Chapter 117 Dangerous feeling

This old mage is already very old, and he is almost at the end of his life span, and urgently needs to prolong his life.

For mages, there are actually many ways to prolong life, but the resources of this plane are exhausted, and most of the methods are useless. Now there are still useful methods other than transforming into a lich, which is to fuse the blood of the longevity species to prolong life.

The blood of the dragon means longevity, and it can also give the awakened blood a strong physique and spellcasting ability. It is the most excellent way to prolong life.

There are no giant dragons in this fragment of the plane, not even sub-dragons, only some kobolds.

But it is obvious that they have lost the technology of extracting blood, otherwise it is impossible to extract the blood of the dragon.

That is to say, they are determined to obtain the blood of the giant dragon in Li Qing's hands, and they will definitely find a way to get it.

I just don't know whether to use normal trade or exchange methods, or to seize them by force.

But no matter what method is used, one thing is certain, they will never do it before defeating the undead natural disaster.

Until then, it's perfectly safe.

But after that, it's hard to tell.

Don't doubt their integrity. Although they are all human races, they are not from the same birth. One is from a foreign land and the other is a man of destiny.

Even companions will turn against each other because of conflicts of interest, let alone foreign races.

"Sure enough, such a good thing is not so easy to get."

Li Qing felt that it was time for him to think about retreating.

If they really turn their faces out of greed at that time, they won't be unprepared and caught off guard.

There is no need to do anything for the time being, Li Qing first let Xie Zhu have time to spread some rumors about this in the local area network of the apprentices, there is no need to directly say that the city-state is unreliable, just slightly modify what happened before and send it out.

I don't expect them to believe it now, at least let the apprentices know and have a psychological expectation, so that when the time comes, it will be easier for them to believe and react earlier.

After finishing these, Li Qing didn't do anything else. Just like before, he continued to send his subordinates to battle to gain experience, and he continued to take time to make golems and study magic pattern construction.

As time passed, as many dragon-veined snakes reached the fifth level, they began to gradually move towards the sixth level. Almost every day, a few dragon-veined snakes accumulated enough combat experience to complete the promotion.

Every time he received this news, Li Qing was in a good mood.

Not only because of strength, but also after these dragon vein snake people are promoted to the sixth level, the power of faith provided by each prayer is three times that of the fifth level.

It used to be that a fanatic could provide about 250 power of faith, but now it can provide 750 points.

If so many elites are all promoted to the sixth level, the five hundred and sixth level dragon vein snake people can provide him with nearly 40 power of faith every day, and it only takes three days to accumulate a little divine power for him.

"No, we have to get more dragon-veined snakes!"

Li Qing took a look at the six sources of light that he had accumulated in his hand, gritted his teeth, took out five sources and decomposed them into [-] mysterious light spots, and before arriving at the snake man's lair, he began to summon a new dragon vein snake man.

It just so happens that there are a large number of undead gathering here, and there are enough troops to protect them in front of the platoon, so they just take advantage of this good opportunity to improve their strength.

He is not going to exchange things with dragon blood, it is too uneconomical.

Moreover, the performance of the mage city-state made him not trust them very much, and he was afraid that he would not be able to leave if they really changed.

First use the natural disaster lord to squeeze them out, and then find a way to leave before the winner is determined.

It took two days to summon five hundred new Dragon Vein Snakes, and then spent a week cultivating feelings, spreading and cultivating beliefs among these newly summoned Dragon Vein Snakes.

Wait until the belief of most of the Dragon Vein Snake people reaches devout believers or fanatics, and then they can stop.

After the group is full of pious or fanatics, the remaining true believers in this fanatical group can easily be converted into fanatics.

After doing this, Li Qing equipped all of them with weapons and equipment, and then re-formed with the original Dragon Vein Snakes. The 500 people were divided into four teams, and an additional 120 people from each team were incorporated into the four teams, and they went out to fight every day.

As time passed day by day, this group of new Dragon Vein Snakes grew up slowly under the protection of their companions.

It is not easy to upgrade in the early stage, because the magic missile with only one ring has limited power and not many times to cast spells.

It took a full nine days to be promoted to the second level one after another.

After learning the scorching ray after the second level, it was the beginning of their take-off, and their combat effectiveness began to soar. After only two rounds of rotation, they were promoted to the third level.

