't wear short skirt school uniforms.

Generally, private international middle schools have very strict requirements on school uniforms.

This represents the image of the school. The school board will not hesitate to wear clothes that do not follow the rules. From detention, warning, to expulsion, there is always a style suitable for stabbing students.

Boys wear trousers all year round, and the fabrics vary according to the season.Girls wear skirts, which are divided into summer and winter long and short skirts. Pants are not allowed, and they change into sportswear during physical education class.

Skirts fall to the feet in winter styles, and miniskirts in summer styles.

It is similar to the common styles of Japanese and Korean high school students after Manhattan High School and Shinsekai in the American drama "Gossip Girl".

But except when taking the human body sketching class.

According to experience... at this time, it is best to let the female students change into pants.

Especially in summer, especially when painting nude men - this is for the sake of the model's face.

In fact, the students' physical reactions are not strong. After all, their focus is on painting. When the class is actually in class, the atmosphere in the class is very serious.

Also, mannequins are not underwear models.

The main point is nature, where there are so many handsome men and beauties for you to paint, there are quite a few old men and women.

After several years of drawing, your mind is full of lines. According to legend, a senior once saw a girl on the Internet, and he felt that his muscles were good. He immediately stopped drawing a set of human body sketches, which became a good talk in school for a while.

But nude male models are different,
Imagine, in order to prevent catching cold, the temperature in the studio is as warm as spring, you maintain a posture or do or stand, bored, and inevitably turn your eyes to the students around you, but you see that there are jade legs everywhere.


This is very embarrassing.

The studio was very quiet, except for the sound of the pen nib rubbing against the paper.

There is only half an hour after the official activation of Mr. Menzel's skills to paint tomorrow.

Gu Weijing planned to have a clear understanding of the body muscles of the man in the suit in the photo today.

With the blessing of master-level anatomical techniques obtained by Gu Weijing, Thomas' entire body is like Lego blocks broken down by paintbrush pieces. Various muscles are coupled with each other, and even the smallest changes cannot be hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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