Chapter 107 The College's Gu Raising Strategy

A mentor pondered for a while, bowed his hands to the two five-star mentors, and said:

"Teacher Xiao Zhenqian and Tai Shujing, I'm going to see you this time. I have an idea here. Isn't the academy going to temporarily open the channel later?"

"I don't know if we can determine a few gathering points, gather all the apprentices, headed by the apprentices under the names of the two mentors, and guard against danger until two years later."

Xiao Zhenqian pondered for a while, and said:

"It is possible, but if sheltering them will affect the apprenticeship plan under my name, a certain amount of compensation is required."

"In addition, if there is a battle during the shelter period, if you can kill the undead hero, or defeat the reserve disaster lord, the favor of the eternal tree will belong to my apprentice."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, some instructors hesitated, and some instructors said:
"There is no problem with this, we can save our lives."

Only then did Xiao Zhenqian smile and said:

"Then those who need it can contact me privately before the channel is opened, and we will not wait after the expiration date."

In the high tower, in the laboratory, Li Qing was sitting in front of the desk looking at a complex magic rune spread out on the desk in front of him.

This is a standard basic power magic pattern structure. Like many basic runes and magic circles, it belongs to the welfare of the academy and does not cost money.

After learning almost all the basic theoretical subjects and studying the production of several golems, Li Qing's eyes naturally fell on the magic pattern structure.

The so-called magic pattern construction, for Li Qing who has mastered many magic runes and magic circles, means that many magic runes are superimposed on one piece, but the superimposed magic runes can be combined into one body, and they must be clearly separated An ultra-complex composite magic circle.

To put it bluntly, it is to draw super complex magic circles in a space that is as big as a palm, or even smaller than a palm.

And these runes are all squeezed together, that is, there are separate parts and overlapping parts.

The overlapping part is very particular. While overlapping, all the magic circles can be linked together without affecting each other.

It sounds contradictory, but it is indeed contradictory, and ordinary people can't even understand it.

This is even more complicated than drawing a magic circle of war spells. Even now, Li Qing has just finished the basic theory and started to practice.

Li Qing has been watching it for almost an hour, and now he feels a little dazzled.

He squeezed the center of his eyebrows, and couldn't help feeling:

"It's no wonder that the academy doesn't have any serious magic pattern constructors. This thing is really too difficult."

After taking a sip of tea to refresh himself, Li Qing was about to continue observing, when suddenly a light curtain flashed in front of his eyes, and after several flashes, the projection of the instructor appeared.

Li Qing stood up in surprise and asked:

"Has the academy regained control of the plane?"

Nie Yang shook his head and said:
"Not yet. This is a temporary channel opening. It only takes one hour. The time is very tight. Let me make a long story short. There are seven preparatory disaster lords coming this time, and there are two direct descendants of the undead masters. They are very powerful."

"This natural disaster invasion will last for two years. In order to compensate you, the academy has given you a series of compensations, which will be sent to you later. Take a closer look and decide quickly."

"In addition, the two five-star mentors are willing to allow their apprentices to accept and protect you. The price is that the favor and benefits obtained during this period belong to them. You decide whether to go there or not."


Li Qing touched his chin and said:

"I have already joined the team under the name of Taishu's mentor, and I have been recognized by them as a full member. Do I have to pay these prices?"

Nie Yang froze for a moment, and didn't speak for a moment.

After ten seconds, he said:

"Normally speaking, it is not necessary, but if your team does some big things in the next two years, such as killing one or two reserve disaster lords, plus some natural disaster heroes, the blessings from the tree of eternity and the academy's rewards will be of great help. Dozens of points, if you have several points or even more than ten points in your hand, then it’s hard to say.”

"Eternal Sacred Tree's favor can be exchanged for things that even the apprentices of five-star mentors can't ignore. If everyone can get another three or four points, do you think they will be moved?"

Li Qing
Nothing to say.

Zhao Dingzhen will definitely not have any ideas, and Ms. Gu will not have any ideas either. She probably looks down on them, but not necessarily the other official members of their team.

Except for three of his five official members who have ideas, they will have to argue in the future.

Miss Gu can easily make them docile and obedient, but it may not necessarily make them willing to give up huge benefits.

