Chapter 118 Awakening: The Bloodline of the Ancient Dragon

The moment the giant dragon's blood merged into his body, the space in the palm of his mind suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and then a powerful attraction came out to swallow the superior dragon's blood that was about to penetrate into his heart.

Then, the space in the palm was suspended in his mind and opened out of thin air, a strong gravitational force swallowed up the 33 points of source power he had accumulated, and the space in Shaoqing's palm emitted a little bit of starlight, slowly forming a vortex formed by little bit of starlight.

"What does it mean?"

For the first time, the palm space started by itself.

Li Qingneng was sure that either there was some unknown being controlling it, or it was simply triggering a certain factor to activate itself.

He can also guess this factor, no accident is that he wants to awaken his blood.

But what surprised him was why the awakened god descendants didn't respond before, but now they do.

There's no answer, and he doesn't know why that happened, but it's a good thing for sure.

Not long after, when the vortex of starlight reached its peak, it began to shrink, and soon disappeared to reveal the space in the palm of the vortex.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Li Qing found that the light sphere projected in the space in the palm seemed to be different from the space between the two, as if it had become a little newer.

Almost instantly, Li Qing's mind flashed:
"Fixed some?"

Consciousness quickly penetrated into the palm space, and immediately noticed that the internal space of the palm space had skyrocketed by an unknown number of times, and at the same time
Before he had time to look at and appreciate the changes inside the space in his palm, he felt a dazzling dragon-shaped blood light flashing towards him, and he lost consciousness in the next second.

In the dark, Li Qing felt like he had turned into a giant dragon.

No, it's not an ordinary giant dragon, but an ancient ancestor dragon.

Huge body like a plane, ancient dragon scales as huge as a continent, blood like lava under the dragon scales, nine winding horns of the ancient dragon soaring straight into the sky, spreading its wings, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The wings flapped lightly, rolling up a thousand li void storm.

In the dream, Li Qing felt that he had become an ancient ancient dragon with a size comparable to that of a plane, possessing power unimaginable to ordinary people. To him, the terrifying and dangerous void was as free as his own fish pond. The void storm is as gentle as a breeze.

I don't know if it was an instant or how long, but Li Qing's consciousness was suddenly awakened from the unimaginable power and freedom. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was standing in the room, and his feet were not the chaotic void, but the bluestone floor.

He stretched out his right hand subconsciously, and found that the skin of his right hand was covered with extremely fine dragon scales at some point.

There is a red light emerging between the dragon scales. If you look closely, there is dragon blood flowing like lava underneath.

Subconsciously grasping his right hand, he immediately sensed a powerful force beyond his imagination.

Coming to the mirror, Li Qing saw a humanoid creature covered in dragon scales appearing in the mirror.

"It feels a little weird!"

Li Qing touched the pair of lava crystal horns on the top of his head and rolled his eyelids. His pupils were a pair of flame vortices constantly shrinking inward. The top of his head was covered with an extra thick layer of dragon scales, and there was no hair left.

It was slightly different from the ancient dragon he had imagined, and it did not turn into a giant dragon.

But one thing is certain, I have definitely awakened the blood of the ancestor ancient dragon, and I am the only one.

Now that Li Qingxin has a clear understanding, he doesn't need to rely on the original light and dragon blood to create a new ancestor ancient dragon.

The essence of the ancestor ancient dragon is not blood, but the extension of the authority of the ancestor of the dragon. To put it bluntly, the ancestor ancient dragon is a part of the dragon ancestor and shares part of its authority.

Without the authority of the dragon ancestor, it will never be possible to become the ancestor ancient dragon the day after tomorrow.

Li Qing also doesn't know how his golden finger obtained the authority of the ancestor ancient dragon and promoted him to be an ancient dragon, but he now knows that his ancestor ancient dragon is definitely the only one, and it is impossible to create a new ancestor ancient dragon in the future, at most he can create a superior one dragon family.

With a thought, he opened the panel and looked at the personal attribute table.

Name: Li Qing.

Strategic Level: Level 12.


Strategic talent: divine creature LV1, ancestor ancient dragon.

Remaining strategic attribute points: 3 points.

Divine Creature LV1: Improve subordinates' constitution by 30%, strength by 30%, speed by 30%, resistance by 30%, immune to hypnosis and fear.

Ancestral Ancient Dragon: Improve subordinates' 100% constitution, 100% strength, 100% extra recovery, 100% extra stamina, 100% resistance, immunity to negative effects equal to the rank of the unit, and obtain the exclusive specialty of the ancestor ancient dragon—— —Ancestor of Dragons.

The ancestor of the dragon (not activated): the ancient ancestor dragon is the ancestor of the dragon clan, and each ancient ancestor dragon can create a new dragon clan population,

Attribute 30: Activate the dragon blood in any creature with dragon blood to be promoted to a real dragon, with a cooldown of [-] days.

