Chapter 108 Putting away God's Domain
Li Qing's eyes fell on the place where his hand was drawn, which happened to be located in the north-central east of the plane. It seemed that it used to be a snake-man city. Now the snake-man city has been breached. in the city.

In this way, there will be two layers of city wall defense system.

The first floor is the original city wall defense of the snake city.

The other layer is the city wall system of God's Domain.

If the undead army wants to capture their stronghold, they must first break through the outer defense before attacking the inner city defense.

“Great location!”

Li Qing nodded, and his eyes fell on another place in that area.

The ruins of the Snakeman Fortress that was breached.

After that place was breached, the entire fort was bulldozed, and the original site was abandoned.

Although you can't count on the original city wall defense system, this location is very good. There are cliffs on both sides, one leading to the underground passage in the valley, and the other leading to the outside. To expand the God's Domain and build a base there, you only need to defend the inner and outer sides.

Not to mention that Li Qing has a high-ranking lava crystal dragon in hand, squatting at the entrance of the passage in the canyon, the underground races in the ground will not be able to get up.

Even with the current environment where the entire plane is invaded by undead, the underground races will not escape without incident.

In this way, only one of the passages needs to be defended.

Absolutely easy to defend but difficult to attack, top natural danger.

It is very simple to put away the domain of God, as long as he is in the core tower of the domain of God, he chooses to separate the domain of God from the space of the plane, and put away the expanded space.

From the outside, it can be seen that there is light floating on the edge of the huge city, and the city is gradually blurred, turning into countless streams of light and converging towards the center to form a huge ball of light hanging in the air.

After a while, the ball of light shrank again, and a human figure slowly emerged.

When the streamer completely merged into the human form, Li Qing's appearance hanging in the air could be clearly seen.

God's Domain was closed, leaving an open space full of dead leaves.

The ground is not flat, because the domain of the gods spread out to cover the land, which is a space overlap, and it is not that the domain of the gods is pressed on the land, and the ground has not been under any heavy pressure.

What the original ground looked like is still what it is now, but with the passage of time, many weeds have grown.

As soon as Shenyu closed, Li Qing felt relaxed all over.

In the empty wasteland, apart from him and the lava crystal dragon, there was a fully armed army of about [-] in total, including An'erqiu Xiezhu and the dragon guarding the dragon law.

In theory, walking alone is faster, but the wild sky is not like before.

Before the undead invaded, there were no flying creatures in the wild sky, so he could go anywhere on the back of the dragon eagle.

But when the undead invaded, a large number of undead creatures began to appear in the air.

There are ghosts in the low sky, wild ones, and there are quite a few of them. These days, when killing the undead in the wild, you can see ghosts in twos and threes wandering in the wild from time to time.

There are some undead birds in the sky, not from the local plane, but from the wind of chaos, there are a lot of them, and their strength is not weak.

Taking the air route alone, it is easy to be spotted and intercepted.

But it's not a big problem, anyway, he is strong enough, one or two natural disaster heroes don't need to be afraid, as long as he doesn't bump into the natural disaster lord head-on.

The team stopped for a while, and An Erqiu adjusted the team, and gave an order, and the vanguard composed of [-] cavalry set off first.

As the cavalry team headed west, Li Qing got into a carriage, followed by the Chinese army brigade.

There is no rear, because the last rear is the Lava Crystal Dragon.

The big guy didn't put it away, but followed with the army.

With this big guy following, it was a surprise to meet the main force of the undead heroes to intercept him, and he could also win the time to open God's Domain and gather the main force.

It's a pity that the lava crystal dragon's side is too hot. Even with Li Qing's current physique, he can't stand it if he stays by his side for a short time.

However, he had ordered the God Body to a level before, and his physique increased by 60%, and his tolerance to high temperature has improved a lot.

It is estimated that when the god body points to LV5, no, it will be almost the same at LV4. Add a few specialties to strengthen resistance, and then you can ignore the high-temperature force field of the lava crystal dragon.

The army set off, the carriage was rickety, Li Qing sat in the carriage with his eyes closed, seemingly resting his mind, but in fact his consciousness had entered the space in his palm, and he was simulating a complex compound magic circle composed of slowing magic lines in the space in his palm.

No matter how hard the outside shakes, it will not affect the interior of the palm space.

Whether it can be made or not is one thing, let's practice first.

The palm space can guarantee a sufficient success rate, but if you are not skilled, the efficiency will not be high.