Besides, their team is only a temporary team, they are not Miss Gu's younger brothers, their team will be divided after the experience, and they will not form a new team in the future, so they will not care about Miss Gu's face.

Of course, it's not ruled out that Ms. Gu can subdue them, and even this is obedient.

But this is only a possibility, does he need to take this risk?

No need!
Therefore, Li Qing simply raised his head:

"Teacher, can you contact Zhao Dingzhen, the tutor of Tai Shujing?"

"Okay, I'll convey it to you, what do I need to say?"


"Just tell him that because of the decision of the instructors, in order to avoid future disputes, I will not go there."

"Well, it's not bad to say it directly, there will be no misunderstanding."

The tutor's projection disappeared, but the light curtain was still there. Li Qing first took a look at the college's decision, including the rewards for killing the disaster lord and the disaster hero, the [-] million scholarship given by the school, and other exciting killing rewards.

"This is raising Gu!"

Li Qing rubbed his chin, the academy's reward plan is so exciting, it is to strongly encourage them to fight against natural disaster heroes and even lords.

In the current environment, they are encouraged to take the initiative, which is raising Gu.

If you can kill multiple natural disaster heroes and one natural disaster lord within two years, you can easily accumulate more than ten or even more than 20 points of favor from the tree of eternity.

Referring to the value of Li Qing's four points of favor exchanged before, how much is the value of more than 20 points and [-] points of favor.

If you can get the top three, take off directly.

Li Qing was quite moved by this, and if possible, he certainly had this idea.

With 1000 million funds in hand, Li Qing thought about it for a while, and only spent 5000 million to buy [-] imperial infantry promotion card packs.

1250 million, purchased 5000 Imperial Archers promotion card packs.

750 million, purchased 500 imperial cavalry promotion card packs.

Only 3000 million was spent on the 7000 million scholarship, and the remaining [-] million was left unspent, ready to be used for promotion to the military class at that time.

The promotion privileges of so many arms may not be exhausted.

But he had to be prepared. If an accident happened and he lost contact with the academy for a long time, these promotion cards would be his reliance on survival.

Don't say it's impossible, times are changing too fast.

I thought there were only two Scourge Lords before, but now there are seven.

I wanted to get together before, but the instructors made such a monster.

It is possible that Bao Buqi will continue to wander in this area in the future.

This is not worrying, this fragment of the plane was also pulled from the void by the academy mage tower, and others can also pull it away.

Although unlikely, but
After the mentor returned from communicating with Zhao Dingzhen, Li Qing handed over his exchange form, and the card package was quickly transferred.

Nie Yang didn't ask Li Qing if he wanted to change anything, but told him to be careful.

"You are not strong enough now, but you are stronger than Cao Wenyuan and others. Maybe you can survive together with them. As long as you can persist until two years later, you will definitely gain and improve tremendously."

"In addition, after your God's Domain can be taken back, you should change the place as soon as possible. There is no natural danger to defend your current place. It is difficult to resist any stronger natural disaster heroes. If you encounter more than two, it will be dangerous."

Nie Yang said to Li Qing earnestly and earnestly in the communication:
"Your potential is very good, and you have released part of your potential. Without this accident, you will have a good ranking, but it is a pity that this accident happened."

"The mentor does not ask you to make big moves in the next two years, as long as you survive well."

Then the instructor conveyed Zhao Dingzhen's words:
"If you feel unsustainable, you can find us at this coordinate."

Speaking of passing a coordinate, he said:

"They have assembled at this place now, and one official team member has launched his own God's Domain there, established a semi-fixed base, and accepted asylum applications from other apprentices."

"If you have an idea, you can go directly."

And then, under the guidance of the instructor, the channel was interrupted.

Li Qing let out a long breath. This break means that he will lose contact with the academy in the next two years, and he can only rely on himself.

And for the college, this is also a big risk. Although the college has backers, if an accident happens, many apprentices will definitely die in this plane, and the college will also have a lot of pressure at that time.

But this opportunity is rare. Under normal circumstances, the apprentices of the war lord would not have the opportunity to face the natural disaster lord so fairly.

The risk is too great for weak apprentices, but this is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for powerful apprentices of war lords.

