Chapter 121 Small Trials and Crazy Ideas
A series of enhanced spells eased the situation. Li Qing landed on the top of the city, and Zhang Chunyi and others were shocked and quickly opened the gate of God's Domain.

He came to the four apprentices of the war lord and said loudly:
"If you don't want to die, keep fighting. Now I need to take over the command of all your troops. Do you have any opinions?"

Only then did everyone react, Zhang Chunyi immediately nodded and said:
"No problem, I will give you the command of all my subordinates."

The other three apprentices also nodded one after another, and Li Qing immediately received the notification of command authority submitted by them.

He was not polite, took over these four temporary command rights, and his powerful strategic talent immediately acted on these troops.

Strategic Talent: Ancestral Ancient Dragon, improve subordinates' 100% constitution, 100% strength, 100% extra recovery, 100% extra stamina, 100% resistance, immunity to negative effects equivalent to the rank of the unit.

Strategic Talent: Divinity Creature LV1: Improve subordinates' constitution by 30%, strength by 30%, speed by 30%, resistance by 30%, immune to hypnosis, fear.

When the two are superimposed, talent alone can increase the physical strength and resistance of subordinates by 130%.

It is worth mentioning that this resistance bonus refers to the percentage bonus of its own basic resistance.


The immunity characteristic of the ancestor ancient dragon refers to the fact that the ranks of the arms are equal, and the ranks of the arms are immune to the negative status of several ranks.

For example, if the unit is Tier [-] infantry, it can only be immune to Tier [-] negative states and spells.

If the unit is promoted to the fifth-tier imperial elite Mo Daobing, it will be immune to the effects of all negative states and spells of the fifth-tier and below.

If it is Tier [-], then it is immune to Tier [-].

Very simple, brutal and powerful.

If you want to resist these undead with your current strength, you must gather your command and use your strategic talent and strategic attributes to strengthen the strength of your subordinates, so that it is possible to resist.

With the enhancement of his talent, the first-tier infantry can be used as the third-tier infantry, and the increase in strength is very ridiculous.

The reason why Li Qing didn't continue to hide and fish in troubled waters later was because he had too few people.

There are only about [-] troops in total, which is too small compared to the undead.

Fishing in troubled waters requires a certain strength base. If the gap between troops is too large, even fish can't be picked up.

And there are more than a dozen apprentices in this enclosed underground space, each of which can make up two to three thousand people, and together they can make up forty to fifty thousand troops.

So many troops are extremely powerful with his talent bonus, so there is a chance to fish in troubled waters.

To deal with these four people, Li Qing sent a notice to all the apprentices hiding somewhere in the entire underground space through Zhong Haiying's God's Domain, asking them to gather here.

After doing this, he ignored it.

They definitely won't believe it at this stage, but as long as they show their strength enough to let them see hope, they will naturally come over.

As for whether the two undead troops would unite to clear the field first, Li Qing felt that the possibility was not too great.

At the beginning, he wouldn't call out all the troops, and Zhong Haiying's God's Domain couldn't hold 1 to [-] troops. Now about [-] people are already crowded.

If someone comes over later, there is no need to call out the troops, and continue to maintain the current state.

As long as the scale is not large, it will not attract the attention of mage city-states and natural disaster lords.

For better defense, Li Qing combined two city walls with a width and height of 20 meters and a length of more than 300 meters in the palm space on the spot, and placed them outside Zhong Haiying's current city wall of God's Domain, just like that.

The tens of thousands of tons of city walls were pressed down, directly crushing the skeleton zombies that were attacking the city into bone meal meatloaf.

After the space in the palm has been repaired, the opening has changed from 20 meters to [-] meters, making it easier for larger objects to enter and exit.

It's a pity that this is in the underground world. If it was on the surface, he flew up to tens of thousands of meters in the air and threw a few meteorites down to clear the scene.

The dome of the underground world is only over 2000 meters high, and the kinetic energy of the fall is not enough to form an impact that can pose a sufficient threat to the underground world.

The ensuing battle returned to the previous state, with the four subordinates of the war lord's apprentices standing in front as cannon fodder, and the mage group and long-range shooters could stay at the rear and release various range spells.

There are a total of nearly [-] dragon vein snake people, all of them are above the third rank, [-]% of them are of the fourth and fifth rank, and sixty to seventy dragon vein snake people of the sixth rank have been accumulated.

He divided the [-] dragon-veined snakes into three parts, and took turns fighting on the city wall.