With the density of the Scourge, I believe that it won't take long for them to advance to the fifth level, and then fight as hard as their predecessors, and then advance to the sixth level of extraordinary.

However, time is running out.

There is no problem here, the main reason is that An Erqiu sent a messenger telling him that the surface of the earth has undergone major changes and asked him to come back and preside over the situation.

I learned from the messenger that the three natural disaster lords on the ground united to forcibly attack the Snake King City.

It turned out that there were only two, and the latter was a newcomer during his time underground.

The overall strength of the three disaster lords was extremely strong. The leader of the disaster lords besieged the snake town head-on, and the other two disaster lords were divided into two to face the three college joint teams gathered nearby.

Now that the fight has started, the two natural disaster lords have united, and the three mentors have joined forces to gather a total of 25 troops to fight a decisive battle with millions of undead on the great plain west of the Snake King City.

After reading the information, Li Qingli felt that he was small and had nothing to say.

The three tutor joint teams are all headed by elite apprentices under the name of five-star tutors, plus a large number of juniors under the name of ordinary tutors.

It would not be difficult for the elite apprentices under the name of the five-star mentor to gather [-] troops. If logistics were not considered, it would be no problem to get another [-] to [-] recruits.

Zhao Dingzhen's team has five elite apprentices, and they can easily make up [-] yuan.

There are more than a dozen or so ordinary apprentices, each with two to three thousand, that is five to sixty thousand, a total of about [-].

The other two joint teams are strong and weak, with a total of 16, and a total of 25.

These 25 dozens of millions of undead are a bit choking.

Although most of the undead are cannon fodder, they are not all elites. A large part of them are recruits, and their combat effectiveness is not strong.

However, it can be seen from this that the strength gap between these natural disaster lords is still quite large.

The Lich Calamity Lord in front of the ground can mobilize millions of undead, and the two natural disaster lords on the surface can gather millions of undead, and the leader is even more stubborn, besieging the Snake King City independently.

Imagine that the snake people can defeat other alien races to dominate this plane. Their real strength is definitely not weak. The snake people cities they captured before cannot represent the real strength of the snake people at all.

The comprehensive strength of Wangcheng, which has assembled the entire elite snake people, is definitely not inferior to the three joint teams, which means that the leading disaster lord is super powerful, far surpassing other natural disaster lords.

The ruthless blow from reality made Li Qing put away the arrogance he once had.

Before, he thought about dealing with a certain natural disaster lord by himself, but now that he thinks about it, he is really naive, this is not a level of strength.

It's better to honestly get some benefits within our ability, such as killing a few more natural disaster heroes and collecting more hero skill points.

However, although he will not participate in the battle on the surface, an idea that was considered long ago has to be put on the agenda, that is, to withdraw troops and leave the mage city-state.

It's almost done. The newly summoned dragon snakes have been brushed to the third level or above one after another. They can fireball, and their combat effectiveness is already very strong. They can be withdrawn.

Just do what he said, Li Qing asked Xie Zhu to go to the city hall of the mage city-state to inform him, and ordered Long Shou to withdraw the troops from the battlefield.

Then, when Xie Zhu came back, he followed the three old mages, and when they met, he said with a smile:
"Your Excellency Li Qing, please forgive me for coming here. Entrusted by Speaker Carnovino, I would like to know why Your Excellency Li Qing is leaving suddenly? Is it because we did something wrong, or did we neglect Your Excellency?"

Li Qing shook his head with a smile and said:
"The city-state treated us very well, mainly because I just received the news that my companions on the surface have already fought against the disaster lords, and I must rush to support them immediately."

The old mage frowned, this reason made him stuck in the words he was about to say.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"It stands to reason that I should let you go, but according to the agreement, you have already collected our employment fee and you need to fight for us."

Li Qing said with a smile:

"I know, but our employment regulations clearly state that I must either serve until the end of the war, or kill more than [-] undead on the battlefield to complete the employment agreement."

"I have already completed the employment agreement. There are more than [-] undead. I have completed the agreement and can leave at any time."


The old mage was stuck again, and after thinking for a while, he said:
"I'm not very clear about this. I'll go back and check first, and I'll reply to you later."

Li Qing nodded:


Watching him leave, Li Qing frowned.

It seems that it will not be so easy to leave, and it is estimated that there will be other excuses later.

After thinking for a while, Li Qing rang the table bell, Xie Zhu opened the door and walked in, he ordered:

"Call all troops together immediately."