And Li Qing also has ideas. Although it is impossible to complete the magic pattern construction in reality with a handicap, he also has a dream. He always wants to reach a certain level in the future and be able to complete the magic pattern construction by himself outside. draw.

The team quickly left this area and came to the big river.

The team stopped for a while, and after a round of cavalry charges smashed a group of skeletons wandering by the river, the team continued to move forward.

They didn't cross the river, so they walked on the right side of the river.

On the other side of the river is the area ruled by the original snake people. Over the past hundred years, all kinds of alien races who have died have all crawled out of the ground again under the influence of the undead wind.

Those with corpses turned into zombies.

Those who die for too long become skeletons.

Those with no bones left turned into wandering spirits, and those with powerful soul power turned into ghosts.

Most of these undead gather on the east bank of the river, the west bank has not been developed, the snake people rarely come here, and the number of accumulated undead is far less than that on the east bank.

An elite knight piles up straight all the way, and there is no single enemy.

Two hours later, Li Qing, who was practicing, heard a knock on the car door, opened his eyes and said in surprise:

"what's up?"

Xie Zhu outside the door said:

"Boss, there is a big ghost across the river."

Li Qing frowned, interrupted the practice, opened the car door and walked out, only to find that the team had come to the opposite side of the Snake Town that was destroyed by the meteorite for the first time.

On the opposite side of the original town, a large crater was smashed out by a meteorite, and it has been filled with river water to form a small lake.

And on the surface of the lake, there are countless faint fluorescent lights condensed by the power of death, condensing on the surface of the lake a huge ghost body with a height of eight or nine meters, floating around unconsciously.

"This is?"

Li Qing looked around in surprise, pondered for a while, and got the answer in his heart.

Not surprisingly, it should be that after the town was destroyed, the remaining souls of the dead snake people and other alien races gathered.

A single one is very weak and cannot be condensed in normal times.

But now that the wind of the undead invaded, under the influence of the power of the ruler of death, the weak residual souls began to gather, and the few became more, and slowly formed a huge spirit body.

"this thing"

"Can't let it grow!"

Li Qing pinched his chin and thought for a while, then called Long Shou and Long Fa, pointed to the huge ghost body on the other side of the river and said:
"Go and destroy it."

Without saying a word, Long Shou Long Fa jumped into the air and rushed to the other side of the river.

It stands to reason that this soul body will not hinder him, and they have not been found yet.

What he is worried about is that this giant ghost body will be discovered by those natural disaster heroes and then recruited.

Wild undead like this can be recruited by undead heroes, as long as they are stronger and higher in rank. If they are legal heroes such as liches, it is even easier.

After recruiting such a big guy and feeding a large number of souls, it is easy to pile up a super-large ghost body similar to a war behemoth, which is quite threatening.

Not being discovered now does not mean that the undead heroes will not be discovered in the future. Since they encountered it in advance, it is natural to kill it smoothly to avoid future troubles.

Now this giant ghost body has not yet fully formed, and the empty body does not have enough strength.

Long Shou and Long Fa flew into the air to attack on both sides, and each of them burned it up with a mouthful of the dragon's breath, leaving only a small ball of light as a trophy.

Li Qing took the spoils and opened them without hesitation. There was only one card inside.

Pure Primordial Essence: A special magic material.

Li Qing, who didn't care at all, immediately lit up when he saw this thing.

High-quality souls can be used to make extremely advanced golem structures, or to make tower spirit cores of mage towers.

"nice one!"

He put it away smoothly, stretched out his hand and waved, and the team continued to move forward.

The rest of the journey was the same as before. His subordinates wiped out the wandering wild undead all the way, while he practiced magic pattern construction in the car.

As time passed, the team gradually moved away from the place where they had been staying for more than a year, heading towards the center of the plane.

The road is still quite familiar, but it is more dangerous than before.

Going down the river, the team stopped again when they came to a certain river section unknowingly.

Li Qing interrupted his practice and opened the car door, just as An Erqiu came over and said to him in a low voice:
"The city ruins on the opposite side seem to be occupied by an undead hero."

The team was not close to the other side of the Snakeman city ruins, but a little far away. From a distance, a large number of death breaths could be seen gathering there, and gray-white death airflows hovered in the mist.

Looking from a distance, one can vaguely see a large number of undead shadows, as well as some tall bone buildings.

After thinking for a while, Li Qing said to An Erqiu:

"Don't worry, go around and pass by the jungle on the side."

An Erqiu nodded, quickly returned to the front, and led the cavalry to make a detour.