It is worth mentioning that Zhong Haiying deliberately chose a corner at the edge of the underground space when unfolding his God's Domain, with one half facing the stone wall and only two and a half facing the enemy.

Dragon vein snake people either use fireball or fire wall. Occasionally, fire rain, skeleton zombie corpses are all incinerated, and they can't accumulate at all.

The newly transferred heroes dispatched an army of abominations, and more than a dozen sixth-order dragon-veined snakes joined forces to perform Pyroblast, concentrating fire like missiles and easily blasting the abominations to pieces.

Even if you hate this kind of big guy, you don't need as many disaster lords. In addition, the main force is not here, and the number that can be transferred is limited.

After being killed in large numbers, it is impossible for most of the remaining skeletons and zombies to attack the city wall.

Seeing that the situation was stable, Li Qing sent Long Shou and Long Fa to leave the castle and go to other places in the underground space to pick up people.

When they stabilized the situation and showed the possibility of surviving, the scattered war lord apprentices approached here one after another.

Of course, the more cannon fodder, the better. As long as they are willing to temporarily surrender their command and surrender more than [-] cannon fodder troops, they can get his protection.

More than a dozen war lord apprentices, each with [-] cannon fodder, easily made up more than [-] cannon fodder.

In addition, there were more than 1 apprentices of the four war lords who followed him first, and he had more than 4000, which was close to [-] troops.

Now I dare not say that I can fish in troubled waters. After all, I don't know the remaining strength of the winner after the two undead are defeated, but it will not be a big problem to use it to break through and escape.

After firmly blocking the undead army for about half a day, the disaster lord, who had been unable to attack for a long time and suffered great losses, noticed the abnormality, turned his eyes to this side, and said after a long silence:
"Human war lords cannot be allowed to fish in troubled waters."

A little later, he sent a mage hero to bring his words to the new lich of the undead city-state.

Speaker Carnovino quickly responded:

"A truce for a week!"

Scourge Lord Saral responded indifferently:

"Only one day!"

Speaker Carnovino was silent for a while, and replied:

"Witnessed by the Supreme Lord, cease fighting for one day."

The two warring parties retreated slowly and confronted each other about 100 meters away. The natural disaster lord Salar immediately mobilized some of the main force to gather outside the mage city-state.

Several main heroes under his command, three independent natural disaster heroes assembled, more than a hundred abominations, and nearly a thousand flesh and blood puppet legions.

In addition to these elites, there are also huge ghoul legions, tens of thousands of ghost legions, and tens of thousands of flying dead birds, plus more than 20 skeletons and zombies.

Almost the main force came out in full force.

Li Qing was stunned when he discovered that the large-scale main force of undead was gathering in the direction of God's Domain Castle.

"This stepping on a horse is too decisive!"

You want to fish in troubled waters, but the enemy doesn't give you a chance to fish in troubled waters, so clear the field first.

Obviously, this disaster lord is much stronger than the native heroes, and he doesn't give you a chance at all.

The other people in the city also noticed the gathering of the main force of the undead, they all gathered beside Li Qing, and asked in panic:
"Your Excellency Li Qing, the main force of the undead is coming, what should we do?"

Li Qing pinched his chin and didn't speak.

At this point, he had recovered from his astonishment and began to think about the next strategy.

He didn't panic, there was nothing to panic, and he was even a little ready to move.

A small test of the power of the ancestor Gu Long, Li Qing's self-confidence was bursting at this time, and thus came up with a somewhat crazy idea.

At this moment, he was thinking about the feasibility of this crazy idea, and considering whether it might succeed.

And thinking about the outcome is possible.

At this moment he is too strong.

The hexagonal warrior who has all the four talents of the god-born, and the power of the ancestor ancient dragon, which is more perverted than the god-born, is superimposed. At this time, he can easily kill ordinary sixth-order extraordinary existences in a flash.

It is enough to prove that a dragon's breath killed a sixth-level skeleton mage hero in seconds.

Because of this, he had this crazy idea——

Is it possible to use beheading tactics to kill the Lord of Calamity among thousands of armies?
It's fine if you fail, at least you have the ability to save your life, and running away is not a problem.

Once it succeeds, it will be cool.

Slaying a natural disaster lord, destroying a god domain preparing for a natural disaster lord, even if he can't get destiny points, the gains will definitely make his strength skyrocket by a large amount.

"Seeking wealth and danger, do it!"

Li Qing quickly made up his mind, turned around and said to the apprentices of the war lords present:
"I am going to execute the decapitation tactics against the natural disaster lord. You prepare your own troops, and you must stick to God's Domain and wait for my return."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and some subconsciously pulled their ears, thinking that they had heard it wrong.