Attribute [-]: Bestow the blood of one's own ancient dragon, and promote any creature to a high-ranking dragon with its own blood (not enough strength).

Attribute three: the ancestor of the dragon, the ancient ancestor dragon is the ancestor of the dragon clan, and each ancient ancestor dragon can create a brand new dragon clan population (not strong enough).

At this time, the blood of the ancestor ancient dragon has not been fully activated, because he has not yet determined his own characteristics.

There are countless ancient ancestor dragons in the world, and each ancient ancestor dragon is the source of a true dragon species, such as the ancient ancient dragon of the red dragon, the ancient ancient dragon of the black dragon, the ancient ancient dragon of the blue dragon, and so on.

Li Qing needs to determine his own attributes before he can become the real ancestor ancient dragon.

It is worth mentioning that there are many types of real dragons, but not all dragons originate from ancient Siyuan dragons.

There are only a dozen dragon species that really have their ancestors, namely five-color dragons, five-metal dragons, and a few special dragon species. Other giant dragons derived from special reasons have no ancestors.

Pivot dragons, fine gold dragons, fairy dragons, poisonous dragons, ghost dragons, celestial dragons, war dragons, chaotic dragons, ether dragons, etc. Many of them are born with high-ranking dragons, stronger than five-color dragons and metal dragons, but no ancient dragons The first ancestors were all derived from special reasons.

Therefore, if Li Qing wants to truly activate the power of the ancient ancestor dragon, he must master a new power other than the ancient ancient dragon system, and breed a new race of true dragons.
This is undoubtedly very difficult, and it will definitely not be possible for a while.

The difference in strength is too much, and he is only at the fifth level now, how can he master the new power system.

The fastest and the fastest, it is only possible to master a power system when he is promoted to the legendary rank and begins to understand and master the rules.

Before that, he couldn't create his own true dragon descendant.

Li Qing was not in a hurry either. Legends are a bit difficult for ordinary heroes, but for him it was a matter of course.

Because starting from the awakening of the ancient dragon's bloodline, the bloodline from the ancestor ancient dragon endowed him with a certain amount of power, which can increase the upper limit of mana by 1 point, the upper limit of spiritual power by [-] point every day, a certain growth of body, and a certain growth of soul.

All-around powerful, no shortcomings.

If put into a deep sleep state, the effect is doubled.

Like a dragon, sleeping can increase its strength.

Combat attribute table——

Name: Li Qing.

Bit level: fifth level.

Divinity: 1 point.

Divine Power: 16 points.

Mana: 3042 points, (basic 3 points, +220% meditation effect, up to 9.6 points per day)
Talent: divine creature LV1, ancestor ancient dragon.

Basic skills: one-handed LV2, running LV5, throwing LV1.

Advanced Skills: None.

Special skills: basic meditation method.

Hero Skills: Divine Body LV5, Divine Power LV5, Divine Speed ​​LV5, Wisdom LV5.

Divine Creature LV1: This is a divine creature whose divinity endows it with power beyond mortals.

Attributes: The hero template is adjusted to a five-star hero template.

Attributes: spell power and effect +100%, immunity to hypnosis, fear, charm, illusion, poison, and confusion below the sixth level.

Attributes: The power of divinity will gradually transform itself, and the physical fitness, magic power, and spiritual power will gradually increase, reaching the limit of the first-order divine creature.

Ancestral Dragon: The ancestor of dragons.

Attributes: The hero template is adjusted to the unique template of the ancestor ancient dragon.

Attributes: The power and effect of all abilities +500%, immune to any negative effects of the same rank.

Attributes: The ancestor ancient dragon is the ancestor of the dragon clan, bestowing the blood of the ancient dragon to transform any creature into a high-rank dragon clan (not strong enough).

Attributes: The ancestor of the ancient dragon is the ancestor of the dragon clan. The power of blood will gradually transform itself, and its physical fitness, magic power and spiritual power will gradually improve with the passage of time. There is no upper limit.

Attributes: Awakening the bloodline of the ancestor ancient dragon, and obtaining talents—the body of the ancient ancestor dragon LV1, the pure dragon breath of the ancestor ancient dragon LV1, and the magic of dragon language LV1.

Ancient Dragon Body LV1: Constitution +500%, Endurance +500%, Strength +500%, Speed ​​+100%, Resistance +100%, Damage Reduction +50%, Extra Specialty: Advanced Regeneration +1, Dragon Scale +1 , Dragon Wing +1, Dragon Might +1.

Feat +1: Unlimited Poison Immunity (Mythic): Immune to any form of legendary poison damage and effects.