Li Qing turned around and found the lava crystal dragon, opened the gate of God's Domain and put him away.

It’s okay to walk along the river bank before, there are only some weeds, and the dead air and moisture in the air are too heavy, the weeds will be gone after burning, and the flame will not spread.

Once you go down into the jungle, once the trees are burning, the fire is not so easy to control.

He didn't want to cross the road and start a huge wildfire.

However, although he didn't want to be troublesome, he underestimated the reconnaissance ability of the undead heroes.

The team passed through the jungle more than 1000 meters away from the river, but they didn't expect that the ghosts wandering in the jungle were not wild ghosts, but the reconnaissance troops of the undead heroes not far away. The reconnaissance distance was far beyond his imagination.

Before halfway through, he saw a large number of ghosts gathering in front, and at the same time, Long Shou, who was flying in the air, also found signs of gathering the undead army on the other side of the river.

"Really are"

Li Qing was speechless.

I was thinking of letting you go, but I came to the door myself.

"It's really self-defeating!"

Li Qing opened the gate of God's Domain again, and with the roaring roar of the dragon, the lava crystal dragon came out again. The terrifying high-temperature force field caused the surrounding trees to quickly dry up and turn yellow. In less than five seconds, some dry trees began to burn stand up.

"Cross the river, but don't rush in!"

Li Qing signaled the lava crystal dragon to go ahead, and then ordered An Erqiu to lead the current army to cross the river.

Then he flew to the opposite side of the river with Longshou and Longfa, stopped a few kilometers away from the undead stronghold, opened the gate of God's Realm again, and left behind a group of elite knights in dragon scale plate armor. Come out, quickly spread out to build up defenses.

Immediately after that came out a phalanx of heavily armed infantry.

The phalanx came out and set up an array in front under the command of Long Shou.

Then, infantry and archers came out one by one, forming an army formation in the open wilderness.

There are about 200 troops, including thousands of infantry, thousands of infantry archers, more than 500 cavalry, and nearly [-] rock golems, and more than [-] dragon-veined snakes, totaling more than [-].

In addition, there are a large number of light catapults.

These catapults had wheels and could be pushed by two or three soldiers.

The undead on the opposite side only mobilized the undead in one direction, and the total number was about five or six thousand.

The densely packed skeletons rushed over like a tide, but stopped about 1000 meters away from the forward.

In the rear camp, more undead are gathering, and there are several huge bone buildings in the center that are moving.

This bone building is a war weapon for undead heroes, including siege towers, bone arrow towers, siege vehicles made of bones, etc.

The two undead heroes had just been transferred to this plane before, and they hadn't started building these siege equipment yet.

In addition to the previous carelessness, thinking that the two heroes add up to more than [-] undead, it would take that much effort to attack a newborn human war lord apprentice.

The careless result was a car overturn, which became one of the negative teaching materials for this plane invasion.

Li Qing didn't wait for the enemy to finish gathering, and immediately ordered an attack on this group of undead after his main force was summoned from the gate of God's Domain.

At the same time, the lava crystal dragon that has crossed the river through remote communication is approaching here.

The heroes on the side of the undead were not stupid either. After discovering Li Qing's intentions, they immediately ordered the vanguard undead to retreat and join another part of the undead army coming from the camp.

There was no change in the human army. Just like the original tactics, the striker bumped into the army of undead.

Different from the defenders, the front row consisted of heavy infantry and Tier [-] Imperial Dragonscale heavy infantry, among which were some elite Mo Dao soldiers and Tier [-] elite infantry, forming a solid line of defense to hold the first wave of undead firmly. blocked it.

A large number of archers formed rows of long snake formations and continuously poured arrows at the rear.

Hundreds of dragon-veined snakes stayed further back, constantly casting various spells to bombard them from a long distance.

After the previous battle, a large number of Dragon Vein Snakes have been promoted to Tier [-], and many have been promoted to Tier [-] or even Tier [-]. They can cast range spells such as Fireball and Ice Storm, and their killing efficiency is extremely amazing.

Although there are a lot of undead, powerful units like abominations were concentrated in the center of the barracks before, and they will not be able to adjust for a while. Most of the four directions are cannon fodder such as skeletons and zombies.

The elite infantry in the front line cooperated with the spells of the Dragon Vein Snake Man, and they seemed to be piled up all the way.

The lava crystal dragon came from behind, and a mouthful of dragon's breath spewed out hundreds of meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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