Zhang Chunyi asked in surprise:
"Your Excellency Li Qing, do you want to surprise and behead the Scourge Lord?"

"Is this too risky?"

He said this very eloquently, and it was because Li Qing had shown his great strength before. If someone else said that, their first reaction would be to think he was crazy.

Li Qing nodded seriously and said:
"Yes, I have great confidence, and even if I fail, I have absolute certainty to escape safely."

Everyone was speechless.

I don't know what to say, don't know how to persuade, let alone whether to persuade.

Seeing that there was no objection, Li Qing said:

"Since there is no objection, then plan like this. When the enemy siege approaches, I will take action. Now you have all the troops in your God's Domain ready, and they can be summoned at any time when needed."

After giving the order, Li Qing also entered his divine domain to get his subordinates ready.

Especially the Lava Crystal Dragon, who will be needed later to attract the Scourge Lord's attention.

It didn't take long before the army of cannon fodder and skeletons in the front row of the undead gradually approached the city, mixed with a large number of abominations and bone siege vehicles, and a large number of ghosts mixed with the dead birds, forming a large black cloud and rushing towards the city of God's Domain.

Li Qing immediately opened the gate of God's Domain, and the lava crystal dragon, covered in high temperature, climbed out from the gate of God's Domain that was opened outside the city, headed up and roared, and rushed straight to the army of undead.

The high-ranking dragons instantly attracted the attention of the enemy. The Scourge Lord behind the battlefield lit up his eyes when he saw the lava crystal dragon, and shouted in surprise:
"It turned out to be a high-ranking dragon!"

At the same time, the three-headed Lich Carnovino, who was paying attention to this side through the core mage tower, also saw the lava crystal dragon through the mage tower.

The central head was silent, and the left head shouted:
"Carnovino, do you regret it?"

The right head also said:
"If it is the blood of an ordinary giant dragon, it may not be as good as a lich for us, but the blood of a high-rank dragon can make us transform into a dragon. The extraction of this blood of a high-rank dragon is enough for all of us to awaken the blood of a high-rank dragon. With our With his strength, he will soon be able to unearth the power of his bloodline and complete the transformation of the dragon."

"Turning into a real dragon, we can leave this fragment of a plane that has no future, and go to other planes rich in resources with the power of the school."

The left head shouted again:

"Carnovino, you are a sinner of the school."

"To shut up!"

The invisible force field exploded, and the left and right heads were unable to speak.

The central head was silent for a while, and said word by word:
"The strength of the soul and will is eternal. We cannot succumb to worldly desires and give up these irrelevant things. Only then can we become stronger and surrender to the Lord of Calamity. We can gain access to more knowledge and travel to more planes easily. , to plunder more resources to strengthen the school."

"I am not wrong, I will not be wrong, time will prove my choice is right!"

On the battlefield, when the lava crystal dragon appeared, Saral, the disaster lord, was delighted and gave an order to call in more elite troops from the rear, especially the huge abomination.

At the same time, he ordered his elite guards to gather with all the heroes, preparing to kill this high-ranking dragon, and then revive it with advanced spiritism.

The Scourge Lord has the means to keep the reanimated corpse to continue to grow, but he has to pay a huge price, and the potential of a high-ranking dragon is enough to make him worth the price.

Li Qing has been observing the Scourge of the Undead. At this time, the Scourge has an absolute advantage, and its headquarters naturally don't need to hide it.

When he saw his elite guards approaching with many flesh and blood puppets, he snapped his fingers.

A flesh golem is also a golem, made of steel and flesh.

To put it bluntly, it is to use steel as the skeleton, then fill it with flesh and blood, and then resurrect it with undead spells.

The thickness of the steel skeleton is different from the quality of the filled flesh and blood, and the strength of the flesh puppets produced also fluctuates.

The weak ones are inferior to the rock golems, and the strong ones are stronger than the rock golems.

Because resurrection with undead spells is essentially similar to zombies, and does not require complex magic circles to drive them. The difficulty and cost of making flesh puppets is very low, even lower than that of clay puppets, so they can be produced on a large scale.

Li Qing only made more than 100 heads, but the natural disaster lord made thousands of heads, and the scale is not at the same level.

But in a real fight, with the more than 100 rock golems and 26 steel golems in hand, Li Qing could push the more than 1000 flesh and blood puppets head-on.

The steel golem made of steel all over its body is too strong, and the flesh and blood puppets can't beat it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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