Chapter 40 One Star Painter

When Gu Weijing was drawing characters on paper.

Taro Komatsu is also preparing a character sketch, and the atmosphere is more romantic, at least he thinks so in his heart.

Today is family dinner day at Sakai's.

Komatsu, who claims to be the son-in-law of the Sakai family, has already reserved a seat in the restaurant early.

Kokotxa, a famous seafood restaurant in the affluent area of ​​Yangon's Ahole-offers traditional and absolutely authentic Spanish flavors, perfectly meeting the requirements of pleasing the future mother-in-law.

Kokotxa Restaurant is a high-end restaurant with a history of 300 years. Its headquarters is located in San Sebastian, the old city of Spanish cuisine.

However, this Asian branch opened in the affluent area of ​​Yangon not long ago, and currently only has a tire (Michelin) one star.

But in Yangon, five people spend nearly [-] U.S. dollars per person for a meal, which is already a figure that makes the hearts of most people in this country stop beating.

Everything is perfect.

The environment of the restaurant is great, the music is beautiful, the white wine is mellow, the fruity peach sponge cake is sweet, and the venison is tender.

It may be a bit of a pity that Kenta Komatsu didn't like the taste of olive oil and garlic in the thick gazpacho with red shrimp and beetroot rice, but his mother-in-law Mrs. Sakai enjoyed it very much.

In general,

Komatsu Kenta was extremely satisfied with this meal.

He is a person who pursues perfection. He has even carefully selected the car he rented at the car rental agency after getting off the plane. Merc S65, a Mercedes-Benz S-class specially tuned by AMG racing factory, does not have the publicity of Ferrari and Rolls-Royce, but it is noble enough, muscular and not greasy, showing its image as a young, mature and reliable good man.

At any age, girls with any character will be a bonus item.

The only thing not perfect is.

Sakai Katsuko seemed a little absent-minded when eating.

Taro Komatsu changed several topics at the dinner table, from diving in the Maldives to Swarovski's new red headgear, and even said a few words about RB and Spain's national sports F1.

From travel, jewelry, racing...

Xiao Song tried his best to make witty remarks.

Mrs. Sakai listened with gusto, talking and laughing at Yan Yan, and Sakai Tsunasho was also yearning for it. Even Professor Sakai, who is generally not interested in these topics, expressed some of his own opinions.

But only Sakai Katsuko showed a very cold feeling,

Except for the occasional polite smile to the waitress and the chef who came to thank you when the food was served, the whole person has been wandering away from the entire restaurant.

She's like an outsider.

"Shengzi, it is impossible to draw good works if you only stay in your own world. If you find that your works are too cold, you should experience life more actively."

The chubby Professor Kazushige Sakai swallowed the last piece of extra venison that the red-bearded Spanish chef ordered into his mouth.

Maybe it was pitiful to see Mr. Xiaosong fighting against the air alone for a long time, or maybe it was because his wife kicked her husband viciously with high heels under the table and finally broke through the fat defense on his calf.

Anyway, Professor Sakai tapped the table with his knuckles, reminding his daughter that he had been snubbing the lunch guests for a long time.

"Oh well."

Sakai Katsuko answered with a mouthful, her eyes still fixed on the thing in her hand.

It was a folder with a beautiful cover, in which were pasted photographs and illustrations of various oil paintings.

That's the collection of Katsuko Sakai's works.

She is also of age to apply to college this year.

There are many people who have studied fine arts in the world, but very few people can be admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts, especially the famous ones.

To apply for the most famous art colleges in the world, in addition to cultural courses and some professional examinations, every student who wants to apply must prepare a portfolio that can impress the professor.

However, this is a requirement for general students.

Winning awards is the best collection of works, including the awards that Sakai Katsuko has won among young painters since she was a child, and Sakai Kazushige's reputation in the art world.

Even if she didn't have a portfolio, she basically belonged to the world's famous schools and let her choose.

Professor Sakai Kazunari understands.

The reason why Shengzi was a little troubled when she was sorting out her portfolio recently had nothing to do with applying to schools, she was just wrestling with herself.

She is not satisfied with her work.

From Sakai Kazunari's point of view, his daughter has almost entered a bottleneck period of painting.

Her proficiency in painting skills has almost reached the point of being the only one among young people. It may be an exaggeration to say that there is no one in the past, and there will be no one in the future. At least it is much better than myself at this age.