After that day, Li Qing's routine was no different from usual, it was still the same.

The only change is to speed up the development progress of the third floor of Shenyu Farm and the second floor of the ranch.

Then summon one or two dragon vein snakes out every day, and slowly accumulate the number.

Let's hang on first, and after reaching God's Domain for a full year, decide whether to continue or to put away God's Domain and change places.

Time flies, and before you know it, another period of time has passed.

It finally came to the day when God's Domain had been in operation for a full year. Feeling that God's Domain could be closed again, Li Qing put away his pen and let out a long breath.

Stretching out his hand in front of his eyes and opening the light curtain, Li Qing said to his subordinates on the light curtain:
"God's Domain can be put away again, and we are going to hold a meeting to decide the next strategy."

After his subordinates responded one by one, he turned off the light curtain, Li Qing's eyes fell on the complex and chaotic lines on the smooth animal skin in front of him, and he started to write again.

This is drawing the magweave construct.

To be precise, it is simulation, practice pen.

Draw on draft paper, familiarize yourself with the process and the order of different rune circles, as well as the relationship between rune circles and rune circles, and factors such as mutual triggering and activation.

Drawing this thing is more difficult than he imagined.

It's not that he hasn't drawn in the palm space before, the complexity is not a big problem, the main problem is his strength.

Because every stroke of the magic pattern construction circle needs to be injected with spiritual power and magic power, as well as energy related to the power of the soul, as well as factors such as the degree of integration, which requires very high strength.

Generally speaking, the soul strength and spiritual power of a mage above the sixth level must all meet the requirements.

Li Qing has the bonus of divinity, and also has the wisdom of LV5. The strength of soul and spiritual power are barely qualified, but the degree of integration is not qualified.

The so-called degree of integration, to put it another way, means that when the soul, spiritual power and mana are drawn and integrated into the magic ink, they must be condensed into one, and they will not disperse.

Under normal circumstances, when an extraordinary master is promoted to extraordinary, his spirit, energy, and spirit will be integrated, which is commonly known as a qualitative change, condensing his own extraordinary qualities.

Li Qing has not yet been promoted to Transcendence. Although his spiritual power and mana are strong, his degree of integration is insufficient.

So even if this ultra-complicated compound magic circle can be completely reproduced in the palm space, it still can't make a real magic pattern structure because of the lack of refining speed.

At this stage, there is no way to advance to Transcendence, so you can only find a way to solve this problem on your own.

Once that can be resolved, you can start making the magweave construct.

Half an hour later, Li Qing heard An Erqiu's voice:

"Boss, everyone is here."

He put down his pen and came to the first floor of the tower. Many of his subordinates had already arrived and were chatting in the hall.

Seeing him, everyone stopped chatting and greeted him one after another.

Li Qing nodded, came to sit down at the main seat, and said:

"The God's Domain can be put away. Let's discuss whether to stay here, or leave here and find a place."

An Erqiu immediately stood up and said:
"I think it's better for us to change places. The position here is not good. We can attack us from all directions. It is too difficult to defend. If we can find a place that only needs to defend on two sides, we can maximize our advantage of having few soldiers but good strength."

Xie Zhu also stood up and said:
"I also think His Excellency An Erqiu's proposal is good, but this place is too bad."

Li Qing looked at several other professionals, and Dai Lirong spread his hands and said:

"The few of us are only responsible for internal affairs, not for combat. You can make decisions about this."

Li Qing withdrew his gaze, thought for a while, and said:

"If that's the case, let's change places."

After speaking, he took out a plane map and spread it on the table, tapped one of the positions with his finger, and said:
"This is our God's Domain. If God's Domain is closed, shall we go to the north or the west?"

The south side is the edge of the plane, which is even more inappropriate.

To the east is a virgin jungle, which is also inappropriate.

An Erqiu seemed to be prepared for this. He came to the desk and drew on the map with his finger, saying:

"I think you can go this way, go up the Hebei River, and approach Miss Gu. You may not meet them, but if you get close, if you face danger in the future and cannot escape, you can go directly to their gathering place to avoid danger. "

"Going up the river can also reduce the danger. If you encounter a powerful undead hero, you can cross the river and take shelter temporarily."

(End of this chapter)

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