Xie Zhu nodded, turned around and left immediately.

When he left, Li Qing immediately took out a whole hundred units of the dragon's blood, and then took out the last original light, and the two merged into one to form a bloody light that exudes a faint dragon power.

With the fusion of the two, the original light began to stimulate the blood of the dragon, forcibly digging out the source of the blood of the dragon.

As time went by, the dragon's bloodline began to emit an inexplicable aura, and the dragon's power gradually changed and became stronger.

Li Qing silently watched the dragon's veins gradually becoming stronger, frowning slightly.

He discovered that a source of light did not seem to be enough to transform the dragon's bloodline.

In other words, a ray of original light can only slightly transform an ordinary giant dragon's bloodline and promote it to a high-ranking real dragon's bloodline, but it is not enough to complete an absolute qualitative change and be promoted to an ancient dragon.

It is an absolute gap, not a difference of one or two points of original light, but even if all ten points of original light are integrated into it, it is not enough to complete a qualitative change.

This is an essential gap, and the original light will never be able to complete the transformation.

No wonder he wanted to use the former war lizard to fuse with a source of light to transform into a high-ranking lava crystal dragon. He thought he could complete the transformation with only a little source of light, but it turned out that the source of light could not complete the transformation at all.

It's a pity, he still wanted to get the blood of an ancient dragon in one step, but he didn't expect it was just the blood of a high-ranking dragon.

Although the blood of the upper dragon clan is also good and powerful, it is far less powerful than Gu Long.

It is worth mentioning that the ancient dragon he was talking about was not the ancient dragon that ordinary people imagined.

Normally, the lifespan of dragons reaches old age, and most of them will die at the end of their lifespan at the stage of extremely old dragons. Only a very few can survive, and thus rejuvenate to live a second life and be promoted to a powerful ancient dragon.

The ancient dragon that Li Qing was talking about was not this kind of ancient dragon, but the ancestor ancient dragon, the direct lineage of the dragon clan that was first born from the ancestor of all dragons at the beginning of the era, and had the purest dragon bloodline.

Both are called ancient dragons, but they do not exist at the same level.

The ancestor ancient dragon's strength was comparable to that of a true god as soon as he became an adult. Similar to the ancient gods, he was born with a law, and the older he was, the stronger his strength.

If Li Qing wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with those real super elites, LV1 divinity and dragon blood is not enough. The upper dragons are similar, but he is not reconciled.

Holding a cheating tool in hand, knowing that you can go further but can't achieve it, you will never be reconciled.

However, he doesn't know what to do now.

The blood of the Dragon Clan is the purest, one hundred is enough, even if there are [-] more, it will only make the blood of the Dragon Clan more intense, but it will not produce a qualitative change.

The same is true for the original light, even if there are a hundred more fusions, it will not cross this boundary.

Apart from these two, there is no other way, unless one has the ability to obtain the grace of the Eternal God, or obtain a piece of blood of an ancient dragon to forcibly transform.

But this is nonsense, if he has the ability to get these, he doesn't need to be entangled here.

There is absolutely no way.

Li Qing pressed his forehead, which was a little headache from thinking, and let out a long breath, ready to accept the reality, first awakening the blood of a high-ranking dragon.

The lava crystal dragon has confirmed that the high-ranking dragons are still quite strong. After awakening and combining with divinity, their potential has soared, and they already have the strength and potential to rival those of the top elites.

As for the blood of the ancient dragon, we can only talk about it later.

In the future, when the strength is strong and the resources obtained are sufficient, then we will find a way to forcibly awaken it.

The divine grace that may be consumed will be more than ten times what it is now, but there is no way, who can't awaken now.

Thinking of this, Li Qing stopped being entangled, and silently waited for the upper dragon blood in the dragon blood to be activated by the original light.

A few minutes later, the bloodline has completely turned into light and hung in the air, and the strength of the dragon power has reached the extreme, which means that the upper dragon bloodline inside has been fully activated.

Li Qing stretched out his hand to grab the blood of the upper dragon clan, and tore off the magic robe to reveal the knotted chest. Liu Guang pressed on the chest, and a scorching heat penetrated the skin and flesh into the body.

Then Li Qing closed his eyes and prepared to experience the transformation of his body by the blood of the upper dragon clan, but in the next second his brows frowned, and then a look of shock appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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