He can proudly say that in many respects, his daughter Sakai Katsuko has reached the level of a professional painter.

But Sakai Katsuko is a little girl after all.

In parts other than technique, the emotion of the work is too cold.

No, the more accurate term is not cold, but pale.

In the field of art, coldness is also an appeal.

A painter who is really good at expressing this kind of emotion can freeze the audience's heart with cold brushstrokes, but Sakai Katsuko is not this kind of coldness, but because she has been immersed in the world of painting since she was a child and lacks experience, she seems hollow.

She pays too much attention to painting and is out of life, which makes the brush look pale.

In this regard, Sakai Katsuko is not as good as Komatsu Kenta who has more life experience.

"Shengzi, don't just think about painting. In the evening, take Gang Chang and Senior Komatsu together. You young people will go rowing on the Yangon River. It seems that there will be a firework show for a change of fresh air?"

Mrs. Sakai scratched the glass lightly with her fingertips, frowned and made a suggestion.

"Just let Gang Chang go."

Sakai Katsuko still lowered his head.

"Katsuko?" Mrs. Sakai's tone became a little harsher.

Komatsu Taro was not too angry.

Sakai Katsuko's character is exactly what his father likes, as long as he is not distracted by other men like Gu Weijing, he will not be too jealous.

His father Kenta Komatsu believed that a woman is a man's medal.

In this era, a girl who can immerse herself in the art world is very good for her family.

Not spreading or branching is the bearing that an artist's daughter-in-law should have.

Since Shengzi likes art, Xiaosong also has other trump cards.

Art girls have an art girl way of opening.

He left the restaurant in the name of going to the bathroom, opened the trunk of the car, and took out roses and a sketch from the trunk.

This is a sketch he made for Katsuko Sakai.

In the sketch, Katsuko Sakai is wearing the traditional dress he wore when he first met on January [-]st, with a graceful figure, sexy and pure.

Although Taro Komatsu is already a well-known young painter, sketching is not his forte.

Influenced by his father, his painting style likes to use strong colors to express emotions, especially the use of large blocks of mystic pigments in oil paintings.

Colorful blocks of color are always more inspiring to the audience than cold lines.

He also won the grand prize in the amateur group at the Yokohama Art Triennial for his "Sunrise in Osaka" painted by this hand.

He pays more attention to color than lines, which must be the reason why he is not hardworking enough.

The most important thing is to be precise in sketching, and it is difficult to find a new way. It can only rely on more practice.

"lgemlde (oil painting)" is an important art magazine in Austria.

"Oil Painting" is to painters what Billboard charts are to pop singers. It is a benchmark for commenting on young artists, covering multiple sections such as the art market, opinions, styles, and buyer's guides.

It will rate a painter with star ratings from the perspective of work collection.

The minimum is one star, it's worth watching.

The highest is the seven stars, a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.

The last East Asian painter under the age of 30 who was given a four-star rating or above was Tang Ning (four and a half stars), currently the youngest apprentice of Mr. Cao.

And the last one to get a seven-star investment rating was when Andy Warhol was shot and critically ill in 1967, and the original six-and-a-half-star rating was raised to seven stars. No matter how much money you buy, you earn.

And after the turn of the millennium, Andy Warhol's works have repeatedly set auction records in the unit of [-] million US dollars, which undoubtedly proves the vision of the magazine.

After Komatsu Taro won the award at the art exhibition, the chief writer of this magazine once commented viciously that his "Sunrise Osaka" was too opportunistic.

Although it has a certain appeal, it is just a lunatic who swayed inexplicably raving at will.

In the buyer's guide, Taro Komatsu was only given a one-star rating (worth watching).

But Taro Komatsu didn't care at all.

Those who can be listed in such well-known art magazines are generally young professors from various art colleges and Mesozoic painters aged 30 and up, and the general evaluation will not be higher than two stars (buy with caution), and they can be recommended by three stars (with a certain appreciation) Potential) young oil painters can basically sell oil paintings for more than [-] US dollars.

At his age, being able to appear in such a magazine, even if he was scolded as a bloody sprinkler, he still had the credit of his father being a great painter.

Xiao Song also has his own little thoughts in choosing sketches that he is not very good at.