Ancestral ancient dragon pure dragon breath LV1: Activate the original power in the ancestor dragon's bloodline, and after a short charge, spray out flame dragon breath in the front range. The dragon breath is divided into two forms: cone and ray, and each spit consumes 5%+ 1% of maximum stamina.

Cone: The maximum width is 100 meters, the maximum length is 300 meters, the lethality is 100% of the own maximum lethality, every second it lasts +1% of the maximum physical strength, the maximum duration is 30 seconds, and the fire damage is formed on the ground for 15 seconds .

Ray: 5 cm in diameter, the longest distance is 2000 meters, the lethality is 300% of its own maximum attack power, every second it lasts +1% of its maximum physical strength, up to 15 seconds.

Tip: The pure breath of the ancient dragon is real damage.

Specialty +1: Corrosive breath, dragon breath has additional corrosive properties, which can melt the enemy's defenses, including armor and horny, scale armor, etc.

Dragon language magic LV1: The ancestor dragon is proficient in all low-level dragon language magic, and can cast dragon language magic no more than 3 times a day.

Feat +1: Casting Speed ​​and Mana Mental Cost -20%.

It is worth mentioning that dragon language magic is also war magic, which belongs to the dragon clan's war magic and is very powerful.

The three talents are self-contained, and can continue to be improved, and there is no upper limit for improvement, but upgrading this feat requires more hero skill points than normal, and each level requires three hero skill points.

This is not a big problem. With such a powerful talent, it is no problem to upgrade to a level at three points.

So far, this promotion has been completed.

Li Qing looked down at himself, and with a thought, the dragon scales on his body slowly disappeared, and the dragon horns on his head also slowly disappeared, and he quickly returned to his normal state.

It looks the same as before, but the terrifying power in his body like a giant beast can prove that he does have the power of the ancient ancestor dragon.

Checking the time, only less than an hour has passed.

Excitedly twisting his neck, Li Qing quickly tidied up the study.

Then came outside, Xie Zhu had already summoned all his subordinates to gather.

Li Qing opened the door of God's Domain and let his subordinates return to God's Domain.

But just halfway through the retreat, the previous mage rushed over again. Seeing Li Qing's movements, his face changed obviously, and he quickly came to him and asked:

"Your Excellency Li Qing, what is this?"

Li Qing said:

"Get ready and come back later."

The old mage immediately said:
"Your Excellency Li Qing may not know about one thing. I just received news that the portal will be under maintenance for a few days and cannot be used temporarily."

Li Qing was stunned for a moment, then changed his mind, and said:

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll wait a few more days."

There was an unnatural smile on the old mage's face, and he arched his hands and said:

"I'm going to urge them to maintain the portal as soon as possible."

Li Qing said with a smile:

"Excuse me, Your Excellency."

Seeing the old mage leave, Li Qing immediately turned his head:
"Move faster."

The gate of God's Domain was very wide, and it only took about an hour for thousands of subordinates to enter, and then only him and Long Shou Longfa were left in the entire camp.

Li Qing raised his head and glanced at the core mage tower in the center of the distant city, and transmitted sound transmissions to Long Shou and Long Fa, making them ready at all times.

Turning around and entering the room, Li Qing had a thought, and the dragon scales on his body quickly emerged. He raised his sharp dragon claws and slapped one of the square stone walls on the wall. The hard dragon claws easily penetrated the stone wall.

With a wave of both hands, the hard stone wall was easily dug up like soft mud, and then large pieces of stones dug out were collected into the space in the palm.

It is worth mentioning that the palm space at this time has been slightly repaired just now. The inner diameter of the inner space has changed from the original 1000 meters to more than 20 meters, and the diameter of the opened passage has also changed from the previous [-] meters to [-] meters in diameter.

In addition, the number of mysterious light spots condensed in the palm space has also increased every day.

It used to be only one or two o'clock a day, but now it can be between three and five o'clock.

Except for these two changes, there are no other changes for the time being, and no other new features have been born.

Li Qing guessed that the degree of repair was not enough. The source quality absorbed by the repair just now was not enough, only 33 points. If more source quality was obtained, the degree of repair should be more.

But the problem is not big, as long as it can be repaired, more source quality can be prepared for the next repair.

With super strength, he quietly dug a big hole on the wall of the study room. After digging nearly ten meters deep in a straight line, he began to dig out a large space horizontally.

Then summoned Long Shou Longfa to come over quietly, cleaned the soil on the floor and entered the cave, and then used the space in the palm to make a stone pillar with the same size as the hollowed out stone slab, but with a length of five meters, and stuffed it at the entrance of the cave.

The size of the stone pillars is exactly the same as that of the surrounding stone slabs, with tight seams on the edges and a depth of five meters. Even if you knock hard with a hammer, you can't hear the hollowness.

After doing this, the three of them began to dig down frantically.

(End of this chapter)

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