He felt that oil painting was not as ambiguous as sketching, especially when using a pen to outline the curve of Sakai Katsuko's figure in his mind, Xiao Song could almost feel the almost substantive touch.

when drawing,
He played the scene of Jack drawing a human body sketch for Rousi in "Titanic" over and over again in his mind, which had a strong sense of substitution.

When Celine Dion sings "My Heart Will Go On", he's all jacked up.

Maybe some girls are not interested in jewelry and jewellery, but they are willing to take the time to draw a picture for you, which is very romantic.

Many poor boys from the Academy of Fine Arts have abducted cute and beautiful school girls by this means.

Sakai Katsuko is not a simple and soft girl without knowledge, and Komatsu is not a poor native Yangon boy like Gu Weijing.

He is rich and talented, and he is willing to spend his time with girls.

A casual glance at the jealous eyes of the pretty ladies in the restaurants looking at Sakai Katsuko reveals that these people are from the bottom of their hearts, longing to have a boyfriend like Komatsu themselves.

They just wished they could swallow Sakai Katsuko and replace them with themselves.

Even so, when Taro Komatsu returned with the sketch and roses, the most beautiful waitress secretly wrote the phone number on a tissue with lipstick and handed it to Komatsu.

She hinted that she didn't care that the other party had a girlfriend, and if the handsome guy was willing to draw such a picture for her, she would do anything.

"Hmph, one of my paintings."

Based on his potential and the network shown by Komatsu Gallery, most art critics are very optimistic about the investment prospects of his works.

A signed painting of Komatsu can easily sell for more than 1000 US dollars, and there is still more room for improvement in the future. I don’t know who will make more money by dating such a beautiful girl.

He wouldn't mind playing a dangerous emotional game with them when he had time, but for now.

It's better to concentrate on keeping this beautiful butterfly, Katsuko Sakai, in her own bottle.

"Katsuko, it's a gift I'm going to give you." Taro Komatsu said.

He handed the sketch and roses to Katsuko Sakai.

"The painting is really good, you have a heart. Yicheng, you were really not so romantic back then."

Mrs. Sakai was very moved.

Many artists are fools who are immersed in their own world and do not want to come out. They can be like Taro, who are willing to spend their time trying to please his daughter, have a good artistic prospect, and can be a male partner who can achieve mutual success with Shengzi.

It must be much better than other messy people.

"Thank you."

Sakai Katsuko took the painting, her eyes fell on the sketch.

She was also silent for a few seconds, seemingly moved.

Just when Sakai Tsuna Masamura thought that his elder sister was really moved by the other party.

Katsuko Sakai suddenly handed the painting to his father.

"What do you do for me?"

Professor Sakai was a little confused.

"I feel that Senior Komatsu drew at least three more vertebrae, and the muscles on the arm are also distorted. The length of the knuckles is not coordinated, especially the index finger. Compared with other knuckles, it is about one centimeter longer in proportion."

Sakai Katsuko smiled apologetically at Komatsu, but there was still an obvious sense of separation in her tone that she only wanted to discuss art.

Taro Komatsu looked embarrassed, and Mrs. Sakai shook her head helplessly.

The good atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly changed from charming and ambiguous to the nature of an academic seminar.

"It's very good for an artist of this age to be able to paint like this. Shengzi, you know that looking at a painting is different from drawing a painting. It is easy to find shortcomings when you look at a painting, but it is difficult to perfect a painting. Unless you have a complete understanding of muscles Monsters, otherwise no painter at this age can paint well, not Komatsu, you can’t, and even I can’t do it now.”

Professor Sakai stroked his forehead helplessly.

"In fact, in many cases, it is enough to pursue the overall harmonious beauty. It is as accurate as a photo in the physiological sense. I think there are no more than five painters who can understand this step of the human body in history. Strictly speaking, those handed down from generation to generation There are all kinds of problems in famous paintings, and even Master Ingres has made many similar mistakes."

Professor Sakai looked at his daughter who was still frowning and thinking, and held back the last half of his sentence.

He believes that people who are completely immersed in the painting world will find it difficult to break through after reaching a certain level.

Without life experience, there is no artistic life.

In a sense, Van Gogh's suffering in life made his own art.

As cruel as this is, it's true.

It's useless to talk about this kind of thing. He brought his children to Yangon this time, in fact, he wanted Katsuko Sakai to get in touch with the outside world more.

he is waiting,

Sakai Katsuko needs an opportunity to realize his own epiphany.

(End of this chapter)

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